Managing Acne on Inner Labia
Pimples in and around labia minora are extremely common, especially in young adulthood. They can be managed easily, once we understand the causes for their occurrence.
Reasons for Getting Pimples on Labia
Just as you get pimples on any other part of your body, you may get it there. It is the clogging-up of the sebaceous glands that lead to formation of small lumps called pimples.
Vaginal lips are prone to pimple formation due to two reasons:
- Moistness getting collected there
- Presence of many oil secreting glands
This moistness, along with tissue debris, may block the minute ducts that are draining numerous tiny glands in the region. A blocked duct is unable to drain its secretions, and very soon a swelling appears.
Why Genital Pimples Increase During Menses?
This is because during menses, the moistness of the vaginal region increases, making it more favorable for labia pimples to grow. Just keeping the area clean and dry would help.
Common Reasons for Labia Pimples Getting Infected
- Squeezing or scratching the pimples with your hands- This is the commonest way those bumps get infected. There are many bacteria on the skin of our hands as well as on that area. On scratching, the outer covering membrane is mildly breached, letting the bacteria go inside. Once infected, the pimples swell, become painful and turn red. They are then treated by topical antibiotics.
- Poor hygiene in the area.
- Improper aeration in the groin region due to tight underwear leads to accumulation of moisture. This promotes the growth of bacteria there.
- Wearing underwear made up of non-cotton fabrics is another cause. Fabrics other than cotton are not able to absorb extra moisture in the area.
- Shaving the area while having pimples may injure them and eventually lead to infection.
Inner labia pimples need extra care. No medication is required if they are not infected. Just do the following:
- Keep the area clean and dry.
- Never pop or squeeze the pimple on your labia.
- Wear loose cotton undergarments to keep the region dry and moisture free.
- Have lots of water and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried and fatty foodstuff.
- If the pimple is painful, it may be tense due to the pus collected inside. To ease this tension, try warm compress over it to soften the overlying skin. Slowly, the pimple would start draining.
- If you feel the pimple on your labia is infected, apply a topical antibiotic cream over it.
I had a pimple on my outer lip. It’s a bit painful and if i try to pop it, it doesn’t get popped. I’m getting one more beside it. What can I do?
Don’t pop or squeeze the pimple. Just keep the area clean and dry. Try warm compresses over the pimple thrice a day. This will gradually heal them in a weeks time.
Hi I have many dits in ny minor labia do you know what it is and how to cure it?
Are they itchy, painful or dark colored?
Hey. I noticed a pink coloured pimple/lump on my inner /minor labia today.i hurts when I touch it. Also I have a pimple on outer part of Vigina it was pink at first and then turned brownish. Used to Itch at first and it hurts too. What should I do ?
Start applying an antibiotic cream over it, thrice daily. Bacitracin may be used.
I am 29 and occasionally especially during my mens I get these small bumps on my inner libia. Painful when walking, peeing,bathing etc.i just try keeping the area dry and it goes but that’s irritating. Is there any solution.
These appear to be pimples, arising due to hormonal fluctuations.
You need to keep the area clean and dry. Change pads frequently.
Eating healthy would lessen chances of getting frequent pimples. Avoid fatty foods, junk foods and sugary stuffs.
Warm compresses means?
Soak a wash cloth in warm water and keep it over the lesion for 2 minutes. You will notice that the skin softens. This is called warm compress.
Used to take out ingrown hair, draining pimples etc.
I have a pimple on the right side of my lip down the bottom, close to my outer lips. I’m scared and don’t know what to do. It’s not a cluster of bumps; just one small bump, the size of a small pimple. I don’t know what to do.
I applied some yeast infection cream on it twice. I have it for about a week now. What should I do? How long before it goes away?
Apply mupirocin (bactroban) ointment over it twice a day for a week. Read here in details about caring for such pimples.
I have a pimple on my minor labia for a 4 days now. I’m 3 days before my periods. My pimple is small. It’s under the skin and it doesn’t hurt. It feels itchy and I can’t see it because it’s pink like my skin.
What should I do? What could be this?
Looks like a normal vaginal pimple. Just take care of it. Read here in details about taking care of such pimples.
Vaginal pimples do not affect menses. There are pretty good chances that they may vanish as your periods get over. After all, vaginal do have a hormonal reason to get erupted!
Hey, I am virgin female. I have a small round pimple in the middle of labia minora. I am worried. I don’t know if this a bartholin cyst or a pimple. Can I get a pimple on labia minora? I am gonna get my period soon. Is this cause of my coming period?
The pimple is pink in color like the skin. It’s small and doesn’t hurt. It hurts only when I touch it. It’s on the left part of my labia minora, lately I used a mirror and saw that the left labia minor where the pimple is present. It is slightly larger than the right one.
I started using Dettol soap and hot water bath. The pimple or cyst don’t have any head and seems like it doesn’t hold any substance inside it. Does this kind of treatment help?
Will the pimple go or it will increase in size? Please help, I am too worried.
This sounds more like a bartholin cyst. It cannot be a cause of your periods. Just let it be. Don’t press or squeeze it. This would infect the cyst and complicate it. There are pretty good chances that it may go away with your coming menses.
You do not require to clean it so vigorously. Cleaning it with plain water would be enough. Read here about cleaning the genital region.
I have bumps around my outer vagina on the top. What should I do?
Can they spread while taking shower? I was thinking about using De La Cruz Gentian Violet because they say it works good on the vagina but turns purple.
I am not sure if I can shower or get it wet because I’m scared it will spread.
These are just pimples, like on any other part of the body. Yes, you can shower, they do not spread like this.
The cause of these pimples is from inside the body. Your hormones, the oil production caused by them, is responsible for their occurrence.
You may apply gentian violet solution over it. This is an antiseptic solution. First clean the affected area with water. Dab it to make it dry.
Then apply this lotion with a clean cotton tipped applicator.
Read above to know how to avoid getting those bumps infected.
To know what they are and how to take care of them, read here about simple home tips to get rid of vaginal pimples.
I have something on the inside of my lip of my vagina. Started very small, now its pretty big and very painful. What should I do? Please help.
Looks like your pimples has got infected. Read here about treating this infected bump on your genital.
Hi, I’m worried. I have small pimple like in my labia. Its color is red but it doesn’t hurt me. I’m very worried, what is happening to my body, I’m not sexually active. What will I do?
Appears to be a simple pimple. Just keep the area clean and dry. Try warm compress over it twice a day, once before bedtime.
Remember not to squeeze or pop the pimple. This would infect it. Read more on caring for labia pimples above.
Such pimples go away on their own. Since, it is symptomless (and you are not sexually active), there is nothing to worry. Read more about genital zits here.
Hi, I have problem in my labia. I have clusters of small pimples. They occasionally itch and I’m very afraid what is this, is this STD? I’m not sexually active. How do I deal with this ?
Though very unlikely, STDs may spread through non sexual ways also.
Since your pimples are itchy sometimes and in clusters, it is better to rule out STDs. You need to see a doctor for that.
Read about differentiating between STDs pimples and normal genital pimples.
