Mass Coming Out of Vaginal Opening
There are various causes that may lead to the protrusion of tissue through vaginal orifice. Here are some important ones:
Bartholin’s Cyst
On either side of the vaginal opening are present small lubricating glands called bartholin’s glands.
They function by secreting a lubricating fluid which keeps the vagina moist and wet, preventing friction inside it.
When the mouth of any of these glands becomes blocked, the secretion keep accumulating inside it and a bartholin’s cyst develops. This cyst is a painless lump or swelling present at the vaginal opening.
This cystic lump usually gives no trouble. It may regress on its own in due course of time.
Bartholin’s Abscess
Rarely, a bartholin’s cyst may become infected to give rise to a pus filled lump called the bartholin’s abscess. The genital area is exposed to a variety of infective bugs, like E coli, all STD bugs (chlamydia etc.). Any of these may be the cause of these abscess.
This abscess is very painful, and typically present at the opening of the vagina.
It may grow in size, causing excruciating pain. It may also break in to the near by vaginal skin or mucosa, complicating the picture even more.
These abscesses need to be drained surgically. An antibiotic cover is usually given during the procedure.
Cystocele (Fallen Bladder)
When the muscles of the pelvic floor becomes weak or damaged, as during child birth, the bladder may sort of fall into the vagina. This appears as a large bulge in the anterior (front) vaginal wall.
The bulge may be big enough to come out of the vaginal opening as a small rounded lump.
If pressed, one may get a sensation to urinate.
Cystocele is painless to touch. Patient may feel a sagging sensation down there. She may have pain after standing for long hours.
Treatment is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, either by exercises or surgically.
Uterine Prolapse
This is a condition where the womb falls into the vagina. This occurs due to weakening of the ligaments and musculature supporting the uterus.
The prolapse is categorized into four types, depending upon the degree of falling of the uterus.
First degree is where the uterus falls into the upper part of the vagina only.
Second degree is the one where the uterus prolapses upto the lower part of the vagina.
Third degree is where the uterus prolapses further down, so that a part of it is visible outside the vagina as a lump coming out of it. This is also called procidentia.
Fourth degree is where the uterus is fully coming out of the vaginal opening.
When the muscular wall between the vagina and the intestines weaken. a part of the bowels may bulge from inside the vagina. This is called an enterocele.
Bowel sounds may be auscultated form over the enterocele.
When the rectum falls into the vagina, a lump appears in the posterior (back) vaginal wall. This is called the rectocele. It may come out of the vaginal opening in the form of a lump.
Hi there. I am a 28 years old woman. I have 3 problems:
1. Last year I developed something that looks like a water sack (a little big) near the opening of my vagina. It swells up sometimes and that’s when it makes me uncomfortable when sitting or when wearing pants.I dried it once but it still swells up. It’s just hanging there.
2. Recently I again developed a hard pimple just above the water sack structure, it’s hard, feels like a lymph node but it’s painful when you touch it. I have had this before (2002), were treated but kept on coming and disappearing. Blood testing for STDs was done even this year August but nothing was found.
3. I also have a lump in my breast, went to the cancer association clinic twice for check up and they said only to go back when it starts growing. I am worried about my health.
Have you seen a gyne for this? What does she say about the water bag?
I have not seen the gyne about it yet, I am afraid it might be genital warts (looked it up on the Internet, have seen similar images to what I have). I do not know what to do, what is your suggestion about the lump that I have in my breast?
A small lump which is soft or firm to touch and is freely movable within the breast tissue is not worrisome. It may be a cluster of fibrous tissue.
You need to worry only if the lump grows in size or becomes attached to the underlying tissue, that is not mobile. Or if it becomes hard to touch.
You are welcome!
Last year and a half ago a small bulge began to protrude from my vaginal area. It is not at all painful, I can simply just push it back inside and it will stay for a while. There is absolutely no pain to it at all. This year the bulge is much larger, and if I am laying down and not on my feet too much the bulge seems to stay in place. When I take a bath, the bulge retreats back into place.. If I am on my feet the bulge gradually drops and protrudes further outside my vaginal opening. Again, there is no pain, its just a bulge.. These days when I urinate, I have to first push the bulge back inside for a free-flowing urine elimination. most days the bulge stays in place, does this sound like a prolapse?
Yes, it does.
Looks like the anterior wall of vagina in prolapsing, giving you the painless bulge and other symptoms. Though prolapsed walls cause no major harm, it’s better to start correctly them at early stages. Doing KEGEL’S EXERCISES on a regular basis would start giving you results in a month. Losing weight, if you’re overweight, would also help.
If left as such, bulge may keep increasing in size and give you a pain and sagging sensation on prolonged standing or lifting weights. At that stage, surgical corrections, via sling operations, are done to manage it.
I have a boil on my vulvar, went to see a surgeon for removal today, however, she would like me to see an oncologist gynocologist as she thinks this could be cancerous. The size is about a quarter of an inch or more. It continues to drain and since it burst, I don’t have as much discomfort. When it burst, the odor was terrible. I waited all day for the surgeon to call me as she was going to make me an appointment but nothing yet. I am very concerned that I will have to wait and this boil is open to many germs. Any advice? If this is malignant, what are the chances it has spread, hypothetically speaking?
Thank you for your time.
Clean the fluid coming out of the boil, each time it burst. You may use doctor’s alcohol or some antiseptic solution to wipe the nearby area each time.
