Pimples on Vulva

Pimples or bumps on vulva and other portions of female genitalia are common.

Can Pimples Occur on the Vulva?

Yes, pimples may occur anywhere on the body where there is skin and glands over it.

Our skin has plenty of minute glands, sweat and sebaceous, over it. They drain via minute ducts on the surface.

Blockage of these ducts leads to accumulation of oily secretions in them. Slowly, a cystic swelling is formed. This is called a pimple.

What Are the Symptoms of a Pimple?

As such, a pimple may be symptomless. However, as it grows in size, you may feel some pain due to tension of fluid inside it.

Pimple may itch. This is due to the stretching of skin over it. Read more on occurrence of vulva pimples.

You may read about 3 simple and quick methods to treat them yourself.

Infection of Vulva Pimples

Pimples on vulva are liable to get infected. This is because the region is exposed to a lot of pathogens.

Signs and Symptoms of Infection

  • Pain and redness over the vulval bump
  • Itchiness and swelling
  • Some discharge may also be there

What to Do if a Vulva Bump Gets Infected?

  • Clean the area with a mild antiseptic.
  • Wear loose cotton undergarments to keep the region well aerated.
  • Apply a topical antibiotic over the vulva pimple.
  • If there is substantial amount of pus in it, you may require to drain it. This may be done by warm compress technique.

Do We Need to Wash the Vulva with Soap to Avoid Pimples There?

No, this is not recommended. Just plain water cleaning, twice a day, is required.

In fact, using soaps over it washes away the friendly bacteria residing there. This makes the area prone to the growth of fungus and yeast infections.

Is Shaving Helpful?

There is no harm in shaving down there. Removing the hair reduces the chances of moisture being trapped and keeps the area drier.

You will get less of pimples on cleaner and drier surfaces.

However, once you have a vulva pimple, do not shave the area. Shaving may traumatize the bump and infect it.

Continue Treatment…. 

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Vulva Pimples

  1. Atis mars

    I usually see pimples at my vaginal area, especially after shaving. Is either at the top side like my body not round the vaginal. But when I try to remove it, brownish or milk like but small just like pimples. What could be the cause and how can I treat it please?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Sound like infected pimples.

      It is common to get pimples after shaving. Read here about avoiding pimples or rashes while shaving.

      You may try warm compress over your pimples. Do this twice a day on a regular basis. This would soften the skin over the pimples and help in draining them.

      If you have pain in any of the pimple, you may apply mupirocin (bactroban) over it, twice a day for three days.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      A bump in the vaginal area may be a pimple, an ingrown hair or some STD lesions. Diagnosis is made by examination and observing the symptomatic behavior of the bump.

      Pimples are usually painless, unless they get infected. They don’t give any constitutional symptom. They are not itchy and do not multiply in number, unless infected.

  2. Sam

    I am 13. I have apparently had a pimple on my Vulva for a couple of weeks (2 1/2). I have not told anyone. I don’t know what to do and it doesn’t hurt.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Are you sexually active? If yes, you need to see a doctor to rule out the presence of any STD.

      If not, this sounds like a simple vulva pimple. You get pimples on your vulva just as you get them anywhere else on the body.

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear as far as possible.

      You may try warm compress over the pimple. It is likely to regress on its own with time.

      Read more a?bout it above.

  3. Bonolo

    Hi there, I have had pimples on my vulva since I was 17. They come they go. But recently they have lasted for about 4 weeks now, when one dies another appears and I have not been sexual active during that time period. Sometimes the pimples have pus and sometimes massive but now they feel massive inside of the skin and they do not have pus any longer but still painful especially when I wash my vulva. the pimples are on my vulva towards the area of the vaginal lips. Thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Even though you have not been sexually active during that time period, it would be better to rule out the presence of any STD.

      This is so because, STDs don’t express themselves immediately. The organism leading to such diseases may remain dormant for a long time, to express itself later on.

      Meanwhile, you may apply a topical antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over the pimples. Apply it twice daily for a week.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Pimples over the vulva may be of different kinds.

