A Case of Non-growing Throat Cyst

Q: I am young lady, 21 years old. I got pregnant at the age of 18 and had a thyroid cyst when I was pregnant. I went to the doctor who told me it was not cancer. I haven’t removed it yet since I had my baby, but I’m worried. It is not growing.


You may not have to intervene if there is no complication or growth of the cyst.

Possible Complications With a Throat Cyst

  • It may get infected
  • It may be cancerous
  • It may grow in size

However, a follow up examination of the cyst is essential to rule out the presence of any of the above complications. If everything is alright, the cyst may be left as it is.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “A Case of Non-growing Throat Cyst

  1. Szekely Judit


    I went to an ENT specialist today, because I have a fibroma inside my cheek, do to keep biting on it. The doctor checked my throat as well, and said I have a small cyst in my throat, but no need for further treatment, leave it as it is. But now I read on website, the opposite about it. So, I do not know what to do, I am 68 years old, healthy female. An answer would be appreciated. Thank you very much.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If the cyst doesn’t grow in size or give you any swallowing problems, it may be left as such. However, regular follow ups may be done to assess its status.


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