Dealing With Painful Genital Lesions Infection

Q: I have a genital pimple that has swelled and is extremely painful. It has not popped yet. I’m wondering if I could put neosporin on it for healing. I’m a 22 year old female.
-By Ann


You may go through the causes of painful pimple on genitalia, that have been discussed in detail.

You may read about 3 simple and quick methods to treat them yourself.

Also look into various ways to take care of such infection of private area bumps.  Usually mupirocin ointment works in such lesions, but neosporin may also be applied if mupirocin is not available.

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Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Management of Infected Vaginal Bumps That Hurt

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may try warm compresses over the lesion. Take clean warm water. Soak a soft wash cloth in it and keep it over the pimple for 5 minutes. Repeat this 3 times in a day.

      As you do it, some pus (fluid) may come out of it. This will relieve the pressure and reduce pain each time you do it. Also, the skin of the area will soften, aiding in the drainage of pus.

      However, do not force the pus to come out. Let it drain on its own. Meanwhile, you may take any over the counter pain medication like Advil or Tylenol for pain.

  1. Nathalie

    I have an abnormal amount of discharge just a few days after being intimate.

    Is it bacterial vaginosis and what should I do?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Vaginal discharge in cases of bacterial vaginosis is grayish white or yellow in color. It typically has a fishy smell. Usually, no other symptom like itching etc. are present.

      If you suspect it, it would be good to go to a doctor for a pelvic exam.

  2. Dora

    I have like bumps around the outer portion of my vagina. They sometimes enlarge and begin to hurt like I have a boil. They come and go.

    I don’t know what to do. It’s kind of embarrassing, I’ve had them for a long time. I had two kids in all. When I go to the doctor, all they give me is antibiotics. They say I don’t have any STDs so I leave confused every time. What should I do?

  3. Jade

    I have recently just had a baby, well six weeks ago. I have just gone to bathroom and my clitoris is overly sensitive unlike usual.

    I examined down there inside my clitoris hood. Almost on my clit are 2 clear looking tiny little lumps. Any idea what it could be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s difficult to comment without examining you. Do you have any symptoms, like itching, pain etc?

  4. Julie

    I am 18 years old and I have been sexually active for about 3 years now. I just had sex with one of my coworkers and a couple days later I started having pain and a couple bumps showed up.

    They resemble pimples, but when I did have a pimple in that area it was just one. This time there are like 5 and they sting like no other. For the past couple of days I have been using Vagisil cream and Clearasil on the bumps and it seems like they are getting worse.

    What do you think these bumps are? And what should I use instead of these products. I want to get rid of this as fast as possible. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Your vaginal bumps sound like an infection.

      Stop using the Vagisil cream. This cream is basically a local anesthetic. It is used to subside pain locally. In your case, it may mask your symptoms and let the infection grow unnoticed.

      Clearsil would also not work, as these are not pimples but infected bumps.

      It is recommended that you visit a doctor and get screened out for STDs. It would be better not to delay. You may require some antibiotic course.

      Meanwhile, apply mupirocin (Bactroban) over those bumps.

  5. mica

    I’m 18 years old I have been sex with a foreigner, but it’s not going in because he can’t. He is always trying but he can’t go in. But after that, I have pain when I go pee. I don’t mind that but a couple of days it’s been very painful and I can’t walk properly but I saw that it has a pimple and it has irritation and the irritation is connected to my ass. I am taking amoxicillin, is it OK for this? Please help me I am so sorry.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Continue taking amoxicillin.

      Also, keep the area clean. You may try warm compress over the pimple for early healing and pain relief.

  6. monisha naidu

    I am 23 yrs old. I’ve a small pimples in my pussy, white color lot of itching. Daily apply coconut oil, now what I’ve to do further. i don’t have any pain, if I touch the pimple then I’ve pain that’s it. What I’ve to do further.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to understand that these are pimples, clogged glands in your vaginal area.

