Difference Between Pimples and Herpes Sore

A bump on your genital area may be a simple pimple or some infection like herpes. Herpes is one of the most common infection affecting that area.

Hence, it’s worthwhile differentiating its lesions from a simple pimple.


If you observe carefully, the two appear quite different. A pimple is a hard to firm elevation above the skin. It appears tight. It is filled with a white pasty material inside. This is sebum. The surface of a simple pimple appears just as your skin. Until infected, there is no head over it.

Infected Pimple

Infected Pimple

If it gets infected, a pimple may present differently. It becomes larger in size. As the pasty material inside it becomes infected, the pimple softens. Pus replaces sebum to fill the pimple. It may be soft to firm to touch. This pimpl may become smelly.




Herpes Lesion

Herpes in Genital area

Bumps you get in herpes are small. They are more like blisters and usually appear in clusters or groups, unlike pimples. They are soft to firm to touch. They appear transparent and are filled with a clear fluid inside.

Surrounding Skin

Skin surrounding a pimple is your normal skin. However, if it gets infected, skin around the base of the pimple may become red and slightly swollen.

In herpes, skin surrounding the little bumps is red in color and looks irritated. You get a constant burning sensation over it.

Number of Bumps

Usually, pimples are solitary, or one to two in number over your genital area. In cases where they are infected, the infective material from inside them may spill out affecting the near by skin. This may give rise to a few more pimples.

Herpes always produces lesions in group. A minimum would be two or more in number. Usually there are five to six bumps in a cluster.


Whereas, pimples are symptom less, Herpes always gives some symptoms.

It is essentially a viral infection affecting the skin. There is a typical burning sensation in the affected area of the skin. Some lesions may itch.

There is no pain unless you get an add on bacterial infection over the herpes lesion.

Pimples are quiet, until they get infected. Infected pimples may pain, present with pus inside them that requires drainage.


While herpes affects the genital regions, pimples may occur anywhere over the body where you have oil secreting glands. This may include your face, armpits, nape of the neck, back, groin area etc.

Herpes lesions are common in the genital region. There may be lesions near the mouth in some cases.

Both these conditions affect the teens and early adult life. It’s advisable to consult a doctor and go for a physical examination of the lesions for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

How Herpes Looks in Men?

Herpes is essentially a viral infection affecting the skin. Since it is genitally transmitted, the affected areas include the genitals, skin surrounding the anal opening and area around the mouth, in certain cases where oral sex is practiced.

  • In men, you find all general symptoms that you get in a viral fever. This would include fever, headache, fatigue or muscle aches. There is a general feeling of not being well.
  • Then you see blisters appearing over the genital area. Commonly, they may appear over the upper part of penis, scrotal sacs, around the anus, inner thighs.
  • They are small and occur in group. They area filled with a clear fluid. There is a pricking or burning sensation over and around these blisters.
  • Gradually, these blisters may rupture to ulcerate. At this stage, bacteria may get attracted to grow over the ulcers. It may pain.
  • Ulcers scab with time and finally heal.

How Herpes Looks in Women?

The presentation of the disease is similar as in men. There are general symptoms of any viral fever. Blisters appear over the genital area. The areas commonly affected area the labia, lower inner vagina, around the anus, area between the vagina and the anus.

Women show an additional symptom, as compared to men. There may be a vaginal discharge. This off white to yellow in color. There is pain during sex and urination.

Role of Condoms In Preventing Herpes

Condoms are not 100% efficient is preventing the disease from getting transmitted. This is so because apart from spreading through body fluids, the disease also spreads through viral shedding.

Superficial cells of the affected skin area continuously sheds off with the virus in it. This shed skin may touch the partner’s normal skin to infect it.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Distinguishing Between Herpes and Genital Pimples

  1. nd

    I have pimple white head on clitoris and some are in small size on top of clitoris. They pain less. What to do. Please tell me cream to get rid of it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are sexually active, it is advisable to rule out the possibility of STDs. You may visit a doctor for genital examination.

      You may read more about genital pimples.