Hello, I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with. I have developed a big whitehead in one of the folds on my inner Labia minora. It has been there for the last 3 days I just found out what it was and it freaked me out. I thought it was irritation from toilet paper. It is painful. I have never had anything like this in that area before. I have been getting a lot of unexplained acne on my chin and cheek area like never before and I do have a recent oil problem on my face that I don’t know what’s causing but nothing like that down there. I have never had problems down there. Please help me on as to how to get rid of it and to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. I don’t wanna have to start getting pimples here like I do on my face.
Too many pimples may be related to your diet.
Cut down on fried fatty stuff. Take plenty of plain water, fresh fruits and vegetables in your meal.
Reduce your intake of caffeinated drinks like coke, tea or coffee.
Read more on causes dealing to recurrent pimples.
Hi, I noticed a small bump on my left labia minora few months back after having my period. It was a bit white and almost the same color as the skin. It wasn’t painful then. Just yesterday, I noticed the same bump suddenly got bigger about pea sized and become sore and red, again after my period. It looks like a big zits. What is it and is there any kind of cream that I can apply to make it go away? I’m really worry.
Please advise. Thanks.
Do warm compress over the zit twice a day. This would soften it gradually and help in drainage of pus, if any.
After each warm compress, apply Mupirocin (antibiotic cream) over it. Do this for a week. Your zit would get alright.
Read more on treating this infected zit.
By my lip and lib I have a pimple thing, it hurts to walk or even if I sit wrong. I have had this before but then it goes away and then comes back. I’m worried to death that it’s something else.
If you are sexually active, it is better to visit your doctor and rule out any possibility of STD.
A simple pimple does not spread or ulcerate. It usually goes away on its own with time.
Four days before my monthly period, I have pimples both sides in my clitoris (minor labia)? This happened several times before; sometimes it’s only pinhead size. But now it’s bigger- just smaller than pea size. I took co-amoxiclav 1 g, 2 times a day. The other side is getting better but the previous side is still big, though it’s the latest. What shall I do? Is that common? It just comes and goes! It’s bothersome. Please give me some advice. GOD BLESS!
Apply a topical antibiotic (mupirocin/ bactroban) over it for at least a week.
Also, try draining it with warm compress.
Hi, I have noticed what looks to me like tiny little white colored clogged pores along the outside edge of my labia majora right under the pubic hair and they also occur a little bit on the inside cleft of the majora.. I am pretty sure that they are just clogged pores because the pattern in which they appear is the same as hair follicles on the skin. I believe I have had them on and off since puberty. I am in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend and I am very confident (I am fully aware of his sexual history) that it is not an STI or STD. The ‘white heads’ are not sore but the area around my pubic hair where they are located is sometimes reddened. Do I just put warm compresses on the areas and gently cleanse it to make them go away? I am just worried because all of the comments above involve one or two but mine appear almost as often as the hair follicles. The only thing I can think of that would cause these to be more noticeable now than when I was a virgin is that I am on birth control.
Please help, Thank you.
Pores get clogged more often when moisture gets trapped in the region. Consider wearing loose cotton undergarments to keep the area well aerated. Also, wash your genital area twice daily with plain water.
Birth control pills, when taken for long, do lead to vaginal acne. Read more on pills and their side effects.
Getting too many white acne may also be related to your diet. Consuming too much of fatty or sugary stuff predispose to pimples. Take more of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep your body detoxified. Read more on getting pimples frequently.
Hello ,
Was tested for STDs and HPV a few months ago , the results were negative . However for a couple of weeks have been wiping a lot and today noticed two small bumps on inner bottom labia .
Concerned please help .
Likely to have occurred due to frictional impact caused by wiping. Avoid wiping there. Dab dry instead. Also, you may use any thick emollient over the region to soothe the skin there.
Hello, I have a bump that had a white head and it popped and it’s on my left lip of my vagina. It does not hurt or have an odor and does not itch. What could this be?
Very likely to be a simple vaginal lip acne. Just keep the area clean and moisture free. Wear loose cotton undergarments. The lesion would get alright in sometime.
i noticed a bump on the top part of my outer left lip while taking a shower once i finished showering i went to check what it was and it seemed like a pimple since it somehow popped and puss/blood started to come out of it. i treated it as any kind of pimple and cleaned it up.. should there be something i need to be worried about?
Just avoid friction over it. Keep it clean.
I have a very small red bubble like bump on the edge of my labia minora! It stings when I touch it. Is this normal? What should I do? Could it be an STD?
If you are sexually active, screening for the presence of STDs is essential.
Other commoner possibilities include a simple pimple, or a bump due to friction from clothes down there.
I am sexually active. But last night I put a warm water on a face washer and left it on there for a few minutes and this morning after I went to the toilet and wiped it came off with no pain or cut or anything. Is that normal?
Women commonly use products like face wash or even toothpaste to reduce bumps in this region. Though they may work, medically they are not recommended.
Just take care of the area. If you notice more of those lesions, you may visit your doctor.
Hi. I have the same type of acne as mentioned. However, I am a chronic picker, so the first thing I did was pop it. A lot of hard white pus came out (sorry for that image) and now it hurts, itches and has an odor. Thoughts? What is the best store bought ointment for this? And do you perhaps have a good bar soap you would recommend? Thank you.
Apply mupirocin ointment (available over the counter) on your lesion twice daily, for 3 to 4 days. Do this after cleaning it properly with plain water.
Cleaning with soaps is not recommended for the vaginal area. This region needs gentle but regular cleaning with plain water only. Read in detail about cleaning the vaginal area.
I think I have two pimples on my inner right near the entrance hole of my vagina. Today seems to be the worse (I noticed the pain about three days ago), but only after wiping. I can feel it today, but not bad or anything. Again, really not until I wipe. I haven’t looked at it with a mirror yet, but I didn’t really notice a bump until today. Does this sound like a pimple or worse?
A physical exam is required to see what exactly it is. May be you can self examine it with the help of a mirror.
It may be some wound caused by frictional action during wiping or tight clothing. It may be a pimple.
Let us know how it looks like.
I have a bunch of tiny pimple like bumps on my inner labia minora. I am sexually active and have recently tried some new lube. I’m not sure if that’s the reason. I also used some very harsh soap and it burned so I’m not sure if it was the soap or the lube. I just want them to be gone!!! Thanks in advance.
The tiny bumps are very likely to be due to the soap or the lube. Just stop using anything on the area. Mucosa out there is very delicate and sensitive.
Medically speaking, it is recommended not to use any product for cleaning the genitals expect plain water.
Wash the area daily with water and keep it clean. Apply bland coconut oil over the labia after cleaning. This would act as a emollient and help in early healing.
Read more on cleaning the vagina.
Hi, I had a small red bump on the inside that I didn’t notice. Now the left side has swollen up massively.
Any help?
This needs a physical exam. Visit your gyne at the earliest.
Please tell me what this could be! So, for a week or two now, I have had this lump-like thing on my labia majora and it’s been freaking me out. It starts off as being invisible and you can’t see anything, but if you like pinch there you can feel a hard lump. Then it will come to a small red swelled lump, but not a whitehead. (It came to a whitehead once, and I couldn’t pop it) but every single one of them has gone away on it’s own. After they go away, another one will come back on the same lip but in a different spot. What could this be?
Likely to be an infective lump, as it is spreading. May be a pulled hair or some pimple getting infected to begin with.
Infective lesions have pus in them, which spreads to the nearby regions. This is how other similar lumps appear.
