Loose Vagina

The cause of loose vagina is usually multiple childbirths or rarely an anatomic problem.

Multiple Childbirths– During childbirth, all muscle of the hip girdle relax(stretch) to create passage for the baby to come out. The joints between the various bones constituting the hip girdle also stretch.

All muscles of the vaginal wall also relax. Hence the vaginal becomes large-sized, big enough to let the baby pass out. After childbirth, every thing reverts back to their original sizes though, the exact original sizes are not attained.

Repeated childbirths hence loosen the vagina.

Rarely, there may be a real anatomic problem.


Exercising the pelvic musculature is the most effective treatment. This can be started immediately after childbirth (unless you have tears in that area). These exercises are called Kegel exercises.

Kegel Exercises

They strengthen pelvic floor muscles, the muscles that stretch during childbirth. They help improve sexual pleasure (more intense orgasms) by making the muscles stronger and more elastic, and they can improve bladder tone so that you don’t leak urine. They won’t, however, actually make your vagina smaller, but they can make the opening tighter.

Here’s How to Do Kegel Exercises:

When you’re peeing, clench (without your hands) your muscles to stop the flow of urine for about four seconds. Then release those same muscles to let the urine flow again. These are your pelvic floor muscles; these are the muscles you’ll be exercising when you do Kegels.
If you want to check and make sure that you’re using the right muscles, put a finger or two into your vagina. Tighten the muscles. If you can feel your fingers being squeezed (even just a little), then you’ve located the right muscles.
About five to ten times a day, repeat the Kegels ten times per session.
It can take up to 8 – 10 weeks to notice improvement, and there will most certainly be improvement.

Like any kind of weight lifting or muscle building exercises, Kegels take time to make a difference. (Adding a vaginal barbell to your regular Kegel exercise routine can help. They are available at specialty stores that carry sex toys or sexual enhancement items.)

Other Exercises

Exercises Using Vaginal Cones

These objects are weighted, tampon-sized devices that a woman puts into her vagina and holds there. A set of cones increases gradually in weight. One starts with the lightest cone, inserts it into the vagina, and squeezes the muscles to hold it in place. This is done twice a day, for about fifteen minutes per session, while going about one’s usual activities. When a woman is successful at keeping the cone in place, she can move on to the next heavier cone, working her way up to the heaviest.

Electrical Stimulation (NMES or Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation)

This method uses a probe in the vagina to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor with an electric current, which causes the muscles to contract and relax. Treatments are performed every one to four days and last about 20 minutes per session. Depending on the situation, one might do these treatments for a few weeks, or longer. Some health care providers perform these sessions in their offices; others prescribe home units for their patients.


This is a special chair that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor. These treatments are usually administered by a technician or nurse in a urologist’s office in 20-30 minute sessions, twice a week, for about eight weeks.


Problem is more severe, if you note:

  • Urine leakage during weight lifting or sneezing.
  • Pain and a sagging sensation in the lower abdomen.
  • Presence of a cystocele(rounded ball like structure hanging out from the vagina, especially during lifting weights or sneezing).
  • Presence of a rectocele.

In above cases, surgery is recommended. This is usually a last resort. Laser procedures and more complicated ones to re-position the bladder are also available.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Loose Vagina

  1. Kayla

    Can a gynecologist tell my parents I’m not a virgin? I’m 17 but I thought doctors can’t say things the patients don’t want them to know.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Your gynecologist would easily know whether you are a virgin or not, if she examines you thoroughly. There are various signs of virginity that are to be seen.

      If you are a dependent kid, and she feels essential, she can talk to your parents about it. It is her judgment regarding the situation.


    hi doc,I have two kids with a space of one year between them.during my first delivery I was given an episotomy and after it healed I discovered that I was farting from my Virgina during sex and it’s still happening after my second delivery. now I want to know if squatting can help reverse this problem.thanks

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You’ll need to strengthen your pelvic musculature to correct this. Start doing Kegels’ exercises for this. Also, reduce weight, if you have excess of it.

      You’ll feel a difference in 15 days!

      1. TITILAYO

        thank you for your quick response. now are you saying no to squats for me? as for the kegel exercise I do it when I remember because I already saw a specialist who advice me to do said exercise. I am 5feet and 7inches tall and currently weight 73kg.is this an okay weight for me to see results when I start doing the kegels?. thanks

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Weight is alright!

          Squats may be a bit too strenuous. If not done properly, it may precipitate your problem.


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