      1. Anonymous

        I am a 15 year old virgin boy , I do masturbate and today I came back from school and I have this red pimple of the right part of my penis but I don’t know where it came from I’ve never had sex and have never been involved in sexual activity. the pimple itself is hard maybe with puss in it it burns when passed over with clothes that’s about it but I don’t now if it’s herpes or an std or what or how to deal with it I’m pretty freaked out

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Likely to be an infected pimple. Nothing to worry.

          Avoid friction over it. Wear loose cotton underwears and avoid sports for some time.

          You may start applying an antibiotic cream over it, thrice daily for a week.

      2. Don’t want to say

        I have lots of spots on my peins head, balls and on my penis. They are not in groups they are all over my balls. They look like pimples. I need to know now because I have a physical tomorrow and I need to know what to say. If I have herpes I don’t want to get in trouble by my parents. I have never have had sex or kissed. I’m 14

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Do these bumps itch, burn or pain? If not, it’s unlikely to be Herpes or any other infection.

          In your age, these are more likely to be pimples, as you get any where else over the body surface. They may be controlled by following proper hygiene habits and eating healthy.

          1. Don’t want to say

            Like last month they itched a tiny bit. No pain or burn. They have been on me for a long time like a year. When they first happened I tried to pop them. I only shower once every week and a lot of sweat does get down there. Everyday I play basketball for 2 hours

      3. anonymous

        Hi I’m an 18 years old girl and I’ve only had sex with one guy whom I trust to be clean. Two days ago Ive spotted a small red pimple on my vulva it looks like an ingrown hair but I havent shaved in a while so it seems unlikely…It doesnt hurt and hasn’t really changed sized nor did any other ones appear…Should I be worried about it ?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Any pain, soreness or itch over or around the region?

          If no, this may be an ingrown hair as it looks. Try warm compress over it. This would soften the pimple and help it regress.

    2. Jonathan Adams

      Every time I maturbate a day or to later these liquid bump appear on my penis head or on the shaft I popped in and it continue to have liquid reappear Idk what going on is it from masturbation or something else

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Do they appear only after masturbating? How many of them? Are they painful? How do they get healed?

  2. disturbed

    I have one single small bump that is painful, close to the hair line in my labia near my vaginal opening. I am only sexually active with one person and neither one of us have stds. It just randomly popped up. I don’t know what it is but I would love to get rid of it what is this. It has me freaking out.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be an infected pimple. Apply mupirocin (bactroban) antibiotic ointment over it for a week. It will subside gradually.

    2. terri

      Sounds like herpes. Go to a doctor and you must ask specifically for a herpes test, otherwise you will only be tested for other stds. (gonorhea, syphillis, etc) Don’t wait!

  3. RA

    I’m a 19 year old girl and puberty probably started when I was 8. I became sexually active at 17. I’ve had pimples developing in my groin area, on my bum, and armpits and sides, like wear my bra is, since I was 10 years old. The pimples are only on the outer labia and in the crease between thigh and labia and on my inner thighs. They are larger than facial pimples and are painful and they tend to come back. When drained the pus is usually accompanied by blood. I’ve never seen a doctor about it but when I had my first exam with a gynecologist at 17 she didn’t say anything. Also, I find it kind of odd that none of my sexual partners ever had a problem with it; I’ve always been embarrassed about it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Recurrent pimples can be a cause of worry. This may be related to your lifestyle and diet.

      Pimples erupt at places which are moist, infrequently washed and tightly clothed.

      To stop them, take a warm bath daily. Soaps are not required every day, a mild gel would be enough. Wear loose cotton clothes, when ever possible, as at night times.

      Watch your diet. Take less of fried fatty stuff and caffeine drinks. They lead to pimple formation. Consume more of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are natural detoxifiers. Drink plenty of plain water.

      Read more on recurrent pimples on vagina.

