Cocaine Clearance Time in Long Term Users
Q: I am 32, 5’4 about 180 lbs. I was a “few times of week” user of cocaine. I would smoke it, mixed with tobacco. Last time I used was 10 days ago. I have to take a urine test. I have been drinking water and cranberry juice. How likely is it that I will pass this urine test tomorrow?
-By anonymous
After a one time session of the drug, cocaine and its metabolite usually take 4 to 5 days to get eliminated from the body.
However, since, you have been a chronic user of the drug, nothing can be said for sure.
With repeated doses of cocaine, the elimination time gets doubled. This happens with each dose. So, after the second dose taken, the elimination time is a week, after the third dose it is two weeks and so on.
Why Does This Happen?
In chronic (long term) users, the drug gets deposited in different organs of the body, like the liver etc. The drug has a tendency to get deposited or dissolved in fatty tissue present in the liver, subcutaneous fat and elsewhere. This deposited drug is difficult to eliminate.
Usually, a drug free time period of 45 days is required to assure that the drug would not show up in the urine test of chronic user.
Read more about cocaine and its metobolite.
Blood tests are even more accurate. Hair tests are sometimes done which show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing.
Take Care,
Buddy M.D.
If a person just sniffs cocaine just to try it for 1 time only, for how long will it appear in his body? If it still appears on his hair for 3 to 6 months can he cut his hair really short or it’s useless?
For one time users, excretion is usually quick. The exact duration would depend upon the amount of cocaine takenand whether alcohol was taken along.
Alcohol, beer and caffeine delay cocaine excretion. They hold back the drug in the body.
Speaking generally, you are likely to be drug free (for the urine test) in about 10 days. However, blood test may still show the drug. It would take another 5 to 7 days for the drug to get out from blood.
Hair test are sometimes done. Every hair that grows in the period when the drug was present in the body is likely to show the drug. So, to get the drug out of your hair, you need to get yourself shaved off repeatedly or carry very small hair. Repeated cutting of hair is required for a month or two.
I last used cocaine saturday morning february 17. I have a urine test on the 12th of march. Will i pass my test?
Are you a frequent user of the drug? Let us know for better assessment.
If not, you’ll pass.
I did about 2 grams 20 days ago with alcohol. I exercise 3 times a week 2 to 3 miles and use the suana for 20 minutes roughly do you think I will pass a urine test
Reply ?
How frequently do you use the drug?
My friend did no more then 3 twenty bags of cocaine two Saturdays ago and has a drug test on Thursday which is about 11 days. A lot Alcohol was taken and coffee is drank everyday but also been drinking a lot of water. What are the chances of passing a drug test? I am over weight, but I do move around a lot and walk a mile everyday. How accurate are home drug test?
Passing the drug test is dicey, since the amount taken was quite a bit.
Home drug tests are quite accurate, around 90 to 95%. You may try one at home to assess yourself.
Drug tests are of many kinds. The urine testing is the commonest of all, done by most institutions and employers. Blood test are more specific and the drug shows in blood for a longer time.
Read more about drug testing
I did 2 grams a day ago and was wondering would I be clean in 2 more days
Are you a regular user? If yes, you ma y need more time for cleansing.
I’ve been an almost daily user for a couple of yrs. I’m ready to let it go and live clean. My question is, how long would it take to clean for my system both for personal knowledge as well as to pass a drug screen.
If you stay absolutely drug free now and have a healthy diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, you are likely to get cleaned by 3 to 4 months.
This is the time required by your liver to detoxify you. Do go for being drug free!
Asking for a friend of mine. She does cocaine a lot and a very big amount. She is trying to pass a drug test for a job. How long will it stay in her. She is 43 year old weighs 230.
If she follows all steps that help in cleansing, she’ll take around a month to pass a urine test.
Q. I’m 36yrs. 5″11 190lbs. I’ve used this drug for yrs. snorting only off and on, but in a frequent chronic way anywhere from a 20 bag to a gm or 2 as a given it’s overly indulged in my system. Also I’ve use while drinking for about the last yr. like a daq. or two normally with 2extra shots at most. I’m ready to call it all quits. I’m tired. So, my ?’s are. How long will it take to clean out my system in order to both pass a drug screen and to feel as though I’m drug free respectfully? What are the best help methods of cleaning it out my system ASAP for job reasons?
Read above for the time estimate to be drug free.
Detoxification is basically a process involving mainly the liver and the kidneys. The aim is to mobilize all deposited toxins from the body and finally excrete them out.
In a natural way, this happens when you consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals on a daily basis.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they help these toxins to staying inside the liver. Drink lots of water. It also help if you stay physically active throughout the day.
Read more on detoxifying your body naturally.
I used cocaine, I say frequently but on the weekends and not every one for about 15 years and have been clean for about 6 months. I went to the bar and snorted a total of about 1.5 grams over 2 weekends about 30 days ago. Very low quality. I now have to take a hair follicle test for a job. What are the probabilities of passing this test? 35yrs old 5’11 290lbs. I know I’m fat. Total time being clean before test will be about 5 weeks.
