Bumps on Scrotal Skin

Q: Hi, I have found pimples on scrotum. What could they be? Here’s a picture: http://oi50.tinypic.com/29o0b3t.jpg. Thank you in advance.
-By Adele


These are absolutely normal looking scrotal pimples. Most of the men would have them.

The reason is hormonal. In teens and young adulthood, pimples occur at different parts of the body. This is considered normal. 

Nothing needs to be done. Just keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwears to keep the region well aerated and not let any moisture to accumulate there.

Read more about pimples on genitalia and their management.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Pimples on Scrotum

  1. Rahul

    Hi, I have pimple like thing on my scrotum. I am confused whether it’s a wart or a pimple.

    When I squeezed a white thread like substance came out and after that nothing happened. It doesn’t seem to disappear.

    Can you please help?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Looks like a pimple. If you have no symptom, like pain, pus etc. nothing needs to be done. Just keep observing it. If there is any change, medical intervention would be required.

      1. Rahul

        Thank you.
        One last thing, why do you think medical intervention would be required?

        Are you suspecting something worrisome?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Looks like a normal pimple. Nothing serious at all.

          However, pimples may sometimes complicate. They may get infected or traumatized due to friction. Only then, topical antibiotics may be required.

  2. Vaqar

    Hi I have pimples with pus on my testicles scrotum and they are appearing after every 2 or 3 weeks but I don’t feel any pain

  3. John

    I have pimples on my scrotum that are filled with only blood. When I pop one they bleed for 20 min or longer. My scrotum is infested with them. Sometimes they will pop by themselves and have left blood stains on my clothes. What is this condition?

      1. John

        Too many to count as they regenerate like spores. They are only on my scrotum. They grow through my skin and then some will pop by themselves or with the slightest touch. They are not painful, just embarrassing blood stains everywhere.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Appears to be an outbreak of pimples there. You may need to apply antibiotic ointments over it. Better to see a dermatologist.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If a pimple is filled with blood, it would be painful and usually, it also has pus in it.

      Are these painful?

      Or else, they may be blood blisters.

  4. daniel

    after i shaved my scrotum I started to itch then like 3 weeks later these bumps appears they been there for 3 months they just itch they have tiny white tips I pop when i can but that leaves scars

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be pimples.

      You need to keep the area clean and dry. avoid moisture accumulating there. Wear lose cotton underwears to aid this.

      Also, eating a healthy diet would help in long term with these pimples. Avoid fatty food stuff and all junk food. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in each of your diet.


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