  4. JustAGal

    Few months ago, I had a pimple on my outer labia on the left side and it first seemed like an ingrown hair but I think it was a pimple. I never had acne on my face so I had nothing to compare it to! Well just now I was in the bathroom and realized the bump is back and I shave completely this time using a cheaper razor though and cheaper shave cream so I’m thinking it’s from that but this time instead of the bump being just hard and round it was fragile and upon examining it it popped (gross ik). I was disgusted because pus was filled in it after wiping that all out blood followed and I looked hard to make sure I had no more bumps and to make sure this one wasn’t a blister or something that’s more alarming. It had one dot in the middle like a hair would grow from it like a pimple but like I said I never had acne so I wonder if this is a pimple please help! I haven’t been sexually active for years but I do shave and just got back from Vegas and Cali where it was very hot and all my underwear were not cotton plus my partner lives out there and we didn’t have sex just touching down there could that cause this bump? I’m worried.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is likely to be an ingrown hair that has become infected. The infection could have come from touching down there with contaminated hands, or may be too much of trapped moisture contributed to it.

      Pubic hair are thick and curly and so they have a tendency to form ingrown hair.

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Since it has been drained already, your bump is likely to get better on its own in 3 to 5 days.

      1. Nervous

        I have blisters on my upper thighs next to pubic area and also on pubic area. They are filled with clear very slightly yellow liquid. They aren’t very tightly clustered. This worries me a bit just seeing them.

  5. Stacey d.

    Me and my boyfriend have pimples and we had them for 2 days already. We are in our teens 14 and 16. We did not have sex, but we make out we do not know what to do. The pimples are on our lips. Please help, people think that we have herpes but we know we do not. We do not know what to think. HELP!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      All pimples present on the lips are definitely not herpes. It is common to get pimples anywhere over the body in your age group.

      Let us know the exact locations of the pimples. How many are they in number? Are they present on the genitals as well? Are they painful? Do they seem to have pus inside them.

      1. nate

        hi im have sum at first a lil cluster of pimples / blisters above of my penis area.. say at first maybe 7-10 of them..now its all red dont hurt that much really like a slight burn barley noticeable…but it i think poped n it scabed with yellow puss n formed into looks like one ..is that herps you think

    2. jasmine

      The ‘doc’ here is giving very bad and health endangering advice. Lip pimples are not acne, they are cold sores. Cold sores are a form of herpes. Lip herpes can transfer to another easily and can even transfer to genitals if oral sex is performed to a male or female.

  6. stacey d.

    I am very sorry. I just found out that we do not have pimples, we have cold sore. Where do they come from. We need your help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s alright. Both of you need to go to a doctor for examination. This is essential to rule out herpes.

      Herpes does not require sex to spread. It may spread while kissing someone carrying the virus, with no open ulcers or sores. You won’t come to know when you get infected.

  7. Anonymous

    I’m 17 years old and I am sexually active with only 1 partner. My boyfriend has no sexual diseases, he was a virgin until we began having sex. I get these irritating itchy bumps that come in about more than 10 pimple like group and they are close by each other. I was examined by a doctor at a Women’s clinic and she claimed it as herpes, but I wasn’t exactly positive because I read that herpes can only be spread by those who are infected and I have never met anyone infected by Herpes. I am afraid that I could be diagnosed with herpes, What should I do?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Herpes lesions do come in clusters.

      Herpes may spread through kissing, hand contact or a simple fore play.

      It is recommended you get yourself screened for herpes. Nothing to worry, this is a treatable condition.

    2. tyger

      Herpes is NOT curable but can be treated meaning meds for the rest of your life. And meds don’t make herpes go away. Women get worse and more frequent breakouts than men. Some get breakouts monthly that last for 14 days. Don’t trust everyone who tells you they do not have herpes. You are naive and endangering your health and now the health of others. Herpes is on the rise due to lies and non-diagnosis.

  8. sharon

    Hello friends I’m Sharon had herpes for 3 years, but do not know, I was desperate to find a solution. The medicine the doctor prescribed seemed to me that would work, but I only relieved the symptoms and not solved my problem of herpes.
    So I started looking for a cure for my cold and was so Aque download a book
    I followed all your recommendations over the past 7 weeks and I have not shoot!
    Thanks to all that I learned from this book, now I am very happy …
    I hope my information will help other people with herpes and cure your bad
    Download the book here: http://tinyurl.com/poaxkxd

  9. Julie

    I have pimples on my vagina. I am sexually active. But I don’t wanna go to the doctor because I don’t want my mom to know. Any creams you can suggest?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is recommended that you go to a doctor for a physical exam. These simple looking pimples may be an early sign of some STD. Read above in detail.

