Single Bump on Private Parts

Q: I’m a 36 year old female. I recently have discovered that I have a pimple on the lower right side on my vaginal lip close to the outside. It is very small and it is just one bump. I’m very worried. I don’t think that it is a disease. What should I do? When will it go away? Is there anything that I can do to get rid of it?


Looks like a vaginal pimple. It will definitely go away on its own. However, applying warm compresses twice daily would help you a great deal. This will soften the pimple, reduce tension and aid in speedy recovery.

If you have any pain or redness around the pimple, you may have to apply some topical antibiotic on it.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Small Pimple on Female Genitals

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Avoid friction over the pimple. Most pimples would go away on their own.

      For those which are painful or infected, a topical antibiotic needs to be applied.

  1. Bronny Petrus

    My babe (5 month) have pimples on the private part, red pimples with water and people advice me to use Vaseline but still no change. What can I use to help my daughter?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may use diaper rash cream over the affected area.

      Also, take the following precautions:

    2. Wash her with plain water each time after she poops. Do not use the wipes for cleaning.
    3. Then dry dab her with a a clean towel. Apply the diaper rash cream and let her wear the diaper.
    4. Change her diapers frequently.
    5. Do not use wipes, soaps or anything harsh down there.
    6. Reply
  2. GK

    I have a hard type of pimple inside my vagina lip on the left side and it’s been almost 1/2 year’s it’s still there very hard whenever I try to take it out nothing is helping I am not going to the doctor I have tried to peel it thousands times can you please tell me how to get rid of it and what medications I use

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This one is likely to be a clogged gland, filled with pasty sebum. Does it pain? Are you sexually active?


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