Apply a topical antibiotic (bactroban/ mupirocin) over the lump. Keep the area clean. Wash it daily with plain water and dab dry it.
If it doesn’t respond to the antibiotic, it is recommended that you go for a physical exam.
I recently had a major swelling of my labia and it happened right after my period. I have not had intercourse in over 2 years and it’s not an std. I applied warm compresses and had no success to get this cyst like thing to come to a head. I endured severe pain into the second week and eventually did the following to finally get some results. I applied witch hazel with a cotton several times a day. After applying I let it air dry and then applied derma e tea tree antiseptic creme with vitamin e. This cream only has 5 percent tea tree oil and has vitamin e and is antifungal. It worked like a miracle for me. The pain subsided in 2 days and within the week I had my head — and was able to get relief. I only came on here tonight to make this comment because of how much I struggled. As for the derma e cream — its safe as a diaper rash cream – so safe for the area down there. Good luck to anyone struggling — and hope this helps.
Hi, I have a pimple on my labia last week and it got swollen. I used the warm compressed method to solve it. Eventually it popped out itself and I did clean it and apply a cream called canesten cream HC which is for inflamed skin and fungal infections. But for now, the swelling of the labia is getting smaller but still a bit swollen and a bit itchy. I wonder what happened? and why the swollen doesn’t go off. It has been a week since I have the pimple on the labia.
Canesten is a fungal cream mixed with a mild steroid. You don’t require it.
Instead, apply mupirocin (bactroban) on the lesion and affected area, twice a day for 3 to 5 days.
I have two white bumps on labia. I’m not sure what it is, I had one before and I popped it.
If you are getting those bumps again and again, it is better to get checked up by a doctor. This is essential to rule out the presence of any STDs.
Meanwhile, keep the area clean and dry. Wash it daily from front to back with plain water. Wear loose cotton underwear. Read more on cleaning the vagina.
I have a somewhat large pimple-like bump on my inner labia minora. It’s very tender to touch and sometimes itches a little. It has a white-yellowish head to it that looks like pus (like a pimple). I got it two days after my period ended. I had sex two nights before I discovered it and I thought maybe it could have been caused from not having enough lubrication. I’m pretty sure it’s just a pimple but I’m a little worried maybe it’s something more serious. Thank you!
Start doing warm compress over it twice daily. Also apply mupirocin ointment over the pimple after each warm compress. It should respond within a day or two. Such lesions may take a week to disappear completely.
If it doesn’t respond to this treatment, you may go to a doctor for check up.
I am having a pimple like thing on the inner side of my labia minora. It is not red nor it hurts when I touch it. Is it just an ordinary pimple or I need to consult a doctor?
It is very likely to be a pimple. Do not pop or squeeze it. Just keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear and avoid friction over the pimple during movements.
The pimple is likely to resolve by itself with time.
I was having a pimple like thing (tiny small bump I guess) at the inner part of the labia minora, but 4 days later I am having the same thing on labia minora (on the same side but outside). It pains when I touch it. I am following the warm compress method. What is happening? Shall I consult a doctor or it will get healed by itself? How much time will it take to get healed? Please prescribe me some ointment.
It is common for infected pimples to spread. Pimples filled with infective material may slowly drain, infecting nearby areas. This results in the formation of newer pimples.
You need to keep the region clean and dry. Wash it well with plain water twice daily. After each wash, dab dry the area with a soft towel.
After the warm compress, you may apply a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over the pimple for quicker healing.
The pimple I had at the inner side of labia minora has become big and it has white head. I guess it’s pus. It’s not getting better but worse. What else should I do? It slightly pains after I give it a warm compress.
Do you have any fever or shivering? If you do, it is possible that the infection is spreading in the body (through blood). In that case, oral antibiotics would be required.
The pus needs to be drained. Soften it during the warm compress and try draining it. If this is not possible, you may go to a doctor for this purpose.
No, I am not having any fever and I drained the pus last night. It has become red and it is producing some odor too. I guess if I am not wrong. What type of food should I take to help to recover this problem and how much time will this pimple will take to heal..?? 2 weeks? or even a month..?? Is this normal?
Continue applying the topical antibiotic over the pimple and adjoining area. Do this twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton undergarments.
Let your diet be nutritious, include plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables in it. Have home made curd/ yogurt on a daily basis. This has been found to be beneficial in maintaining a healthy vaginal flora.
Your pimple may take around 20 days to heal completely.
Hello Buddy,
I went to the doctor and she said it doesn’t seem like anything to worry about but I am just confused. I have a small bump on my right labia majora, like where a pubic strip would end and then to the right a bit because it’s on the lip not the center, above the clitoris, if I explained that well enough.
It doesn’t look like a pimple, because it’s the color of my skin and there’s never been a whitehead or pain or anything. It’s just a shiny, small bump. I squeeze it and it’s hard. It’s been there for possibly 6 months. I just don’t understand, I’ve been taking great care of my little lady as well. Please help me out.
It may be a cyst, produced due to clogging of some skin gland. Such cystic bumps are common in this area, since this area is richly supplied with oil glands.
Nothing needs to be done. Don’t try to pop or squeeze this bump. This would only injure and infect it.
Just let it be. Keep the area clean and dry. A daily wash is essential. Wear loose cotton undergarments.
The bump is likely to subside on its own with time.
Hello, I have a small bump under the skin in my labia minor, near my clitoris. It is not painful, itchy or has no odor. Just slightly raised and a little red. When I first noticed it, I squeezed it and a little pus came out. I will admit I am a picker so I’m constantly looking at it to see if it has gone away. Does this sound like just a simple pimple? Or something else? I’ve never got a pimple on the inside of my vagina, I don’t think it was possible.
Sounds like just a pimple. It is very common to get pimples down there, since the pubic area is moist and richly supplied with glands.
All you need to do is to keep the area well ventilated. Wear loose cotton undergarments. Avoid wearing tight pants or jeans for some time.
Wash your genitals daily with clear water and dab dry it. Your pimple is likely to subside on its own in 3 to 5 days.
Don’t squeeze or pop it. It may get infected and become painful.
I have a very painful lump on my inner labia, right at the vaginal opening. I had sex 24 hours ago, and have been in a monogamous relationship with the same person for two years. I was tested for std/STI less than a month ago when I got my last Pap smear. I am not on birth control at the moment, an am not pregnant. I noticed the lump just today, it is mildly swollen and not visible. Should I worry, or is this likely just the early stages of a pimple?
It is likely to be a pimple that has got traumatized during sex.
Abstain from sex for some time till it gets alright. Avoid wearing any tight clothing that may give friction at that point. Wear loose cotton underwear.
Wash the area with clear water twice daily. Your lump is likely to subside on its own with time.
Let us know if it grows in size or you have any other symptom.
I’m not sure whether I have a pimple on my labia majora or something else, but it is pink and a size of a pimple. When I touch it, it hurts and it does get itchy once a while. I’m very scared and I don’t know what do do.
This does sound like a pimple. Take all precaution mentioned above in the post.
Keep the area well ventilated, dry and clean. Wash it daily with clear water only, while bathing. Don’t put any soap on it.
Put mupirocin ointment over the pimple twice a day. It is likely to subside on its own in 3 to 5 days.
