How to Cleanse the Liver by Natural Ways?

Our lifestyle today is polluted with many things that are toxic for our liver.

Cleansing the liver would include two things:

  •  First is avoiding things that are liver toxic,
  • Second is consuming stuff that cleanse the liver.

Foods to Be Avoided

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeinated drinks like coke, tea, coffee etc.
  • Highly processed and sweetened foods like biscuits, chocolates, candies.
  • Fried fatty stuff, excess of chinese food
  • Smoking
  • Pollutants from vehicles, factories, industries
  • Stress
  • All drugs, especially recreational drugs like cocaine.

Lifestyle Changes That Help in Cleansing the Liver

Drink a glass full of fresh lemon juice in the morning. You may add half a tea spoon of honey in it. This is one of the best cleansers for the liver.

While avoiding caffeinated drinks, you may substitute them by herbal products, like dandelion coffee and bamboo coffee. Drinks lots of water each day.

Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. All seasonal vegetables like carrot, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, berries, apples, oranges, grapes, etc.

Include cleansing herbs in your diet like parsley, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, dandelion etc.

Avoid meat of all kinds. eat more of vegetarian diet.

Consume milk and yogurt on a daily basis.

Exercise regularly on a daily basis and stay active.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Detoxifying Liver by Natural Means

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      12 hours is a very short window for detox. Cocaine may get invisible, if you are very aggressive, however, its metabolite, benzoylecgonine may still be seen after 12 hours.

  1. LP

    I’ve been told that niacin is a good way to eliminate marijuana from the system. Does the same go for cocaine? Let’s say I haven’t done it for years and did maybe one line yesterday. I exercise hard 5 days a week and don’t drink soda or much caffeine just plenty of water. I am also taking 250mg of niacin to cleanse my body of marijuana which I haven’t done in about a month.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Niacin may be helpful to cocaine excretion as well.

      This is a vitamin. The best method of detoxification is taking plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are the best source of all essential vitamins and minerals.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is difficult to detoxify yourself in such a short time period. However, it’s worth giving a full try.

      Drink plenty of water, no alcohol or caffeine. Stay active physically. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

  2. Chewy

    Will it hurt to exercise the day of the test?
    What should my pretest regime be?
    Will a test like first check provide and accurate baseline of where I’m at?
    Trying to pass a possible test 4 days out after about 4 grams. Non habitual user, drank while using. Have been following your other recommendations.
    Will a liver cleanse from a GNC help at all?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may exercise, there’s no harm. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices before the test.

      The home kits available for testing are quite accurate. They may be tried for an estimate.

  3. slim

    I’m 145, really skinny. I haven’t done coke in a month up until sat night I did a little with alcohol. I have three days till the drug test. I have been drinking a lot of water and eating fruits and I’m about too excersize too. What are my chances doctor?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to be very aggressive regarding cleansing, as you plan. Three days may be adequate and you have a chance to pass.

  4. tony

    i used a gram of coke wit him two days the 20 and 21 i have a probation drug test of the 25 i have detox pills and drink i am avoiding alcohol and coffee will i be clean

  5. David

    I have been clean for over three months. I did 4 grams on Friday and have a drug test on Wednesday. I have been juicing two times a day how long was just tricking soups every day and having salads and fruits in between. I did have 2 cups of coffee what are my chances?

  6. Christina C

    I did 3 small lines of cocaine Friday and Ritalin Saturday. I haven’t used in a year but my bf cheated on me. I have a child. He wasn’t around. I get tested at least Thursday but I could have to take a test Monday. I’m scared to death. Will I pass? I’ve been trying not to guzzle water but I’m scared. Please help me pass. I’m scared. I’m never using again. I messed up. Please help me I don’t make much money so I can’t afford detox drink and my urine is sent to a lab. My pee is broken into little beads. My email is in case I miss your reply. I weigh 105 I’m 23 years old and I’m 4’9 I don’t eat much I am a cigarette smoker.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to be very aggressive about cleansing. Abstain completely from alcohol, smoking, tea and coffee. All these would retard drug elimination from the body.

      Flush it off by drinking plenty of water. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in all your meals.

      You have a chance to pass.

  7. Jonathan

    Hi, I did 2 lines last night and had a couple beers. My last one was around 8pm.
    I’m not very active but I feel I have a high metobism rate.
    I have to do a urine test for for which is a 6 panel screen on Thursday.
    What do you think my chances are at passing

  8. chris

    I snorted 1 gram of cocaine on the 8th into the morning hours of the 9th and drank a large amount of alcohol as well. I not a heavy cocaine user and never have been however over the last 3 or 4 months ive done small amounts say a few lines about once a month. i do drink heavily. I am 5’8 and about 190lbs. I naturally have a high metabolism. I will be following all of the recommendations for detoxing i’ve read on this site. I have a UA on the morning of the 26th. How likely am I to pass?