Malignancy would not spread through this fluid. It would spread inside your body, as this boil invades the underlying skin tissues.
Try making an appointment with the oncologist at the earliest.
I have a light pink thing poking out from my vagina down Closest to my rectum . Doesn’t. Hurt to touch it..but having an increase in discharge and light cramps… Can’t figure out what this is
It is small in size
This needs an examination for diagnosis. You need to see a gyne.
I have a pink thing poking out of my vagina and it is uncomfortable and itches. It also smells. What do I do?
Requires a physical exam for diagnosis. May be a protruding part of your vaginal sphincter itself. Or i it from inside?
I have a 14 year old daughter and on one side of the opening of her vagina she has a lump it first started off as a spot so what could it be..?
Dose it pain? Does it appear to be filled with pus or any other fluid? Is the surrounding area red or swollen?
Just went to the bathroom to wee and it felt like I forgot my tampon in but it wasn’t my tampon, a small pink cluster of lumps was coming out what could that be …
These may be debris material (part of your menstrual flow), coming out from your uterus. Nothing to worry.
I was in the shower and felt a mass of something coming out of my seems to be attached.there is no pain but some bleeding.
Your age? Number of kids you have and how were they born? Was it a vaginal delivery or a C-section?
I am 49 years old.I have had three vaginal births.all normal
For exact diagnosis, the mass needs to be examined. You need to see a gyne.
Let us know, when does the lump come out, is it after straining a lot or standing for long hours? Is it painful or give you a stretch sensation? And finally, its shape, is it round or pear shaped or else?
Yes I have the Round bulge Poppin out for my vagina it’s the first time it’s happened it did finally go away I do you rotate from side to side to scrape dinner tray from Three food trucks at work . I’m also going through menopause near the end and I’m 53 years old what do I do about this .? I heard about the netting I don’t want to do that , nothing but horror stories
It’s likely that your anterior vaginal wall is herniating out. This is common and the cause is physical stress, that include multiple child birth, standing for long hours, lifting heavy weight etc.
Try Kegel’s exercises to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. Avoid long standing hours, lifting heavy weight. If you have to stand for long, consider taking a break to sit or, if possible, lie down for 5- 10 minutes.
I am 14 years old and i haven’t started my period yet. theirs a long pink thing that comes out of my vagina but i don’t know what it is. it does not have pain or it does not hurt. it hurts a little
it hurts sometimes
but not all the time. i haven’t told my mom yet either
It’s alright to begin a with menses after 14. Commonly, 14 to 16 years is the median age for the start of menses.
Have you done any fingering there? When does the pink thing come out, all the time or just sometimes? Can you describe the discharge, is it slimy or bloody?
yes. all the time. not slimy or bloody just pink and squishy
It’s normal. Likely to be a part of housekeeping your vaginal lining is doing there.
There appears nothing to worry. Just start using a panty liner, if required.
I am 18 years old, 36.4 weeks pregnant and on lv 3 bedrest for possible early labor. Im 3cm dilated and my baby has descended to -1. Earlier today I had gotten a hand mirror and checked down there to make sure things were still good but at my vaginal opening there was a pink squishy ball about the size of a marble. It does not hurt or appear to have any secretions but it was never there before. It is located on the inside but poking out; slightly to my left and near the top of the opening. Please help me figure what this could be, I don’t wish to have anymore issues with my pregnancy, especially ones that risk major complications.
Since you have no symptom, there appears nothing to worry. This appears to be a part of your vaginal wall, coming out due to pressure.
so i wear a menstrual cup. last night, i went to empty my cup and reinserted it just fine. no problems. this morning i went to empty it again and there is a big lump on the side of my vagina? i thought the cup tilted sideways, but my cup was actually sitting behind this mass. i can insert my finger in my vagina, and pulled my cup out just fine, but now i am not bleeding anymore? I’ve only had my period for 3 days. usually i bleed a lot more than that. it doesn’t hurt, no smell, no discharge, no fever. i feel fine. i literally just went to take my cup out and i felt it.. maybe a cyst? can they form that fast and get that big, literally overnight? i had a baby last year.
my son is almost 9months old, but i had him via c-section. i turn 31 on the 22nd.
it’s not coming out of the opening, but its right by the opening. its firm but still soft. it gives if i poke it.
It’s likely to be a prolapse of your vaginal wall.
Labor is a strenuous process. Though you delivered through C section, the musculature around the vaginal canal has suffered a lot of strain. You may understand this as a herniation.
You need to visit a gyne for check up to reach an exact diagnosis and discuss its treatment.
Just yesterday, i felt a hard lump protruding through my vagina. I am 39 and have no children.
Needs to be examined for diagnosis.
i v tongue like growths on my vagina ed lump frm my vagina hell
These may be warts.
Do they itch, pain or bleed?
I find that I’ve developed a protruding tongue like thing in the opening of my vagina which is just above the rectum. It itches a lot. The itching problem is persisting since six months or so. Before, I had not noticed this but smelly discharge would occur often. For that I was given antibiotic and canesten ointment by my gynae. I fear because my died of breast cancer. Is it abnormal. I’m 34. Please suggest.
Though it’s unlikely to be malignant, you need to be examined by a gyne for diagnosis.
3 weeks after giving birth i have this pink thing bulging at the mouth of my vagina. Ihave no pains, my stitches are healed all im having just normal postpatrum bleeding.