I visited the doctor cause I had white bumps on my inner labia, a cluster. And my doctor told me it was just clogged pores. Any creams to help it go away? Also, it still freaks me out, my doctor could be wrong, right?
Are you sexually active? If yes, it would be better to rule out the presence of any STDs.
It is common to get clogged pores or pimples in that area during early adult life. All you have to do is to keep the area clean and dry. Wash it twice daily with clear water. Dab dry the area with a towel and wear loose cotton undergarments to keep it properly ventilated.
These white spots would gradually subside in a week or so.
Creams are required only if you have any pain in those pimples or some infection.
I have a red bump on my inner labia, it does not itch or burn. It doesn’t have a white head. It’s smaller than a pea. What could this be?
It is likely to be a pimple. Since it is symptomless, nothing needs to be done.
Wash the area daily with clear water. Dab dry the area after washing and wear loose cotton underwear only. This will keep the genital area dry and well ventilated.
The pimple is likely to subside on its own with time. Inform us if it starts paining or grows in size.
I have a lot of bumps on my left labia majora. They look like they are pus filled and the whole area is swollen. It hurts when I touch it. I tried warm compress and it made some puss come out of some of them but not all, the ones that did come out look like little liquid filled pits. Can anyone tell me what it might be? I recently had a miscarriage and was on a sort of period for over a month, could it be all the bacteria down there?
This sounds like an infections.
Do you have any fever or feeling of tiredness?
Keep the area clean by washing it daily with water. Dab dry it properly and wear loose cotton undergarments only to keep it dry.
Liberally apply an antibiotic ointment, like mupirocin/ bactroban over the pimples twice a day. You may use it once in the morning and once before going to bed, so that the ointment gets a chance to stay there while you lie down for sleep.
If it does not get improved within 2 to 3 days, you may have to take oral antibiotics.
I do have tiredness. So far I’ve put hot tea bags on them, they all seem to have popped. They now are bleeding and one got a scab. Does this mean it’s healing? To keep it from infecting anywhere else, I put antibiotic ointment and cover it with gauze. Will this make it better?
It would be better to see a doctor for examination. You need to go for an oral antibiotic course.
I need help. I am so scared. I have numerous little pimples on my vulva and labia majora, some of them hurt and others have pus and some seem to be blackhead. I wanna go see a gyne, but am so embarrassed and scared. I have been having these repeatedly especially after my periods. They seem to pop up out of nowhere in large amounts maybe 10-15.
Keep the area clean. Make it a point to wash the genital area twice every day.
Do not use any harsh soap or gel for washing, just plain water is adequate. Wear loose cotton underwear only to keep the area moisture free.
Avoid tight pants. If you are exercising or sweating too much, take a bath and wash the area after the exercise session.
Apply mupirocin ointment over the pimples that have pus in them. If the pus touches other pimples, they too may get infected. So, be careful while handling them.
Getting recurrent pimples down there needs to be evaluated. It is good that you are going to your doctor for a physical exam.
Read here about factors that may give you many recurrent vaginal pimples.
I get these red small raised (almost pointy like) bumps on my vulva. They appear shiny on top. They usually only come up one at a time in different areas, but on the same side, always in areas of hair growth. The last one I got was on my upper, inner thigh in the bikini line. They are always painless unless I pop them, then they are tender. If I don’t pop them, they seem to get bigger and slightly tender. But no other symptoms besides that. The one I had previous to this was on my upper vulva, about an inch above the clitoris, again, raised/red/shiny…it took a while to pop, and a tiny amount of clear fluid them blood came. I do shave that entire area about 3 times a week, and I have been on birth control for 5 years…what does this sound like to you, it is a bit concerning when they pop up.
It’s not normal to get raised bumps like this down there on a recurrent basis.
Try observing what is causing them. It is very likely that frequent shaving is giving you those bumps. Read about shaving the genital area to know more.
Thank You for the fast response. I am trying to convince myself that it is from shaving, but I have become a hypochondriac after an ASCUS pap smear (which returned to normal 3 months later). I guess my main concern is does it sound like herpes in any way. The one I have right now looks like the pimples you get on the side of your nose. I think it opened and drained last night because the bump is much smaller, and looks like a tiny red hole on top, and if I touch it with my finger, it feels sore like a pimple, but other than that it doesn’t bother me. I would just like peace of mind, does it sound anything like HSV2?
Read here about differentiating between herpes and genital pimples.
3 days ago I noticed I have a small white lump on the edge of my Labia Minora. It hurts when I touch it. It looks like it might be a pimple, but don’t know for sure. What is it? and what should I do?
Are your sexually active?
It may be an infected pimple. Try applying a topical antibiotic cream over it. You may use bactroban (mupirocin), available over the counter, for 3 to 5 days.
If it does not improve, you may visit your doctor for examination.
I have multiple pimples on vulva. This week, they are hurting and a little blood showing and now hurt. Wear incontinence pads for some time. Started about a month ago using baby wipes with lanolin. Stopped today and changed daily shower from loreal extra moisturizing liquid soap to dial and stopped baby wipes. What causes this and how do I treat and prevent?
Moisture trapped in the area and excess of natural oil produced there, is the main cause leading to recurrent pimples.
You need to keep the groin region clean and dry. Maintaining a good genital hygiene would solve the problem. Wash it daily while bathing with plain water only. No soap or gel need to be used for cleaning. Read more at cleaning the genital area.
It would help if you restrict on your fat intake. Take more of fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut on all greasy food stuff.
Including yogurt in your diet, on a daily basis, would help in maintaining an ideal vaginal pH. This would keep infections away from your genital region.
I have a furuncle/boil on my labia minora and the area around it is swollen, can I apply fucidin ointment?
Yes you may. Apply it twice daily over the furuncle, for 3 to 4 days.
Is there a difference between bactroban OINTMENT and bactroban CREAM? Are both safe to use in the labia minora?
Both are same. They can be applied over the skin surface of the genital region. Not to be applied over the mucosal surface there.
So can I apply bactroban ointment in the labia minora? The labia minora is not considered a mucosal surface?
You may apply bactroban over labia minora. It is not to be put inside the vaginal canal.
Though labia minora is not skin, it is not as delicate as mucosal surfaces of the vaginal canal.
I am 25 I had a sexual experience 10 yrs ago and since this year Jan, I have been getting acne like I get on my face on my labia minora a 10 days before periods. I have acne with whiteheads on my back and face. The acne are same like that on the labia minora.
I got examined from 2 gyne. They said it’s normal to get such boils/acne and I was told to apply mupirocin over it. I told about the experience to them and also I noticed a very small sized wart in the folds of labia minora. I have one on feet and one in arm pit. My dad too has. Is it normal to have a wart on labia minora?
It is not normal to get a wart on labia minora. We can expect this to be some slow growing infection, probably imparted to you during sex.
It is advisable to get yourself screened for the presence of STDs.
Hello, I got what looks like a wart to me. Examined from a MD and gyne. She says it’s not a wart. Please advise me what tests can I go through to rule out possibility of STDs. Is it true that STDs can crop up 10 years post exposure and having no problems before. My menstrual cycle is also regular.
It is better if you screen out the presence of STDs. It is true that STDs can crop up 10 years post exposure. Read more on screening STDs.
