How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System? Benzoylecgonine Drug Detection Test

Cocaine becomes detectable within 2 to 3 hours of its intake in our body, and may be seen till around 3 days. So, its clearance takes around 72 hours, though it depends upon many factors. The elimination time may be much long if the amount consumed is heavy or you’re a frequent user.

Benzoylecgonine is the main metabolite of cocaine. It is also its signature metabolite. The presence of this metabolite is almost a certain indication that a person has consumed the drug. Therefore, in cocaine users, benzoylecgonine testing in urine is commoner than testing of cocaine itself.

Benzoylecgonine may be visible in your system longer than cocaine itself.

Factor Affecting Time Taken For Drug Clearance

How much time a drug takes to get eliminated out of the system would depend upon:
  • The amount of drug taken
  • The purity or quality of drug consumed
  • How frequently or regularly you are taking it
  • Individual body weight and height
  • Level of physical activities
  • Eating and drinking habits
  • Your overall rate of metabolism
  • Condition of your vital organs, particularly the liver and kidneys.

When a person takes cocaine (chemically benzoylmethylecgonine), it circulates in blood to reach all body organs.  It reaches the liver to get metabolized and gets converted into a metabolite called, benzoylecgonine. The metabolite is, finally, excreted out in urine via the kidneys.

Cocaine Elimination From Your System

Cocaine elimination starts as soon as it enters the blood stream. The chemical is recognized as hazardous by our live, which quickly breaks it down into smaller metabolites.

If the dose taken is very small and you are one time user of the drug, you may get rid of it in less than 12 hours. However, if the dose is heavy, it may take about 72 hours. After this period it is usually not detected in urine.

However, there is an exception. If a large quantity of alcohol has also been consumed with cocaine, it takes even longer to eliminate- 5 days approximately.

Cocaine And Alcohol- A Deadly Combination

It is common among users to drink heavy while they use cocaine. This Combination potentiate the effects of cocaine. Toxicity of the drug is increased and effects last much long.

Liver metabolizes the two chemicals in combination, to give out Cocaethylene as a metabolite. This chemical is very difficult to eliminate from the body. It stays much long than cocaine and its metabolites.

For a one time user of the drug, who has also taken alcohol, it may take 5 days, as opposed to 3 days for cocaine alone, to cleanse the body enough to pass a urine test.

Coke Metabolite – Benzoylecgonine

Benzoylecgonine takes longer to get eliminated than cocaine. Even if the amount of cocaine was very less, minimum time for it to get eliminated is 4-5 days.

In case of heavy use, it may take as long as 10 days. If you are a regular user, even if you take little amounts, elimination time is around 20 days. This happens because when the drug is used frequently, a portion of it gets stored in the fatty tissues of our body. This stored drug is very difficult to clear off.

Again, if alcohol is also being taken along, then around 25 days or even a month are required for complete elimination of the drug.

Dos To Speed Up Cocaine Clearance

  • Drink Plenty of water. This would help your kidneys filter out the toxins more efficiently.
  • Stay physically active. This helps you sweat out and also increases the baseline metabolic rate. Both these factors would help in speedy cleansing.
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in each your daily meals. They work are excellent detoxifiers.

Don’ts That Delay Cocaine Clearance

  • Abstain from alcohol, while you’re cleansing yourself off the drug.
  • Limit intakes of caffeine, this means avoiding excess tea, coffee and caffeinated soft drinks. These chemicals interfere with the breakdown of the drug in the liver, delaying its clearance.
  • Avoid fatty food stuff,  junk food, processed foods, chips etc. This is to avoid any extra load over your liver and let it concentrate on cocaine excretion more efficiently.
  • Avoid any other drug or pills you’re taking, unless prescribed for some medical illness.

Threshold Value for Detection

Usage is detected by screening for Benzoylecgonine. A threshold level set at 150 ng/mL is used by most labs.

More precise testing may set the cut-off is set at 100 ng/mL.

Half Life

Around 30 to 40% of cocaine or crack is metabolized by enzymes in the liver to form ecgonine methyl ester. Another 30 to 40% is hydrolyzed spontaneously without enzymes to form benzoylecgonine.

Both of them are water soluble compounds and are active. While cocaine has a half life of 1 hour, benzoylecgonine has a half life of 6 hours.

Types of Drug Screening

Saliva test- Cocaine is detectable in saliva after 5 to 10 minutes of taking the drug. It may be detected in saliva till 2 to 4 days.

Urine test- Detectable after 2 to 5 hours of use, till a period of 3 to 4 days.

Blood testing is more specific. The drug is detected after 5 to 6 hours till around 5 to 7 days or even more.

Hair test- The drug starts showing in hair after 5 to 7 days till around 80 to 90 days.

Urine testing is most popular because it is painless, easy and inexpensive. Home kits available in the market are also based on urine testing.

Why Do Chronic Users Take Longer To Cleanse?

In long-term or regular users, the drug is stored in the fatty tissues, especially that of the liver and subcutaneous fat that we have under our skin. After each use, a fraction of the drug consumed is stored, adding up to the stock each time.

This stored drug is released on a continuous basis into the blood stream. So the user is detected positive even if he hasn’t taken the drug for some time.

Total cleansing of the user may take as long as 5 to 6 months, after which he may be called drug-free.

False Positive Test Results

People often complain of positive results with urine drug testing for cocaine, when they have not taken this drug at all.

This is certainly possible. False positives do occur.

Firstly, it is not cocaine itself that is screened in urine. Actually it gets out of urine in as little as 12 hours, so its testing is not that reliable.

The metabolite of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, is screened by most of the testing labs. This shows in urine till 3 to 5 days, or even a month if the dose intake was heavy.

It’s a fingerprint metabolite of cocaine. No other drug or prescription medicine produces exactly the same metabolite as benzoylecgonine.

However, certain medicines produce metabolites that are similar in structure. So labs with cruder instruments may label you as ‘positive’, if you are consuming those medications.

Some of the medications that may produce false positive test results include local anesthetics that are used by dentists, including lidocaine, novocain and tonic water.

Apart from these, patients with chronic liver or kidney diseases may also show altered results.

What to Do If You Get a False Positive Result?

If you’re sure that you don’t have cocaine in your system, immediately request for a confirmation test.

The standard EMIT test used by most labs may be confirmed by GC/MS (gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry) test. This detects the benzoylecgonine structure with more specificity, screening out similar looking compounds.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “How Long Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine) Stays in Your System?

    1. Rick

      I have a test today, my last use was Tuesday. I had 1 small line and it was mediocre coke. I’m not a frequent user. The last time was 6 months ago and it was just a bump. I’m 180 and 6 feet tall. Very active but have a test today. If i drank 2 days ago (about 10 beers) and a line last Tuesday night will I be good to test this Thursday evening? Im on mouth swabs

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Though you are likely to pass, difficult to assure you completely, as you had alcohol in between. Alcohol tends to hold back the drug in the body.

        1. chris

          I used on last Thursday night about .4 and have a urine test today on Wednesday and have been drinking water and apple cider vinegar and sweating every day from working

        2. Hard Worker

          I never use. I drank very heavily and then stupidly did a bump and a line. I’m over six foot and over 180, but mostly muscle. I have been fasting since last Friday morning, the morning after I did it. I still am dirty on a at home test. How long do you think? I need to eat at some point. 🙁

        3. Marilyn M

          Hello I consumed about a half gram of coke friday, I test wednesday, 5’3 160 lbs, I have been drinking water but I drank a lot sunday, moderately fit. Plan to take a home test before UA, it’s going to the lab, I probably won’t have time to wait for a doctor’s .but if anyone has some reassuring success stories I’d love to hear . Think I’ll pass? Thank you!

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Was this a one time use or are you a frequent user of the drug? If one time, you’re likely to pass.

        4. Anthony

          I had 2 grams of cocaine on the 6th of Jan I have a hair test at the end of February I had a hair test in December which showed high levels reading 47.8 from me having a lot a week before on the 12th of December it I have now been asked to redo the test in Feb and get a low reading what are the chances of it being a low reading I had nothing after the 12th of dec till 6th of Jan where I had 2 grams if I stay off it until end of Feb will I read a low level it doesn’t have to not detected it just has to read low ?

          1. Brooke

            I have done a little every once and a while for the last couple weeks. Mostly on the weekends and the past 2 days I’ve been partying somewhat heavily but more than normal… I need to pass a drug test by the 29th. I weight 110 pounds, I’m 4’10 and about 26% body fat. I drink water regularly a lot of the time with lemon, more heavily lately. also cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar drinks. I’m planning on running everyday this week up until my drug test. Is there a chance I will pass in 8 days ?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            In similar cases as yours, it generally takes around 10 to 15 days to pass a urine test. However, you do have a chance to pass. Just continue cleansing yourself well.

        5. canon

          I don’t drink alcohol, I’ve been clean for a few weeks, over the course of 2 days I snorted half a gram of coke over Friday, and Saturday night, does this qualify as a binge, chronic, or regular use? Also will it be out of my system on Friday at 10 am if my last line was Saturday night?

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Would depend upon the duration of time when you were clean. Was it 2 to 3 weeks or more than a month? If it was a month or more, this may qualify as a binge.

      2. Alex

        I did two lines of coke Friday night and two lines of coke Saturday night and drank a large amount of alcohol both nights. I had a standard 5 panel drug test 13 days later. Not a regular user (once every couple of months). Will I be okay? I work out 5 times a week and 15% body fat. I drank the following weekend (about 10 beers total over 2 nights). Drink lots of water and eat relatively healthy

        1. Mhmm

          I used coke on Friday and Saturday. Stopped and took two at home drug tests and passed them three days later after rigorous workouts and copious amounts of water and a healthy diet. Are the at home drug tests as accurate and did I pass?

    2. Concerned man.

      I’m a 52 year old man on Friday I smoked about a gram or less I take DOT urine test on Tuesday, I’m 5-8” 130 to 140 lbs, I walk three miles every day or two my eating is usually a box of Mac Chees or Raymond noodles, can I pass this test in 4 days ? I haven’t used 2 or three weeks prior,

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You have good chances of passing. Just needs to cleanse up a bit more. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals t]for more effective detoxification. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out the drug from your system.

        1. Jr

          I smoked some cocaine with a family member, we had about 90$ worth and I stopped by 4am Friday and I have a pee test Tuesday afternoon. I’m 5’11 150-160 pounds and I move alot and am drinking lots of water but my diet isn’t that good. Advise on cleaning my system and will I be clean?

          1. Jr

            I smoked some cocaine with a family member, we had about 90$ worth (1G?) and I stopped by 4am Friday and I have a pee test Tuesday afternoon. I’m 5’11 150-160 pounds and I move alot and am drinking lots of water but my diet isn’t that good. Advise on cleaning my system and will I be clean?

    3. Alex

      I had two lines of coke on Friday and two lines of coke on Saturday with a large quantity of alcohol with both. I have a 5 panel test 13 days from the last use. Will I pass? I’m very active with 15% body fat. Drink lots of water and eat healthy while taking a multivitamin. I also drank about 10 beers the weekend after.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You have good chances of passing a urine test, if cleansed adequately. Follow all steps to cleanse yourself. Abstain completely form alcohol and limit to your caffeine intake.

  1. Dan

    What if the opposite is the case? I am 250 lbs, not active at all and taken this drug with alcohol (just 1 key amount). Also by experiment but sorry as hell, it was taken. I have a possible drug test 5 days after use at work.

    They test for the metabolite benzolyecgonine. Please any advise. This drug is totally not worth even being around.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      As said above, the metabolite of the drug, benzoylecgonine, is measured. This metabolite takes around 4 to 5 days to get eliminated from the body.

      The time may be increased when alcohol is taken along. Also, elimination time is more in overweight individuals.