      Wear loose cotton underwear. Keep the area clean and dry. Twice a day, do warm compress. This will soften your pimples and gradually drain pus from them.

      You may also apply mupirocin ointment over them after each warm compress.

  7. saranya

    Hi. I had a D and C on 9 Aug 2013 and from yesterday I started noticing that I have a bump on my vagina. It’s sort of a medium sized pimple with pus inside. It doesn’t hurt or itch or anything but when I take a bath I can feel it very well with my fingers. What should I do about it? Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do warm compress over it twice a day to soften it. This will gradually help in draining out the pus inside it.

      Also, apply mupirocin antibiotic ointment over it twice daily, after each warm compress.

      1. Anon

        If the pimples are smaller after bacitracin but still itchy does that mean it’s healing and it’s in fact a bacterial infection, not a viral one?

  8. saranya

    Hello. I had a D and C on Aug 9 and I am a negative blood group (B-). My problem is that I don’t know whether the doctor has put the injection that negative blood groups are supposed to take after an abortion or mis-carriage. What am I supposed to do? It’s not possible to contact the doctor again. Will it affect my next baby? Is there any preventive measures that I can take? Also, when is it safe for me to have sex again? And also I have no problems in my periods (I have always been regular and started to get my periods regularly again as I was getting before I became pregnant). Please advice.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is unlikely that your doctor gave you the wrong injection. A wrong injection could have given you a reaction immediately, which is difficult to miss!

      Let us know the medical reason for your miscarriage. Why was the baby aborted?

  9. saranya

    Hello, I had sex with my would-be and our marriage isn’t until next year. It’s a complicated situation at both our houses. We took the decision on our own after much thought. When I went for the abortion, the doctor told me about the injection but she asked me to come the day after the abortion for taking the shot. I told her it would not be possible for me to come the next day. So I’m worried whether the doctor put that injection or not. Both of us are very worried whether it would affect our next baby. When is it safe for me to have sex again? My health condition is very good now even better than it was before my mis-carriage. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      What is your partner’s blood group? Is he Rh positive?

      If it is so, you guys have to be very careful with your next pregnancy. Your doctor had rightly advised you to get a shot of Rh immune-globulin after your abortion.

      If you have not received any such shot, it is possible that your body has produced antibodies against the Rh antigen you were exposed to during the surgical abortion.

      Before planning the next pregnancy, get your blood checked for the presence of any such antibodies. Make sure your blood does not contain any such antibody.

      You may resume sex after one normal menstrual period, just to ensure your uterus is clean and relaxed.

  10. saranya

    Thanks a lot for your advice. Will surely do the checking before our next pregnancy. And if we discover that problem is there any way to resolve it? (in case of anti bodies being formed in my body).

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you have those antibodies in your body, your doctor needs to be informed about it.

      The next pregnancy would require close monitoring. Management would depend upon the severity of the case.

      The developing baby may be affected, there are chances that antibodies present in your blood stream kill his RBCs. This condition is called hemolytic anemia. This situation is dealt by intrauterine blood transfusions.

      Infants with mild Rh incompatibility don’t require any treatment till birth. After birth, they may be treated with phototherapy using bilirubin lights.

      1. saranya

        Will this situation come (if it does) to my next baby only because of my abortion or is there any other explanation for it? I mean, there is also the possibility that my baby (aborted baby) had my blood group right? If the baby which was formed was my blood group (B-) then there is no need for me to worry about this right?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Yes, you are right. If your aborted baby was B -ve like you, there is no problem at all. However, this is a rare chance. It is more common for the baby to be Rh positive if the father is Rh positive.

          This needs to be checked when you have another conception. Monitoring the pregnancy closely would reveal if there is any problem, accordingly medical interventions can be taken.

  11. Kristin

    Hi, I had a small bump on my labia, and I tried popping it (I always do I know I’m not supposed to) and blood came out. Now it seems like it might be infected but I have a large sore where it was. Any idea? So worried it might be herpes. But maybe it’s just infected from my popping it?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be infected due to popping. Start applying a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over it twice a day. It should respond within 2 to 3 days.