Since you have been a chronic user, it is very difficult to predict the results of your hair test.
The blood of chronic users continue to carry the drug even after leaving its use for around 6 months. This is because the drug stored in the fatty tissues, like liver and body fat, keeps releasing the drug in small quantities.
This drug, present in blood, goes to all the organs along with blood and may show its presence there.
Hair shows every speck of drug present in blood till at least three months of use.
I thought that it only stayed in your blood from 5 to 10 days, so my question is that with that theory if I took a blood test 4 months later then it would still show use of the drug?
It’s 5 to 10 days in one time users only. In regular users, the drug is deposited in the liver and other fatty tissues on a regular basis.
This stored drug is released into the blood stream in minuscule amounts on a continuous basis. This may continue for a long period of time.
My boyfriend is on probation and must submit to a drug test once a month for use of cocaine. He has had two drug tests and has tested positive for both. As a result they have determined him in violation of probation. The truth is he has not used cocaine since he was put on probation. I have read your articles explaining the presence of the metabolite benzoylecgonine for quite some time after a person stop using cocaine. In an effort to argue the validity of being determine in violation, my question to you is how long do you think (best guess) my boyfriend will continue to test positive even though he has not used cocaine. He is 59 years old and weighs 230 pounds. He has been using cocaine for over 40 years. Up until the time he quite he did a minimum of 2 grams a day, everyday for 40 plus years.
Let us know exactly, since how many days has he left using the drug.
In chronic users like him, it may take around a month for the drug to not show in urine test.
The drug stays longer in blood. It may take another 15 to 20 days for it to not show in blood.
It has been approximately 18 days since he had used the drug. In your reply you said it might take a month not to show up in a urine test. Now I’m a little confused. I read the facts and info your website provides on cocaine. It said that chronic users could take up to 4 months after no longer using the drug before the metabolite, Benzoylecgonine, stored in the fat cells and the liver are actually eliminated. It also said during that time the body is releasing the metabolite into the system. I assume that is because the body is being deprived of drug and is trying to compensate. Could this time frame come into play in this situation or were there other factors considered in your assessment of time for a Chronic User?
Yes, it may take longer than a month for cleaning. It may take around 3 to 4 months.
Exact approximation is difficult, as many factors come into play when the excretion of the drug is assessed. Was he taking alcohol with the drug, what is his rate of metabolism, his overall health status etc.
The drug stored in the fatty tissues, when it was being taken by him on a regular basis, is resistant to excretion. This drug stays sticking to fatty tissues and is slowly released in the blood stream. This may give a constant level of the drug in blood, though he is not taking the drug anymore.
I took 0.5 grams of cocaine 35 days ago with alcohol. I’m medium build and have a hair drug test in 5 days time! What are my chances of passing?
Hair tests show each and every speck of drug taken since last 3 months before the test.
The drug circulating in the blood reaches the roots of the hair, and appears in the hair strand as it grows.
Unfortunately, I used cocaine about a week ago. I had a drug test today, do you think I will pass? I am a female, 33 years, 117 lbs. Thank you.
If this was a one time use of the drug, you have a chance of passing.
How long does it take to get cocaine out of my body for a hair test?
Up to 90 days or 3 months!
I smoked crack from Friday to Sunday without any sleep ten days. I am 5’8” and I weigh 220 pounds. I have been taking cranberry pills and trying to drink as much water as possible. I have a urine test tomorrow and I want to know if I will pass it.
Yes, you have a fair chance of passing the test.
I was able to push my test back a few days, so when I go to take the test, I will have fifteen days clean. Will I pass the test then?
You are likely to pass the test then.
I just wanted to thank you for your response and also to let you know that I did pass the test and I am so relieved and I’m no longer going to use because I cannot handle the anxiety of worrying about whether or not I’m going to pass my urine tests every time, not to mention the damage cocaine can do to you.
Right decision! Wishing you a healthy life ahead.
i did to little lines of cocaine i havent used in years but i did tonight im 25 about 5″7 170 pounds i have a drug test in 8 days will i pass
You are likely to pass. Read here about steps that would help-
I smoked crack for the last four days and snorted ice last night. I have a drug test Monday morning and plan on drinking two gallons of water everyday. Do you think I will pass?
You have very little time for cleaning yourself. Chances are less, however, if you’re very aggressive about detoxifying yourself, there may be a chance.
I took a drug test 96 hours after smoking crack but I drank a lot of beer in those 96hours should I still pass a drug test.
Difficult to say, as alcohol holds back the drug in your system.
I used cocaine on Sunday and had drug test on Wednesday will I pass?
Have you been using the drug often? If yes, it’s difficult to be clean so soon.
If not, you have chances to pass. Drink plenty of water to wash off the drug from the body. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine.
