Category Archives: Medical Advice

What Causes Pain Over Rib Cage?

Rib and Chest Wall Pain Q: Hi, I am 35 years old male. I have a pain around lower ribs for the past 4 months. It starts at night. When I drink some hot fluids the pain stops. I went to the doctor and got a chest x-ray which was normal. I am worried; please […]

Bumps Over Genitals

Healing Pimples by Warm Compress A painless bump over the labia or anywhere else in the genital region is likely to be a pimple or an ingrown hair. Pimples It is common to get pimples in the genital region. They appear as small single bumps which are usually painless to touch or otherwise. There is […]

Calculating Safe Periods

Safe Periods and Avoidance of Pregnancy Q: I did sex with my girl friend without protection after 14 days of her period. Is it possible for her to get pregnant? -By Raaz Reply: Yes, she may get pregnant if she’s not taking any pills or any other method of contraception. Making sex on the safe […]

Can Consuming Alcohol Cause Back Pain?

Relation Between Alcohol and Backaches Q: I fell asleep after heavy drinking on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. It was about 14 hours. On Sunday, when I woke up, I could not stand up. I had no feeling in my legs and was carried to bed. I slept for a while and couldn’t walk yet. […]

Oral Contraceptives and Ovarian Cysts Formation

Birth Control OC Pills and Ovarian Cysts Q: Hi, I am 30 years old and have 2 kids. I had my second child 2 years ago. After that I didn’t have sex and took birth control pills. Recently I was diagnosed with septic ovarian cyst measuring 6.40 cm, which was removed surgically and was sent […]