Category Archives: Medical Advice

Sebaceous Cysts in Teenage

Why Do We Have More Acne in Teenage? Q: Sir, I’m 22 years old. When I was 16 years old, I observed small sebaceous cysts on my testes. I want to know the reason for their development. Reply: This is partly hormonal. In your age group, sebum (oil secretions) in the body are more. Therefore, […]

Adnexal Cyst May Give Back Pain

Cyst in Left Adnexa Q: I had just got a report that a cyst is present in the left adnexa. I also have a terrible pain in my back. -By Cilla Reply: Back pain is very common with adnexal cysts. There can be many reasons for this. They are: The cystic mass could be pressing […]

Burning and Itching in Vagina

Symptoms of Inflammation in Vagina Q: Hi, I have been experiencing an irritation, burn and itch in my vagina. I thought it could be a slight UTI. Then the symptoms increased with an additional rash around my vagina. It burns, itches and is unpleasantly uncomfortable. What could it be and how can I treat it? […]

Inheriting Sickle Cell Anemia Trait

Sickle Cell Trait Q: I was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia as a child. I’m currently 21 and had my first and only child in 2010. Due to my health, the pregnancy was very difficult and the doctors took many precautions. During her first year, my daughter was tested for sickle cell on every single […]