Not often just very small hit here and there and I played basketball the night before a sweated a lot.
Only on the weekends but it’s very small doses. Just started like a week ago, so just 2 weekends in a row.
Small hits keep on adding up.
Since you have very less time in hand for cleaning, results are difficult to predict.
And I hit a blunt 3 times on Saturday. Will I be safe?
You have very less time in hands. Results difficult to predict.
I did one line of coke last friday night (9/29) and had a hair test today (10/4). I was also drinking alcohol at the time. I’m fairly lean with a good metabolism. How likely am I to pass? I also smoked maybe 2 months ago but I’m not a frequent user and that was the first time I smoked in maybe another 2 months. Any chance that will come up?
If its a hair test, the drug may show up.
Which one? The coke or weed? More info for context: it was an underarm hair sample. My head hair was too short to get a sample
Cocaine may show up.
If I have used cocaine 3 times in a month but every time I used it I did like a .2 or .3 at most would I be considered a chronic user? I have a test in 3 days and did a .2 of a gram 5 days ago iv been drinking water and sweating a little more than normal also I smoke cigarettes every day I weight 160, and 5″11 what is my chance to pass? Also would laxatives help get it out my system and faster?
Laxatives donot help in excreting out this drug.
Flushing it out via kidneys can be does by drinking plenty of water. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.
Though not a heavy use, this cannot be taken as a one time use.
How many days do you have after the last usage of the drug?
I’m 6 2’’ 12 stone male and used in small doses every now and then and had a very small amount on Friday and quite a bit of alcohol and have a urine drug test on this Friday whats my chances of passing
Since you’re a regular user of the drug, it may take around 15 to 20 days for you to cleanse yourself.
I usually did half a gram of cocaine on the weekend for about a year.. I didn’t do it for about a month but I did half a gram yesterday and I have to see my probation officer for a urine sample nine days from now… What do u think my chances are of passing?
Results would depend upon how much you managed to flush the drug out of your body during those 9 days. If you’ve been aggressive enough, you’re likely to pass.
Else, the drug may show up.
I’ve been an on and off user of coke for this year but a week ago (Nov 24) I did about 3 grams then stopped for 4 days then had 2 small sniffs on the 29th. I see my PO on the 6th of Dec. I’m 5’6 180 and 33yrs old. What’s my chances of passing if I drink plenty water and cranberry juice before then?
You have a very short time window available for cleansing yourself. Results are difficult to predict.
Iv used cocaine frequently for around 6 months have a job offer and have between 8-12 days to piss clean.. what are the chances I will b clean?
Thank you for ur time
Usually takes 15 to 20 days in such cases to be clean. However, if you’re very aggressive about cleansing yourself, there’s a chance you may pass.
Hello, my friend is an athlete and very active with cardio+weight training and sweats a lot regularly through rigorous exercise. He also consistently maintains a healthy diet. He has an athletic and muscular lean body. He’s about 5’9 and 170 pounds.
He made a mistake and did about .5 of cocaine with some alcohol about 2 days ago at a concert. He has a blood and urine drug test in about 1-2 months for a government agency. He has done cocaine in the past recreationally. Would he be able to pass both drug tests with no trace amounts in this amount of time? Remember that he is extremely physically active and eats clean with lots of water. Thank you for your time.
Would depend upon how often he has been taking the drug before this intake, once a week or more than that?
For the past month or so he would do it about once or twice a week. Before that he had stopped completely for about six months. But prior to those six months he was a regular user for about a year. He’s on a mission to get rid of any trace amounts lingering in his system and is aggressive with his approach to cleanse and detox. Is it possible for him to pass his government urine and blood drug test with absolutely no trace amounts of cocaine in his system at all? His drug test will be in about 1 1/2 – 2 months. Thank you again for your time.
Hello I’m a 35 year old, 157 pounds, extremely active. Workout at the gym 4-5 days a week. I use Cocaine maybe once a month or once every two months. I do not use a lot, maybe a small bag when I do, I partied with my boyfriend last night, I have a drug test in 13 days for a job. It is a urine test will I pass it?
Likely to pass.
I have never done coke, until one night I was drinking and my friend had some. She said it was less than half a gram. That was February 6th, 2018. I have a hair follicle test on March 13th at 1:00pm. I’m 5”3 174lbs, thin blonde hair. Will I fail my hair follicle test?
Yes, it may show up in your hair.
It’s 20 days since I used cocaine about 3grams !! I’ve been taking plenty of water fruits and vegetables went for a urine test today !! Will I’ve ok
How often did you take the drug before this particular intake?
If this was a one time use, you’re clean in 20 days.
I use cocaine approx 2x a month semi heavily. The lasr time was 18 days ago, less than half a gram but I drank alcohol. I passed 1 home test 6 days ago and one today before I took a urine test. The cutoff for these tests are 300ng. I need to test lower than 150ng. I have not recieved my results which could take up to 72 hours however the usual time for results is 24 hours. How likely to you think I will pass this test at the cutoff 150ng since I passed my previous home tests?