Can it be prolapse? An infection Or will i heal as time pass??
Very likely to be a prolapse. Press it, do you feel like urinating? If yes, it may be a cystocele.
Do Kegels exercise daily to improve. Read here in detail about management-
Hi, I’m 20 and not pregnant. About five days ago, I began to feel and uncomfortable sensation right at the opening of my vagina that turned painful to the point of not being able to wear pants. This was accompanied by a constant need to pee and a burning sensation. Went to the doctor whom said it was a UTI, and took antibiotics for 6 days.
Meanwhile, I have noticed my vaginal wall is swollen to the point of it closing up at times, and portrudes into a squishy almost bubbly uneven bump right at the entrance. The peeing sensation has not stopped either, no matter the medication nor the use of vaginal cream. I also constantly feel bloated. I’ve noticed more swelling each time I am aroused.
What can this be?
What medications did you take?
I’ve had this same problem over the past 3 months. Initial symptom was the severe vaginal swelling. UTI symptoms come and go with high levels of wbc with negative cultures. This bulging ball of flesh In the vaginal entrance becomes unbearably painful when these symptoms arise. Beginning my 5th course of antibiotics and waiting on referrals to both a urologist and gynaecologist. I’m curious Grace if you ever found out he cause of your symptoms. I’ve also been suffering from a vaginal tear that hasn’t healed over a 3 Monty period. All tests negative for that as well.
Hi, did you find out what is it? Having the same symptoms like you. Thanks
My discharge I think is too much, I use to feel it when I discharge Even when I unirate do see some on the floor as I unirate…. My vagina is not itchy, smelly Just smell sour. Please I don’t know if is infection or just normal cause I just finished my period 9 days ago.
Thank you .
Check if you have any itch, redness or pain down there? If not, there’s nothing to worry. This is just excessive amount of your normal discharge.
You may get excess of discharge after sexual stimulation or if you’re nutritionally deficient or weak. There may be other reasons too. Need to be evaluated on check up.
I’m 27 and no child..i have a painless lump coming out from my vaginal opening,what could it be?
Does it bleed? Does it come out on straining or is it always there?
I have a pinkish white lump coming out of my vagina which seems to form around it but I can clean it off with a wipe. It does burn a little more like uncomfortable feeling. I’m not sure what it is. I do feel like I have to pee more than usual.
Your age? How many kids and mode of delivery?
I am 21 and have no children
This could be a vaginal polyp. Need to see a gyne for diagnosis.
In my vagina in the entrance there’s a a pink ball /or a ball of skin when I touch it it doesn’t hurt it just moves my cannal in at the bottom but it covering most of it at first I thought it was the layer of skin that breaks so I tried to break it but it didn’t it just moved and when back to normal is this normal??
Do you have kids? If yes, how was the delivery done? Your age?
I am 34 and have 1 daughter who is turning 9 in a couple months. I had a normal delivery. Yesterday, i felt a small lump portruding out of my vagina when i sit in the loo.. But i cant feel it when standing or when lying down. It does not hurt and its like a smooth round ball down there.. Thinking back, i frequently strain during b/m.. Could this be the cause? What might it be? Will this need surgery?
Appears to be a cystocele. Treatment would depend upon how big it is. This may be assessed on examination by a gyne.
For smaller ones, reducing weight and doing Kegel’s exercises help a great deal.
I was showering today and found a large-ish (feels like maybe 1/2in diameter) thing sticking out of my vagina opening. I’m 25, no kids, no health issues, and super healthy. I literally have no idea what this could be from or what it is. It doesn’t hurt, and I was able to shove it back in, but then I was vaccumming and it popped out again. Advice?
Could be a vaginal polyp. needs to be examined by a a gyne for diagnosis.
Im a virgin my inner lips are like swollen it feels like liquid is in them is that normal ?
Do they pain, burn or itch?
If not, this appears to be normal. These organs are very vascular and sensitive to touch. They may appear to be filled with fluid.
No burn or itch
No pathology, then. It’s normal.
May be they’re more stimulated due to frequent touching or rubbing.
I have a lump coming out of my vagina on the front wall, when I strain it pushes out more, it doesn’t hurt it just feels uncomfortable if pressure is applied. Any help would be great, thanks
Very likely to be a cystocele.
If it’s a small one, you may manage it by reducing weight and regularly doing Kegel’s exercises.
Bigger ones require surgical repair.
A small round ball of flesh appeared inside my vagina, right in the opening, about 2-3 years ago. It doesn’t protrude or ever “fall out”, nor is it normally sore. Recently, after intercourse, it’s becoming pretty swollen, and slightly tender. I’ve spoke with 3 different doctors/gyne, but they all say it’s “normal” even after explaining the swelling and fairly sudden appearance of it. Everything else is completely normal, no dryness issues, no other swelling, just that ball of flesh. I’m 27, no kids. What can this possibly be?
Have you ever undergone any instrumentation inside your vaginal canal?
How big is it? Does it disappear when you lie down? Does it come out when you stand for long hours or cough?
I haven’t.
It’s about the size of a dime when it’s not swollen. When swollen, roughly the size of a quarter, maybe a bit larger.
It doesn’t disappear or come out at all, it just sits there. Once it swells it of course gets closer the the opening, but never comes out. I can usually see it even when it’s not swollen.
