Online Doctor as Primary Care Provider

Q: Is there a doctor online that people may use as their primary care physician? An online physician that people can send their medical records and history for someone that has trouble leaving home.


Frankly, there is no substitute for a direct examination by the doctor. Certain problems also require physical assessment such as medical emergencies and surgical procedures.

But it is equally true that a large variety of medical problems don’t require aggressive medical intervention. Most of the time, simple lifestyle modifications and home based treatments work quite well. So it might actually be a good idea to get an online primary care provider, who can analyze the problems quickly. It might also be useful for people who are unable to attend a direct appointment or short of time.

There are not many online services that provide ongoing services as primary care physicians, as this is a relatively new concept. But we know of at least one such group practice, who are actually doing it. For day to day health issues, you may contact David Fleming, M.D. He provides his services along with an online group of medical specialists here. He will let you know, where to send the history and medical records.

Take care,

Buddy M.D.

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