You’re likely to pass.
I recently did a line of cocaine just one. I have been clean for 10 days and I have to take a urine test. And be fore that Line I hadn’t done any in a few weeks but the thing is before that I used to do cocaine a few times a month so I’m not sure if I would be considered a chronic user and I don’t know if it will still be in my system being that I onoy did one line. What do I think?
Likely to be clean.
Hi i did 3 lines of coke on Saturday night I have a hair test 9 or 10 days later will it show up?
Yes, it may.
I’ve done come a week an a couple days ago I do not use everyday just socially an I’ve drank a couple days ago but haven’t done come in a week an a day I have a drug test tomorrow will it show up
So, do you say that you haven’t taken it since a week before the test? If yes, you’re likely to pass a urine test.
Timeline of use:
Used on the weekends for about 6 months prior to these dates. Then I did about a half gram with alcohol on
October 27th
November 24th
Jan 1st
I have a test coming up will be clean for 37 days. I eat healthy workout everyday and drink a lot of water. I still drink alcohol on the weekends. Should I be worried?
Do you have 37 days for cleansing up yourself? If yes, you’re likely to pass.
My friend had a csection on Monday at 9am in the morning.. And smoked crack cocaine on friday 3 days before… Will she be clean and the baby be clean Monday???
It’s difficult to be clean so soon. Result difficult to predict.
I have been using cocaine regularly for around 5 months with a few weeks off here and there but doing between 2 and 3 grams per week. My last use was on February 10th and took 0.7 grams without alcohol. I have a urine test on March 2nd. If I drink lots of water and eat fresh fruit and veg and not consume alcohol or caffeine. How likely am I to pass?
You have a chance of passing.
Though you have used the drug for long, efficient cleansing may wash it off your body. Read here about steps that help.
Used for1year on and off mostly on have quit for 25plus days have a screen on the8th have flushed every day and taking a 4day cleanse from a & b Detox finish tomorrow can I pass
You have a fair chance to pass.
Relapsed smoked 3 grams crack clean now23days have taken 7 day cleanse Butlcleansed withburdock root citran herb milk thistle drank ginger tea with lemon and timeric root eat healthy salads with mushrooms Brussel sprouts plenty of herbal teas with lemon ginger added Reishi mushrooms seaweed put parsley on navy beans kidney beans and salmon pink everyday juniper berry’s and many more Asian herbs drink 96 ounces of water a day I do smoke 8 to 10 cigarettes a day but do take vitamin c niacin b 12 and 6 drops ph liquid also eat shrimp at work 4days a week honey and almonds pecans this was another kind of cleansing regime that I was doing before the 7 day cleanse from pas my drug test Co.But there was many other extracts I’ve been taking 15 all together plus some new ones that’s in the 7 day cleanse what’s my chance of passing probation lab test possibly what’s the cut off levels for that 50 nags with a confirmation test or something like that
Also eat lots of broccoli and drink cranberry juice everyday possible test the12th of April
Likely to pass.
Thanks for your help.You really scared me with that 3-6 months statement for chronic users.I had put myself in that category but I’m not someone that does it every day.But like I said I did crack for 12-15 months on and off but not anymore it’s just not worth it.I will have about 26 days straight under my belt.I dreaded thinking about having to swing a bottle on them that’s risky at best.Not something I wanted to do.I have stressed about this so long it’s aged 5 years. By the would you please tell me what the cut off levels are for probation.Im sure you know for Va.You really think I will pass .Honestlyscared to death because of your blog 3-6 months my body’s putting trace amounts in my blood then into my urine.That scared me straight .THANKS
Cut offs are usually 150ng/ ml in urine samples.
However, they may sometimes go for hair sampling.
Thanks for the information on probation cutoff levels.Plus you’re of the option that I will likely pass.It has cost me a lot of money to detoxify with the foods veggies fruits ect not to mention what I’ve paid for the 15 different supplements recommended by a Doctor to help the liver in detoxification process.Not everybody has the money to afford such extravagances the juices alone can get expensive.Anyone who reads this can benefit from this information ive supplied.I personally had no choice my very life depended on it.Money means nothing to me when it’s involving my freedom.THANKS for scaring me straight.
I did a line of cocaine on Sunday night 3/11/18 and had 5 to 6 beers had a urine test today 3/15/18 I’m not a heavy user should I be worried?
If you’ve tried to detoxify yourself well during those 3 days, likely to be clean.
I drank regular amounts of water between those days and I urinate quickly when I drink water I don’t know if that would help
Likely to be clean.
I have been using once a week for a year about a half gram to a gram each time. Im 5’8 300. I drink a fair amount of water through out the day last time i drank about 3 shots of liquor with it 4 days ago. How long should it take to clear out i took a home test got pos results but was only 3 days since use.