It’s likely to be a growth arising from the vaginal wall, may be a polyp. Such growths are usually not cancerous or serious any way. However, most of them can be surgically resected out.
Needs to be examined for diagnosis.
Hi, this morning I woke up and I found a pea size whitish color ball come out of my V? I’m 21 years old and just got off my period yesterday and I never encountered this before and I’m not sure if its something to worry about? Its whitish and slight yellow/brown spots here and there, no odor, no pain, no discomfort, it’s very jelly, slimy, gooey, mucus like.
Is it a ball or a collection of mucous, which can be taken out?
If it’s a ball, that seems to be attached to the vaginal wall, it’s likely to be an infected Bartholin gland. Or else, it could be a polyp. Or Needs an examination for exact diagnosis.
Small pink like lump came out while cleaning my vagina. Had slight bleeding for two three day. And this lump just came out. There is no bleeding tissues yet.
Likely to be a swollen vaginal gland or a vaginal polyp.
If there’s no bleeding now, there’s nothing to worry.
Till the March of the 2013 the life was at the best
I feel like I have a ball like structure in side my abdomen I go to the doctor and she said after ultrasound that I have found a mass in side the abdomen around the uterus after some more cosultencies the final decision was operation she perform the abdomen operation and after long time she said it was a huge abacus (puss cell) due to which I have that long time
She also added that all the overies and the uterus had also been removed due to malfunctioning the sample was sent to me Lab from where the andometrium carcenoma was detected
I have given chemo 6shots
Had sex with my husband two nights ago and now inside my vagina feels like there’s something hard and shoved in there . Looked at it with a mirror and it looks like a pink lump poking out but two swollen and painful to stick a finger in. I have one son birthed via csection 5 years ago
If the bump is inside the vaginal canal you may need oral antibiotics.
If outside, try applying an antibiotic cream for topical use. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used.
I have something skin tag like thing hanging on my left labia minora. I can’t exactly tell what it realky is. At first it was small i thought it will be okay by itself but its size is increasing and it has branches. I am totally confused what to do .sometime it hurts but most of the time it doesnt. Plz tell me what is this thing and its causes and treatment.
Any burning or itch over it? Your age? Are you sexually active?
Sometimes It burns and itches. my age is 25. I’m not sexually active
This may be a wart. You need to see a gyne for physical examination.
Does clitoris rubbing cause genital warts ?
I have a pink bulge thing at the opening of my vagina had swabs done no infection and doc said was measuring around 2 cm however at my follow up appointment she said couldn’t see it so when I’m lay down it can’t be seen but when I look in a mirror it’s there blocking the opening.
How many kids? Mode of delivery?
One child and normal delivery
Appears to be a cystocele. Read above about it.
I have a pea sized white and pinkish ball form hanging from vagina. It does not hurt or burn. I am 16 a virgin with no kids
Sounds like a vaginal polyp.
Physical exam needed for exact diagnosis.
I have a pink thing coming out of vagina it looks like a bit of flesh or tissue. Its not painful but also further back on the vaginal side of the perineum I feel sore and feel like its swollen. Only feels sore and swollen for the last few days. I had a baby 4 months ago, normal delivery. Had 2 previous normal deliverys. What could be causing this?
There may be a patch of irritation over there. This happens due to instrumentation used during child birth and is very common.
Just start using a thick emollient over the affected area. Avoid constipation or straining at stools.
Hi I was on the 2 month birth control injection, I did not take it for a few months so my periods can be more normal. Before that I used the 3 months injections for 4 years after the birth of my son. During december 2017 I took the 2 months injection again, but January 2018 my periods did not come. I got my periods again 2 days ago, but yesterday and today I noticed smal kind of white lumps inside my periods when I wipe myself out. It looks kind of like the small parts of your tonsils when it comes out of your mouth at times. What can it be.
May be peeled off parts of the vaginal wall. It’s normal to have them.
I recently noticed a ping pong ball sized lump coming our of my vagina. I have had two births, the last was 18 months ago. I expereinced some tearing with each and have a large opening. it seems to above my vagina opening. there isn’t any pain.
Very likely to be a cystocele.
I felt something hard inside and got it out at the end of the day. It had sort of a C shape. Brown at the curve and clear at the edges. It didn’t look like skin at all and am not on period, it ended a week ago. I don’t think it was attached to me because it was moveable.
I’m also 17
Any other problem, like discharge from vagina, pain, itch or redness down there?
If not, you need not worry. This may be a piece of endometrium that has been shed off as a part of routine cleaning of pelvic organs.
Nothing that isnt abnormal for me, I also have stomach/uterus pain
If that was one time, you may ignore. However, if it gets repeated, you need to see a gyne.
I have a a fibroid in my vagina ( I was told this after a scan for a lost coil). I now have a growth that I can feel that seems to be growing and blocking my vagina. I have bouts of extreme pain which almost feel like labour. I am 55 with 3 grown up children. Any advice about this please.
Need to be checked up at the earliest by a gyne for diagnosis
I’m 13 and I’m getting weird chunks of white stuff coming out of my vagina. Like I think it’s the cervical hood or the clitoris (sorry I don’t know) but it’s the top bit and when i saw something white I pushed my fingers together and a piece of white thing came out. I don’t know what it is and I’ve also been getting itching there recently. But the itching comes and goes cause I had it ages ago and now it’s returned. And a lot of discharge. I thought it’s because I used to not wear pants (be commando and I started wearing them again) but I don’t think it’s because of that and I think I might have an infection..
