Normal Male Hormone Values and Factors Affecting Them

Q: What is the normal testosterone level?
By: Shihab


The normal range of testosterone level in a male is 260 -1080 ng/dl. Any value within this range is considered normal and requires no treatment.

The value range of this hormone is quite broad. This is because the levels of this male hormone vary largely from one person to another.

Factors That Influence Testosterone Levels

There are many factors which influence the levels. They are:

  • Age: Values peak after teenage and then stabilize as a person reaches middle age. Like if around teenage, your value was about 800, it will stabilize with a figure of about 500 around late 30’s. With further advancing age, it remains stable with this value till you reach the age of 60. After that, a decline in the value may be observed.
  • Taking alcohol or any other intoxication causes a reduction in testosterone value. It has been seen that males who do not consume any intoxication have higher values.
  • Relationship: Values decline slightly after attaining fatherhood.
  • Levels are better in males who eat better (fresh fruits and vegetables) than in males who take more of junk food.
  • Certain medications, especially steroids, may also influence the levels of this hormone.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

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