You are likely to take around 15 to 20 days for cleansing your system, enough to pass a urine test.
In the past 6 months, I have snorted 0.2g of cocaine one time on March 22 (with alcohol consumption). Before that, I had only snorted approx 0.5g, 3 or 4 separate times in my life (past 5 years). I have a hair drug screen on May 18 (57 days after the 0.2 inhaled dose). I am current not in good shape (200 labs, 5’7, female). I have thin brown hair. What are the chances of me passing a hair test on May 18th? If I raise my metabolism in the next month and a half by eating fresh fruit/ veggies and exercising, drinking lots of water. How will this effect this? The cutoff is 500 pg/mg on the hair test.
You need to be very aggressive about cleansing yourself during these days. Flush out the drug as much as possible.
Even with all those efforts, the drug may show up in hair. Recommended you trim your hair short before the test. They may take body hair instead. So, removing body hair a week before the test would help.
I have started a regimen of drinking 4 liters of water everyday, running atleast 1 mile everyday (more cardio activities 3-4 times a week up to an hour), and cutting my calories to 1000-1200 a day with atleast 2 servings of veggies in each meal. Would you consider this strict? Is there anything else I should be doing?
Also, how short should I cut my hair? I know they need atleast 1.5 inches on hair for 90 day test and will cut from the root. My hair is currently somewhat long, around the middle of my chest.
What do think is the probability of me passing the test will be?
Yes, that’s a strict regimen. Would surely yield good results.
Cut your hair just a week prior to the test, leaving behind the minimum length required. This would be playing safe. You have a fair chance of passing the test.
I passed. So someone else has hope.
what is regular? Used 3 or 4 times last month and three times this week about .5gram with a test next Wednesday 5″4 130lbs, help
You need 10 to 15 days for adequate cleansing.
I have a urine test coming up and it will be 9 days from when I last took cocaaine, I took roughly 0.5 grams and the same the week before, I excercise daily and sauna daily, am I likely to pass?
Likely to pass.
I know everyone is different but I have known of many individuals that used anywhere from 3-5 “8 balls” of cocaine and crack for months and were able to pass drug tests after a little over 10 days of not using. I did know of someone that failed after 2 weeks but when retested 2 days later, they passed. It all depends on the individual and I do not believe that you will find the byproducts months after last use, unless, you have a really bad liver but that is another issue. I am not a doctor but, trust me, this information is based on people that I worked with as a volunteer for quite a few years.
Hello everyone. I use coke 3-4 times a week. Roughly a half a gram each time. I drink heavily as well which causes the formation of cocathalyn in the liver. I have a drug test in 25 days. Will I pass?
Since how long have you been using the drug, an year or more?
25 days of very aggressive cleansing would make some chance.
A little than a year. I keep the pattern I stated previously for a month or two and quit for a month
Also I’m 27 years old, 6 feet tall and weight 140 lbs
Actually I passed a drug test early March so I guess you can say I’ve been using for about a month again
Need to cleanse very aggressively, following all steps. Yes, you have a good chance to pass.
Thank you very much for your consultation!
I did .1 grams Tuesday and .1 grams Wednesday and 2 key bumps Thursday and have a drug test in 6 days will I pass
I took .1 grams on Tuesday and .1 Wednesday and two key bumps Thursday I have a drug test next Wednesday will I pass I also been drinking lots of water
You may just pass, if you’re lucky! Cleanse yourself well to increase chances.
Quick question: last time coke was used was in feburary. If it was used again some time this week how, long would it usually take to pass a U/A?
I was told it was about a gram that was used.
5 to 7 days of good cleansing would clear it up.
Thank you if my wife would find out my life would be over , thank you!
You’re welcome.
I used about 0.02 grams two to three days out of the week only at nights while partying this past week, and using alcohol…I never exceed that amount in a night…I have used before but quite long would it take to cleanse my system? (I’m starting to apply for new employment and all require drug test?
Roughly, 10 to 15 days!
All depends upon the overall usage of the drug in recent past.
My friend gave me a “key bump” didn’t even feel it but used also was about 3 weeks ago, maybe a gram. Would I be clean for urine in 7.5 days? Or do you suggest a mouth swab test instead?
Were you clean before that? If yes, you’re likely to be clean.
Yes, was clean for months before that.
And also, would I be better off with a mouth swab test or a urine test? Thank you for your help!
You’re likely to pass both, the mouth swab and the urine test.
I only use coke about once every three to four weeks while I drink with friends. I did a few lines around 2 am Saturday and had to take a drug test Tuesday at 6 pm. that was 112 hours. I did not do anything extra to detox my body because I didn’t know I had one. do you think ill pass? im also 5’7 132 lbs
Would depend upon the overall load of coke you took on Saturday.