      1. Joe

        I licked very little residue from my finger about 5 hours before a dipstick test and the line was faint enough they sent it to the lab. I had not drank hardly anything that day and my urine was very yellow. My question is will the test show up above the limit for such a small amount or will the urine being not watered down at all have caused the line to be so faint?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Would depend upon the precision of the apparatus being used. Most of them are able to detect even traces.

          1. Adam

            Doctor. I probably snorted half
            A gram of coke on Saturday 2/3/18. Haven’t used cocaine in 4 years. I’m currently prescribed Xanax and Subutex. I have a drug test in 9 days. I’m very active, weigh 225LBS I’m 6’2″ in height. I drink a lot of water but I had the flu and had been taking amoxicillin? I have a urine test that is sent off to a lab to I guess do gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Will I be ok? Thanks for your timely response.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Depends upon how frequent you were using the drug. For chronic users, it may take 20 to 30 days for cleansing.

      2. Paul

        I’m 5 10 160 with a high metabolism. Took a drug screen showed negative. Used on Saturday tested on Thursday. Test was sent to the lab

      3. Ashley

        I did less than a .2 and drank roughly a beer and a half will I be clean in 3 days ? I’m 5’0 and weigh 110 pounds

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If this was a one time use of the drug, you have a chance to pass. You need to cleanse yourself aggressively.

      4. Mum92

        I did less than a gram Saturday night and I have a court ordered drug test Tuesday. Will I pass? It’s my first time using. And I take methadone on a daily basis.

          1. J

            How long would you say it would take to clean it out of my system if I’ve been taking it regularly(every day) for a couple months about a gram a week?

      5. Rey017

        I did about a gram yesterday I have a test on the 28 will if I drink a lot water and do active work duties you think my urine will be clean??

          1. Rey017

            Well I’m a regular user but I always drink a lot of water and I’m doing stuff I have 10 days you think I might get clean by 28 of February??? Drank alcohol also

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            All depends how frequent you’ve been taking the drug, as this would indicate how how stored drug your body has.

            In people who take the drug very often for long durations, say alternate days since a year or so, it may take 25 to 30 days for cleansing.

      6. Shye

        Hi. I was wondering if you had consumed alcohol with cocaine, how long until you are clean? I have 6 days till possible test. Drinking water and taking niacin

      7. Cliff

        I did half a gram on Friday spanning from noon to 6pm , then took a test on Wednesday about 121 hours after my last line. I started drinking a lot of water after my last line and peed clear since then, but ate pizza 4 out of the five days in between. I’m 5”10 240 lbs , very overweight and did next to no excercise in the middle. The test is being sent to a lab. What do you think will happen?

    2. Cory

      I have just recently tried cocaine for the first time maybe .25g. I am 5feet 7in and about 140. I drank maybe not even half a beer. I’m joining the Air Force and was stupid enough to even risk it:( . I completely regret it and my drug test is in approx in 15 days. (Dec. 2nd 2014). I regularly work out and going to start drinking a lot of water. Will I be clean in 14-15 days?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Keep doing all that you are to detoxify yourself. You have all chances to be clean by the time of testing.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            It’s difficult. However, if you’re very aggressive about cleansing yourself, there are chances that you may pass.

          2. Lady Luck

            I’ve been doing some lines lately, maybe every 3-5 days and the last time I used was New Year’s Eve. I have a urine drug test on the 7th. I’ve been drinking tons of water and eating vegetables the past couple days and will continue till I do my test. Do you think i’ll Pass it?

  2. Laura

    I am a female 190 lbs and 5’5″. I want to know if a small amount of cocaine is being used once a week, how long would it be before my system is clear?

    I do drink a good amount of water but have a slower metabolism.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It takes around a week to 10 days for elimination. However, if the intake is on a regular basis, even if the amount is small, the metabolite may accumulate in the body.

      In such cases, it may take 15 to 20 days for elimination of the metabolite.

      1. Cory

        I heard Benzoylecgonine can stay in your system up to 20-30 days? Will it be shorter because I only did it once? This is a military drug test which tests 150ng. How possible is it? Any other advice besides water and working out?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It will be shorter because you did it once only.

          You may include plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet. These are the best detoxifiers for the body.

      2. Mark

        I did it every Friday for about a month. Recently had a lab test and they said diluted. I had taken 2 cleanse drinks and a ton of water. They want me to come in for another test in a few days to resend to lab.. Male 6’0 and 170 lbs. thoughts?

    2. Faye

      I’m kind of in the same situation. I had half a gram and snorted it in one week. Also took 2-3 shots during that week. How long until I’m safe and clear for any drug tests? And what can I do to ensure that

  3. Frank


    I am a 165 lb 23 year old male, pretty active/regular exercise. Did a relatively small amount of cocaine with alcohol. I am not a regular user or an alcoholic.

    I will stick to the massive water intake- an assumption for elimination? also I hear vitamin B12 may help with elimination? Thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There is no evidence that vitamin B12 helps in the elimination of cocaine.

      Both drug and alcohol usage deplete most of the vitamins from the body in a long run, leading to vitamin deficiencies.

  4. Michael

    I did about 3 grams of cocaine and I fell asleep around 3 am on Tuesday morning. I woke up around 1 pm Tuesday and started drinking water. I peed once every hour for about six hours. I also consumed about 20 oz of water after each urination.

    Then around 7 pm I bought blueberry pomegranate 100% juice. I drank it all about 2 liters worth. Also around 7 pm I was peeing about every half an hour till 3 am Wed morning.

    I fell asleep and woke up with diarrhea and I threw up. Since then, I have drunk about 20 oz of the same juice and I ate a small fry from McDonald and a liter of water. Note I ate one time on Tuesday.

    I have a drug test on Friday. If I continue with my rate of water and juice consumption, will I be clean ? I consumed no alcohol during the cocaine consumption or afterwards.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is good that you are avoiding alcohol.

      Fluid intake does expedite the elimination of the drug, but nothing can be said for sure. The average time of elimination is around 5 days.

    1. Michael

      OK today is Thursday. I’ve been drinking water still. I have drank about 3 liters of water today. It is 12:05 PM and I’ve been drinking water since 1 PM.

      I did a home drug test and the test line is very very light. My test is tomorrow. I will test myself again in the morning.

      I’ll keep posting my progress on my situation. I hope my story helps other. I weigh about 180 lbs and I’m 5’7″.

      1. B-real

        Drink Drink and Drink water……I did dope 5 days straight and did nothing but drink tons of water. after five days of getting high which was in New York State Prison by the way. on the sixth day they came for 4 of us for your urines. everybody that was on the Water game came back clean

      2. Jackie

        I sniffed some coke on sunday and Monday, I weight about 200lbs and I do not do it regularly. Would i be safe to pass a drug test on Monday or Tuesday the following week? Also I have been drinking water as well.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Are you a regular user of the drug? If not, you may pass. Need to cleanse yourself very nicely during the time available.

          1. Jackie

            No, I am not a regular user. The last time was like a month in a half closed to 2 months ago. And I did not consume alchohol while doing it. If I get a detox drink I should be fine to pass after 7 days of using?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            You are likely to pass. Detox drink may be taken. Mainly, it’s how much you’re able to flush out the drug from the body. Drinking water remains the best help.

  5. Donald

    I did one small line on Tuesday and regret it. I am very active, workout everyday and drink water only. I weigh 118 pounds and have a very low fat percentage.

    Will I be cleared of the benzoylecgonine by Tuesday? I am really nervous and worried.

      1. Tony

        I did about 2 grams 20 days ago with alcohol. I exercise 3 times a week 2 to 3 miles and use the suana for 20 minutes roughly do you think I will pass a urine test

  6. Keebler

    I had done 0.25 of a gram on the 12th and consumed a few beers and quite a few shots and one to two lines 3 times in the past month. I have a drug test for my work that I need to take ASAP, but I might be able to hold of till the end of the month.

    I have an extreme metabolism at 6ft 175 lbs. I’ve been drinking a lot of water and constantly active, workout 3x a week.

    How long would it take for the metabolite to clear do those at home drug test test for the metabolite. If I were to get a detox for cocaine would it help?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The metabolite of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, is measured in most of the screening tests. Normally it takes around 8 to 12 days for the drug to get washed off the body.

      Read here more on excretion of this drug.

  7. renee bethel

    Used crack 3 weeks ago, drank plenty of water, cranberry juice, and for 6 days taken azo cranberry pills had a urine test yesterday. Will I pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Hopefully you will!

      However nothing can be said for sure, as it depends on many factors like the amount (or dose) taken, your body weight, any alcohol taken along, and many such factors.

  8. legacy

    I have a friend who is 33 years old 5?3. She weighs 170 lbs and she is 31 weeks pregnant she is addicted to cocaine but she is trying to cleanse herself now she uses about 4 days a week. How long will it take for body to be cleaned out. She has a urine test coming up.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s disastrous to take cocaine during pregnancy. Encourage her to leave it completely. Women are advised to abstain from cocaine completely both during pregnancy and lactation.

      It cannot be said if she will be able to clear the urine test. This is because, this drug and its metabolite have a tendency to get deposited in different parts of the body, like the liver, of chronic users. This deposited or stored drug is difficult to get eliminated.

      Since your friend has been a chronic user, things are more difficult for her. Read here about factors that may aid in early elimination of the drug.

  9. Steve R

    This is the second time I’ve asked this question. I’ve seen no reply to my previous question on line and it has been over 3 days. Last Thursday I did two injections of cocaine and they both equal less than half a bag and a quarter of an opana pill bye injection. Also I have a urine test on Wednesday. Will I be O.K.? I drink a lot of water and get some exercises. I’m 45, I weigh 210 ( yes I know I should loose more weight ) and I’m 6 ft.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You previous questions have been answered here.

      You have just a weeks time. Take the following precautions. These will aid you to pass the test;
      Drink a lot of water.
      Abstain from alcohol, caffeinated drinks, smoking during this period.
      Stay active. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

      It is quite likely that you will pass the test. However, if you have been a chronic (regular) user, nothing can be said. This is so because in regular users, the drug has a tendency to get collected in various organs like the liver. This collected drug is difficult to eliminate.

  10. Virginie

    Between Jan and Apr 2013, I’ve done about 2 lines of cocaine once a month when I visited my boyfriend in New York. The last dose I took was in mid Apr. Since then, I’ve decided that I would stay away from it forever.
    I have a pre-employment drug test in about a week.
    What can I do to help pass the test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is a blessing that you have decided to stay away from cocaine forever. This is a recreational drug which makes you its prey in a very short duration. The drug is very toxic, especially for the liver, kidney and nervous system.

      You have not taken any cocaine since a month now. This time period is enough for its excretion from the body. Read above in detail about elimination of cocaine and its metabolite.

      However, you may still do the following to eliminate any drug left:

    2. Drink a lot of water. Water is the best cleanser for the body.
    3. Abstain from alcohol. Alcohol has a tendency to hold back cocaine in the body.
    4. Quit smoking for some time.
    5. Avoid caffeine containing beverages for a few days.
    6. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, juices and vegetables.
    7. Since it is our liver which handles elimination of the drug, keep your liver healthy and detoxified to ensure removal of many toxins from the body, like cocaine.

      Read more on excretion of cocaine from the body.

        1. James

          I did 2 lines of coke and drank 1 mikes hard 8% drink.
          I used Tuesday night and have a pee test today on Friday at around 12. I have not used coke in over 6 years. What are the chances I will pass my doc test. I drank 2 large bottles of cranberry juice 2 and 1 days prior. And today drinking a lot of water before my test.