      A pimple due to infection or STD is treated differently.

      A simple pimple is treated by doing warm compress over it. You may apply mupirocin ointment over it for 3 to 5 day.

  4. Rebecca

    I have a small bump on my vulva which has recently appeared. It doesn’t contain any pus but itches and pains. I am a virgin and masturbate frequently.

    What could be a probable reason for this bump and how to avoid getting it again?
    Is it any sign of std? I am really scared. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you are not active sexually, this is unlikely to be an STD.

      Do you shave down there?

      For now, start applying mupirocin (bactroban) over the pimple twice a day for a week. Also, keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear to avoid friction over the bump.

  5. Sinesipho

    I was feeling itchy on top of my vagina and I kept on scratching it until I noticed yesterday that this is too much and it’s painful. Then suddenly big pimples were there with white heads. So I was wondering what could it be.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear to let the region be well ventilated.

      Start applying a topical antibiotic, like mupirocin, over the pimples. Your pimples sound infected.

  6. Julia

    Hello, I have a bump on the vagina lip ( right side, near my thigh, middle section). It hurts so bad when I bend my knees or sit down on floor. I had a couple and I wanna know how I can stop it/ stop one from growing. The bump is like red, and when I wear panties the entire day, then I go shower and I see a stain. So I wanna stop the bump thing and how can I stop it?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is likely to be an infected pimple. You may start doing warm compress over it. This would soften it and may help draining the pimple gradually.

      Also, start applying some antibiotic cream, like mupirocin, over the pimple. Apply it twice daily for 3 to 5 days.

      Read here about recurrent pimples and factors leading to them.

  7. Heena

    Dear doctor, I’m a 16 yrs old girl. I would like to get advice on how teenage girls can maintain a good personal hygiene and prevent any kind of vaginal infections.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keeping a good hygiene down there would prevent you from infections and allergies.

      You need to wash the area daily with plain water. You may do this easily while you bathe. Read here in details about washing this area.

      Apart from washing, it is essential to allow this area to be adequately ventilated. Any moisture getting trapped there may lead to the formation of pimples. For this, make a habit of wearing loose cotton underwear only, which allow aeration and are able to absorb any excess moisture.

      Avoid tight clothes on a daily basis. Eat healthy. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid taking fried fatty stuff on a frequent basis. You may have it once in a while.

      Consume a bowl full of home made curd/ yogurt. This has certain probiotics essential to maintain a healthy flora down there.

  8. Aira May Carandan

    Good day, Doctors!
    I am really in need of your help. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Two days ago, I noticed something growing around my vagina. They are three pusses formed together and it’s look like they are attached to each other making it look bigger. Today, I really feel uncomfortable about it. It is getting painful especially when it touches my panty. At first it was itchy but when it grew bigger it gets very painful. I don’t think so it’s safe for me to take antibiotic since I’m pregnant. Should I consult a doctor? Who should I consult to? I have had it before but not with pus, they were just like pimples and get gone after few days. But this time I’m afraid since I worry about my baby. And this not just simple pimples, they are pusses already. Please help me. Thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to show it to your gynecologist. They are likely to be pimples.

      The pus filled bumps may require drainage, or you may be given antibiotic creams to apply over it.

  9. Aira May Carandan

    Good day, Doctors. Thank you for your reply. As what you have advised me to do, I went to see a gynecologist yesterday. She looked at it, and she said there is nothing to worry about it since it looks like it will vanish away soon. But then she discovered another thing, and this time it is not just on my labia but in my vagina. She saw some genital warts in my vagina that look like a cauliflower. She advised me to treat it earlier before I give birth on January otherwise it is likely that I will undergo Cesarean and it can also affect my unborn baby. She told me that any topical creams won’t work with this and the best way to get it treated is to go the a specialist who performs genital warts cauterization. My questions are if these warts burned off, will it come back again? Will it results to scarring? And is it really safe for my baby to undergo cauterization? Please give me some advice about this. I would like to hear your second opinion. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s advisable to go about as your doctor says. Cauterization is safe, as far as your baby is concerned. It would be the best way to get rid of these growths now.