However, most cases like you have passed in such situations.
it was defiantly less than half a gram maybe a quarter
Likely to pass.
hi buddy my name is david and I took a key shot of cocaine on Saturday while drinking….the last time I took a key shot was about 2 months ago…I’ve been drinking lots of water and eating fresh fruits and running to sweat alot…I have a urine drug screening this Saturday so a 7 day period of last use will I pass the drug screening…thank you
Likely to pass.
I am not a regular user at all. Last time I did cocaine was over a year and a half ago. I did about .4g May 12th and have since then cut my hair. My hair also grows very quickly I am 5’10 188 lbs and work out every day. I also run quite a lot and I drink a lot of water and keep my diet under 2300 calories.
My hair test is on June 23. Will I be able to pass it?
If your hair grow very fast, you may pass. This would be luck!
In general, hair may show the drug up to 3 months of use.
Trimming the hair to the shortest length, just before being tested, would help.
So heres my question. My last use was April 9th. I did 1 gram of low grade. Previous to that i did 1 gram per month Jan Feb March of the same low grade. Im 40 years old work out 5 days per week and drink 1-1.5 gallons of water per day. Shaved my head on a consistent basis. On May 5th I began taking Magic Detox because it says it rids the body of all toxin completely in 7 day. On May 7th I found out i had to do a hair follicle test. I ordered Old Style Aloe Rid and Ultra Shampoo. On May 7 th I began growing my hair out for the test. Used all of the Aloe Rid. 50 plus washes. But ran out on June 14 th. My hair grows very slow. On July 6th I went for my test. Used the Ultra Shampoo before the test. My hair was only about 1 inch long but he took it anyway. What are my chances that I was able to cleanse my hair completely?
It’s difficult to assure that you’ll be clean in a hair test! Unless you’re very lucky this time, the drug may show up.
On average how long does it take for circulating blood to be clean so nothing is deposited in the hair? I know its deposited in body fats and the liver. Wouldnt it be cleared out after at least 60 days with the amount of water I take in cardiovascular exercise I do and being toxin free? Would i be considered a chronic user?
Not a chronic user though, the drug may have accumulated in your reserves in these 4 to 5 months.
Your blood would gets cleansed soon, that’s true. However, hair grows bit by bit. They may catch the very bit of hair that grew when your blood had the drug.
So, hair tests may detect old usages of the drug as well.
I’m 26, 5”7, 170lbs. I eat pretty clean and drink about 1.5liters of water every day with lemon. I hit the gym 5 times a week on a good week 4 on a bad one. I’m pretty healthy I’ll say. But July 5-6 a friend and I did about a gram of not really good stuff and I had drank. Then on the 16th a friend passed me something I didn’t even realize what I was doing I had a couple drinks and a took just a couple bumps but that’s it. Maybe like less then a tenth of a gram. Nothing at all really but the quality was actually really good. Before all this I was clean for about 20 days and I genuinely don’t even do it that often I honestly maybe take a couple bumps but I never really do a lot. Usually I get too drunk to even want more. Anyways I’m holding off on a drug test I have to take today for August 1st. Do you think I’ll be safe? I’m doing an at home drug test today to see where I’m at hopefully it’s negative. Still any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Likely to pass.
I took the at home and it says the cut off is 300ng/dL and the drug testingsight is at 150. The home test line was negative but it was a little faded. What are the chances that I’ll pass the actual drug test?..
Just stay as cleansed as possible. You’re likely to pass the cutoff at 150.
I used.03 or .05 every Friday and now 30 day no powder cocaine will I pass urine test
Di you cleanse yourself during these 30 days? If yes, you’re likely to pass.
Ive been using coke one – two times a week since April, it’s now August, sometimes I’ll go a week or two without but I’ll never do it more than twice a week . I either split a 20 or split a g with a friend each time. The last time I did it was wed night where I did half a g. How long before i test clean? With drinking water and juice, no caffeine, no coffee.
Your body need time for cleansing, may be 15 to 20 days!
I did about .4 of coke 4 weeks ago, 1g 10 weeks ago and quite a large amount say 4 months ago. I have a hair test on the 11th sept. I understand it will show but do you know what the cut of level is for a hair folicule test and would that amount likely show as positive?
Cut off levels are high, around 300 to 500ng/ml. However, having this levels at any one moment of drug intake could possibly contaminate hair follicle and turn you positive for the drug.
I used cocaine twice this summer in June and the end of July. I have a interview for a good job and may have to take a hair follicle test soon. What’s the possibility of me passing that year.
Didn’t mean to put year*
Likely to be clean with new hair after October.
Hi ive used crack about 3 times this mth each time being no more then .3 at a time. It’ll be about 11 days clean by the time i take a urine test what are my chances. Im 27 and 5’2 and 120lbs. Also if i use about 4 times a mth am i considered a chronic/regular user?
4 times a month would be a regular user.
You’ll need to cleanse yourself very aggressively in those 11 days. There are chances of passing out a urine test.
I miss communicates my days it was in may and the last time July 30th. Do you think I will be ok?
Well, it takes around 3 months from the last usage of the drug to be clean.