  11. Sam

    Hi Buddy. Quick question.
    I took 2 lines of cocaine 2 Saturday nights in a row then 7 days later (the following Saturday night) I was tested. I have been assured by everyone that the metabolite (benzoyleconine) would be out of my system in under 3 days as I am extremely fit. 6’2 weighing 76 kg and have a great metabolism. I am still worried when I doubt I really have to be. This should be enough time (7 days) for such a small amount for someone like me to be clean correct?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is quite likely that you will pass the urine test. The drug doesn’t usually show up in urine after 5 to 7 days. Also, there are ways to help you clear the drug quickly from the body.

      Screening is usually done by testing urine. However, there are other more accurate tests too, like blood test and hair test.

      Blood screening may catch the drug. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing.

      1. Elvis P.

        I used crack once a week for about six months and I used on Sunday the 18th then found out that I have a pre-employment drug test on Tuesday the 28th. If I stay clean and drink water every day for the 10 days will I pass the test?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          You have a fair chance to pass.

          However, you need to be very thorough about cleansing yourself. Abstain from alcohol and limit to tea and coffee. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals.

  12. Gareth

    I dabbed approx 0.1g of cocaine. Subsequently failed a drugs test at work two days later. What kind of levels of cocaine metabolite would be in my urine to fail. Is there a scale available to indicate usage and outcome of urine sample. E.g. 0.1 grams taken = 500ng/ml etc?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cannot quantify like this. Whatever amount you take, levels rise in the initial few hours. Then, as your system starts metabolizing and excreting the the drug out of your body, the levels would decline.

      Benzoylecgonine, the main metabolite of cocaine, is used for screening. This is detectable in urine in concentrations greater than 150 ng/mL, typically till eight days of the drug taken.

      1. Mick

        Hello docter.. i took a gram on februari and with alcohol.. i have a test blood and urine..on the 14th of May. Shall i pass

        I workout and drink alot of water and every two weeks im away from work so no alcohol at all!!! Thank You

  13. jen

    I did a very small line of cocaine a month ago. I never did it before. I took a hair test today will the cut off level be low enough to test negative?

      1. Anna

        I did 2 lines of Cocaine on Saturday I may have to drug test Wednesday. The last time I did cocaine and only 2 lines was in January. Am I likely to pass by Wednesday? I am female 118 and 5 ft.

          1. Cha

            I partied, drank and did about half a gram of cocaine from Saturday night till Sunday morning. I have a test on the following Tuesday, will I pass

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            One time use? If yes, there’s a chance you may pass . Cleanse yourself aggressively.

            If, however, you’re a regular user of the drug, it would be difficult to get clean so early.

  14. Joshua

    I did about 3 grams of cocaine on Saturday, and I tested on Friday. The test cutoff is going to be 150ng, and confirmed at 100ng. What are my odds of passing? I am 5’8 male 160lbs and I am a very active person (amateur boxer). Do you think I can pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There are pretty good chances that you may pass the test, though nothing can be said for sure.

      Stay active, avoid alcohol/ tea/ coffee and drink lots of water. This will help in early elimination of the drug.

      1. Charlie

        I am 6 foot tall i weigh 175-180. i done 1 gram on 10-19-18 and the following week on 10-26-18 i done around 2-3 grams and i have a drug test on 11-7-18. i drink plenty of water being i install flooring i just wanted a opinion on if i would pass?

  15. Gabby

    I did about the size of a grain of rice last Thursday and I had a drug test 8 days later. I’m 24 5’4 170 pounds. I don’t exercise but I drank a two liter of water on Wednesday hoping it would come out of my system. Will I pass my drug test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There are good chances that you would pass the test, however, nothing can be said for sure.

      Keep drinking lots of plain water. Abstain from alcohol. Avoid caffeine and tea.

  16. martie

    I use coke and alcohol been cutting down I used 3 wk ago. Been urine a lot have a test tomorrow what can I do to pass.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Nothing much can be done in a day’s time. Keep taking a lot of fluids and abstain from alcohol completely.

      1. The dude abides

        Havent used it since early december, which was minimal. Did 4 small bumps (tip of a key) 12 days ago with about 3 drinks. Minimal alcholic drinks since then, maybe 5 total, worked out about 6 days and plenty of water. Took the test on day 12, being sent for labs… what do you think?

  17. anonymous M

    I smoked about a gram and a half of crack last Tuesday night. I have a urine screen tomorrow morning, exactly 7 days. I have been drinking water and urinating about every 20 minutes for 7 days. I consumed a 12 pack of beer with the crack but no alcohol for 7 days. If I fail this test it’s 12 months in jail. (I hadn’t smoked crack in about a month before this screwup). I’m 5`8 190 lbs. 40 years old. My metabolism has slowed. They send this urine to a lab. What are my chances? I’m guessing 50/50

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, 50/50.

      The amount you consumed was big enough. To add up, beer was taken. Beer and all alcoholic drinks kind of hold back the drugs, and delay their excretion from the body.

      1. anonymous M

        I called and told the p.o. I was physically ill . He was nice and re scheduled the appointment for tomorrow . Bought me another 2 days. It’ll be 9 days. I bought a quick test from Walgreen last night and passed it. The test said 99.9% accurate. It also says it’s reliable as hospitals. But they send my urine to a lab. I’m not doing this again , do you have any idea what it’s like urinating every 10 to 20 minutes for a week. Doctor if I passed the home test is it likely I’ll fail the lab test? It’s been 9 days?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Difficult to say. It takes roughly 7 to 10 days for the drug to wash away from the body completely.

          However, urine tests are usually equivalent to test kits available in the market. So, there is hope.

          Blood tests are more accurate and may catch the day even when urine test do not show any.

          You may read more about it above.

  18. kersul

    On Saturday (early morning hours@3am) on Aug 10, I done three monster lines of cocaine. I had to take a lab urine test Friday afternoon on Aug 16. I am worried sick that I will show positive. Is there a good chance I can test negative? Thank you

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Difficult to say. It takes around 7 to 10 days for the drug to get completely out of urine.

      Consume plenty of water and stay physically active. Avoid all stimulants (tea, coffee) and alcohol.

  19. james

    I did cocaine today. Would it be out of my system and 5 days for my urine drug test on the 3rd. I’m taking niacin 500mg. Would that help?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This would depend upon the amount of drug taken, and whether you are a one time user or a chronic one.

      On an average. it takes around 7 to 10 days for the drug to get out of urine.

      The role of niacin is debatable. To speed up the excretion of cocaine, drink plenty of fluid and stay physically active. Abstain from alcohol, limit on all kinds of tea and coffee.

  20. Rick

    I did 1 gram of cocaine 3 months ago. I used alcohol too. I’m not a chronic user, it has been more than 1 year since last time I used, I’m 6″ 190 p (89kg) I do exercise a lot. Do you think I will pass a urine test? And if I’m clear of benzos?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It would depend upon the amount of drug taken, whether alcohol was taken along.

      However, it is likely that you would pass the test.

        1. Anna

          Also I took an at home drug test five days prior to the lab and it came back negative with a strong bright negative line.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            It is quite likely that you will pass the lab test if it is urine screening. Home tests are very similar to lab urine testing.

            However, if you have to go for blood screening or hair screening, the case would be different. Hair tests are sometimes done which show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing.

  21. Stephen

    On Sunday, the 1st to Monday the 2nd I consumed probably 3 to 3.5 grams of cocaine. I did have alcohol before I did the coke. If I were to take a drug test on the 12th or 13th will I be in the clear. Ive been drinking a lot of water but I did have some more alcohol on the 7th. I might be able to push the test till the 16th but I’m not sure about it though. What do you think my chances of passing are for either dates?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      12th is a bit too early, but by 16th you have a fair chance of clearing the urine test, if you observe all precautions.

      Abstain completely from alcohol, as it holds back the drug in the body. Avoid tea, coffee and other drinks containing caffeine.

      Stay physically active. Drink lots of water. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables for quicker detoxification of the body.

  22. Geno

    I did a couple of lines on Saturday night and then a couple more on Sunday. I found out that I have to do a drug test Wed evening. I began drinking tons of water and am taking niacin pills and cranberry pills. Will I be able to pass the test wed evening?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Difficult to say. The drug takes around 7 to 10 days to get washed off from urine.

      It stays even longer in the blood stream.

      The role of niacin pills and cranberry pills is debatable.

  23. bob

    I’ve been addicted to cocaine and crack for many years, and the last 4 years heavy, in January I have a hair follicle test! If I quit now and shave all body hair at end of month will the new growth show the drugs?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      After quitting the drug completely, your body needs at least a month to clear off the drug. Hair growing within this month would also show cocaine.

      After a drug-free month, if you shave off all the hair, the fresh hair that would grow are unlikely to show the drug.

  24. Derek

    Did 3 20s of Cocaine on Friday and 2 weeks before that. How long will it take me to get clean? I’m 5’9, 200 lbs and 23 yrs old. I’ve been drinking water got a drug test tomorrow.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug usually doesn’t show in urine after a week’s time.

      However, it is still in the body. It may show in other tests like the blood test, hair test etc.It takes a month or more for the drug to get completely out of the body.

  25. That guy

    I snorted about 1.5 grams of coke in a span of 2 days and have not done it for about a year and it was my second time doing it. I took a drug test from walmart after 7 days of consuming the drug and I passed. Do you think I will pass a urine test from the military after 15 days of snorting the drug because I don’t trust the home drug test from walmart?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the test.

      Avoid alcohol and all stimulant drinks (caffeine). Drink lots of clear water. Have fresh fruits and vegetables of quicker detoxification of your body.

  26. Curious??

    I snorted two lines of coke at on Saturday morning, the last one was consumed at 4 am (one line was very small actually never felt a “high” and the second line was maybe twice the size of the first line). This was the only time I have ever done cocaine. My question is: if I were to be drug tested on Monday morning at 10am what would my chances be of passing a urine test. I am not sure if it is sent to the lab or not, so if you could tell me in both cases. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It would depend upon the type of testing done. Commonly, urine testing is done and cocaine along with its metabolites is tested.

      As you may read above, it takes 4 to 5 days for Benzoylecgonine (cocaine metabolite) to get out and not show up in the urine. Blood tests are even more specific and may show it for around 10 days.

      Alcohol holds back this drug in the body and delays its excretion. So, avoid alcohol and take lots of water to aid in early excretion.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Depends upon the amount of drug consumed and how often it is being taken. So, differs much from case to case.

          For a one time user, who has taken a small amount only, 4 to 5 days of cleansing is usually sufficient.

  27. Kevin

    Hi, I had about 2 grams of coke 18 days ago and before that it was 2 weeks before that and was only 2 lines. Yesterday I failed a saliva test, am not a regular user and am very active, drink roughly 2 litres of water a day and do eat well. I had been taking strong pain killers bonjela and orajel 20% for wisdom teeth that had been cutting my gums. Do you know how I could possibly fail the test? Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There is something that helped holding back the drug in your body (and its secretions). Did you take alcohol along with the drug?

      Alcohol impedes the excretion of cocaine to a considerable extent.

      The medications you are taking for pain are also alcohol based. This may have been a factor.

  28. Kevin

    Thanks for such quick reply, I had only about 3 bottles of beer 4 at the most. That’s why I am so confused because I know before that day it had been so long since the last time. That’s why I can’t understand and don’t believe it could be from that.

  29. Ben P

    I did 3 grams on Saturday the 7th until early hours Sunday 8th. I had been drinking all day from 12noon Saturday until 8am Sunday. Since then, I have not drunk or smoked since have to go out and drink this weekend Friday and Saturday for birthdays. Have my test at the end of the month. Will I pass? I have not drank or smoked for 10 days and drank lots of water. Not a frequent user but every now and then. Used to be when I was younger though?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you can avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants altogether, there are fair chances of passing the test.