      Warts do tend to recur and repeat treatments may be needed.

      1. Aira May Carandan

        Good day, Doctors. I just want to ask if there is cauterization even in the public hospitals? And how much do you think it costs? Hoping to hear back from you. Thank you for helping us. This service is great!

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Bigger hospital set ups have them, public or private, where specialist doctors are available.

          The cost would depend upon the size and number of warts. On an average, it is $300 to $400 for laser destructions. For freezing techniques, it is between $600 and $700.

  10. Secret Girl

    Hi Doctors, I just want to ask you certain questions, please read and analyze my story so you are able to give me proper answers. This is my first time pregnancy and it was unplanned and unexpected. I am unmarried and doesn’t have had any commitment with my ex boyfriend. I was afraid that my family would have not accepted me if I tell them I am pregnant so I tried many things to get rid of this baby. I went to Quiapo and met someone there who offered me a hand. She brought me to the abortionist that she knows. It cost me 10,000 pesos. I was one month pregnant then. I thought it was successful but few weeks later, I’ve still noticed some pregnancy symptoms, I went to the hospital for an ultrasound, yes I was right the baby is still there and keep growing. So I tried again and went to another abortionist that my friend recommended to me. This time it is in Laguna, costing me another 10,000 pesos I was two months pregnant already. She tried the catheter to me, she tried it many times but she has failed. The catheter couldn’t reach the inside of my vagina although we saw some blood in the hose. There she asked me to give up on aborting my baby and just accept what God has given to me. This time I tried the tablet “cytotec’. I took it the night and I had bleeding earlier the next morning. I thought it is finished and successful but I was wrong again. I went for another ultrasound and the baby is still there and keep growing. That was the time I decided to give up abortion and started to take good care of my pregnancy and my baby. I am eating good foods like fruits and vegetables and I also take prenatal vitamins and drink milk. I also visit my OB regularly for my monthly check up. For every ultrasound that she conducted, I always ask her how my baby is growing. Fortunately, she always replied with a smile. She told me that my baby is growing well in my womb and she can not see any problem. She said it’s size is accurate to the LMP. I was very happy to hear that and to know that everything is OK with my baby. I love my baby and I am very excited to meet him in January. It does not matter if I have to raise him alone by myself, I will take good care of him and love him with all my heart. Every night and then, I still ask for forgiveness from God for what I have done. I guess I was just too young and scared to become a mom. But now, I am proud of becoming a mother to my son. I am now in my 6 months of pregnancy, unfortunately my OB discovered something in me. She discovered some genital warts in my vagina that I first noticed few months ago after I tried to abort. I thought it’s normal and will fade away soon. But my OB asked me to get it treated as early as I can in order not my baby to get infected and for me not to undergo Cesarean during delivery. My questions are, my last sex was in May and that was with the father of my baby. I know he’s not sick as he conducting a regular check up for himself. So how come I’ve got these warts? Is it possible that I’ve got infected from the tools that the abortionists used in me? And about my baby, do you think he is going to be a normal and healthy baby when he is born despite of trying to get him aborted last few months? Please help me. I really need someone who can convince that my baby will be fine.
    Hoping to hear back from your team. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If the U/S reports for your monthly check ups are showing a normal baby, trust that your child is healthy and will be born healthy.

      Take good care of yourself and your baby. God is there with you when you do good.

      As for the warts, you need to be treated. The best option is to burn them off by laser beams.