      If it doesn’t respond to the cream, it is recommended to go for a check up to rule out the presence of STDs.

  12. Kyla

    I have a pimple on the top of my vagina. I popped it and I don’t know why, but it hurts. What should I do?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is painful because it is like an open wound now. Just keep it clean and dry. If you observe any redness or swelling surrounding the popped pimple, apply a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin over it.

  13. Sphelele

    How can I get help because my vagina is having a pimple and I’m afraid to go to the clinic and it is inside my vagina and I can’t walk well.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Are you a virgin? If not, you need to go to a doctor for physical exam. This may not be a simple pimple, it may be an STD lesion.

      If you are not sexually active, the lesion may be treated like a pimple. Try warm compress over it. This would soften the skin overlying the pimple and may help in draining it.

      Start applying mupirocin (bactroban) over the pimple, twice a day after cleaning and drying it properly.

      Apply the ointment for 3 to 5 days, till the pimple disappears completely.

  14. Doris Gammon

    I have a small bump on the inside of the vagina that is red and fiery. I keep patting it with hot water but nothing seems to be happening to it. I was wondering if it would help it I put some salve on it. I have had it now for about a week. What do you think?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The bump appears to be infected.

      You may start applying a topical antibiotic, like mupirocin, over the pimple. Apply it twice daily for a week.

      Keep the groin area clean and dry.

  15. Anonymous

    Hi, I am 17, a virgin and I am prone to body acne. I popped a large pimple 3 or 4 years ago on the inside of my right leg, it is very close to my vagina. When I popped it, pus came out then a little blood. I remember the pimple hurting, and small amounts of blood drained from it for a few days. I found it uncomfortable to walk, so I tried to keep a Band Aid over the pimple to help with the discomfort. The area now is darker then the other skin around it, and when I touch the darkened area it feels like there’s a hole under a few layers of skin. The pimple is gone now and there is no redness, swelling or blood. The area doesn’t hurt, it kind of looks like a wide darkened stretch mark. I have a family history of cancer and I am scared it is cancer. But the look, shape and feel of the spot hasn’t changed for years, but it’s freaking me out, and I am not sure what to do. It hasn’t bothered me for a long time but I have been keeping an eye on the area. So I have been putting off going to see my doctor. I need to know if it’s time to make that appointment, or can I just put antibiotic cream on it and it will go away?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s very unlikely for it to be malignancy.

      Just apply an antibiotic cream over it for a few days.

  16. Michael

    What are the drugs that I can use to cure the pimples in my vaginal area, although I’m a virgin, because it’s hurting me so much.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since your pimple is painful, it’s likely to be infected.

      Start applying mupirocin ointment over it, thrice a day for 3 to 5 days. Wear loose cotton underwear and avoid friction over the pimple.

  17. Tasha

    I recently noticed that I had a small bump on the bottom inside of my left labia close to my vaginal opening. It wasn’t painful two days ago. Now, I’ve come down with a a cold. My back and chest hurts along with a sore throat and possible fever and the bump looks like it has pus in it and it’s also a little irritated. I searched my symptoms and the only thing that is showing up is herpes. I’m scared. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      For now, treat the vaginal bump like an infected pimple. Try warm compress over it. This would soften its surface and may help draining out the pus inside it.

      Start applying a topical antibiotic cream (mupirocin/bactroban may be used) over the vaginal bump, thrice daily.

      For your cold symptom, you may take some over the counter medication or see a doctor if it’s severe. Also try steam inhalation before bedtime, to release the congestion in the nose. Gargle your throat with warm water (a pinch of salt added to it) before bedtime and after you get up in the morning.

      If you are sexually active, you may get yourself screened for the presence of STDs.