Hi i snorted aprox 1/4 a grm of coke that would have been 10 weeks prior to me having my hair folicule test. Is this likley to show as it was a one off?
Though many like your case have passed hair tests, however, theoretically, it may show up.
I recently did about Less than a half a gram of Coke this past Saturday and a lil less than a half a gram the weekend before I have a urine test in 10 days from today 9/28 am I likely to pass?
Cleanse yourself aggressively, following all suggested steps. You’re likely to pass.
So like eat fruits and vegetables daily and drink water?
Yes. Avoid all alcoholic beverages. Limit your caffeine intake as well.
I did one fingertip of cocaine onto my gums on saturday night. May have a drug test Thursday or Friday. How long would it take to get the drug out for a 150ng cocaine test? Haven’t used cocaine in 4 months prior to saturday. How long to get it out if drinking water and exercising?
You’ve good chances of passing out. Just keep cleansing yourself well, as you plan.
Did a few key bumps on Saturday night (10/6) and had a test Thursday (10/11). I am 5’7 155 lbs and work out and run quite often, especially within those 4.5 days. I took an at home drug test and passed, though it was 300 ng/ml. Do you think I would’ve been able to pass a 150 ng/ml urine test on the same day? The mark on the at-home urine test was a little faded, but it was apparent that I still passed.
This can’t be assured. Body may need more time to cleanse below 150g/ml.
Did a total of 3g last week. Before that usage of c was sporadic with some semi breaks in between. Tested 6 days after last use. Literally was drinking almost two gals of water a day for four days and taking vitamins. Taking over the recommended dosage for the vitamins as well. Probably urinated atleast 10 to 15 times before test. And def 15 min before the test as well. At best very diluted. What do you think chances are I’m fine ?
If your test is at 300ng/ml, you’re likely to pass. However, if below this level, results are difficult to predict.
I am a 21 year old female, 5’4 175 pounds.
From July-Sept I had snorted coke 4 times total, no more than half a gram each time.
Before that, it my last time was back in Feburary. I took a drug test in April and passed.
Sept 30 and October 14 I snorted about half a gram each time.
How long do you think before I can pass a U/A?
You’ll need 15 to 20 days of cleansing.
Even if I cleanse heavily?
Thanks again
A good cleansing would definitely shorten this period, to 10 days or even less.
I snorted about 1-2 grams between September 24 and 25 and passed a test randomly on October 2nd (about 7-8 days after) for a 150 ng/ml test. Now I have used about .5 grams on the 20th. About how long will it take for me to be clean completely? Previous to these times I haven’t used cocaine for about 2-3 years.
Around a week to 10 days.
It’s been 18 days and I still test positive for coke. I did around 0.8g throughly 3days the 26th October. I have a court test coming up in 3 days. Today at 7am I start drinking 1.5gallon of water and half gallon of cranberry+ working out. Would I be clean by Friday at 1pm if I keep drinking and working out A Lot?
Thank you!
Get your answer here.
I have used cocaine at a clip of a gram once or twice a week for a while. I am interviewing for a job that requires a drug test on first day of employment. I stopped my normal intake on Nov 10th when they called me back for a second interview. If they make and offer what should be a safe date to tell them I can start work?
Around 25 to 30 days after your last drug usage.
On Wednesday night I did about 1.5 grams of cocain. I was tested (7 days later) on Wednesday morning via urine. I’m about 210 lbs, my usage is very small. I eat a lot of berries and am on a Keto diet. I drink at least 5 large glasses of water daily and bike ride/run a few miles daily.
What are my chances of passing?
I left out that I had 1 gram a month prior. Thanks.
Likely to pass.
I purchased an at home test – the results show a very light line on the cocain section with the 300 test and no line on the 150 test. The no line is a positive and solid line negative. My question is two fold,
Which test does a rehab facility use, 150 or 300?
If a faint line is on the 300 should I offer a blood test?
Many thanks
Different facilities have different testing thresholds. However, it’s better to be prepared for 150ng/ml to be on a safer side.
Urine test would be safer. Blood may show up the drug for a longer duration.
I used crack on a weds my drug test is on a Monday is it likely I’ll pass the test.
If this was a one time use, you have a chance of passing out a urine test. all you need to do is to cleanse yourself well.
However, if you’re a regular user of the drug, cleansing may require more time.
Hi I been doing about 1-2 grams of cocaine throughout the course of a week approximately since September. Then failed a drug test on November 12. But continued use of about .5 throughout the course of a week. I then stopped completely on December 4 and on December 18 had a small amount (.1-.2) while drinking liquor. Next drug test is on January 15 but could be called for a random test before December is finished. What are my chances of passing either test? Today is December 22. Thanks for your help.
You need to cleanse yourself well to pass the test. Abstain completely from the drug and alcoholic beverages. Take plenty of water throughout the day. That’s the best way to wash off the drug from the body.
Also, include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in each meal to detoxify your body system.