I have a pimple near the hole of my vagina. The pus already came out, but it is still swollen and painful. It is already 3 days and I fear that I’m getting my period today. Is it possible that the pimple will be infected because of my menstruation? What should I do to prevent the pimple from being infected?
The pimple sounds infected. May be it has more pus in it.
You may start applying a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over the pimple. Do this twice a day for 3 to 5 days, till it regresses in size.
I have a lot of small, little bumps on my outer lip of my vagina. I have had them as long as I can remember, and they sometimes itch really bad and burn after sex (though I had them before I started having sex). They are from about half of my lip down on (my) left lip. When I look at them in a mirror, they are tiny and close together. What are they and what do I do?
A physical exam is required to diagnose what they are. You need to go to a doctor for examination.
From what you have said, they appear to be allergic rashes. It may be some allergy from your underwear fabric, soap or gel being used there, douche etc.
Try wearing loose cotton underwear only. Cotton fabric is hypoallergen and is preferred for undergarments. Stop using all cosmetic products for cleaning down there. Wash the region with clean water only, no soap, gel or douches. Don’t use any perfume for this area.
Allegra ointment is available in the market. You may try applying it, twice a day over the bumps.
I have recently noticed small raised bumps on my labia minor that are very close to my vaginal opening. They remind me of clustered, swollen taste buds. I have never been sexual active and I am curious if maybe these are pimples or possibly something else? The bumps are almost the same color as everything else down there (slightly pinker) and they are slightly uncomfortable to touch but overall cause me no pain. The cluster of very small raised bumps are bigger on the right labia minor but are also present on the left side as well. Thank you in advance for your time.
There are two possibilities. These bumps may be pimples or some kind of allergy. Have you recently used any new cosmetic product (soap, gel, douche) or tampon in your genital area?
Just keep the area clean and well ventilated. Wear loose cotton underwear only. This fabric is hypoallergen in nature. You may apply some bland lubricating cream over the affected portion. KY jelly may be used.
Also, a topical antiallergic ointment, like aclovate, can be applied over the bump for 3 to 5 days.
So, I have a small linear cluster of small bumps in my labia minora on one side.
They didn’t cause me problems before but now they are a little painful and irritating and sting when I pee and I’m getting super worried now.
Are you sexually active? You need to see a gyne for physical examination. This may be a STD.
I am a 19 year old girl. I haven’t had sex yet, though my boyfriend has “fingered me” without ever going “inside” me. I discovered what looks like a pimple inside my “labia minora” and I am worried. Please, help.
It does not hurt. I didn’t notice it until I was cleansing myself and I felt it. I managed to look at it, and it does look like a pimple.
This is likely to be a pimple.
You just need to keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear. The pimple is likely to subside on its own.
If it becomes painful, mupirocin ointment may be applied over it.
Read above in details about taking care of pimples down there.
What if the bartholin cyst gets infected? What should be done? Does it get better by periods or worsens? How many days does it take to heal? What medications and caring instructions are to be followed?
Antibiotics are required. If the infection appears confined to the cyst, local application of antibiotic ointments are enough.
However, if the spread of infection is beyond the cyst, oral antibiotic pills are given.
Hello, I have multiple bumps on my labia minora. I started off with 3 but today I looked and one more appeared (2 on the inside and 2 on the outside). They look to be pus filled but when I try to squeeze it, it doesn’t come out. The area around the bumps are red and they all have what looks to be a hole in the middle, it’s very uncomfortable when I walk and when I urinate the acidity from the urine irritates it further making it difficult to use the restroom. I am expecting my menstrual in 5 days and today I just started putting triple antibiotic ointment on it. Will they be clear by the time my cycle comes? If not, will my cycle irritate them further?
They are likely to get cleared in 5 days by the use of the antibiotic cream. Apply it thrice daily for at least a week.
If you are sexually active, be sure you are going for regular STD screening.
Hello, I have a little problem. I recently discovered a bump on my inner labia. It’s a little larger than a grain of rice. It’s hard, painful at touch and it may be bleeding (can’t tell since I just started my period). What could it be? Please answer urgently. (I’m a little frightened since on other sites I’ve read that it might be a symptom of cancer, and I can’t tell what it is).
It’s unlikely to be cancer.
It may be an infected pimple, filled with pus in it. You may start applying mupirocin ointment over it, twice daily for a week.
Also try warm compress over it. If it gradually gets drained, you’ll feel relieved of pain.
I just recently had two pimples on my inner labia minora within the past two weeks. I believe this is the first time I’ve gotten them.
You may start applying mupirocin (bactroban) over them, twice daily. It would help regress them.
Read above in details about taking care of pimples.
I have a bump on the innermost part of my vagina like rite in the middle inside of the Lubia I think it’s called. It burns a little as well.
Likely to be a cyst from bartholin glands. It would regress on its own with time.
Hi I have an acne cyst (i think) on my labia and it hurts a lot, it’s red and big but not too big, how can i get rid of this?
Try warm compress over it twice daily. After each warm compress, apply a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin/ bactroban, over it. Do this for a week.
Read more on management of similar lesions-
I’m not sure if it’s a cyst it looks like there could be something inside but i can’t pop it, very worried
Hi I have little bumps close to the vagina entrance. They don’t itch, nor do they burn. I’m just worried because I have recently had a new sex partner. I am freaking out. At first there was what felt like one very tiny pimple. Now there are several at the entrance. There are barely visible but I can feel when I touch them. What do you think they are?
May be allergy to any new condom used recently.
Does having sex increase the chances of labial acne?
Increased sexual activities increase the amount of secretions being produced down there. Glands become more active. However, if you maintain good hygiene down there, you won’t get acne.
Just keep washing off all excess secretions with ample water, whenever you feel moist there. Avoid using soaps or gels there. These may render the area dry and interfere with the regions pH.
Hello. I noticed that I felt swollen last night. I assumed it was because I was just active with my husband that morning. It seemed worse today. Tonight I looked and saw that I had a pea sized white spot on my right labia minora. Instinctively, I lightly squeezed it, not even thinking, and pus came out. Could it have been a bartholin abscess? Should I go to the doctor? Also, I have been going to the gym the past four months and have been wearing the typical tight pants for my workouts which may be causing friction.
Likely to be an infected cyst.
Tight pants may be the cause of maintaining moisture there, which makes grounds for infected lesions.
Wear loose pants most of the time to let the area breathe.
Hi. I have a small red bump on the inside of my vaginal lip. Its been there for a few weeks now. It hasn’t grown or anything and it’s not painful. I’m on birth control and haven’t had a period in about 6 months. I’m extremely worried. It doesn’t itch, burn, or have a smell. But it is right by my opening. I’m hoping it’s just a pimple or from my underwear rubbing against it because I do shave there. Please help
May be a bartholin cyst. You need not do any thing about it. Just avoid too tight clothes and friction directly over the bump. It’s likely to regress with time.
I have a pimple on my Labia and it hurts extremely bad but some hair got around the pimple and I can’t get it off. I’m hoping that it will be okay but it really does hurt.
Looks infected. Try warm compress over it. This may help draining any pus from inside the pimple. Do not force drainage at any point. After each warm compress, start applying an antibiotic cream. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used.