Likely to be yeast. Try anti fungals at the earliest. Read here in details about managing candidiasis. Let us know the results.
I’m 20 years old and today I had a sensation like something was stuck in my vagina/a sense of fullness, possibly like I had inserted a tampon wrong. I stuck my finger in to see if there was anything there and I felt a hard lump on the back wall of my Vagina, a bit bigger than a pea. I have never felt the lump before but I also don’t think I’ve stuck my finger that far before so I’m not sure if it’s been there a while. I have also had an increase in discharge but it’s been clear and slightly watery. I’m terrified it might be cancer! I’m also due to ovulate today if that’s important.
Also it is about 2 knuckles up my middle finger, and I have never had any children, or been sexually active recently.
Appear normal. It’s likely to be your roughed vaginal wall that you feel.
Start with Kegels exercises for some time to strengthen the musculature there.
I have a bean sized ball type thing hanging on the outside of my vagina. It’s white in color and it’s somewhat long in size. It doesn’t hurt to touch or squeeze it at all. I noticed it after seeing it in the mirror last night. What could it be? I will be going to my gyno next week but I am freaking out about it right now. Thank you.
Diagnosis requires an examination. Could be a polyp.
Lately I have had pelvic pressure/pain comes and goes. It takes me a long time to urinate even small amounts. When I was in the shower I have felt 3 pea like hard lumps on the inside of my vagina one to the left, bottom, and right. Right above my rectum. As I was trying to feel if they’re were more it was very difficult to get my finger inside, there appears to be a “mass of tissue” that feels rough to touch, kind of like a tongue. If I strain it pushes down further extremely close to the vaginal opening. I have to try to maneuver all around it to feel my cervix. I’m also experiencing lower back pain. I have a 7 year old and a 18 month old both vaginal deliveries. I’m making an appointment tomorrow, as I’m very scared. Any help is appreciated.
I’m not sure if you guys accept photos if so would it be possible to send one?
You may post photos, no problem.
Slight burning, no itching, and a little more discharge than usual. (Clear or white (ish) ) The hard lumps are similar in color as surrounding tissue one is slightly lighter
Very likely to be prolapsed vaginal walls. Needs an exam for diagnosis.
It will not allow me to insert or paste a comment. Only type. How do I get a picture to you?
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I just noticed a smal pink lump at the opening of my vagina. Doesn’t hurt to touch or anything. What could this be?
Could be a fleshy portion of the vaginal sphincter, protruding out due to straining.
A few cycles of Kegels Exercises may correct it.
Hi I’m 15 and I have a pink lump/object inside my v. It doesn’t hurt and doesn’t bleed. It’s just there and I never noticed it. I assume I have had it for a while and because I was never taught to check my v I don’t know if it is normal. I have never had any sexual activity nor have I ever put anything in my v.
This is normal. It’s likely to be the roughed anterior vaginal wall.
When I put a finger inside my vagina and feel around, I feel this piece of flesh that sticks out inside. Right when I put my finger 1 or 2 inches I can feel it there. It kinda feels like a tongue but much smaller and smooth. It sticks out from the bottom. Is this normal? There is no pain when I touch it.
When I put a finger inside my vagina and feel around, I feel this piece of flesh that sticks out inside. Right when I put my finger 1 or 2 inches I can feel it there. It kinda feels like a tongue but much smaller and smooth. It sticks out from the bottom. Is this normal? There is no pain when I touch it and no bleeding. I am 22 years old with no kids.
This may be a polyp coming out. You need to be physically examined for diagnosis.
I feel a fleshy, bulge hanging low in my vagina from the back wall. It doesn’t hurt. When I push on it, it feels like it pushes back in, but then falls again. It hangs lowest and I am most aware of it when I am sitting on the toilet. I am 55, on Estrogen/progesterone for menopausal symptoms, not overweight and have had two vaginal deliveries. Is this something to worry about?
Likely to be a prolapsed part of your vaginal wall. Such a prolapse may get formed from a weak portion over the wall. You need to do Kegels exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
Needs to be examined for diagnosis.
I’m 14 and I have a flesh/object hanging out of my v.
It has been there for a while now. And it is kind of pink and wrinkly, there is no pain when I touch it or even squeeze it. and it doesn’t bleed. Is this normal?
It’s likely to be a part of your vaginal wall. Absolutely normal. Nothing needs to be done.
Hi I’m sixteen and I’ve felt a slight discomfort in my vagina for the past two days. I finally looked at it with a mirror and found a red ball coming out at the bottom of my vagina. It doesnt hurt when I touch it and I only feel discomfort when I stand up or walk around. I’ve had a cough for about a week too. I’m planning on going to urgent care tomorrow but what do you think it is?
May be a part of your vaginal wall that has slightly prolapsed to give a bump. Prolonged cough has been likely to precipitate it.
However, diagnosis requires a physical exam.
You need to do Kegels exercises for correction, is case it’s your vaginal wall.
Do let us know about the update after your visit to the urgent care.
I’m 24. Today at 1st day of my period,while washing my private part i felt mass like protruding out from vagina. I thought it was blood clot and tried to pulled out but it wasn’t a clot. Is it normal or something serious?
