Cyst in the Throat

A cyst is a balloon-like sac of tissue, which is filled with fluid. The consistency of the fluid may range from watery to thick cheesy material. Some cysts are formed as fluid accumulates in the normal tissue, while some cysts originate from an abnormal collection of pus or abscess followed by gradual formation of thin covering around that.
Cyst in the throat needs immediate attention as throat is a very sensitive area. It is the passage of respired air. Any blockage of gas-exchange is potentially a serious issue. Though it’s risky to perform any major surgery to remove the cyst here, but sincere attempts should be made to know the pathological nature of the cyst. This may be achieved with the help of a small procedure called FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology).
In this technique, a fine needle is passed into the cyst and fluid is withdrawn, which is later examined under the microscope. If needed, a small biopsy may also be attempted for histopathological examination. Sometimes, it may also be possible to decompress and drain the cyst while performing FNAC. In case it requires a surgical removal, that would definitely be a difficult procedure.
Factors to be considered are:
  • Patient’s Age
  • Proximity of cyst to the vocal cords and airways
  • Size of the Cyst
  • Any underlying disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Other diagnostic investigations like laryngoscopy and CT scan/MRI should be done to assess the true extent of the cyst. Consult with an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist (also called Otorhinolaryngologist) may be helpful.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Cyst in the Throat

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Is he having any problem with the cyst, any symptoms? Is the cyst growing in size? What is the texture of the cyst- hard, firm or soft?

  1. Angela

    I had a cyst removed from my left vocal chord last Thursday. I have been given different advice. One not to speak for a week and then small talk for second week. Yet the hospital said no talking for 48 hours then just talk occasionally. I’m a teacher and use my voice a lot so want to do what is best. It will be a week tomorrow and I still feel very tired. I wake up well but as soon as I start to do too much I feel washed out. Is this normal and does surgery, general anesthetics effect everyone in different ways. I know I do not react well to medicine and have an allergy to Suxamethonium and mivacurim and was given this on one occasion despite telling the anesthetist I was allergic to them. This made me really poorly with ME as a result. Although I was the correct anesthetic I have been told I don’t react well to medication is this why I still feel washed out. I was hoping to return to work next week but don’t think this will be possible.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Everyone feels washed off after surgeries. You need to give yourself time. As time passes and you resume back with your original diet, recovery will take place and you’ll feel better.

      This may take one week more. Intolerance to medications may partly be a cause of delayed healing.

      It is alright to start with very small talks in the second week of recovery. However, do not over do the talking.

    2. Wayne

      Angela I think you’ve got the same as me I’m really worried its cancerous though, ent consultant did say though that there was a 0.5% percent chance though.

  2. Wayne Russell

    Hi I’ve just been told by an ent doctor that I have an half cm cyst on the left hand side of my throat, he believes it’s a cyst or granuloma, he said that he needs to extract it and run a biopsy to make sure. I’m terrified it might be cancer, I’m 34 male never smoked and hardly drink. I’ve looked up on what a granuloma is and it says the best thing for it is treatment for acid and it will go itself, the only time they remove it is if they think its cancerous this has worried me more can you help me please. ?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s better to go for a biopsy. This would not only rule out any chance of malignancy, but also reveal the consistency and make up of the cyst.

  3. Rosie


    I went for a ultrasound on my neck a week ago. The doctor informed me I have a small cyst in my throat and it was not dangerous. She also informed me that it would go away on its own.

    Should I be worrried?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        It’s likely to go away on its own, as your doctor says. Appears to be caused due to chronic irritation there.

        Soothing your throat would help. Avoid alcohol and too much of spicy food. Avoid smoking, this would further irritate and aggravate the cyst. You may start consuming a tea spoon of honey before bed time. This would soothe your throat and help in healing.

