Fibroids or Leiomyomas of Uterus

Q: I’m 41 years old woman. I’m suffering from few symptoms like irregular periods, frequent urge to urinate, slight pain in my lower abdomen, constipation and slight fever. I’ve got my ultrasound done. The report says- a large, lobulated heterogeneous echo pattern mass is seen in the right side of the uterus, shifting the uterus towards left. It measures 13.1*12.8*10.2 cm. Bilateral ovaries are not seen distinctly. No free fluid seen.

What is this disease? What could be the cause? Please advise.


The commonest cause which could give these symptoms in your age group is a uterine fibroid (leiomyoma).

Uterine Fibroid

Fibroids are non cancerous (benign) growths inside the uterine cavity. They arise from the connective tissues present in the uterine wall.

It is not known why they occur, though some hormonal association is observed in their formation.

Fibroids are firm masses of variable shapes. They range from very small growths to larger growths that may occupy almost the whole uterine cavity.

These growths are vascular (supplied by blood vessels from within the uterus) So it is possible for them to grow in size.

Sometimes, the growth is rapid and blood vessels fail to develop with that speed. In such cases, portions of the leiomyoma may degenerate to produce cystic or fatty cavities in it. This may show a heterogeneous pattern on ultrasonography.

As the growing tumor presses upon the urinary bladder in front and rectum in the back, it may give symptoms like:

  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation

Symptoms of a Leiomyoma

  • Pain in lower abdomen
  • A heavy feeling down below
  • Irregularity in periods

A leiomyoma needs to be treated before it complicates.

Commonest Complications

  • It may grow large to attain unmanageable size. Such a growth may press upon nearby organs disrupting their functions.
  • A tumor may bleed heavily.

Treatment of a big fibroid would be removing it surgically.

Cancers are rare in your age group. Still, your doctor may like to investigate the tissue of the mass you have. This is to rule out any chance of malignancy in the uterus.

Uterine Sarcomas

These are malignant growths arising from within the uterus. They grow rapidly and invade the wall the uterus as well as the cavity. The mass produced has irregular margins and is friable in consistency.

The only treatment is removing the uterus with its adnexa.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “What Are Uterine Fibroid Tumors and Their Symptoms?

  1. JB

    I had a pelvic ultrasound a year ago. I was in office today and the DR gave me a Order to have a follow up ultrasound because of the finding from last year. The report said: uterus is 10.10×3.4-3.7 cm. There is a posterior myometrial hypoechoic mass that is 1.9 cm consistent with a fibroid. There are 2 small hypoechoic masses each measuring 1cm in the mid uterus. Endometrial strip is within normal limits in size. The left adnexa consists of 2 anechoic cysts or a single cyst with thin internal separation. No normal ovarian tissue is seen. This area measures 3.6×2.2 x4.9 cm. Normal right ovary.
    My symptoms are some pain in left abdomen, breast tenderness, fatigue, and some other symptoms nothing to do with female issues. I go for a pelvic ultrasound in week and half. What questions should I ask on follow up appointment. My doctor seemed overly concerned and I guess it worried me. Thanks.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There appears to be an abnormal growth in your pelvic region, likely to be a benign tumor. However, the condition needs to be investigation to know the exact nature of the growth.

      Your doctor may suggest taking a biopsy.


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