The past week or so I’ve noticed a little itching and thought it was nothing, but I noticed my labia was sore if it was touched. And I just noticed an hour or so ago there was an inflamed spot about the size of a pea and it looked like it had a head. And being a picker, without thinking about it I squeezed it and pus did come out. I’d made sure to get out as much as I could without irritating it further and I washed it with water, but it’s still very red and still feels slightly hard even though there’s not even the clear discharge that usually comes after the pus. How can I help this heal the rest of the way and prevent it from getting worse?
You may start applying a topical antibiotic cream over the lesion twice daily for 3 to 5 days. This would help it dry up and heal without complications.
Avoid friction over the lesion while walking. Wear loose undergarments.
Hello! I’m underage and i noticed a small hard lump in my labia minora. It doesen’t move around or anything and it seems to have a small tip? Is it a pimple? It’s painless (at least i was in the beggining but i got scared and tried to figure out what it was and i guess i touched it a bit too much since it hurts a little now) i’ve never had something like this around my private areas. My periods are mostly regural but they sometimes skip. I should be getting my periods soon. I usually have leukorrhea once a month and it’s usually before my periods (like it should be i think?) i usually get a lot of it and it’s somewhat thick. I also have it now so might it have something to so with the lump?
Also if it’s a pimple shouldn’t i be able to pop it? I tried to pop it but it’s hard and doesen’t pop.
Likely to be a pimple, that is, a clogged gland. Better leave it a such and avoid fiddling with it. It’s likely to disappear on its own with time.
So when should i go to the doctor? How long does it take for it to disappear? Also i forgot to say that it’s hard to see (mostly because it’s skin color/under the skin) but easy to feel with a hands. I’m just scared about my health and about going to the doctor because i guess i would feel somewhat embarrased.
I noticed when i was about 7 1/2, 8 months pregnant that i had a very small (smaller than a pea) sized hard bump on the right side of my labia minora right near my vaginal opening. Its been nearly 9 weeks since ive given birth and it is still there. I had a look tonight and it is all white. It doesnt hurt nor has it ever since noticing it was there. Any advice or opinion would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
This one is likely to be a clogged gland there. If it doesn’t hurt or grows in size, you may leave it as such.
Likely to regress on its own with time.
Hey it’s me again. The lump has gotten bigger and is now painful. It was yelloish and i tried to squeeish it and some white/yellow thing come out?? There was also a hint of red. what is it??? i’m really worried now
Hey it’s me again. The lump has gotten bigger and is now painful. It was yelloish and i squeezed it and some white/yellow thing came out?? There was also a hint of red. I’m not even sure if it was blood because there was barely any. but what is it??? i’m really worried now. Also what can i do to get rid of it?
It has got infected now. Needs to be drained under asepsis.
You may do this at home. Take a clean cloth and soak it in warm water. Put it over the pimple for some time to soften it. Gently squeeze the lesion to drain out pus. Do not force drainage. You may need to drain it over 2 to 3 days.
Start applying a topical antibiotic cream over it, thrice daily.
Well my problem is a bit complicated to explain. I get pimples but they’re small and once in a while a big one that bothers me but the small ones are just there, like I don’t fell as much discomfort, I know they’re there when I clean myself. I don’t know why I get them. Sometimes I think it’s just part of my body acne. But I do everything that is stated to prevent them. I didn’t get them before only once in a while but I get more now and for some reason is mainly on the right labia and sometimes the left. Like 2 or sometimes 3 on that side. Before I would get them because of shaving but it’s been a really long while since i’ve done that. And it just bothers me to have them, they do disappear but then appear again and it’s annoying.
You may read here about recurrent pimples.
I have a draining pimple on my inner labia. How can I prevent infection / ANOTHER one growing? I clean it as often as I can, but I can’t stay in the bathroom indefinitely until it heals. It’s raw right now and hurts. Is there anything in particular I should do until it closes up at least?
The infected material coming out from the sore needs to be cleaned again and again to avoid it getting in touch with the nearby area.
I felt a tiny lump on inner labia. Theres only one and the skin around it is fine. When i tried to have a look it looked like it had popped as it looks like a little indent/hole with a little redness, its not painful but its worrying me. Should i just leave it alone?
Ive had a sti check and ive been married for many years. Thankyou
Needs to be examined for diagnosis. Sounds like a molluscum lesion.
Hello! I’m back. I did what you told me to do (expect i didn’t use antibiotic cream) and it went away mostly. It’s still kinda there? Like there’s a small lump and it’s white on the top. And the lump is still hard but not painful or anything and it doesen’t bleed or anything. It’s just there and it’s really small. Should i tell my parents or just leave it there? Idk if it can be harmful or if it’s just there and won’t do anything.
You may leave it as such. Likely to regress on its own.
About a month ago I noticed a little bump with pus on my Labia minora, I knew it was harmless cos it didn’t itch or wasn’t painful so I ignored it. A week after it got a little bigger like a big pimple and tiny others appeared around it(spaced out) so I went to see my gyno and I was diagnosed with vaginitis and I was given Clindamycin suppositories and Drez powder to insert in my vagina and apply on the bumps. After three days of using the clindamycin and drez I noticed improvement, the big bump reduced but that was it, it’s been two weeks since I’ve been applying the powder and the bumps are still there, what do I do? How do I get rid of them?
Just continue with the treatment and give it some time. You may also include any probiotic in your daily diet.
I am 23 yrs old. N i hav small bump or pimple like thing on my labia minora on lower portion since 7 days. They r light red in color n some wite pus like thing can be seen inside. They hav shiny surface and before 1 day little pus came out on its own wich was sticky. It usd to pain and itch when i walk or sit but from 2 days it is not paining. What should i do?
Are you sexually active? If yes, you need to see a gyne for check up. This may be an infection.
No i m a virgin
Likely to be a clogged gland that has got infected.
You may try warm compress over it to help its drainage. Be gentle, not forcing drainage.
Antibiotics may also be used. Buy any topical antibiotic ointment from the pharmacy and use it over the lesions. Apply it thrice daily.
I have a small yellowish-white like blister in my Labia majora, it hurts only when I pee.
It will heal by itself without treatment or not?
Most of them heal by themselves. You may try warm compress over them. This would soften the skin above it and help in drainage. Be gentle, not to force drainage.
If it remains or grows in size or pain, start using an antibiotic ointment over it.
I have a lining of dead skin cells on the edge of my labia major, i am sexually active, i appears right after my periods, i am on contraceptive pills now
This may be a chronic skin condition. Does it burn, itch, pain, oozes out any liquid, change color?
I have a red colored pimple on the inside of labia minora, this is the second time i got a red pimple on the left side of lbia minora 2 to 3 yers ago, but now its inside, i feel intching sometimes, hence i am not sexually active because i am a virgin. Its just a red bump inside…what could be the cause??
This is likely to be a pimple. Occurs commonly in young females. You need to do nothing for it. Just avoid squeezing or rubbing over it. It would regress on its own.
In many females, such pimples follow monthly cycles. They come and go with it.
I have a white/yellow pimple on my labia minora. To be more specific, it’s on the right piece of skin under my clit. I’m not sure how else to describe where it is. The left side is completely normal, reddish pink skin but the right side has that small white/yellow ball. I am a virgin so it can’t be an STD. I have great hygiene I take showers every day, sometimes even twice a day. I honestly don’t know what this is and I’m scared because I have the tendency to think the worst. Please let me know.