Likely to be a protruding part of you r lover vaginal wall. Happens Normally. Also, it’s likely to regress back with time.
Avoid lifting heavy weight, prolonged standings. You may also do Kegels exercises to support healing.
I am a 21 year virgin who has been to the gyno and urologist for what I thought was a prolapsed bladder. On the anterior wall of my vagina there appears to be a squishy sag. If I orgasm it gets hard and rigid, like a g spot would, however it is a larger span. My urologist said that my bladder is swollen and slightly irritated, but that it is not a prolapse. Doesn’t it sound like a prolapse, however? I am being sent for an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder.
It’s unlikely to be a prolapse. Anyhow, let’s wait for the ultrasound report to be sure.
Any urinary symptoms, like pain, urgency or itching down there?
No pain, burning or itching. There is higher frequency with an urge remaining even after I urinate. I’m urinating around 9 times a day, so nothing crazy but a little higher than usual.
I got the ultrasounds today and the technician said there were no obvious issues that she could see. Obviously a radiologist will look further into the images, for more complicated problems.
Do update us about the results.
My ultrasound results came back totally normal. I am completely emptying my bladder, which is good. I think my doctor does not want to use the word prolapse because my bladder has not dropped into my vagina. Rather, it is simply resting on my vaginal wall due to weak pelvic floor muscles. Obviously I must strengthen my muscles or else it could slip through.
Thanks for the update. You may start doing Kegels Exercises for this.
I read online that women with prolapsed bladders find when they cough, if they insert a finger inside, they can feel the buldge push down as well. This just happened to me. Should I be concerned?
Yes, that’s true. It’s actually your anterior (front portion of) vaginal wall tat protrude in to give the bulge. The anterior vaginal wall has the bladder wall lying adjacent to it.
Is it normal to feel like something is blocking the vaginal entrance, especially when standing? It feels like there is something blocking the hole from the top wall of my vagina. Immediately at the enterance of my vagina there is like a section of skin above my vaginal hole (externally) which connects to my top vaginal wall (internally). That whole connected section is super soft and squishy. However, an inch inside feels a little bumpy, like what people say is a “g spot”. The whole area appears to sag slightly, to the point where it is hard to insert a finger while standing.
Also, the bulge spans my whole inner top vaginal wall. Right near the enterance, however, it feels U-Shaped. There is edges to it. As it goes further back on the top wall, however, it is just a normal saggy bulge with no edges. This sounds like prolapse, no?
This does sound like anterior vaginal wall prolapse into the vaginal canal.
The bulge is U-Shaped but I can’t tell if it’s just a normal part of my vaginal wall. When I push on the bulge, I can only push lightly before I feel my pubic area bones.
Nothing is coming out of me but I cannot tell if that is only because I’m a virgin and therefore have a small vaginal hole.
Do you feel the urge to urinate when you push the lump inside your canal?
Kind of, but for the most part no. I do not feel a stronger or weaker urge but I do feel overall pressure on my pelvic area which produces an odd feeling. That feeling, I don’t think, encourages my urge to urinate.
On the top vaginal wall, deeper inside it feels “normal” in the sense that it is just wet and smooth and raised up higher in a “rightful position”. Near the opening and also in a little bit, however, is harder and feels rigid and bumpy. I have to point my finger in a downward motion and while the area further back feels squishy, the area immediately in my enterance where it is rigid feels hard and definitely not squishy. I push and it feels like poking a brain and then if I push any harder it feels like I’m hitting bone. Further back, however, just feels really squishy and like there is no bone.
It feels like fitting anything inside of me would be impossible. Towards the back is squishy and could totally stretch. Right inside my vagina, on the top wall, the rigid area really won’t budge, it does not feel like it would stretch around a penis. I’m afraid this is like a prolapsed organ. I have my ultrasound and had no tumors or cysts, but then why is this initial top inner section so hard, unlike the rest on my vagina?
Further commenting about what it is would be difficult without actual examination.
Since you don’t have the urge to urinate after pushing it back, it’s unlikely to be your bladder. Appears to be something coming out of the vaginal wall itself, may be a part of it. It may be a hardened polyp, anterior wall prolapse or just a variation of normal vaginal wall.
I’m 16, haven’t had my period yet and I’m a virgin. I don’t know if this is normal but I noticed I have a small roundish pink ball at just at the opening of my vagina and I’m not sure what it is. It hurts a lot if I put pressure on it with my finger but it doesn’t bother me other than that, I’ve had it for as long as I can remember but I realized that during health we didn’t talk about it and we covered everything in the vagina so it kind of made me wonder what it could be.
May be a hormonal issue. You may visit a gyne for further evaluation.
Ok thank you
Hello! I recently just became sexually active about a month a go. I am a 23 year old women. About 5ft tall 150lbs. Last night when cleaning myself prepping myself for my menstrual cycle. I noticed a light pink fleshy bulge starting come out of my vaginal opening. I’ve never had any children before and when touching it feels like my gspot. I was reading the article and I’ve set an appointment with a doctor already but wanted to know more
This is very likely to be a part of the outer layer of your vaginal opening. Nothing to worry. Would come back in shape with time.
I just inserted my left middle finger which is 3 1/2inch and I felt something tender, like a lump or something which I can’t really explain .
Please I want to know if it is normal,
Because sometime this year I went for scan and I was told that there is a thickness at my lower abdomen and I also went for culture test which said that I had a mild growth of staph and a moderate growth of candida which I took some medicines for.