      Cocaine and other similar drugs get deposited or stored in the liver tissues after each use. This stored drug is slowly released in to the blood stream with time. Alcohol helps in holding back the drug in the liver and impedes its excretion.

      It is this stored portion of the drug that is difficult to wash away in chronic users. So, chronic users are usually more difficult to cleanse than one time users.

  30. Biglms

    I am in the same boat, I did 3 grams of poor quality cocaine between 3 people (so more or less a gram) 9 days ago. I am 25 and have a reasonably fast metabolism, I was drug tested today, will I fail if I did coke 9 days ago?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Difficult to say!

      You may pass the test if the drug is sufficiently out of your system. This would depend upon many factors like:

      Your metabolic rate
      Overall health
      Whether alcohol was taken along
      Amount of water or healthy fruit juices consumed for cleansing
      Level of physical activity
      Overall caffeine intake, this chemical impedes the excretion of cocaine

  31. Biglms

    I did consume alcohol with it but I’ve been to the gym several times. Since I do have a fast metabolism and don’t consume a lot of caffeine, it is just strange I’ve been reading a lot of blogs on this subject and there is a lot of people in my shoes asking questions but there is nobody saying they have failed a drug test after that amount of time which leads me to believe that the 2-5 day timescale is near enough right, although that is just me being hopeful.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s nearly five days for one time users. But for repeat users, the time scale may be anywhere from 10 days to a month!

      It’s all about how clean your overall system is. All recreational drugs are stored in the liver and are hepatotoxic.

  32. Big Poppa

    I did a lot of cocaine on the 7th and have a test on the 28th of this month. I’m 5 10″ weigh 205 pounds, drink plenty of fruit juices (cranberry) 4 liters of water a day eat plenty of fruit and veg also train cardio about 45 minutes a day and use sauna and steam room a lot. Will I pass.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the urine test. Just avoid alcohol and all caffeinated drinks.

      Blood tests are more specific. Blood may contain cocaine for a longer time.

  33. Nj

    I used 3-4g of cocaine total in the past month. The last time I used was Thursday early morning around 1am. I work construction so I am constantly on the move and sweating. I am 6″2 and 220 lbs I am in good shape fast metabolism. I have a drug test weds afternoon. Is it possible to pass?

  34. Frustrated

    I went to a new pain clinic. I just had 3 brain surgeries due to an aneurysm. The docs had me on a pic line of vancomycin and oral cipro for 3 months. On top of that I took 80mg OxyContin 2x a day and 40 mg oxycodone 4 times a day. I also take lyrica, neurontin, Effexor, Xanax, centrum, norvasc 20 mg, and lidoderm patches. I have Arnold chiari malformation, brain aneurysm, cervical fusions, stenosis, degenerative disc, arthritis in spine, and at the time due to pneumonia was on penicillin NyQuil mucinex DayQuil and my albuterol inhaler. I also just found since all of the antibiotics I was on I have too much protein and blood in my kidneys and I have to go to a nephrologist (renal) doctor because they say it’s serious. Somebody please tell me how in the HELL my pain doc tells me there was cocaine in my system? Honestly I can’t even get out of bed or off the couch. Let alone do cocaine? I have a damn aneurysm and hbp. I demanded it was not feasible and asked for a retest. Also, they sent me a letter of dismissal. I have my lawyer involved now. And I just want to know how the hell this can happen??!! I’m in shock and am now treated like dirt. Somebody please help me. I’m a very sick woman and I need answers..? Thank you and God Bless

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine is detected by checking the presence of its metabolite, benzoylecgonine, in urine.

      Unfortunately, some of the medicines you are taking, including lidoderm patch and xanac, are metabolized in a similar way as cocaine and the metabolite formed is also the same.

      It is quite likely that your medicines are the reason why you got a positive drug test. Talk to your pain clinic about it. Tell them that lidoderm and cocaine are metabolized to produce the same metabolite, benzoylecgonine.

  35. Frustrated

    Please please help me… I’m in so much pain I want to give up! I feel like these doctors are attacking me and lying just so they don’t have to treat me because I have a rare brain disease and too a many problems and I can’t afford to keep going to the ER. Anything will help me! I just need advice on how this can happen.

  36. steve

    O.K. I took about 0.3 gms of some pretty good cocaine. It was crystalline all within 3 lines in a 2hr span. Started around 10pm, Friday. I have a drug test on Thursday 10am. I am 5’7 135lbs. I drank cranberry juice but stopped and been drinking water constantly. I am also working out and playing basketball starting today. Pretty fast metabolism. Been to sauna also, can I pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you are taking all precautions, there are chances you may pass the test.

      Just abstain completely from alcohol, limit to caffeine. Such drinks may hold back cocaine and impede its excretion.

      If you are a chronic user, excretion would be even slower.

  37. Michael

    I smoked crack (4 hits) today and it’s the first time I’ve smoked in 2 weeks. I have to take a drug test in 4 days. Will I pass? I am 5’11” 170lbs.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You don’t have much time in hand. The drug requires a week to 10 days to get excreted from urine.

      However, it would be good to try your best. Keep drinking lots of water. Abstain from alcohol and stay active physically. This will accelerate the excretion of the drug from the body.

  38. E

    Hi, I did half a gram last Friday, and I took a urine test the following Friday (a week later). I drank lots of water and abstained from caffeine the entire week. Do I have a good chance of passing? This is driving me crazy. Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There’s a pretty good chance that you would pass if the drug test screens cocaine. Cocaine usually gets out of the urine in a week’s time.

      However, drug tests are of different kinds. There are some which screen benzoylegconine (metabolite of cocaine), instead of cocaine.

      Benzoylegconine takes around 10 to 12 days to get out of urine.

  39. M

    First I’d like to say thanks for all the great info and being so reliable here, you’re awesome!

    Now, I’m a male, 5’9 and weigh 130, I rarely exercise but drink lots of water and other fluid. I did one small line on Saturday night, and took a urine test to be sent to a lab this morning (Tuesday) approximately 11 days after. I consumed 8 beers with it and haven’t drank since. Will the metabolite likely show? Or am I fairly clear? Thanks!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is unlikely that the drug or the metabolite will show up in your test.

      However, if you are a regular user (chronic user), it may still show. This is because the clearance time for the drug is much more in chronic users than single time users.

      1. Stevo


        I stupidly took a gram or a bit more of coke late last thursday night with a few beers. Finished about 6.00am Friday morning.

        Informed now I’ve to do a urine test wednesday evening. Haven’t ever used coke regurlary, took a handfull of times over 20 years. I’ve drank gallons of water since Friday morning. Peed constantly. Will have done some heavy exercise too.

        What’s the chances of passing urine test. Well all coke and metabolites be clear by then.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If its a urine test, you’re likely to pass if you continue cleansing the way you’re doing.

  40. William

    Yes, I have a question. I’m about to take a hair test for a company. I haven’t done coca since last year and about 3 weeks ago I did a little bump once and I’m wondering if I’m fuck an have to wait 90 days or would I be good.

  41. Peter

    Hi there,

    I am hair tested regularly for legal reasons (child contact etc). I used a large amount of crack-cocaine in October 2012 but metabolites of cocaine were still found in my hair some 9 months later. I have categorically not used cocaine in period. In fact, when you look at the results you can see that the amount of benzoylecgonine drops in a linear fashion over the 9 month period but the doctor says that this is evidence of continued drug use, and now I am not allowed to see my son.

    I am on sertraline and mirtazipine for depression, take the odd paracetamol or ibuprofen, smoke a lot of rolled tobacco (not weed!!) and drink 1-2 cups of strong coffee a day. I don’t use hair products but my hair grows real fast. Thanks. Peter

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Very sorry for your situation.

      It is possible for the drug to show up in the hair test even after long periods. This is because the drug and its metabolites are lipophilic (attracted to fatty tissues) and so they stay attached to many fatty tissues in the body.

      This stored drug is slowly released into the blood stream with time. So, the body doesn’t become drug free till all of this drug is released and washed away.

      You need to be strong. Keep patience till the drug is completely out of your system.

  42. dummy

    Hi, I’m 5’7 weigh about 240. I did some cocaine a week ago. Today, I was drinking alcohol while doing it, but since then have been drinking lots of water but during the day I have some alcoholic drinks…had a drug test tonight. Do you think I will pass it?

  43. Gerri

    Did cocaine about a month ago. Cut hair down to 1 inch today. Started cleansing hair. Not a chronic user. Non drinker. How can I mask the cocaine for a hair test in 2 weeks?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Every hair that grows in the period, when your body had cocaine in its blood stream, would show the drug. So, cutting an inch of hair is not adequate.

      Cut most of your hair, leaving barely an inch on your scalp!

  44. joe

    Hi, I have stayed clean from Cocaine for a year. I recently used it 2ce weekly (.5 gram) for about 3 weeks. I exercise regularly. How long will it take for it to clear from my system?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      A rough estimate is around 3 months!

      Though the drug would stop showing in your urine in about 20 days, it may show up in your blood, hair etc. It takes 3 months for an overall detoxification of the body and complete elimination of the drug.

  45. bec

    I had a hair test and tested positive for coke, but at a lower level of cocaine than the cut off point. But the metabolite is in there too, thing is I haven’t done any drug what so ever and the only thing I had was prescribed a course of amoxicillin back in Feb, and I know amoxicillin can cause you to test positive for cocaine and that really can be the only thing it can be, I have had a previous hair test and that was negative, and only when I had amoxicillin it went positive and showed in my hair for 5 months but under the cut off level ,any idea you might have.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are sure that the test is false positive, you may request for a confirmation test (done by GC/MS, gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry).

      This test is very sensitive and specific, and will clear all doubts.

  46. Jose

    I snorted a little less than a gram, like 0.4 Monday afternoon and I have a drug test Wednesday morning. I have been drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. Will it show positive??

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If they are checking for cocaine, there are fair chances you would pass. However, if they are screening using the benzoylecgonine metabolite test, nothing can be said for sure.

      Benzoylecgonine is a metabolite of cocaine.

      1. Alessandro

        I have a hair test next week. I did half of not very good quality cocaine. What are the chances of me passing, if I did coke 20 days ago.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Every hair that grows now, is likely to show the presence of the drug. This may continue for as long as 3 months after use.

          This reduces your chances of passing the test.

  47. Bull

    Not done it in 4 weeks. I done 0.5 g cocaine tonight, I snorted. I get saliva test from work on Friday. You think I pass or tell me what gets it out my body. Please.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It would depend upon the technique they use during screening.

      It is quite likely that you would pass if they are testing your saliva. However, urine testing may not pass you.

      Avoid alcohol, drink lots of plain water to aid yourself.

  48. jim

    If I tested on wed for 1 place and was negative, then Thursday for another test was sent to lab, what does that mean? For cocaine but benzo after 116 hrs, used less than .5 grams of crack, flushed with plenty of water, 200lbs active.

  49. frank

    Did a couple lines on Friday .25g night drug test Tuesday. Just a dipstick been detoxing since Saturday and pounding gallons of water pretty sure I’m good what do you think.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It requires 3 to 5 days for the drug to not show up in urine screening, if you are a one time user.

      If you are a regular user, the drug may show up in urine for 10 to 15 days.

  50. idiot

    Did 2 small lines of coke on Wednesday around 9 pa have drank some alcohol but also plenty of water and cranberry juice did a dipstick today and passed. But am supposed to go to lab tomorrow, do you think I’ll pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have pretty fair chances of passing. Home test kits are more or less similar to the ones used in labs.

      However, if they go for blood testing instead of urine, nothing can be said.