      1. Secret Girl

        Good evening doctors, I would like to say thank you again for answering my questions. I just came back home from a private hospital, as no one conducts Cautery in the public hospital though it’s big. So I have talked to another gynecologist today. She examined my genital warts, and she said they are likely in a large numbers already. I asked her about how much will it costs me if I undergo Cautery, she said it will be more or less 15-20,000 pesos. She scheduled me within this week when I get the money ready.
        Unfortunately, she told me that there is no assurance that they can able to burn them all as they do not know whether I also have warts in the deeper part of my vagina. If so, then they are not capable to burn them as they are in deeper area where they can not be seen. She said I will surely get undergo Cesarean during labor to make sure that the baby won’t get infected if I still have some warts left. I was like dying when she was saying that. I do not want to undergo CS and I never expect this to happen in my life. Aside from CS is very expensive, I am also afraid of the operation. Doctor please tell me, is everything the gynecologist told me are all true and finale? Do I really have to undergo Cesarean during labor? My warts will be treated within this week, though I’m not sure if there will be some warts left after Cauterization. But do you think I can still have a normal delivery? Do you know some pregnant women who were in the same situation but still had a normal labor?
        If I insist, and wanted to have a normal labor, how will it affect my baby? Is there any chance that my baby won’t get affected? Please kindly answer my question. I am helpless.
        Thank you for your kind consideration.

      2. Secret Girl

        Good evening Doctors, thank you for your response. Yes, based on my monthly check ups and ultra sounds my baby boy seems to be okay. Actually, the gynecologist has checked up my baby today before she examined my genital warts. I do not know what she did, but there was no screen and she was just trying to hear the fetal movement of my baby through a device that she put on my belly. She said my baby is doing well. I also attend regular check up with my OB. She always says that my baby is okay. I really hope that he’s okay and developing well. I hope he will not get infected by my warts.
        Can I ask how many cases among pregnant women who have had this genital warts and their babies are got infected too? And what is the common effect of these warts to the baby? And is Cautery same thing like the laser beam you were telling me the best thing to do with these warts? Please answer. Thank you Doctors for giving me comfort anyhow. More power to all of you who keep helping us a lot.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Cautery is same as laser procedure. You may safely go for it.

          Genital warts are very commonly seen in women. If left untreated, there are 80 to 90% chances that during vaginal delivery, the baby may get infected. So, it’s advisable to get rid of them before that.

  11. Secret Girl

    Good evening Doctors, thank you for your reply. I haven’t get treated of these genital warts as yet. My money isn’t enough to pay for the treatment (CAUTERY). I am still trying my best to get some more money but as of now, these days I have noticed the itching of both my internal and external vagina. It is getting more itchy each and everyday. The only thing I can do is to wash it with water and feminine wash again and again. Do you think it is coming from my genital warts? What is likely happening to them? Why my vagina is getting itchy? Please kindly answer. Thanks a lot and God bless you all for helping us people.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Any redness or swelling in the area that itches? If yes, it may be an infection.

      If no, just moisturize the region with a vaginal moisturizer every day, may be at bed time.

  12. Fidelis

    I have pimple like materials in the vaginal area that looks like ticks. Holding my skin close to the vagina. I don’t know what it is. Kindly help me out.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is difficult to comment on this. Your lesion requires an examination. You may see a gyne for this.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Bruises in the vagina are usually caused by trauma, as during rough intercourse or masturbation.

      May be your pimples were exposed to any such trauma and they bruised up!

  13. Heidi

    A few days ago, I had this small bump near my vaginal area, outside the flaps, and I had sex with my boyfriend. Since then, it has grown a bit more and it seems like a big pimple, it hurts a bit when I sit because of the pressure I put on it. What could it actually be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be a pimple. For now, it appears to be infected.

      You may start applying an antibiotic ointment, like mupirocin, over it. Apply it thrice daily for a week.

  14. Cordie

    I have pimples on my vagina and as I was growing up they were never there. I just turned 21 and this feels so embarrassing. Can you please tel me how to get rid of them. They don’t hurt much, they sometimes itch.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      As you grow up, the glands down there become more active and start secreting more. Pimples are formed when such glands become blocked by tissue debris or excess secretions present there.

      Just keep the region clean by daily washing with plain water. Wear loose cotton underwear to let your groin be well ventilated and free from moisture.

      Any moisture accumulating there can give you pimples.

  15. Eric Fleischman

    I have three bruises on my arm that started off just itchy. Another is a red line going up my arm and it looks like it’s infected.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is recommended that you see a doctor at the earliest. You may need to take antibiotics immediately.

      If delayed, the infection may spread up into the lymphatics.


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