— (continuation from last comment) sorry but I forgot to mention this pimple is completely painless. I would’ve had no idea it was there if I didn’t look.
Appear to be a pimple. No infection, since it’s not spreading or giving you pain.
You may leave it as such. Likely to regress on its own with time.
Just avoid friction over it while walking, or squeezing it with fingers. Wear loose bottoms.
I just gave birth 12 days ago and noticed today that there are many pimples on my Labia minora. I have been checked for all STDs and have been married/in a relationship with the same man & only having intercourse with him for well over 2 years. I am still wearing a pad every day. I try to keep the area dry but it seems impossible. I am told not to wash with soap but with witch hazel, Epsom salts and water. Is it normal to have a pimple issue on the vagina with these circumstances?
It’s common to have them after delivery, when the region down there is moist and very vascular. Just take care of hygiene there, as you’re already doing. It’s better not to use soap there. Use of soap alters the pH and makes the area prone to infections.
Your hormones are also responsible for them. AS you breast feed and your body hormonal milieu normalizes, these would get better.
I am a 49 years old, my labia majora feels hard and painful plus ichy too. What could be the cause as I no more menstruate is it the cause or not?
May be vaginal dryness. You may try any estrogen cream down there for some time. This would help making the area soft, supple and alleviate inner dryness.
I have one pimple like in my inner vagina towards the bottom at first it started really small but noticlable to touch. but now it looks like your basic whitehead it doesnt hurt when i pee or itch what is it???
Likely to be a clogged gland, that has got infected. Infections are common in that area, as many germs get a chance of being there.
Since it has got a visible head, it’s likely to drain out on its own with time. Nothing needs to be done. Just keep the area clean and avoid friction over the lesion.
Thank you, the white head whent away, but i can still feel like they are ingrown. It still doesnt hurt when i pee or wipe. So i am guessing in time it will heal on its own
Likely to heal soon. Warm compress may be tried over it to soften the lesion. This may help removing the entrapped hair from inside.
I have tiny bump on my labia minora .. Its doesnt hurt nor burn … Its like big whitehead.. I cleary feels when i touched it.. When i squeeze it the whitehead is coming out in solid form .. And after that is doesn’t hurt nor paining .. Aur feeling like bump at all .. I just want to know why it happen it happens twice with me .. This is the second time i feel this.. Can you tell me why this is happening .. Any serious issue?
It’s normal to have such cysts. Just keep the area clean and avoid friction over it.
I have tiny raised bumps or pimples (I don’t know what to call them) on my right inner lip, towards the vaginal opening. At first they were not there, the area started by being itchy and I would scratch it, then one bump/ pimple appeared. It continued being itchy then I started getting more of these bumps/ pimples. At first I didn’t think much of it, and I thought maybe it was my skin reacting to the fabric of the underwear I had bought before it happened. I stopped wearing the underwear to see if they would go away, but they are still there and they are very itchy and only painful when I wipe. I didn’t take it serious until I noticed the bumps appearing on the left side.
I’m on the pill (injection) and I haven’t stopped bleeding since my last menstrual cycle, and I recently found out the bleeding is cause of the injection.
What could be the cause of these bumps and is there any way I could get rid of them?
Thank you in advance.
This looks like an infection. May be a part of the infection you are being treated for.
What infection do you have? What medicines are you taking?
I’m currently not aware of any infections I have, and I’m not taking any medicines.
What pill are you taking and why?
You may try an anti fungal treatment at home. Canesten ointment may be used daily at night. If it doesn’t improve, you’ll need to get yourself examined for diagnosis.
I’m on contraceptives, but not the pill, a two months injection.
Excess pimples may be due to the contraceptive treatment. You need to talk to your gyne about them.
I m 28 and married..there are few white heads on my inner labia..non itchy, non painful and small just the size u get on any other part of body. What could they be??
I have a group of little pimples all together on my labia minora like about 5 not stacked on eacother but right next to eachother its just irritating and i have a slight itching sensation nothing seviere at all just slight discomfort, it came out right after i had worn some tight panties im also overweight I weigh 230 i dont know if that has anything to do with it i was afraid ot might be genital herpes or something but my partner dosent have them and i have been tested and i dont have it as well what can it be and how csn i try to cure it ?
If you have no symptom, as you say, it’s unlikely to be any infection. Look for any redness, itching, burning or pain. If you have any of these, let us know.
For now, just avoid wearing tight panties. You may even consider changing panties more than once in a day. Losing weight would definitely benefit.
The left side of my labia majora swollens and it hurts. It’s been two days now and it feels painful everytime i sit or walk. Im assuming it’s pimple and im worried if it will get bigger. What should I do and when will it disappear?
You need antibiotics for this. Try warm compress over it. This would help draining pus from it, if any. Then start applying an antibiotic ointment over it, twice daily. Bacitracin/ bactroban may be used.
If there’s no improvement in a day or two, you need to see a gyne for prescription antibiotics..
I have lump /pimple it is hard ,small pea sized , colour is same as my skin colour and the lump size is not changing …I have this lump from last 4days on my outer lips (it is not seen until I try to ) it is painless ..not any discomfort in siting or walking ….what is it? What should I do for lump to disappear ?
Very likely to be a pimple. Just leave it as such. It would regress on its own with time.
Avoid squeezing it; it’s not troubling you anyway.
Please continue reading of above question??
On my labia majora (on right side)
I have pimples in my labia minora. They itch and it may be because I scratch them and squeeze them but I’m not sure if that’s why. I have gotten them swabbed for herpes a ton of times and it’s not. I have been told folliculits and contact dermatitis. I have stopped wearing underwear and have stopped using toile paper. Which stopping both helped the itch. I get them regularly sometimes daily. Petroleum jelly and tea tree oil gives temporary relief from the itch:( help
Keep the area clean by washing it daily with ample water. Avoid using any soaps or gels over it. These are not required. Moreover, the disturb the natural flora of the region. Use any non perfumed vaginal emollient over the area after bathing to combat dryness.
Wear cotton underwears only. This fabric is hypoallergic.
Eating healthy food, rich in fruits and veggies, lees in spices would also help. Lessening caffiene intake also helps.
I have a pimple on my labia minora and it has a white head but it extremely uncomfortable (itches, painful to the touch). The labia seems swollen and is hard…is this normal??
Clearly looks infected. You need antibiotics for this.
I ended up popping a pimple on my labia (before I knew the risks of popping them) The area around that now has become seemingly swollen, but it almost feels like there is something underneath the skin there. The skin isn’t any different color, either. Should I be worried of infection?
I got one pimple on inner side of labia minora and one on the above side. It was very painful so I applied dermy cool powder. Is it OK?
You may apply an antibiotic cream or powder instead.
I have noticed small pinhead sized bumps on the inner side of labia minora. They have white heads and I noticed them 3 days ago. They are not painful but initially I experienced very slight burning sensation which lasted for a day and now there’s just a discomforting itching sensation. I’m not sexually active and I haven’t applied any antibiotic yet. What are these and how can I cure them?
Likely to be pimples. You may leave them as such. Just keep the area clean and well ventilated. Avoid using gels or soaps over it. Just plain water cleaning is sufficient. Wear lose cotton bottoms.
These are likely to regress on their own.
The pimples have increased in number and they are itching more now. I applied mupirocin over them but it burned a lot. What should I do now?