It’s not normal. May be a polyp inside. Diagnosis requires an internal exam.
After having sexual intercourse with my husband tonight, i was sitting in the toilet and it felt like something was coming out of my vaginal opening. I stood up and then felt a small bulge barely coming out. I inserted my finger and could move the bulge and push it back into place, but then when i stood up i could feel it go back towards the opening again. There is no pain with it. I am 40 years old and have had two children, both vaginal births, last one being 15 years ago. Is this something i should be concerned about or be seen by a doctor for? Thank you.
Likely to be a part of your vaginal wall sagging down. This is common at your age, as the tone of vaginal musculature drops down.
So, if I start doing the kegel exercises, will that help?
Yes, it’s likely to help. Do it on a regular basis for results. Also, losing weight, if obese, would help.
I am 23, have no children, am sexually active. I have a lump at my vaginal opening on the anterior wall. It starts a couple centimeters inside my vagina and pokes out of my vaginal opening. The skin covering it is rough, and when pressure is applied it feels hard. Can be painful during sex.
May be a polyp. Needs to be examined for diagnosis.
I’m 34 year old and have a daughter through normal delivery…since few days during bathing I’m noticing a pink fleshy lump protruding out from my vagina….what could it be…is something to worry about
Your age did you deliver your daughter? Any pain don there on straining? Does the fleshy lump go back on its own< any bleeding down there?
I have a dime size flesh protruding outside the vaginal walls . If I squeeze it fluid comes out a little bit . What can this be ? I had a c-section
I’m 35 and I have protruding flesh the size of a dime outside of my vaginal walls. If I squeeze it ,it hurts and haves a little discharge . I had a c-section what can this be
Could be an infected/ swelled gland down there. You need to be examined for diagnosis.
Can this cause lower back pain if I do have an infection ? I also have previous back issues due to other things so I don’t know if this can be related to what I have down there
Well yes, it may give you lower back pain.
While washing myself today in the shower, I felt a round lump partly protruding from my vagina. It felt like a small water balloon. No pain or discomfort. I am a 59 year old post menopausal woman. I delivered 5 children vaginally. I’m assuming this is some type of prolapse?
Very likely to be prolapse. Diagnosis requires a physical exam.
Till then, you may any way start doing Kegels Exercises to strengthen your pelvic musculature.
I have another little cyst coming out of my vaginal walls. It hurts if I touch it and haves a little discharge. Then I suddenly got a burning sensation down there . What can this be ?
A clogged gland probably, that has got infected. Have you been physically examined for this by a doctor? If yes, can you share the reports here.
I notice a light pink-coloured ball like mass when I pull apart my lips and take a look at the vaginal opening. It is about 1-2 cm in diameter, and rests at the centre of my vaginal opening, like blocking it. It doesn’t hurt to touch, and I don’t feel anything else due to it. Recently though, I am urinating more frequently. I am 17, not sexually active. I have been fingered a few times, but never penetrated more than an inch.
Does this mass go inside easily when you lie down?
No it doesn’t.
I want to add to the above question. Apart from my urination frequency shooting up in about the last 7 days, my vaginal fluid secretion has increased as well. Not the white discharge, but fluid in general.
The protruding lump is likely to be a part of your vaginal wall, that has sagged a bit. Practice Kegels exercises daily to strengthen your pelvic musculature. In around 1 to 2 months time, you’re likely to see improvement.
The protruding mass is likely to be touching your clitoris and exciting you in some way, leading to excess secretions. That’s normal.
Try controlling excitation to reduce these symptoms. You may masturbate, with plenty lubrication, for relief, if required.
Thank you for your help.
I have something else to ask. My clitoris gives me a sharp pain whenever I touch it directly. Is it normal for some people to have extremely sensitive clitoris, or is it an infection?
Normal response.
I’m 27 years old, sexually active and I stopped using my birth control (pill) a week ago. I never had children. This morning, when I went to the bathroom, a lump fell out of my vagina. It was flesh-like color and about 2 by 3 cm, not bloody. I don’t have pain, I wasn’t bleeding afterwards. What could it be? Should I make an appointment with a Gyn?
I had multiple infections this past 4months (yeast, mycoplasma and bv) but it’s been a month that I have been feeling better. Not sure if that would be related to my problem.
Better to see a gyne for diagnosis.
I opened the lips of my Vagina and saw individual skin colored growths:3 on one side of the labia and one on the other. They look like flaps, can move and oval. They seem to be irritating me- itching and uncomfortable. Have had 4 kids and one ovary removed. Can’t seem to figure it out.
Are you sexually active? If yes, this may be an infection. Need to see a doctor for diagnosis.
Do update us about the issue.
I’m 16, a virgin too. But theres a small thing poking from my vagina and its pink like everything else. I cant even see my opening either but it doesnt hurt and it’s not bleeding
Likely to be a part of your vaginal wall. That’s normal.
I had my vagina itchy n went to gynac n they insert a medicine inside my vagina n same night i thought that medicine was about to come out i felt like something was stuck in my vaginal opening but i found out it was like a lump stuck in my vaginal opening. But now it is not bulging out but when i finger inside i can still feel the lump inside the wall of my vagina. Please help i m very worried.
Did you insert a pessary inside?