  51. Arron mcedia

    Hi I need some thing clearing up please,
    I used just under to gram of cocaine on Friday night start at 21:30 had my last line 4:30am Saturday morning I have been drinking about 2.5 – 3 liters water per day. I have a drugs test the following Friday (6 days later) what chances are for me to pass the test? I weigh 143llbs my height is 5.5″ I go the gym daily to build muscle I also work as a rigger carrying chain blocks on my back daily

  52. idiot

    Just an update. Since I never see anyone say I got my results from a urine test sent to the lab and tested negative. I also tested negative on a dipstick.

  53. biggest idiot

    In the past, I was a big user of cocaine. Recently I’ve been going through binge sessions. This most recent one was about 10 grams in about 2 weeks time. Before this, was about 2 months since last use. How long will it take for the benzoylecgonine to leave the system before it is safe to take a lab drug test.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If it is the urine drug screening, which is the commonest form of lab testing, you are safe after 20 days or more!

      It is quite likely that the drug is accumulated in your liver, since you have been a chronic user. This drug stays attached to fatty tissues there, and is difficult to excrete out. It takes time to go.

      Abstain completely from the drug. It would be helpful to avoid alcoholic drinks and excess of tea and coffee.

      Drink lots of plain water. Have more of fresh fruits and veggies for quicker detoxification.

  54. ben

    I am 5ft 121 pounds, consumed cocaine 2 days ago, stupidly with alcohol. I have a urine test in 11 days. I drink plenty of water and have a very very fast metabolism. Will I be clear?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Was it a one time use of cocaine? If yes, it is quite likely that you would pass.

      However, if you are a chronic (regular) user, it is difficult to say!

  55. few

    I did a small line of cocaine on Saturday night around 8:30 or 9 pm. I barely felt anything from it so I question it’s overall quality. The line was only like one to two inches long and very skinny. I then drank a decent amount of alcohol until around 1 am. Prior to this one line use I was clean. So, I am wondering if I drink a gallon or two of tea mixed with cranberry juice the following day and urinate about 25 times. Will I be able to pass a dip stick test on that Monday at 9 am. I weigh about 140 pounds about 5’9. I have a pretty fast metabolism. I will also drink water and urinate a few times before I take the test.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Have plenty of water and fresh juices. Cranberry juice is good. Avoid tea, as tea and coffee contain caffeine, which retards the excretion of the drug from the system.

  56. Fallout!

    I took around 2 lines (0.5g) of cocaine, small ones! On Friday! It’s now Tuesday, I have been drinking Around 5-6 liters of water a day. I am exercising every day, till sweating!. I am -18 years old. -Male. -5 ft 6.- 121lbs, I also have a very very fast metabolism. I have close to zero percent body fat. Quite skinny. My urine test is next Thursday. Which is 10 days from today. So in total I have 12 days to be clean of benzoylecgonine. Will I be clear?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is very likely that you would clear the test. Just keep observing all precautions:
      Complete abstinence from alcohol.
      Avoid caffeine as much as possible.
      Consume plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables.

  57. Karlin

    I recently unknowingly kissed someone who had just had done cocaine. At the time I was also drinking. And after finding out, I did a home test which tested positive for the drug after 8 hrs. I have a hair follicle drug test coming up sometime in March, so that would give me a 90 day window. However, my hair grows very slow, I really do not think a 90 day window would be enough. My question would be, if I have never done it before, and it had to be trace amounts that entered my body, would the metabolites still be in-bedded into my hair? What is the threshold limit that would cause deposition? It had to be less than 1mg because it went undetected to me at the time, but the home urine drug test gave a positive. I know detection limits are very precise for a hair test, however, would such small amounts of cocaine still cause deposition into the hair follicles? I am very nervous regarding this. I have been hydrating myself in the past 3 days, but I do not think that will help. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Hair follicle tests are very precise. Every hair that grows within three months of taking the drug may show its presence.

      The safest way is to shave off your head at the end of three months.

  58. worried fighter

    I took maybe two skinny lines of cocaine with a considerable amount of alcohol on Saturday night. Took a pre employment drug screen this morning (Wednesday) haven’t drank since or anything else been drinking fluids. I am very active am 5’9″ about 180lbs and I am 24. I drank about 8-9 bottles of water yesterday (Tuesday) to do a quick flush out peed about 6-9 times between 3-5 and went to the gym when I got off work. What are the chances I pass my drug screen today?? I also took 3 (.05) xanex Sunday.

  59. bob

    Took about 1-2 grams of cocaine on Friday night and around a gram the week before. Have a drug test in 3 weeks started. Drinking water on Sunday around 3-4 liters, then Monday and Tuesday drank around 4-5 liters each day. Exercise on Tuesday night for around 45 minutes. How long till I’m clear, if I keep up water intake? Also began taking milk thistle on Monday.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It would take around 15 days to be clear in urine test. Keep drinking plenty of water, avoid caffeine and alcohol. Include fresh fruits and veggies in your meal for faster detoxification.

      Blood tests may still show up the drug for one week more. Hair tests are very precise. If they do a hair test, you may show positive.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Washing the drug out from the body does take time. In chronic users, the drug gets deposited in fatty tissues of the body, particularly in the liver.

      It takes time to mobilize this deposited drug and excrete it. Read on detoxification of the body.

  60. Joe

    I consumed half a bag that weighed in at around .5 so I probably consumed roughly .3 this was on a Friday night, I have drug program on a Monday which is today. I’m pretty skinny 120 and I think I have a pretty good metabolism, do you think that my urine test should be good?

  61. C4crazy

    My husband did a lot of coke. He has been drug free for about 8 days now. He has been drinking lots of water and I have been giving niacin with colon cleansers. He has not been drinking and his drug test is in 3 days. Is there anything more we can do so he can pass the test?

    side note: what you are doing here is great a lot of people have questions and people judge them you give good and accurate advice and that is a very good thing you are really great.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may add fresh fruits and vegetables in each of your meals. They are natural cleansers and help in detoxification.

      Also, restrict to your caffeine intake. Avoid alcohol. Such beverages may hold back the drug in his body and delay excretion.

  62. Worried12345

    I have been a regular cocaine user for the past year. The last time I did cocaine was on Friday and I have a regular dip test Thursday (6 days later and no alcohol was consumed). I have been taking Lasix 80 mg to urinate frequently and have been taking ephedrine to speed up my metabolism, also I have been drinking one gallon of water daily.
    What are the chance that I can pass the dip urine test the ones you take at home. Thank you for your help I really appreciate it.

  63. needhelp87

    I have taken one hit/inhale of crack from pipe today. I will return to work in two weeks from today exact. Would it show in a hair test (not sure how accurate or kind)? Is there anything I can do to help my passing? Would it be enough to show? And any advice besides not to do it again? I weigh 210, am a male, not very active, 6 ft tall and had consumed alcohol with it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug doesn’t show up too early in the hair.

      The hair you already have are drug free. However, the new hair that will now grow would show up the drug. This would happen till your body becomes drug-free.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          On an average, the rate of hair growth is about half an inch per month. Any new hair you have now may show the drug. The drug may show for as long as 90 days.

  64. Benrodrgues

    Hi I have a medical question. Will a powerful diuretic like Furosemide taken with large amounts of water and vitamin c to the point of achieving complete forced acid diuresis eliminate the presence of cocaine metabolites enough to pass a urine drug test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      No, furosemide cannot be used for this purpose. Taking this pill would just speed up the the excretion of water and certain electrolytes from the body, not cocaine.

      Cocaine takes its time, getting metabolized in the liver first and then getting out of the system via urine. Until it is metabolized, it cannot be excreted.

      Furosemide may disturb your system and make you feel weak, due to loss of essential ions from the body.

  65. Steve

    I am 6′ very active, good health. I was out drinking and did a little less or slightly over 1gm of cocaine 16 days prior to being employed by a company who requires a hair test. Very stressed if I will pass or fail? It was the first time in 8 years I’ve tried it an don’t use anything else or take any medications etc. and like I said in good health and shape. Researching online I’ve read mixed reviews of people saying they passed hair tests with doing coke once everything else says formally it remains in the system for 90 days. Some info would be nice.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well, it does stay in the system for 90 days, that is three months. Every hair that grows during this period may show the drug.

      However, the sensitivity of hair tests differ from lab to lab. So, you do have chances of passing the test.

  66. John


    I’m 5’11 and 180 lbs. I’m pretty fit but haven’t exercised but a couple times this month. I did just under a gram 30 days ago from tomorrow. I have to take a lab urine test before noon tomorrow.

    Due to my job I’m pretty sure this is an accurate test. What do you think my chances are?

    Thanks in advance!

  67. Pro78

    Hi Doc, I recently did one small line of cocaine (Sunday night) and have a hair test as early as Wednesday. I’ve read mixed reviews on when it will show and how long? Is it 3-10 days for the drug to show on the hair follicle up to 90 days? And if I cut my hair barely under 1″ will that help any? Thanks Doc.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug starts appearing in your hair in 2 to 3 days and continues to do so upto 90 days. Variations are there, depending upon the rate of growth of your hair.

      It won’t benefit if you trim your hair. This is so because the drug will start appearing in the part of the hair closest to the scalp. This portion is the newest growth.

  68. Anandamide

    I dabbed my finger in coke and touched my gum with it. Washed juice round my mouth and spat it out realizing I was being an idiot. This was on New Year’s Eve. I was also drinking lots of alcohol. If I were to have a urine test on the 21st, would I be OK ? Would I still need to hammer water down? Thanks.

    1. Anandamide

      Is there a reply for me I wouldn’t be asking as much if wasn’t freaking out !
      Please would be greatly appreciated

      1. Anandamide

        Thanks for the reply.
        So if I am 6ft 220lbs.
        Should my urine test be clear in 21 days for that tiny amount?
        Should I still be taking the precaution of staying away from caffeine and alcohol?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          21 days is sufficient time period for drug excretion. It is recommended that you keep taking plenty of water. Also, alcohol and caffeine need to be avoided because these compounds tend to hold back cocaine in the liver and other tissues.

          1. Anandamide

            Thank you for your help .
            I have ordered a cocaine cassette test kit . If this is negative is this a sure sign I am OK ?

          2. Anandamide

            Well, I did the cocaine cassette test apparently they are 99% accurate and was negative. I will do a confirm test on Monday to be sure . Should this be a good sign that I am negative? Thanks.

  69. Fred

    Hi Doc,

    I had one line 10 days ago and I had a lot of alcohol also. I have not done this before so one time. I am 6 ft, 210 lbs, active but not very active. I am 28 yrs old. My urine test is in 11 days; should I be ok? I haven’t been extremely hydrating but I do drink a good amount of water a day. But I have had caffeinated drinks until I read this forum .
    Is 21 days a good enough window for a urine test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the urine screening test.

      Continue taking plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

  70. jb

    Ten days ago I smoked a gram of crack. No caffeine and lot of water. I’m 5’3 280 lbs. Urine test. Am I going to pass?

  71. John

    In late November I tested positive for cocaine on a 5 panel hair test. I have never taken cocaine. I was told by the lab’s medical review officer that the only thing that will test positive for cocaine – is cocaine. He also said it appeared that I was a longtime user. After being terminated, I had my own tests done. In December I passed a hair test, urine test and blood test. What on earth would have caused the first test to be so wrong? I have taken Ritalin daily for 15 years. I asked the medical review officer if that could be what the test was picking up. He said no – only cocaine – and called me a liar. I have a million questions but the two big ones are 1. What would cause a false positive for cocaine? Regardless of what the technician said, something had to. 2. Why didn’t the test detect the Ritalin?
    I hope someone can provide some insight.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine and methylphenidate (Ritalin) are chemically very similar. Also, their mechanism of action in the body is the same, both target the dopamine system.

      They block the ability of nerve cells to take in dopamine, thus flooding the brain with this joy-inducing chemical.

      Though their metabolites are similar, they are not exactly the same. You can request for a more precise testing (involving gas chromatography), which will be able to differentiate between the two chemicals.

