Category Archives: Hormonal Disorders

Hypothyroidism Numbness And Weakness In Limbs

Hypothyroidism Has A Link With Peripheral Neuropathy Case Study: A 52 year old women complains of the following- I suffer from hypothyroidism and over the last few months my left arm has become increasingly weak. The process accelerated recently (last 6 weeks) during the period when I moved house and was without thyroxine (T4) for […]

How To Test Bone Density, Detecting Osteoporosis

What Do We Mean By Bone Density? In common terms, bone density is used as a synonym for bone strength. We generally imply that bones that are denser are stronger. Bone density is actually bone mineral density. It is defined as the density of minerals per unit volume of the bone. Bones richer in minerals, […]

Understanding Diabetes- Popular Medicines And their Action

Best Medicine of Diabetes Looking for the best medicine to control your diabetes? You first need an insight into the disease mechanism, its types and how different pills are needed to manage the different conditions of the same disease. What Does Insulin Do in Our Body? When we consume any carbohydrate or fat, insulin is […]

Calcium Daily Need And Its Excess- Side Effects

How Much Calcium Do We Need? A human adult requires 1000 to 1200mg of calcium per day. It is preferable to get this calcium from your daily diet. In cases where this is not achievable, supplements may be added, taking care that the total calcium does not crosses the daily requirement. Usually, Vitamin D is […]

Teriparatide (Forteo) Injections- How it Works, Side Effects And Precautions

What is Teriparatide? It is a artificially prepared Parathyroid hormone, rDNA origin. Used to treat both men and post monepausal women, who are at a high risk of having fractures. Common Brand Names Common brand names under which the medicine is sold include, Forteo, Terifrec Mechanism of Action? Teriparatide is identical to a portion of […]

Diseases Associated With Dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia The term indicates any disturbance in your blood lipid levels. Your lipids may be high, low or there may be an abnormality in the ratio of different types of lipids. All these situations come under the broader term Dyslipidemia. Association of Dyslipidemia With Heart Problems Most forms of dyslipidemia are closely associated with heart […]

Menopause – Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of Menopause and Their Management Just as puberty is a transition phase between your childhood and adulthood, menopause is the transition from active reproductive phase of life towards reproductive retirement. Medically, it is defined as cessation (or stoppage) of menstrual cycles. Doctors declare a lady as menopausal if she has had no menses since […]

Recognizing and Treating Overactive Thyroid Gland

How to Recognize and Treat Hyperthyroidism? Over active thyroid gland results in hyperthyroidism. This condition is characterized by the production of excess of thyroid hormones. Recognizing Hyperthyroidism Though the symptoms mimic other conditions encountered in  day to day life, a careful observation followed by investigations may reveal the condition. Common Symptoms Loss of body weight, […]