  4. Rina

    I’ve been feeling like there is something at the left side of my throat for a few days. At first I thought it was just tonsil stones, but after looking in the mirror, I noticed that there is like a small ball-like growth somewhere below my left tonsil. I tried looking for it on the right side of my throat, but there is none, so it is definitely not supposed to be there. I’m really worried, it doesn’t hurt but it is really irritating and it wasn’t here before this. Can someone tell me what is it? I also have a picture of it. Please help me! I’m really worried!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Doesn’t look anything serious.

      This is likely to be a tonsil stone. There is no inflammation, that is, redness or swelling around it. So, you may leave it as such. It may get resolve on its own with time.

      Or else, you may visit an ENT for check up and removal of the lump.

  5. Rina

    Oh really? Tonsil stone? I did not know that tonsil stone can be found below the tonsil. Anyway thank you very much for the help! And sorry if you don’t really understand my English, it isn’t my first language.

  6. Mindy

    I have several follicular cysts in the back of my throat, they feel dry, weird to swallow and like it’s hard to breathe…my throat is red and upset…the symptoms fluctuate in severity, but have been going on for about 4-5 months. I generally feel tired and achy, I eat like a horse for energy but keep loosing weight. My doctor patted me on the head and said it may be acid but that was all, my gut tells me somethings off. I’m 37 and don’t smoke but my dad and his dad died of adenocarcinoma which my dad’s brother now also has. Should I push to see an ENT or am I simply excempt because I’m the first female in the family line and not a male.?

  7. Akshay
    Had a surgical tooth extraction recently and was having dry mouth since then. When I asked about the dryness to the dentist at the time of removal of stitches. He told it’s beautifully healed and it’s okay to feel dryness for a few more days because of the anastasia and those antibiotics I ate after the surgery. Recently I checked my mouth/throat casually and found my throat looks like it has small rashes/bumps here and there. Checked with a local ENT and he said it’s normal to have these bumps on some people. After few days, today my anxiety makes me look at my throat again and this time I found a small white lump right in the middle of back of my throat behind uvula/or that hanging thing (see the picture) I don’t know whether it was there before. My fear is at its extreme. I have cough n phlegm for sometime. Can somebody please help? Also I have swollen nodes. But it’s been there like permanently for years.
    I’m 21, male. I don’t smoke n I don’t drink alcohol.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Nothing to worry. This lesions looks like a pocket containing infected material/ cell debris etc. It’s commonly seen in such locations. Such lesions are taken care of by your throat immune system. Just leave it as such, it will get resolved with time.

      It may have arisen due to the infective cold you recently had.

  8. Nancy LaValley

    I have had a vaguely soar threat and the feeling of something like a lump that kind of hurts when I swallow for 2 months now. No other symptoms. I went to an ENT 2 weeks ago and she put a little scope down my throat and did a video of it. She told me I had (and I could see it) inflammation on the left side of my throat. And then diagnosed me with Acid Rflux. I have no feeling of indigestion, nor food coming up. I do not drink, smoke, eat sweets, drink soda. I eat organic and no meat. How can this be? She also said that she saw a small cyst. Could it be that the cyst is causing the inflammation? A year ago I had a tooth with a root canal become infected. Since there was no pain, I had no idea of the infection, until I had my 6 moth cleaning. The dr removed the tooth (also on the left side of my mouth). I now have an implant. Could it be that the infection from my tooth caused this?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be. Any source of infection in the mouth, ear or neck can possibly reach the throat wall to infect it.

      The presence of a cyst, however, suggests that there has been some chronic inflammation there. This is generally smoke, acid reflux, alcoholic mouth rinses or gargles etc.

      Most of such cyst resolve on their own, when left as such. Just avoid further irritation to it.

      1. Nancy Lavalley

        Would salt water gargles help? And how do I know for sure that it is acid reflux since there are no feelings of indigestion. This nub in my throat is driving me crazy. How long does it usually take for these things to go away, if it is the cyst? Thanks for your help. Should I see a gastroenterologist? I have been having diarrhea lately as well, but not sure if it is just because of stress. Thank you so much for your time.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If it’s due to acid reflux, anta acids would greatly help you.