      1. John

        Thank you. I am told they in fact used GC testing. Since Nov. 26, I have passed 3 five panel hair tests, one of which used body hair instead of head hair. I have also passed a urine test and an extensive blood exam. In addition to the fact that I know I did not take cocaine, these other tests lead me to one logical conclusion – the hair taken from my head in Texas on Nov. 13 was not the hair that was tested in the Kansas lab two weeks later. Instead of asking for the re-test, I should have asked for a DNA test. Do you suppose all of the hair samples would have been destroyed by now? Is there a chance that there would be some remaining strands? Enough to run a DNA test?
        Thank you again for this website. It is truly helpful.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It’s difficult to say whether all the hair samples are destroyed or not, as it depends upon the lab protocols. Though, most of the labs keep the samples for a pretty long time!

  72. worried and confused

    I recently moved to a new state and am on pain management which includes a prescription of oxycodone. I found a doctor and made an appointment to get refill since I moved to different state. Naturally, since I’m on a high narcotic, he did a urine test to determine misuse of medication. He said that the test had a very faint line for cocaine and has sent it to lab for further testing. Is it possible to have possibly consumed by smoking marijuana out of a friends glass bowl who may have smoked crack/cocaine out of it? I am worried because it could result in not being able to be prescribed my medication. I guess my question is if the line was faint and I did unknowingly ingest it through a piece that could have been used for smoking what should the ng/mg be so when I get my results I can discuss it further with my doctor ( I did mention smoking a few bowls with a friend that could possibly have cocaine residue in it) since I did not snort or smoke crack/cocaine and was shocked to hear that even a faint positive result appeared in my urine.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes. it is possible to get the faint line from specks of cocaine residues in the bowl. Drug testing these days has become very precise and detects minute quantities of the drug taken.

      Alternatively, it may be that you tested positive for marijuana. Some clinics use immunoassay method to simultaneously test the presence of both, marijuana and cocaine. If the patient tests positive, his sample is sent for further, more specific, testing to exactly define which drug was present.

      For most of the labs, the cut off concentrations for morphine metabolite is 50 ng/ml and for cocaine metabolite it is 150 ng/ml.

  73. first time user

    First time user did a gram of cocaine Thursday night. Fast metabolism, 5’7 140. Will all metabolites be out of my system by Tuesday. I have 7 years in prison riding on this give me your opinion on whether you think I will pass.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It takes 3 to 5 days to be clean in urine testing, if you are a one time user. If they check blood, it stays positive for longer, around 10 days.

  74. Help

    I’m a heavy drinker, I got drunk, snorted a few lines for the first time in years. I’ve got a drug test 6 days from the day it happened. Exercise a few days a week, always drink tons of water, 170lbs, 29, 5’4″. Is it possible for me to pass

  75. help

    Hi doc, I did a couple of lines 4 weeks ago. The following week, I did two more. Not a frequent user but a heavy drinker. It’s been 19 days since I did last line. Have a urine lab tested in 8 days. I have stopped drinking alcohol. Also took a home test from Walgreen, will I pass after 27 days.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Continue taking all precautions to increase your chances of passing. Completely abstain yourself from alcohol. Drink plenty of water and include fresh fruits and vegetables in each of your meals.

      Since you have been taking a lot of alcohol, outcomes of your urine testing are difficult to predict.

  76. G

    I have been using 1 gram of coke a week for the past 2 months. I get urine tested for pain management it has been 13 days since the last time I did a gram …I don’t drink alcohol ..I weigh 135 and I’m 5.5 ..I’m a female if that matters. I’ve been doing all the things to detox and flush you think I will pass and does Vicodin do anything to slow down cocaine elimination?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing, if you continue observing all steps for detoxification.

      You need to inform your lab authorities that your are taking vicodin. This is a codeine drug and may interfere with the test results.

  77. G

    I am also on a weekly injection 1 cc of methotrexate for a auto immune disorder would this slow down the elimination of cocaine?

  78. Concerned Mom

    Son is on probation. On Sunday, broke hand hospital temp. set. Appointment with Ortho on Thursday. Doctor had to set the bone so he put novocaine in his hand to numb it. Then cased it. At the hospital and the doctor on appointment gave him Hydrocodone for pain. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and on Monday checked in for probation and did drug test and told him it showed cocaine. He told them he had not done that, so they are sending it to the lab. Would the novocaine cause this result?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Novocaine may show up as traces of cocaine on a very crude drug testing.

      Most of the sensitive drug testing labs would be able to differentiate between the two. You may request for a more specific drug testing.

  79. Human

    Hi! I’ve read nearly every comment/reply on this web page 🙂 I’d like to thank you in advance for your response to my question and for your responses to all of the other comments~

    15 days ago, my friend snorted 1 “key/bump” of coke. My friend also consumed a considerable amount of alcohol with that “key/bump.” My friend has not ingested coke since, but consumes alcohol daily. After educating myself and my friend of the fact that alcohol does prolong the metabolites produced with coke and alcohol consumption (though we are unclear as to how much this is prolonged), my friend is worried that a pending urine test will result in a positive for the drug/metabolites. The urine test is scheduled for tomorrow. My friend occasionally works out, eats healthy, drinks a moderate amount of water, is a little over weight, and consumes alcohol daily. So our question is this: will the metabolites and/or parent drug show on a urine test after 15-16 days of inhalation?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Though it is quite unlikely to show up after 15 days, nothing can be said for sure.

      There are many variables like, the quality of cocaine inhaled, its purity, whether he had been a chronic user of the drug or was this a one time use, his metabolic rate etc.

  80. concerned

    I was a moderate user last year but slowed down to a couple lines a week, not high quality. Last time I had a small key bump was 5 weeks prior to urine test. Also was drinking moderately but also drinking lots of water and eating all vegetarian food. I passed the at home test but the tests get sent to a lab for my job. Think I am clear?

  81. brady

    Hi, I would first like to thank you for all of your help. I did 3 shots of cocaine all equaling less than a gram, I do have hep c and I’m on the 3rd level of liver failure( curious if this plays a factor?). Tonight is a Thursday, I have a urine test on Tuesday. I’ve been drinking tons of water, I’m 5 10 165 lbs, what are my chances of passing? I could really use some help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep taking all precautions to increase your chances of passing the test. Drink plenty of water, take fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid stimulating drinks, like caffeine.

      Better avoid taking cocaine in future. It’s going to damage your liver even more.

  82. peter

    I smoke 2 gram of crack on 11 pm Friday. What chances do I have of passing urine test on Monday around 4pm.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Chances of passing the test are dim, since the it takes around 3 to 5 days for the drug to not show up in urine.

  83. Doriana

    A buddy of mine aged 34 went out for a few nights in a row (Thursday to Saturday), heavy drinking – vodka and so. On the last night at he snorted 1 line, 0.5 gram of coke. He was later informed that it was good quality. He is not a regular user, might have been his 3 or 4 time in the last year. He is 5ft 6in and 165lb 5.5oz. No idea about his metabolism.
    He will be having a urine test in 15 days from the last intake. No alcohol consumed since and plenty of water consumed on a daily basis 2,5 – 3,5l. Exercising regularly 30-45min with plenty of sweet since. Also lots of fresh fruit, veggies and daily milk. Stopped drinking coffee or tea after I told him about this forum. He is now in day 5. How will he do in a urine test? Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      He is likely to pass the test. Ask him to continue taking all precautions for better and speedy detoxification.

  84. Help

    About 50 days ago I did 1 line of cocaine (very small, first time ever.1gram). I have a hair test coming up. What are my chances? I bought a hair detox kit and am getting my hair cut short.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Hair tests are very sensitive. If properly done, it is able to detect every speck of drug taken till around 3 months of intake.

      However, keep taking all possible precautions. Trim your hair short. Avoid alcohol and caffeine in drinks. Eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of plain water. All these steps help in early detoxification.

      Many detox kits are available in the market. However, their efficacy is debatable.

  85. paddy

    I am bald. I have not drank for 2 years 3 months. I had no body hair last July. I went of the wagon for 3 days last week of July 2013, did lots of coke and shots. Have kept body hair very trim for past 6 months. Did hair test yesterday. They took it from my chest. I will keep you posted.

  86. dykan

    Hi, I’ve done a gram and a half of cocaine last night. I have a drug test in ten days. I haven’t done coke in 2 years. And when I did it was a little. What are my chances of passing? 6’2 260

    1. so dumb

      I’m in the same boat, but I have 19 days between when I did it and my surprise test. I don’t know if I would pass. I’m dying here, keep me updated on yours.

    2. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There are fair chances of passing the urine testing for drug screening. Ten days are usually enough of drug excretion. Take all precautionary steps to speed up cleaning.

      Abstain from alcohol and caffeine, as these chemicals hold back cocaine in the body and delay its excretion.

      Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices.

      Stay physically active.

  87. iriqouis

    I have a hair drug test in June 23, 2014 and I did a couple lines, about 5 yesterday night the 14 of march, do you think I will be clean in order to pass my hair drug test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the hair test. Although this test is very sensitive and detects every speck of drug taken, 3 months are adequate for cleaning.

      Take all precautions. Abstain completely from all drug abuse and alcohol. Avoid caffeine beverages as far as possible. Caffeine holds back the drug in the body.

      Drink plenty of water daily. Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and veggies.

      Till you have drug in your body, evrey hair growing in that period would show the presence of the drug. The body takes around 2 to 3 months for complete cleansing.

      So, it is essential to keep trimming your hair. Keep them very short to be on a safer side.

  88. so dumb

    I have been clean for 2 years. I did like 3 grams of coke that gave me the runs “i hope it was stepped on.” This was 19 days ago. I’m active, but I’m 230 lbs 5″3. Didn’t drink heavily either, think I will pass.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the test. But do take all precautionary steps.

      Avoid caffeine, alcohol, as these chemicals hold back the drug in the body. Drink plenty of water. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.

      Stay physically active.

  89. klein

    I smoked cocaine and it was a little bit on the 12th of March. Before that it was 3 weeks ago and smoked a little. I have a drug test on the 18th of March. I been drinking a lot of water every few minutes. I did drink a coffee and a few beers on the 16th of March but I have been drinking water a lots of it. Will I have a good chance of passing Doc?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Continue taking all precautionary steps and hope for the best.

      The drug takes 3 to 5 days to clear off from urine, depending upon your metabolism and lifestyle.

      It would be helpful if you update about the results of your test.

  90. Nirkstar

    Hello, I have read every answer from you Buddy M.D. in this Thread! I am really thankful for your answers! I hope you can help me too!!!

    I use nearly every weekend 0,5gr – 1.5gr of Cocaine. I have quit using it 8 days ago. I have measured my benzoylecgonine level in my urine today and I have still 78ng/ml. Is it possible to get down to 0 ng/ml in 6 days? That would be 15 days after my last use? Thank you in advance for your answer!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Six days is a very short window for your body to detoxify you!

      Drink plenty of water and avoid all stimulant like caffeine. Abstain completely from alcohol.

      Eat healthy, more of vegetables and seasonal fruits.

      Our body takes around 20 days to eliminate drug like cocaine and its metabolites. If you have a good metabolism and you are physically active, the elimination time gets reduced considerably.

  91. bbu

    I need to pass a drug screen. Yes, I know I should not use. What I need to know is if I use buprenorphine on a daily basis in small quantities how long will this stay in my system? And is there anything I can do to get it out soon as possible. Please help, stressed and scared.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      What form of buprenorphine are you taking?

      Buprenorphine has a hepatic elimination.

      Since you have been a regular user, it would take around 9 to 10 days, from the date of last use, for the drug and its metabolites to not show up in the lab test.

      It would help if you abstain alcohol, stay away from caffeine. Eat more of fruits and vegetable diet.

