Category Archives: Genital Problems

Small Pimple on Female Genitals

Single Bump on Private Parts Q: I’m a 36 year old female. I recently have discovered that I have a pimple on the lower right side on my vaginal lip close to the outside. It is very small and it is just one bump. I’m very worried. I don’t think that it is a disease. […]

Pimples on Scrotum

Bumps on Scrotal Skin Q: Hi, I have found pimples on scrotum. What could they be? Here’s a picture: Thank you in advance. -By Adele Reply: These are absolutely normal looking scrotal pimples. Most of the men would have them. The reason is hormonal. In teens and young adulthood, pimples occur at different parts […]

Swollen Inner Vaginal Lip

Swelling of Inner Labia Q: I’m a 19 year old female and last night my left inside lip was very swollen and sore. I had trouble with sleeping and was up all night trying to find a comfortable position to lay. Nothing is really comfy besides laying on my back with my knees bent and […]

Infected Sore Bump on Labia Minora

Painful Pimple on Inner Labia Q: I am a 29 year old female. For the past six months, during my period, a very painful bump appears on the right side of the labia minora. Just after my period ends, blood and pus comes out of this bump. I was wondering what this is and how […]

Sebaceous Cysts in Teenage

Why Do We Have More Acne in Teenage? Q: Sir, I’m 22 years old. When I was 16 years old, I observed small sebaceous cysts on my testes. I want to know the reason for their development. Reply: This is partly hormonal. In your age group, sebum (oil secretions) in the body are more. Therefore, […]