Differentiating Recurrent Depression From Bipolar Disorder
Q: I’ve been having constant mood swings for years, had more downs than ups. Whenever I’m in a good mood, I want to do a lot. I even tried to set up my own business but failed twice. A friend of mine thinks I may be bipolar, I don’t know much about it. Could this be the case for my mood swings?
-By Aylin, Female, 28 years.
This does not sound like a bipolar disorder. These are states where a depressive state last for months, then a maniac or hyper state comes which then stays for a few months. You have not described any maniac state.
Your condition looks like a depressive disorder mainly. In phases when you are out of it, you have plans and you work on them. That’s normal. It cannot be called maniac in order to group you under bipolars.
Consider getting treated for your depression. Looks like a recurrent depressive illness. Like any other illness of the body, depression has a chemical basis. There are lots of medicines available to manage the condition.
You need to go to a doctor for check up. Medical help is surely available. Doctors will work this out for you.
Take Care,
Buddy M.D.