      If you are physically active, the elimination would be quicker.

  92. Rob

    Hi Dr. I did a gram of coke Friday night till sat morning around 4 am. I take tegretol for seizure and had a urine test Wednesday afternoon. It was first time in over a month and do not drink. Slow metabolism but did a little running and went pee few times before test. Also took creatine and fruit before my test! My test is a 7 panel and it is sent to lab. 28 years. 5’7″. 190

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      All that can be said is that the drug takes around 5 to 7 days to get eliminated to not show up in the urine test.

      It is difficult to predict the exact period required for elimination of the drug. This is because, this period is variable. It depends upon many factors like your activity levels, health status of your liver and kidney and the type of cocaine preparation taken.

      Anyhow, drinking water and taking fruits helps a great deal. Role of creatinine is not clinically proved.

  93. rob

    I took the test on Wednesday around 2 pm, about 108 hrs since last use. It’s now Tuesday 5pm. Do you think I’m clear for my test. I know it was sent to a lab but not sure how long they take. I had court this morning and nothing was said? Hopefully I’m in the clear, just hoping for the best.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If this was a one time use of the drug, there are chances you may pass the test. It may take 5 to 7 days for the body to wash off the drug enough to not show up in urine testing.

      However, in people who take the drug on a regular basis, the drug gets deposited in the fatty tissues inside the body, mainly in the liver. Due to this accumulated drug, cleansing becomes slow.

      The stored drug is continuously released in to the blood stream and this keeps showing in the urine for a month or so.

  94. tt

    Hi my house mate did some coke towards the end of august 2013. Not a heavy user, hasn’t taken anything since august. Got a hair test at end of march. Would it show up in the hair test. They had had 3 hair cuts since then. They are active drinkers only on the weekends. Please, they are worried sick.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      He is very likely to be clear, if he had cut all hair that grew till December end.

      Hair growing till 3 months of last use of the drug may show the drug.

  95. omg

    Was at a party. Took some coke at the start of Oct 3rd 2013 had my head shaved Jan 10 2014. Got a hair test in 3 days. Would it show any sign of the drug. I’m a bit worried. I’m not a regular user, was just one off. Work doing hair test. I waited 90 days and shaved my head. Now I have 1.5 inc of hair, please help. Never doing that again.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      3 months are usually enough for the drug to get out of the system, enough to not show up in the hair test.

      You have fair chances of passing the test.

  96. nickie

    Hi, I’ve recently had a CDT and it came back as having 192 ng/ml of the metabolite which is produced after cocaine has been in the body. I don’t take drugs but had been out the weekend before my test. If cocaine was put in my drink is 192ng/ml a great amount? I’m female 5’7 extremely active and have a good diet and weight 70kgs. Is there anything else that could produce this result? I run on average 50 k a week is there any other possibility for this metabolite to show in my system. I’m extremely anxious to find out why I have this in my system, so would appreciate any help thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The metabolite benzoylecgonine is very specific for cocaine. In all likelihood, you have taken the drug in some form, may be mixed in your drink.

      Since you are a one time user, the drug would be out of your system, enough to not show up in the drug test, in about a week.

      To speed up elimination of the drug, abstain completely from alcohol. Avoid caffeine as far as possible.

      Eat healthy and stay active.

  97. danny

    I’m a regular user. I did cocaine Saturday night until early Sunday morning. Haven’t drank any alcohol and been active drinking lots of water and I had a urine test late Thursday around 5:30 pm which was like 96 hours later. Do you think I’ll pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you are a regular user of the drug, the results of the test cannot be predicted.

      Regular users have cocaine and its metabolites stored in their liver and other fatty tissues. This stored drug is slowly released into the blood and maintains some blood level of the drug in blood.

      It is difficult to excrete out this stored form of cocaine in a short period.

  98. Blondie

    I did a rice size amount of cocaine Friday at about 10pm along with alcohol. I was previously clean for 3 months. I have a dipstick test Wednesday evening. Will I likely pass or fail?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You are likely to pass if you take all precautions. Abstain from alcohol. Avoid caffeine.
      Drink lots of water. Eat more of vegetables and fresh fruits and stay physically active.

  99. Richard

    Hi, I was at a party Friday night drinking lots, and took a tiny line of coke, maybe 0.1 of a gram or even less than that. I drink maybe 1 or 2 times a week (Rum). If I stop drinking and just focus on water, and sweat exercises, how long do you think the metabolite would stay in my urine. It was a one time thing. I’m 26 6ft4 220lbs. Thanks. Also, I don’t see people following up on their progress, so I’ll update mine.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you take all precautions, as you intend to, it should take around a week or 10 days for the metabolite to be out of the body, enough to not show up in the urine test.

      Complete detoxification takes a long time.

      Do update your results and add info for all the readers at the blog. This would be a big help.

  100. Zach

    Did a very tiny bump of cocaine on Sunday night. The drug test was Tuesday morning. I never use cocaine and drank water and urinated on a regular basis. What are my chances?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      2 days is a very short period for drug excretion. It is difficult to predict the results of the test.

  101. Pain Management UA

    I was recently referred to a pain management clinic for chronic pain and was given a urine analysis 20 days after I consumed a 3 decent size lines of cocaine. I had maybe used it several times within 3 months prior to that. At the time I was drinking heavily, however have consumed very little alcohol since. Between use and the test I consumed quite a bit of water but some caffeine daily (and very little alcohol). My follow up appointment is tomorrow and I am concerned that the metabolite may have shown up. What is the likelihood of showing positive and how should I respond if they tell me it did. I’ve been on oxycontin and norco for about 6 months due to bulging discs in my back and am really worried about the potential of my medication being abruptly stopped.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s not easy to hide cocaine use, as the metabolite they check in the urine test is very specific for cocaine.

      Apart from this, there are other tests too, like the hair test, that reveal the drug intake even when it is out of urine.

      It is difficult to comment upon the results of your test. Though 20 days are usually enough for clearance, intake of caffeine and alcohol may hold back the drug in the body.

  102. osca r

    I did two key hits of cocaine while I was drinking beer on Saturday, around 11 pm. I have a drug test on Wednesday at 3 pm. I have been drinking lots of water, pomegranate and cranberry juice and I so took lipozene a diet pill that makes me pee almost 6 times an hour. What are the chances of me passing a urine test. I’m not a frequent user. Last time I did it was 8 months ago.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the test. Continue with all the precaution you are taking.

      Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Avoid alcohol and caffeine in drinks, as they hold back the drug in the body.

      Eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Stay active.

      There is no clinically proven role of Lipozene in the excretion of cocaine. It cleans the gut, not the blood. Cocaine is present in your blood and the only way to wash it out is through the kidneys. We expedite excretion through kidneys by drinking more of water and fresh fruit juices.

      Take only the prescribed dose of lipozene. Too much of it can lead to diarrhea, making you weak. Also, it may give you swallowing problems if taken in larger doses.

  103. mark

    I shot one bump of coke and have a urine test 4 days later. That is the only coke I’ve done in a while. Will I pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are a regular user of cocaine, it is difficult to pass in such a short duration.

      However, if this was a one time use of the drug, you may pass. Abstain completely from alcohol. Avoid having caffeine in beverages. All these chemicals slow down the excretion of cocaine from the body.

      For early cleaning of the body, drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Let them be your beverage of choice, whenever required.

      Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Staying active throughout the day would help.

  104. guy from uk

    hi i did about 0.5 grams of cocaine on Sunday (yesterday) with about 5 pints of beer.
    im 5’7,29 years old,140 lbs,been a heavy user for 10 years,but since February have managed to get help with my problem and cut down my intake to 0.5 grams a fortnight.

    i have got a urine drug test on Wednesday at 10am, drinking pints of water often,will also be going for jog today and tomorrow as i here exercise helps with the cleanse.

    what do you think my chances are of passing?

  105. soprano

    Hi! I did 1 small line of coke 29 weeks ago. I had to take a pre-employment drug test yesterday. It was a labcorp drug test that included urine and blood test. Do you think there is a possibility I would fail? I am 30 6ft3 220 pounds and exercise 2-3 times a week. I don’t drink alcohol and have been drug free since then. Also, what is the max time you think coke can stay in your blood?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you have been drug free since then, you have fair chances of passing the test.

      The drug may take a maximum of 3 months time to get excreted out of the system.

      Theoretically speaking, traces of the drug are still there in the body and may take years to go away.

      However, these traces are much much below the threshold levels, and go undetected.

  106. John

    Hi Dr. I have a BMI of approximately 24, 6’1 175 lbs and my body fat is about 10%. On an average, I have been snorting 0.5 grams of cocaine with a purity of about 55% for the past 4 months just about every day or (6 days a week usually). I also have a prescription for 10 mg of adderall TID, which I take (5 days a week) for my ADHD when I study. I am 1 week clean off of cocaine as of today and would like to know how long it will take until I am able to pass a drug screen. I do not drink alcohol or use any other drugs, but I drink a can of redbull just about every day. What do you think?

  107. John

    Another thing or two I thought I might add is that I am a 28 year old male, am in good health, and the drug screen will most likely be a urine test.

    Thank you!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you have been a chronic user of the drug, it’s going to take time before you are clean.

      In people who take the drug on a regular basis, the drug gets stored in the liver and other fatty tissues of the body.

      This stored drug is released on a slow basis into the blood. This maintains a constant level of the drug in blood.

      It takes around three months of drug free interval to clean your system enough to pass the drug test.

      Also, drink lots of fluid. Avoid caffeine and abstain completely from alcohol. Red bull contains substantial amount of caffeine. Try avoiding it.

  108. Richard

    So I asked on April 7th 2014 what were the chances of passing a drug test from doing a really small amount of coke ( probably 0.1 just one small line) And I went today April 22 2014 and had a pre-employment medical and I passed the test. I drank lots of water but didn’t over do it to the point were I felt nauseous. I also had some sweat exercises like riding on an exercise bike with sweat pants and a hoodie about 4 times ( 5 miles each) also I tried to stay away from alcohol but gave in about 3 times during this period ( a bottle of rum each time) stayed away from caffeine as much as I could, ate lots of fruit cups and bananas. So if your reading this, there’s a good chance you will pass if you have the time and stay healthy and productive after last use. Hope this helps you all.

  109. John

    I was just curious because I used to be in excellent shape for 10 years straight and my body fat was always around 5-6%. I know it will take longer to get it out of my system but I don’t know if I still fall under that 3 month category. Thanks for the input though Richard.

  110. Pete.

    Did couple of key bumps Sunday morning. Haven’t done coke in couple of yrs. When will it be safe to say I’m clean? Still 3-4 days.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It takes around 7 to 10 days to become clean, enough to not show up in the urine test.

      However, the drug may still appear in the blood testing.

  111. Ted

    I did coke twice, and the last time I did it was 35 days ago.

    I am overweight and I drink a lot of coffee (like 3-5 cups a day). Even though I’m overweight, I barely eat because I’m drinking coffee all the time. After I did the coke, I felt bad for doing it and didn’t want to even think about the whole drinking lots of water thing, so I just kept on drinking lots of coffee as I usually do and didn’t go out of my way to drink lots of water at all.

    I am going to a rehab in about 3 weeks (for marijuana problems) and I do not want them to find out that I did coke.

    That means it would be a total of 50 days since I last did coke. But taking into account my coffee habit, and being overweight, I would like to ask your opinion if you think I will pass the test. Thank you so much for your help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is very likely that you would pass the test. Coffee is bad though, it doesn’t hold back the drug as much as alcohol.

  112. anonomysdguy

    Hi doc, I used cocaine about a month ago. It was around a gram not really sure maybe 3-4 lines. I was drinking heavily. I’m a slim guy 23. 6’1 155 lbs. I stay active and skateboard. But am dehydrated. I might have a hair follicle for a job in a month. Would I pass or fail? Please respond.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Hair test are relevant , that is they show up the drug, till 3 months of a heavy intake.