Any discharge from the vagina? Check your underwear for this.
There’s no abnormal discharge or odor.
Try using anti fungal treatment over the affected area. You may use miconazole ointment every night over there.
Let us know if it improves.
I have a boil/pimple that seems to contain white puss right below my urethral orifice. It is 2 mm long and 0.5 mm thick and I have just recently observed it. Should I be worried about it? What could it be and what should I do to purge it? Thanks in advance
You may start applying any antibiotic cream over it. Mupirocin/ bacitracin may be used thrice daily. Wear lose undergarments, Avoid frictional rubbing over it.
Two days ago I felt soreness around my Labia Minora lip. Before I had a chance to look in the mirror something had burst with blood and a yellowish/clear fluid. There was no odour. When I looked with a mirror the right lip was super inflamed (approx. 4x the size of the other, non inflamed side). I took a hot bath and it reduced the discomfort temporarily, but it is it very swollen, red, and painful. It feels as though there is pressure and that it has more fluid built up.
Two days later it is extremely sore and makes moving painful. I have a Bartholin cyst on the other side (diagnosed by an OBGYN last year) but it is not painful. I am not sexually active.
Please help. Thank you.
This is very likely to be an infection. You need antibiotics at the earliest. Recommended, you see a gyne.
I have pimple on my labia like vaginal cyst how many days it goes 1month over it was not going can I do sex in this case that pimple was not painful
It doesn’t appear to be infected. Such pimples may stay for weeks. You may carry on with your regular activities.
The day before my period I was extremely tender and just bypass it as my period coming but the day my period came I felt a small pea size like substance under my skin around my labium minus and it hurts and itches a little…please help btw I am not sexually active
Appears to be a clogged gland. Just keep the area clean and avoid friction over the bump. If it has a head, warm compress may be tried over it to facilitate drainage.
I have one tiny white bump on my labia majora.
It is hard like a Whitehead that won’t pop.
Doesn’t hurt or itch at all.
I’m not sexually active, so I assume it’s just a pimple.
It’s been there for two months now, is there any safe way to get rid of it?
Likely to be a pimple. You may start doing warm compress over it repeated every day. This would gradually soften the skin above it and help it drain off.
I have a hard small pea sized lump on libia minora, that came up yesterday and I have a lump that goes soft then hard on libia major. I usually get a lump a week or 2 before my period is due. They don’t hurt apart from clothes running on it. I’ve had them since I was 18, now much older. I wasn’t sexually active when they first appeared or before that.
I forgot to add, that I don’t shave or anything
These are likely ot be clogged glands. Just avoid friction over them. They’re likely to regress on their own with time.
Hi, a month ago I had a bump in my Labia minora – it was itchy and seemed to cause the entire side to itch. It hurt as well. It got better after a week but now I can feel another bump on the exact same location. It itches when I touch tho it’s currently not painful. Both bumps appear close to my period. Is this normal?
Could be pimples. It’s normal to get them close to periods.
Hi, im a virgin but i have like 3 small white heads (not in a cluster but separate from each other) in one side of my labia minora, they’re not itchy nor painful, they’re just there. Again, i’ve never had sexual contact with anyone, not even dry humping. is it normal?
It’s at the inner part of the Labia minora
Likely to be normal pimples. Avoid wearing tight pants. Keep the area clean and eat healthy to get lesser of such lesions.
I have tiny and pointed skin colored bumps on each side of my labia minora they dont hurt at all and there is no discomfort im just worried that they are genital warts
How many? Are they in clusters? Are you sexually active?
Yes they are in clusters and yes i am sexually active
Likely to be genital warts. Need to see doctor for check up and diagnosis.
I have pimple like hard bumps(4) on the left labia minora.they are over the lining, in a sequence. And the lining area is slightly darker purpulish in colour.And I guess due to this the left side looks slightly longer..I don’t have any itching or pain,no discomfort. It’s been there maybe more than 2 months or more.. I’m in my twenties and Virgin.
Could be clogged glands. Keep the region clean and avoid friction over these lesions. They’re likely to resolve on their own.
Hi,I have this problem that I’m concerned about,I hope you can help me . So I have a almost like an inside pimple on my outer lip (Labia Minora ?) it has been there for 2 days and it started as a small , non bothering pimple but in the second day it got swollen and it’s really red and it’s painful to close my legs , sit down , move around(walk) and it’s also painful when anything touches it and it doesn’t have a white head . It’s the first time happening to me could you help me please , thank you .
Try warm compress over it to soften it. Apply any antibiotic ointment over this pimple thrice daily.
i have mollescum on labia majora and i have di electro cautery than the mollescum is healed but another two or three mollescum is present new . I have applied cocconut oil daily than what next what i m doing
You may need to repeat cautery treatment.
Hello, a little less than 2 weeks ago, I started getting really itchy down there. My labia minora has what looks like small clusters of pimples, a few are dark colored. They’re not as itchy anymore. And I don’t even notice it’s there. But when I touch them in the shower they still get a little itchy. I don’t know if its related to my gum infection I had, since I brush my teeth in the shower. And maybe it got infected? I’m a virgin so not sexually active. I’m applying coconut oil everyday, and washing my underwear daily. I’m not sure what to do. Please help, and thank you.
Since you’ve no itch down there, your bumps are also likely heal by themselves with time. Just keep the area clean and continue applying bland and clean coconut oil over them.
Hi there,
About 3 days ago I noticed that I had a medium sized, dark, pimple-like bump on very edge of my labia minora. I discovered it about a day after my period ended. It didn’t itch or hurt before although today it has become a bit more sensitive to touch and uncomfortable. Not unbearable though. It hasn’t grown or shrunk at all since I discovered it. After doing some research I think it might have been due to a combination of my pad and friction from walking?? I have not tried to treat it in any way. Also, I’m not sexually active.
Just avoid friction over it. If required, you may keep it lubricated with any bland emollient.
Likely to go away with time.
I have had large pores on my labia minora for awhile now. I am still young so I believe it is due to hormones. Originally I thought it was some sort of STD. My gynecologist said they were just enlarged pores. They produce some sort of white discharge that comes directly from the pores. Is there anyway to shrink these pores and get them to stop producing discharge? They look like an STD and it’s very embarrassing.
Avoid using warm water and chemicals there. Using excess of cleansing products may help keeping them open. Wear lose cotton underwears to keep the area well aired and cool.
They may shrink down in size on their own with time.
I have 3 “pimple” like bumps on my labia minora they all look like a zit with a white head i thought it might be herpes, im really concerned. They don’t itch no pain when urinating or otherwise , just hurts when I wipe when using the bathroom. There kind of in a straight diagonal line two are on the outside of the labia minora lip and one is exactly on my labia minora
Age? Are you sexually active?
27 yes I am but I am married one sexual partner, I also have HS so I do often get boils but I never experienced this.
Also I have been using a topical I use for my boils and they seem to be subsiding atleast I believe because the white head part has gone.
Since they’re responding to the topical ointment you’re using, let’s wait and observe.
I have a pimple on my labia minora, on the left side, it looks like a yellow pimple you get on your face, when feel it I can feel there’s like a kind of a ball or pit inside, it was itchy the first day it appeared, but not anymore, it’s been there almost a week, should I be worried??
Likely to regress on it’s own.
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