  18. Pratyusha Mehta

    I have one red boil near the vaginal opening which has happened earlier also. Now the opening of the vagina has become half white because of infection and the boil is very painful. Earlier doctor had given me avil 50 n zinc supplemented for me and my partner. But it has again recurred. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This appears to be an infection. Both of you need to take anti fungal pills.

      It would be better to see a doctor for examination.

  19. kiara

    I had sex with my boyfriend about 5 months ago. That was the first and last time I ever had sex. a few days after my period was gone I started getting pimples on my inner vagina lips. I never had pimples in my vagina, so I am a little scared. I do not wanna go to the doctor because is a little embarrassing and at this moment I do not have insurance. I have about 6 of them. they do not hurt but I can feel them every time I take a shower. they look like pimples. it was itching, so I scratched last night. is it pimples and maybe on infection? or can it be something bad?
    please help

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This needs to be examined. It may be an infection.

      You may start using an antibiotic cream over them, till you are able to visit a doctor for check up.

      Muiracin/ bactroban may be used for a week.

  20. desperate Fee!

    Hi! I am 15 years old.
    I have always had a problem with vaginal pimples. I’m not a virgin and my pimples come and go and now I have one that is internal, irritating and painful when I touch it. It seems to be growing over the past few hours. Is this an infection or what?
    Please help.

  21. mwape

    hello am a 21 year old female and am still a virgin. my problem is that inside my vagina has like a pimple and i only saw that today.I DONT know if its a pimple because it looks tall and also every time when i go and shit in the toliet .the is like a sore tall pimple but doesnt have white staff

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          May be because of skin stretching there.

          This one is likely to be a pimple. Nothing to worry. Just keep the area clean and avoid friction over the bump. It’s likely to heal by itself with time.

          If it increases in size or pain too much, you’ll need an antibiotic course.

  22. K.W.

    I had got prescribed mupirocin for my doctor because I have an uninfected, painless under the skin lump, from time to time it gets kind of big. I have no STD’s or anything, she said it could be my lymnodes (think thats what its called). But now I have another one on the other side but it is tiny small, but kinda painful, I think it is an under the skin ingrown hair, but it came out of no where. Will the mupirocin work for it?

  23. D.H

    I shave my entire vagina area and I got a blister type sore inside bye my vagina hole very painful and its white I just started using mupirocin on it you think it’s a ingrown hair

  24. M

    Hi i have a bump on my vagina. Im not sure if its a pimple or not because i cant really see it but it is hard like a rock and it is very painful to sit or to walk around and iy is very sensitive to touch. I just started putting neosporin on it today. Ive had it since sunday and im getting kind of worried. What should i do? And what do you think it is?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be an infected gland or hair follicle. Keep applying the antibiotic cream over it. If it pains too much, drainage may be required.

      You may, anyhow, start doing warm compress over it thrice daily. this may soften it and help draining it over 3 to 4 days.

  25. BE

    I am a 47 year old woman, virgin, lately every month for about a week to a week and a half, I get an itch. It is at the tip, by my clit and on the lips down there in same general area. Normally starts on one side and moves to the other. It starts as an irritating itch, then a slight burning pain (when I can’t take it any more and itch). I try not to itch, it is worse when I pee, then I itch it. I am paranoid about area, and try to keep it as clean as I can. I don’t use soaps down there, normally a diaper wipe or a wet cloth. But, this itching is getting on my nerves. I have noticed it comes once a month, in the last 3-4 months now. This has never happened before, I just realized it is becoming a monthly issue. My period comes a week or 2 later, or what of my period I do get (it is spotty, if that any more). I miss it some months, my doctor has me counting the # of months without, when it spots, I start all over. According to my doctor, my hormone levels have not changed. Can you give me an idea, last time I saw my doctor they treated it as yeast infection and it did not go away. They don’t know what it is.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This may be a hormonal issue. Needs to be checked up physically for diagnosis.

      You may start using any vaginal emollient over it liberally. If it doesn’t help, estrogen cream may be tried over the affected area. It comes as Estrace (estradiol) vaginal cream, or may be any other brand.


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