      You need to be careful. Maybe you can trim as much as hair as possible.

  113. JT

    Hi guys, great site. I need your opinions. 10 days ago I did 3 grams of cocaine. I’ve started drinking lots of water. My pain clinic has notified me that they want me to take a urine drug test next Wednesday, which would be 17 days since I last used. What are my chances of passing the test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      17 days is enough a time for washing off the drug from the body. You just need to take the right steps.

      Abstain from alcohol and caffeine. Drink plenty of water and have fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

      If you are continually taking all precautions, you have chances of passing the test.

  114. Lucy

    I snorted about half a gram of coke on Sunday (5/25), morning and drank tons of water while doing so. I did drink some alcohol Saturday night, but only a few beers and a shot. I also, have been drinking wine every night since I did the coke. I may be getting drug tested on Monday (6/2) and I’m somewhat concerned since reading the info on this site. I do drink lots of water and workout everyday as well. However, I am a bit over weight. I’m 5’4 and weigh 180 lbs. I’m wondering what my chances are that I’ll pass the test on Monday? Now knowing what I know from this site I will be cutting out alcohol and drinking a lot more water. If I do this will my chances of passing be pretty good? Also, I hardly ever use cocaine. This is my first time in about a year.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You do have chances of passing a urine test. However, the blood may still show up the drug.

      Just continue taking all precautions, you already know. This would help.

  115. jay

    I did 2 hits of crack cocaine at 11am, drank a 16oz glass of water every 20 min. Got a urine test at 7 pm. Is it possible it’s gonna come up clean, the drug was weak and I’m 5.5, 135 pounds, 26 yrs old. What are my odds?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine metabolizes and gets converted into benzoylecgonine in the body. This conversion starts in about 2 hours and by 12 hours almost all the cocaine gets converted.

      If they are measuring benzoylecgonine (cocaine metabolite) in your urine, it is unlikely that you pass. However, if they are measuring cocaine itself in the urine, you have chances of passing the test.

  116. Charles

    Hi, so I snorted a small line .1-.2 grams 13 days ago while quite drunk. I have a urine drug test later today. I’ve been drinking a lot of water each day, and exercise every other day. Only caffeine has been through some chocolate, and no alcohol since then. Looking at other posts, 7-10 days seems to be the norm, so hopefully I’m in the clear. I’m 6’3″ and 215. I’ll definitely post my results to help everyone else out, since this website is a godsend. Thank you guys so much!

    I had one question though, would drinking coffee on the day of the drug test help in any way? I know it prevents the excretion of benzoylecgonine, but wouldn’t that be a help the day you’re taking your urine test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have fair chances of passing the test.

      There is no evidence that drinking coffee before the drug test would be helpful in any way.

  117. Teresa small

    I am 5?12 tall weigh, 306lbs. Smoked tiny piece of crack less than half gram, how long will it be in my blood system.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This would depend upon many factors, like, was alcohol taken along the drug etc.

      You may read the above written article in detail to know more.

  118. OOPS

    I smoke about gram of crack. It has been 3 days now. I been drinking plenty of water like gallon a day. I’m 137 lbs. I took a test today, but it was a 4 drug test. I passed but the cocaine was a lot lighter. I got 2 day till I take another test. Do think I will pass?

  119. Ben

    I did three grams of cocaine about 31 days ago. I have urine test next week. Will all the cocaine be out of my system by then? In your opinion, will I pass the test?

  120. Jack


    I consumed about 3 big key bumps. Maybe .25-.5? I have a drug test in 9 days. I don’t believe it’s gc/ms. I also consumed alcohol that day. It was a wedding, so I’m guessing around ten drinks. What should I do?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Though 9 days is a very short window, still try hard and hope for the best.

      Abstain completely from alcohol and caffeine. Replace these beverages with fruit juices. Drink plenty of water.

      Eat healthy and stay physically active. You do have a chance to pass.

      1. Jack

        It will actually be ten days. Does dilution during the day of the test help? Also, supplement with vitamin b to maintain a yellow color?

        My life will truly be over if I fail this test.

        1. Jack

          Also, I have done a ton of research about this test and a lot of people talk about detection times but nothing
          longer than 7 days. Only a few mention alcohol affecting metabolism, but not as significantly as you suggest here. Is there a research article I could be linked to? Or just fill me in. Sorry. I know I’m asking a lot. Thanks in advance.

        2. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Dilution may help sometimes, though the screening people are smart enough to make it out.

          You may take vitamin pills, if you like. There is no proven evidence that they help. At the same time, there is no harm in taking them.

  121. Tomm

    Hello, I consumed about 0.3 g of cocaine, not on purpose, during a night when I had about 10 drinks. I have a drug test in 6 days and I may try to push it back to 10. I have never done cocaine before in my life and wasn’t planning on ever doing it. I have been prescribed adderal, but I stopped taking it after I was reading about cleansing your body etc. Would it be more beneficial to take the adderall to increase my BMR or to try to keep my body completely clean?
    The test is at a hospital, but I believe it is just a screening test. I have read up about diluting urine and putting in vitamins etc., but I don’t want to set off any red flags for them to take it to the lab and perform a GC/MS. Please help, this is a nightmare.

  122. jjoo

    Hello, so for the past 5-6 months, I’ve been doing cocaine every Saturday. I’d say under half a gram each time but let’s say half to be safe. I usually take it with a high amount of alcohol. I have a drug test on the 29th. Today is the 17 and I had been clean for two weeks until last night where I did half a gram with no alcohol. I’m a 6’0 245 lbs male, quite a bit over weight. What are my chances of being clean by that date?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have a fair chance, if you honestly follow all instruction for cleansing your body.

      Abstain completely from alcohol and caffeine (tea, coffee). Let all your beverages be fresh fruit juices or plain water.

      Drink plenty of water. Eat more of stewed vegetables and fruits, cutting down on all fatty stuff. Stay active physically.

  123. Tony

    Doctor, I drank a drink that was apparently “spiked” with some cocaine. Definitely less than 0.5 g. I have a pre-employment drug screening coming up tomorrow @ 3 pm. I was drinking a fairly heavy amount on the night I did it. I am in very good shape and work out every day. I have never done cocaine before. I bought 2 drug tests for home, the First Check test and the at Home drug test for cocaine and I pass them both.

    Drug test will be about 132 hours after ingestion, 5 1/2 days. I passed the first drug test around 84 hours after and the second at about 100 hours. They listed their screening at 300 ng of BZ. Even though I consumed alcohol, isn’t BZ the longest lasting metabolite to be eliminated after cocaine ingestion? Please help!

    1. Tony

      I would like to add that my second test at home was the First Check test and it was done with my first pee of the day, the most concentrated.

    2. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is true that BZ is the longest lasting metabolite. However, most of the labs are testing this chemical now.

      Anyhow, you have fair chances of passing the test. Just continue with all the precautions your are taking.

  124. tongu

    Hi, I binged on 6grams of high quality cocaine over a period of 4 days. I never had alcohol, I’m 35, 6’3″ 200lbs and active everyday and been drinking over 2 liters of water per day past 7 days and eating lots of fruit and veg. I have a urine dip test 1 days after last took, am I likely to pass the urine screen?

  125. jeff

    Hello. I used coke march 22 and had a hair test taken June 18. Had 2 hair cuts each time using a number 2 clipper. 5′ 9″ and 187, fine brown hair, active and in shape. Will I pass? Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If this was a one time use, you have chances of passing the test. However, if you are a regular user of the drug, nothing can be said.

      Read above in details.

  126. Cjing

    Hi there, I’ve been clean from cocaine for about 1 year. I’ve used some recently.

    2.5 weeks ago, I used 1gram in 2 days
    3 days ago I used 1/2 gram
    Yesterday I used 1/2 gram
    Today I used 1 gram.
    How long “using the above mentioned precautionary measures” do you think I could pass a urinalysis test? I’m about 5′ 11″ , 185 lbs.

    Not very active, but will start ex revising to clean system. And I eat well. I’ve stopped drinking pop, and caffeinated beverages. And replaced with water, and fruit juice. Please advise, thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since the amount taken recently is substantial, it would take around 10 to 15 days for the drug to not show up in urine test. Of course, you need to observe all precautionary measures during this period.

  127. ro

    Okay here’s the Thanks for last year. I’ve been smoking crack on Saturday nights. I got a lab test coming up. It will be between 20 and 40 days since last use. It will be a urine test for probation. Will that be enough time for me to pass the test? If I pass, I’m off probation. I smoke pot but I can’t smoke pot because I’m on probation. So I smoke crack cause I thought they didn’t take that long to get off for test. So what pass or not? Thank you for you time.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you have been a chronic (regular) user of this drug, it is likely that your body has focal reserves of the drug at various locations.

      These focal reserves keep releasing the drug slowly into the blood stream, maintaining a constant level of the drug in blood, and hence in the urine.

      You need to detoxify your body completely to assure that your urine is clean. Read above about the various precautions to be observed for detoxification.

      You need to abstain completely from alcohol and caffeine containing beverages. Let fresh fruit juices and plain water be your beverage all the day.

      Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Stay active physically.

      It may take around a month or two for your system to get cleaned.

  128. dee

    I did 100$ worth of coke split between four people. Tuesday morning and got swabbed Friday morning. What’s my chances of passing?

  129. rude dude

    I am a heavy user of cocaine about a 8 ball a week. I have a urine test coming up. They send to the lab. I’ve been clean for 3 days, by the time I take it, it will be 5 to 7 days clean. Will I be clean when I take the drug test or will I be dirty?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Take all precautions mentioned above to become clean. Drink plenty of water and abstain completely from alcohol and caffeine.

      You are a chronic user of the drug. This makes cleaning very difficult, as the drug may have deposited in various fatty cells in your body. This stored drug is difficult to eliminate.

      However, you do have some chance. Just follow all precautionary steps.

  130. Elliot

    I foolishly did about 0.5g of cocaine in a 24hr, heavy drinking session. This was 6 days ago. I have been exercising all week and drinking loads of water and following all the precautions. How long can I cleanse it from my system following all the steps rigorously. I have only used cocaine lightly in the last year. 2 times before were April and may. Thanks. I am 6ft 1, 180 pounds 36 male, average metabolism, thanks. Also, is there anyway I can self test? How long will it stay in my blood with precautions used. Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since this was not a one time use, you have used the drug earlier this year, it may take a little longer for your system to cleanse it.

      With all the precautions being taken, it may take around 5 to 7 days for the drug to not show up in urine and around 10 to 12 days for it to not show up in blood test.

      Home kits for urine testing are available in the market. You may buy them and self test at home. Such kits are also available in online stores.

      1. Anonymous

        Thanks for you’re reply. Just i thought because a lot of alcohol was consumed it could take 25 -30 days? even though it was really low quality stuff? I’ve been a silly boy but i’m really greatful for the advice i’ve been given on here, and thats the last time i go near the stuff.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Yes, it does. If it is not very pure, it has lesser quantity of the active ingredient, and will be quickly washed off.

  131. Erick

    Okay, I smoked a gram and half crack at 11 on a Monday night but three hours earlier I had 5 beers and then the everyday I was taking b6 vitamins 100 mg once a day and drinking 6 bottles of water a day and drinking 100 percent orange juice a day. Well, nine days later, I had a urine drug test at a lab. Will I pass?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are not regular user of the drug, and this was a one time use, you are likely to pass the test.

  132. king osario boy

    .5 gram of cocaine with alcohol, time of use to time of urine test is 9days. very physically active nearly every day following all precautions lots of water veg and fruit, peeing a lot every 1/2 hour. Will I pass?


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