  9. Goz

    I did cocaine last Friday night. Not a very large amount. Alcohol was involved that night. Next day, I only drank beer. 2 weeks before that I had done another small amount. About 2 lines too. Today is Friday again. So it has been 7 days since I last used it. It has been five days of drinking lots of water about 1 gallon a day. Detoxifying my liver and taking vitamin b complex. I have hit the sauna 3 times and may go today again. I am 29 yrs old 180 weight. Have a good metabolism, which means I sweat easily and a lot. I have a urine drug test Monday, which means it will be 9 days after last use. This test will be sent to a lab. Which means I will need to be less of a cut off level of 150/ng to pass. Will I pass a lab test?

    Also note that I’m not a heavy user or addicted. But for the past few months I’ve done little amounts in between 2 to 3 weeks. I also took a home drug test with a cut off level of 300ng and I passed.

  10. Jake

    I used cocaine and alcohol last night and the time before that 2 weeks ago. And before that maybe 3 months ago. I exercise regularly eat very healthy always drink lots of water and don’t smoke. How mamy days wil it take to be ready to pass the test?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Depends upon the amounts and quality of drug consumed, your rate of metabolism, weight, gender and many other factors.

      In general, 15 to 20 days.

  11. Teddy

    3 weeks ago my friend did about .7 grams, 2 weeks ago days ago one small line, and 1 day another small line. How long would it take for this to not show up on urine test?

  12. Bob

    Did about 1 gram of cocaine on the 17th and drank about 5 beers with it. Have a probation drug test that is sent to the lab on monday the 27th. Im 5’7 150 pounds. I drink a lot of soda and dont eat too well, but I do have a fast metabolism. I have exercised 3 times this week and have been drinking more water than usual. I plan on exercising again tomorrow and drinking a lot of water all day and only eating fruit. What are my chances of passing this test?? I am very worried

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If this was a one time use of the drug, you’re likely to pass.

      However, if you use it on and off frequently, the drug is likely to have developed a storage in the body. In such cases, it may show up.

  13. Anoniem

    Hi, last friday (12/01) i snorted 1g cocaine, yesterday 2g. Before that i was about 3 weeks clean. Before that i was regular user, mostly in combination with alcohol. Even when not using cocaine i would drink a lot in the weekend while going out. I have a urine test in the USA around 8th February. Will I pass? Is there time left to detox?

    Thx for your advice and not judging

    1. Anoniem

      Extra information. Regular user for a year or so. I need to do the 10p urine test for acces to the factory. I am currently doing my dream job so would hate it when i get fired this way

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You have around 20 days for cleaning up your system. This gives you a good chance to pass. Just be very aggressive about detoxifying yourself.

        1. Anoniem

          Is it enough to eat a lot of fruit/vegetables and drink water or what do you understand under ‘agressively’ detox?

          Thx for the response

          1. Anoniem

            I just took a home self test with detection limit 300ng/ml and passed. Considering my previous background i’ve given i cant believe that I pas already, how is this possible?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            The best way to detox is refraining from alcohol, tea, coffee and all heavy meals. Consume light easily digestible meals, including plenty of fruits and vegetables in it.

            Drink lots of water.

  14. Jim bob

    New Year’s Day I took about .8 (snorting) then on the 10th I failed a drug test. Didn’t get the job. Now the 17th I took two small lines of some Particularly potent cocaine, with about 3 beers and a shot of tequila. I’m 6’4” 170 lbs very high metabolic rate. It is currently friday the 19th and i have another urnine test on Wednesday the 25th. I see all the similar posts so I plan to drink a lot of water, sweat heavily, eat well, urinate frequently, and stay away from alcohol. What are my chances looking like of passing? I also plan on trying a detox drink my friend recommended the day of/prior to the test. Any experiences with those?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you have being using the drug very often, cleansing may take longer. You may need 15 to 20 days.

      1. Jim bob

        Thank you, I don’t have that long, so I’ll have to resort to a detox drink. Do you know anything about that?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      For one time users, 5 to 7 days are adequate. But for those who have been having the drug more often, cleansing requires more time.

  15. Me

    When do the test sample will be labelled as diluted? How do i know how much water i can drink or not. Because i did a semf test when urine was clear and passed, and one when urine was yellow and failed

    Thx for your response

  16. Jay j

    14 days clean just did bout 1 gram of coke 2/13/18 im very good at drinking plenty of water but dont eat very well how long you think it will take to cleanse it out, if i drink bout a gallon of water and 30 mins of running a day im 31 weigh 150 and im 5’6

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve been using the drug regularly, it’s likely to have accumulated in your body tissue. Need to be very aggressively about cleansing yourself.

      You have a chance to pass the test in a week’s time.

  17. Ck

    I did an 8 ball within a 24 hour period from Tuesday to Wednesday night about 8:30pm and have a test on Tuesday. Before that it was almost a month since my last use. What do you think my chances are of passing?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have good chances of passing the test. Just cleanse yourself adequately during those available days.