          Cysts usually take 3 to 4 months to disappear. Just avoid irritation over it. Avoid smoking, alcohol, excess spices, pungent sauces or drinks. Gargles are unlikely to help.

  9. Lana

    Hello, Could you please be so kind to have a look at my throat? I am worried about the red bump at the back of my throat (which has been there for a while – 2-3 years or maybe even more) and the white bump on my tongue (which also has been there for a while, then disappeared and a while ago came back again). I started to notice it 2 weeks ago as I think it has increased in size from what it used to be (it is about 2 mm now). The GP who looked at my throat and my tongue told me they might be papilloma. I am not so sure at all. I have also been having a feeling of a lump in my throat which has been persistent for a few weeks now. I had an endoscopy in 2016 and was advised to use Nexium (I used it for 2 years). In September of this year my Ferritin was very low (under 8, when a minimum is 30) and my vitamin D also dropped. I have stopped using Nexium since September as I need to raise my Iron levels with a supplement (and low acidity prevents the iron absorption). Please have a look at my throat and the tongue. thank you very much in advance and Merry Christmas.

  10. cindy castellon

    I been having problems on the right side of my throat for years now and seem to be getting worst I got an ultra sound done and they found a 5mm cyst I feel it when I swallowed and I have trouble breathing even when I sleep and feels like something is stuck in my throat

  11. Guy

    I just notice a small lump in my throat , it is the size of a pea and almost under my chin, there is no pain
    could this be a cyst ? I did have Thyroid Cancer 12 years ago . I am going out of the country in 5 days and will be gone for to weeks , should i have it looked at before i go?

  12. Sulman

    Hi, I experienced cyst on the left side of my throat after I was involved in a road accident. I have undergone 2 surgeries already and it’s still up again. I visit the doctor and he said he needed to redo the surgery as he needed to go deeper. I am totally pulled down as I am not sure whether it will not show up again if I repeat for the third time. I am thinking of leaving it for now. Is there any negative effect apart from the swelling that will be dangerous for me if I leave it? Can it totally be removed and cure? Please help.

      1. Nicky

        no, no Biopsy was done – I still need to go for another scan – I think an MRI scan
        only a sonar and X-ray were taken

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It’s difficult to comment here, without actual examination.

          If the cyst are due to the impact of the trauma you suffered, they’re likely to be inflammatory in nature. Would heal gradually with time.

  13. Nicky

    I fell and hit my wrist of my right hand very hard – now the Dr. said that my collar bone moved and I suffer from proper breathing and swallowing and also choke in my own spit and cough offen – with a sonar done they saw some cysts in my through – what could have cause that and is it dangerous to carry on like this

  14. Arijah

    I have a cyst in my throat.. it is very difficult to swell.. ent specialist said it is not dangerous.. i have pain.. can’t speak loud.. it is difficult to swell a tablet.. what can i do… i am 25

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Where exactly? Can you share the exact diagnosis by your ENT? From which tissues in your neck inside has it erupted?

  15. Kal

    I noticed a lump at the bottom of my throat and my doctor quite rightly suspected a large benign cyst which an ultrasound confirmed. It is located right on my trachea making it quite uncomfortable. I am waiting to hear if i can avoid surgery and if instead it can be aspirated via ultrasound guided needle. Do you think that may be possible given its location?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Many cysts can be drain by endotracheal procedures. Would depend where exactly on the trachea is this one located, any nerves near by, is it inside the trachea or outside, any big vessels around etc.

  16. Alicia

    Had a 7mm cyst on right site of throat back in June after having a cold. I had a cold again this past weekend and its back! They never figured out where or why it happened and it resolved in hours with antibiotics and antihistamine. No trouble breathing, hurts a bit (like a sore throat) to swallow. Trying to avoid ERs and urgent cares now. I have clindamycin and OTC antihistamine, obviously not as good as the IV they gave before but could it work


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