Infection of Scrotal Pimples and Management

Q: I have bumps on inner thighs, right hip and scrotum. They are not painful until I press the one on my back. They are filled with liquid or pus. One of them on scrotum is growing a bit in size. Recently I was on antibiotics for fungal infection. But it didn’t help for the bumps. Can you help?
-By Maddy


Anti fungal won’t help, as this is not a fungal infection. Looks like you have infected pimples over the area.

Pimples are caused due to blockage of the duct of oil producing glands of the skin. Skin around the groin is very rich in these glands, so they are very common in this area.

They occur more often during teens and early adulthood, when body glands are kept more active by the hormones.

Sometimes, due to repeated friction while walking or poor ventilation in the area, the pimples may get infected.


  • Wash the area daily. Bathing regularly would be enough.
  • Keep the area clean and dry. For this, it is suggested you wear loose cotton underwears most of the time. They are absorbent and don’t let moisture get trapped there.
  • Do not apply any soap, gel etc. over the area. This can make the skin dry and predispose to accumulation of tissue debris.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, restrict on fatty diet which make you prone to pimple growths.
  • Apply a topical antibiotic, mupirocin (bactroban), over the bumps that are big or painful.
  • Remember, never pop or squeeze any of the zits. This will traumatize them and also impart infection from your hands to it.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Infected Zits Over Scrotum and Groin Area

  1. Dalewood

    I been having a little bump on my scrotum for years now, it usually doesn’t bother me except for three times, I really don’t like pimples so I get rid of then when I can. Well, today I took some tweezers and pulled at it and a really small hard red ball came out. It was hard, then my scrotum just continued to bleed. It’s always just that one bump what could that be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Pulling it out was not a good idea. This may potentially impart some infection into the scrotal sac.

      It is recommended you keep the area clean and dry now. Wear loose cotton undergarments only. Apply any topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over the wound for a week’s time.

      The hard red ball doesn’t sound much significant. May be a pimple or a bump inside your scrotum became bloody. Usually, such bumps resolve themselves with time. No intervention is required.

  2. Anonymous

    Hi. I feel like I can feel lymph nodes in the groin, but then I’m not really sure if it is the inguinal ligament because the sorta lumpy type things I can feel are exactly the same on both sides and are located right around where that ligament is. Also, I raised type squishy spots are long and feel like they run downward in a V type shape, both sides feel the exact same in the same spot. Does this sound concerning? Can the inguinal ligament feel sorta puffy and squishy like how lymph nodes sometimes feel? I’m not really sure of how to describe it?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Lymph nodes are discrete swellings on palpation, whereas the ligament would appear as a single palpable structure.

      Enlargement of lymph nodes of an area is secondary to some infection or allergy in the region. Do you have any other symptom, any urinary problem, fever etc.

      1. Anonymous

        It is really hard to describe. I guess the things I feel aren’t discrete swellings. I can trace this weird rolly squishy type structure from right below my hip bones toward the top of the vagina in a V type shape. Some of it feels a bit bigger than other parts though. Does that make sense? It doesn’t feel like firm round type lymph nodes I can feel in my neck when I am sick.
        My mind always goes straight to the worst thing possible. I did have a yeast infection at the end of last month. I go for all of my yearly check ups and have never had an abnormal pap or anything. Also just had all of my blood work done the end of January and all was good.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It is not normal to have enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal region. Lymph nodes enlarge in response to some infection, allergy or malignancy.

          It is advisable to go for a check up to a doctor and get the picture clear.

  3. Asafika

    Sir, I am a male and I have painful pimples with a liquid on my privates part. So what make those pimple and how can I treat?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are sexually active, you need to see a doctor for examination. It is essential to rule out the presence of any STDs.

      Groins are moist areas, richly supplied with oily secretory glands. This makes them prone to develop pimples.

      For preventing pimples in this area, you need to wash this area daily while bathing. If you sweat a lot, bathing twice a day is recommended.

      Wear loose cotton underwear that permit adequate ventilation and minimize friction there. Read above about managing pimples in this area.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is likely to be an infection.

      Can you describe the bumps? Are they like blisters, fluid filled or pus filled, how many, are they present in clusters? Any discharge?

  4. Anonymous 2

    I have itchy pimple like pus filled bumps on penis foreskin and on scrotum as well. My inner thighs are also itching. Please give me some advice to get rid of them. They are itchy and pus filled.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may get screened for STD’s to rule out any outbreak.

      For now, keep the region well washed and dry. Avoid moisture being trapped there. For this, you need to wear loose cotton bottoms.

      Start applying any antibiotic ointment over the pimples. Eryacne may be used, thrice daily.

      1. Anonymous 2

        I am a virgin till now. So i don’t think that std maybe the cause. Along with those bumps on penis and scrotum, rashes has appeared in inner thighs as well. So should i consult doctor or shall i try home remedies like salt water wash , applying onion etc

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Using medications would be better.

          Get a anti fungal ointment/ anti fungal powder today and start using it liberally over the affected parts at night. See if you respond to it within 2 to 3 days.

          You may use miconazole/ Ketoconazole powder.

          If there’s no relief in its spread or itching, you may see a doctor for diagnosis.

  5. William Ray

    Have one small lesion or “tag” on right side of scrotum that just developed lately, I noticed it while in the bathtub and treating heat fungus,will the tag need to be removed or will it go away on it’s own.Thank you in advance.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      In most cases, the tag may remain as such. You’ll need to get it removed surgically.

      However, in some cases, tags shed off on their own with time.

  6. Angie

    I have small bumps on my scrotum which are really itchy especially at night. Initially a few in clusters but it has increased in number but not in clusters they do not appear fluid filled but does have a small hole in centre where sometimes clear liquid oozes. I haven’t been sexually active for 2 months. Please help

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be acne or else some parasitic infection, like scabies. Better get yourself examined by a physician/ dermatologist for diagnosis.


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