  18. Anonymous

    I did 2 small lines of coke around 8pm saturday night and might have a y’all Monday around 10am. I’m really skinny in good shape I’m just under 6 feet an weigh 165 lbs I am a smoker of cigs what do I do to get clean

  19. Jim B

    Did about .5g on Saturday night/ Early Sunday morning, found out that I have a drug test on Thursday at 9am. Also drank a decent amount on Saturday night. 5’10” and 190lbs. Started heavily drinking water on Monday and also worked out and sweat a lot.

    Please let me know if you think I’ll pass.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Was this a one time use? If yes, you have good chances of passing. Continue with cleansing steps aggressively.

      1. Jim B

        Yes this was a one time use. I have tried it in the past one other time about 2 months ago. I currently am going to get 2 drug tests from the store. If I pass one today (Tuesday) and pass the second one tomorrow (Wednesday) would you assume I’m safe?

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Likely to pass.

            If you pass both the home tests, your chances for passing the Thursday test become very high.

      2. Jim B

        Do at home tests (First Check) test for the cocaine metabolite? My urine will be taken at a lab and I just was curious if I’m clear in that sense too.

  20. Verifiable

    Hi I did about 3 grams Thursday night to Saturday after noon had two pints of Long Island iced tea me and another person prior to that I was clean about two months in 5.5 and a half 158 pounds will I be clean come Thursday?

  21. Afraid

    I use about a dime a day of Cocaine. I am a frequent user. I generally drink alcohol. I have 9 days before my next text. I want to get clean for good. If I detox will I be okay for the 13th. Today is the 4th. I’m heavy set and metabolism is average.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Would depend upon how frequently you’ve been taking the drug. For heavy users, it may take a month to cleanse.

  22. david r

    hey buddy I did a key shot of cocaine Saturday that passed and was drinking… last time I took cocaine was about 2 months ago I have a drug urine screening on Saturday which is a week from when I took that key shot of cocaine…I’ve been drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit and running to sweat alot…would I pass the drug urine screening test?

  23. david r

    hey buddy I got the response on top…does it matter if its a non dot drug screening urine test?

  24. david r

    hey buddy I did a key shot of cocaine Saturday that passed and was drinking… last time I took cocaine was about 2 months ago I have a drug urine screening on Saturday which is a week from when I took that key shot of cocaine…I’ve been drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit and running to sweat alot…would I pass the drug urine screening test?…yhe paper they have me says sap 5-50 MDMA what is that and would I pass the urine drug test?

  25. Antonio

    Hey I did .5 grams Saturday night and dranked a few beers and I have a test today but I haven’t done cocaine in a month. Will I pass

  26. Anonymous

    Off and on user of coke on the weekends for two years. used a few weekends in a row this month. Have a urine test with a 300ng cut off in 45 days. Is this ample time to get clean?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s just enough time. Since you’ve been a regular user of the drug, you’ll need to cleanse yourself thoroughly to pass.

  27. Anonymous

    Hi I want to correct my post as I found out today I have 64 days to pass. If I stop consuming alcohol and coffee, workout 5 days a week, drink a gallon of water a day and sauna regularly will my chances greatly increase ?

  28. Anonymous

    If I take 2/3 grams a weekend for the past 3 months. How quick would I naturally become clean?

    If I stopped using Would I still fall online with 3/4 days urine clean

  29. Buddy M.D. Post author

    Around a week to 10 days. Would depend upon how well you detoxify yourself, steps like amount of water taken daily to flush out the drug, quantity of fruits and veggies consumed to haste up metabolism of the drug etc.

  30. Tracy

    I’ve been clean for a year! Did coke for a week straight and have test on Tuesday! Going to detox aggressively will I pass UA?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      So, that means 7 days of using the drug continuously. You need 10 to 15 days of aggressive cleansing to pass.

  31. Mike

    I did about .5 of cocaine on Sunday night along with drinking alcohol. I have a UA Thursday morning. Monday I worked out in the morning and night both times I was drenched. Tuesday worked out once and Wednesday as well. I’ve been drinking more than a gallon a day. Do you think I’ll pass?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        If this was a one time use of the drug, you’re likely to pass. However, if you’re a regular user of the drug, cleansing so quick could be difficult.

  32. .)):

    I did about 3 grams Friday night Into Saturday morning 3am. I may have a drug test Tuesday morning. I am not a regular user. I am 6’2 275. I was drinking water through out and I am still drinking water. No alcohol. Any suggestions

  33. Dirt

    I did one hit of crack cocaine 4 pm Friday, I have a urine test Monday at 1 pm. will I be clean if I detox aggressively.

  34. Dirt

    I did one hit of crack cocaine 4 pm Friday, I have a urine test Monday at 1 pm. will I be clean if I detox aggressively. One time use


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