I m 20 i have this little bit of skin attached to my vaginal opening which covers the vaginal hole for quite long time (may be from my birth) so i really want to know if its normal ..
Appears to be normal.
I’m worried that my vagina isn’t normal. Part of it is sticking out. It is flappy, and it used to be tucked in when I was younger. But now it is sticking out. I also felt around inside and there is a hard lump on one part of my vagina. This started at age 11 or so. I didn’t ever tell anyone except my mother because I am ver self conscious about it. I don’t know If i should see a specialist
Needs to be seen physically by a doctor for diagnosis.
Since last June (2018) i felt a tiny hard bal in my vagina. It used to come and go. I noticed that this lump mostly appeared a week before my menstruation. I went to my GP a few times but she couldn’t see anything and said it’s most likely hormonal and because it comes and goes there is nothing to be worried about. However since the past 3 months is bigger, sticks out of my vagina and bleeds slightly sometimes. The lump still disappears sometimes but not as much as it did before. I’m 39, no children.
Difficult to comment without physical examination. Commonly, females may have a polyp coming out.
I was taking my NuvaRing out when I noticed it felt swollen. I found something squishy and moveable at the very entrance to my vagina and it bled after poking it a little bit. What the heck?
Could be some polyp on the vaginal wall. Needs to be examined for diagnosis.
50yr old with three vaginal births here. Yesterday morning, in the shower, I felt a mass of tissue at my vaginal opening. Today, the mass is no longer visible, although things don’t feel quite normal yet. Having a feeling of fullness/bloating down there, but I also had some spotting today, so I may be starting my period. Could crazy, perimenopausal, spiking hormones have caused the mass or should I see a doctor if things don’t start to act normal in a few days (trying to avoid the dr because of all the covid measures).
Could be a cystocele, as the pelvic floor weakens as we age up. Kergels exercises may be tried. Losing weight, if excess, may help.
You need to be watchful for any bleeds or even spotting. Do let us know in case you get any ‘out of menses’ spot or bleed.
I have a tiny flesh colored what I believe is to be a cyst on the left side in my vaginal area. It was a small bean size now seems to be small and round. I used hot water in the shower, read that helps. It looks attached to the area. Should I be concerned? No pain, or anything. I was able to push it in and out at first now I’m not. I hope it’s getting smaller.
Sounds normal. The cyst is likely to regress on its own with time.
You may bathe with normal water. Hot shower not needed. Rather it may make your skin and mucous dry.
I am contemplating on using the menstrual cup. I read that the height of the cervix is important to find the right fit. When I inserted my finger inside the vagina, at around 4.5 cm I felt a firm tissue like a lump in my front wall of my vagina but I could still push my finger inside and couldn’t feel the cervix. I wonder what the firm mass is.
Likely to be your cervix. It’s like a firm round dimple.
I am 65 years old and noticed a bulge coming from my vaginal area. It is not painful, and I can simply push it back inside where it will remain there for a while. Here of late the bulge is larger, yet still able to be push it back inside. There is no pain to it al all. While there still is no pain, I am noticing of late that I feel full most all of the time. There is no bleeding or fluid discharge. When I am laying down for a while the bulge seems to go back into some kind of place and it takes some part of the day until I notice that the bulge is protruding again.
Very likely to be a small prolapsing portion of the anterior vaginal wall. It’s common to get this at your age. Diagnosis may be confirmed by actual internal check up by a doctor.
Consider practicing KEGEL’s EXERCISES on a regular basis. This would gradually strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. You’ll start seeing results in a month.
Also, avoid lifting heavy weight or prolonged standing sessions. If you’re obese, reducing weight would help. Avoid being constipated.
Is something coming out of my vagina.I can pushed back but dont stay for long.When I wipe is blood on the paper.I have an appointment in 28.
Likely to be a portion of prolapsed vaginal wall. Physical exam required for diagnosis.
For the love of everything female, is there NO diagram or illustration online that depicts what the interior of the vaginal canal FEELS LIKE to its female owner when explored with their finger? Perhaps in an imaginary 3D view were the entire canal wide enough to see right down into? If so, please, please ? post a link! And if not, please create an image yourself and post it online, and link here?
I too am having great difficulty figuring out my own internal body, despite being sexually experienced, well-educated, post-birth, newly menopausal AND after reading all of these posts and many many articles on cystocele, rectocele and prolapse in general! There are so many odd bits in different locations that I beginning to wonder if I have two different mild prolapses and a polyp to boot, or if there’s one type of prolapse and my vagina is just now folded all over the place like a slid-down slouchy sock!
After so much “progress” in women’s care, is there really not one single female doctor on the planet who has this angle and format of diagram from a woman’s own perspective?? Please say yes!
Hello. It is normal to have a cervix measuring 5cm and i feel a round pink mass in my vagina. No itching no pain no discomfort. I am 45yrs old and not pregnant.
Hello. It is normal to have a cervix measuring 5cm and i feel a round pink mass in my vagina. No itching no pain no discomfort. I am 45yrs old and not pregnant. Also I have 2 children 13yrs n 10yrs old.
Likely to be your sagged anterior vaginal wall. Kegels exercises on a regular basis would help. Involves tightening and then releasing the muscles in your pelvic floor to strengthen them.
Cervix may reduce in size with each child you bear. That’s normal.
can i get your specialits number please?
i don’t want to post here.. and its a serious problem I am gong through please.