You may take 15 to 20 days to get cleansed, enough to pass a urine test.
I did 1 gram a week ago been drinking lots of water today I did like 6 in one day I don’t get tested for another 30 days if I don’t do anymore will it be out
If you don’t do it again, it’s likely to be out in a month’s time.
i have been using for 7 days and have a urine drug test in 6 days. What are my chances of passing?
Very difficult to cleanse so quick!
Ive been clean since april 18th 2018. Before then i used meth quite reguraly. I was very active in working out between april and october. Since i havent done much working out. October 7th 2018 i slipped up and smoked a little meth( hit a bowl a few times) and havent done anything since. Ive cut my hair twice since then. Im going to court for visitation with my children and i know it likely there will be a requested hair follicle. There isnt any set date for the drug test but im worried. If i keep cutting my hair how likely will i be able to pass if the drug test is lets just say Febuary 14th 2019
Very likely to pass.
I snorted around 2.0grams between the 6th and 8th Jan…got a saliva test on the 18th…on 2 litres of water a day for 9 days upto test and swimming for 30 mins daily and eating fruit and veg with meals…what do u reckon on passing…heard saliva test is best for a coke user…May I add I am a regular user of around 5.0 g a month
Also on the d.i.y. saliva and urine tests I have passed after 7 days previously…how accurate are these
You’re likely to pass.
Could you give me any information on the saliva test any do or donts before the test…Also can it pick up the metabolites that coke turns into or can the test just find coke?any information would be extremely grateful….
Cleanse yourself thoroughly. Maintain a good oral hygiene. This would also help.
Hi Doc
I use cocaine on/off. Never touched it January Feb the used weekly march and april then stopped took 2 lines start of june and then again about 5 lines 07/06. How long before I can pass urine test 150 cut off
1g a weekend during march and Feb
1g a weekend during march and april
You’ll need to cleanse yourself aggressively. Read here about steps that help.
You may be able to cleanse yourself in around 15 to 20 days.
Thanks. I was always drinking alcohol at the time. I have today passed a home drug test after drinking alot of water and working out every day this week.
I am going to cut alcohol out for the next while and work out more regularly
Thank you
I should add it will be a lab test at 150 that I need to pass.
I was also the anonymous comment above
Assuming here that you mean I can pass the lab drug test after 20 days and the test is for cocaine metobites?
Your help is appreciated
Cocaine metabolites, however, stay detectable for a longer time. May need a month to get washed off.
I have a test booked for 20 days since last use.
Will he no alcohol, alot of water and exercise in these days.
Considering the I never used in may and only small amount early june and 4th of July. Is it possible to pass?
I assumed when you said 15 – 20 days we were talking about the metobites as that is what the cocaine test detects ?
I have cancelled the test in 20 days
30 days of exercise, eating better drinking water and no alcohol. Should be enough to pass a lab 150 test for cocaine and metabolites?
Never putting myself through this again. This is the wake up call I need. Thanks for the advice . Can you let me know about the above ?
Likely to pass after following all those precautions.
HI doc
Just a update…clean 50 days and not been lab tested yet. Worked out daily, no alcohol for 28 days however recently I have been drinking alcohol again and not working out as much. Continued to drink alot of water daily.
Lab test will be 150 cut off when it happens. Am I OK to continue drinking alcohol at the weekends. Test will likely be any time after 60 days.
What’s your views. Thanks
150 cut off for cocaine metabolites
Limit it to weekend only. Should be fine.
Surely 60+ days is surely a pass for urine
So I used coccain bout 8 days ago wile drinking heavily
On the 8th day of being clean I had a urine test done
I went to the gym and drank a lot of water
I also only did about a 20 bag
A friend had used 1 gram of cocaine on a Saturday then around 2 or 3 grams the Saturday after whilst drinking heavily. These 2 instances and one other small dose a month before are the only intake of cocaine he has had, but the second Saturday was a lot of cocaine. 180lbs quite active, how long do you think?
With strict cleansing, around a week or 10 days.
Do you think the use of cocaine in years prior for example someone who was not touched the drug in over 2 years but had a month period where he used it 3 times thar prior substance use years before will have an affect? This person in young and healthy, used in teenage years on and off sometimes heavy use sometimes not but not frequent
That’s unlikely. If the body gets clean years, it’s usually able to detoxify itself completely. This is particularly true for young people, who have healthy liver and kidneys.
Perfect answer honey! When I was pregnant with you, I would smoke crack all day and night, and you came out fine! Then after you were born, I would shoot dope and eat Xanax all day to deal with the stress of raising a little brat. It wasn’t my drug use that made your father commit suicide, it was your misbehavior! When I’d have customers over the house so I could pay for my drugs, you’d try to hang out with them so they’d stay longer because you wanted friends or something. No normal kid does that! Anyway, I need you to lend me $100. Send it on Venmo, don’t come here. Hurry up.
Your mom