Category Archives: Medical Advice

Case of Eye Pain With Headache

Case of Eye Pain With Headache Q: I am a 20 year old girl. I always get eye pain whenever I get headache. I am studying computer science, so I have to always use my computer. I can’t stop using computer because of headache. Do I need to wear glasses for this? What is the […]

Chest Pain With Breathing

Chest Pain With Breathing Q. I am having sharp pains in my heart when I breathe in. What should I do? -By Christina Reply: There can be many causes for sharp pains in the chest region associated with breathing. You may go through them. To make a diagnosis, we need to know more. Do you […]

Excessive Vaginal Discharge

Excessive Vaginal Discharge Q:  Hi, for the last 3-4 days I get vaginal discharge while doing house hold works . I feel very weak due to it.  Kindly tell me why it is so? -By Jyoti Reply: If the discharge is normal in color and smell, it’s just excessive in amount, there can be the […]

A Case of Bloody Stools

A Case of Bloody Stools Q: If a 19 year old male has experienced blood in his stool 20 times, first lightly then heavily, what can be some possible causes? Should he see a doctor immediately? -By Neeci Reply: There are many possible causes for blood in stools. We need to know some more details […]

T.B. Meningitis – Association With Fever and Blood Counts

T.B. Meningitis – Association With Fever and Blood Counts Q: My mother died of tuberculous meningitis. She did not have any fever though she was suffering from vomiting. Is it possible to have tuberculous meningitis without fever? Her total differential count was more than 11000. -By Devraj. Reply: Though fever is one of the cardinal symptoms […]

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge Q. My wife have abnormal vaginal discharge since 3-4 months. Please help me. -By Ahmad Reply: Let me know the kind of vaginal discharge. Is it- Curdy white, Greenish in color, Bloody, Thin transparent looking? Is it foul smelling? Also, is it in trace amounts or more? Take care, Buddy M.D.