      For the mean time, you may apply mupirocin over these pimples. This is an antibiotic cream. It may help.

  10. jack in tacoma

    I recently discovered a swollen are on the right side shaft of my penis. It seems symmetrical and overall has a reddish color. It is raised and has 4 dark colored spots on it. It does cause discomfort occasionally if it rubs on my clothes. I have been working lately in hot conditions and have to wear a neoprene suit that cause me to sweat a great deal generally soaking all my clothes, as I am in this suit for hours. I do dry off and change clothes afterward but can’t shower for a couple hours till I get home. I have had jock itch before and this seems similar I am treating it with an antifungal product but wanted a second opinion.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is very likely to be a fungal infestation. Is the lesion responding to the anti fungals you are using?

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Wash it twice daily with plain water. Soaps or gels are not required there. These may lead to dryness of the mucosal skin.

      Avoid friction while movements over the lesion.

      1. jack in tacoma

        Yes it has been. The rash has gone down and the redness is gone. The spots are still there but seem smaller. Thank you for the tip. I think the soap has dried it out a little.

  11. Katie

    I have a few small, relatively flat bumps near my vagina (around the actual opening, on both sides) that itch like crazy when irritated. I am a virgin, and have only ever done other sexual actions with one person, who is also a virgin. I have been experiencing this itch down there for about two months. It isn’t a problem, and doesn’t bother me until it’s stimulated, which has allowed me to tolerate it for so long. Any ideas as to what I’m experiencing?

  12. Anonymous

    I have had little white bumps all over my labia (both of them) and anywhere on my vagina where hair doesn’t grow excepting my clitoris and vagina hole. I am sexually active, but I have had these for years before that. They don’t itch or hurt, but are clustery. They are small and white, and I can pop them and make pus come out. They don’t seem to disappear though, like permanent pimples. Every once in a while I get a real red pimple down there and it goes away instantly. I have had this one though that has been there for months and won’t pop, like it is solid. It is the size of a normal pimple and has no coloration. I also recently had a pimple develop on my minor labia, and it does hurt, but it popped and a little pus came out, it just hasn’t gone. My mother had an STD when I was born but they vaccinated me for a few days before releasing me. Am I okay?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s not normal to have such pimples down there. It is recommended that you visit a gynecologist for physical exam.

      This may be some STD lesions.

  13. Ana

    First off in 22 and had my son at age 19. While I was pregnant I started getting these blister like sores. At first I thought was a pimple and I popped it. It was very painful. It oozed and bled. I regularly saw an ob/gyn and they never brought up the bumps. They kept coming back and they were painful, more so when I walked a lot. After they went away within days some times weeks they started leaving these scar looking marks. They were hollow in the middle. It wasn’t until the day I had my son (by c-section) that one nurse pointed out “what are those” I told her I don’t know and she looked worried but asked “maybe cysts?” I have been worried they might be hpv or herpes. But I have looked up both and my bumps look nothing like either. These bumps come and go and I feel like they happen mostly when I walk too much and irritate myself. I forgot to mention from the beginning where the bumps are. They are mostly in the crease of my leg/thigh and outer vaginal lips. They almost seem they are identically to each other although sometimes they flare up mostly on the right side. Done times I see pimple like bumps on my actual vaginal lip and once on the inner lip. It went away. This last week I’ve been in discomfort and slight pain because I’ve been over active and they flared up on both sides and today one much much closer to my vaginal lip. Small pea sized and seems to glow slightly in size when agitated. I am seriously afraid it could be hpv because when I was a teen I was getting the hpv vaccine but never returned for my final dose. Please help!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may get yourself screened for herpes.

      Also, make sure you are wearing loose cotton underwear most of the time. This is to allow ventilated in the groin area. Accumulation of moisture down there leads to pimple formation.

  14. Meyer

    Hi! I’m a 19 year old boy. This morning I just noticed a pimple like object above my penis where my pubic hair is. I was given unprotected oral sex about 5 months ago. It looks just like a pimple and I’m probably just being paranoid. Do I have to worry about any STDs?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Start treating it like a pimple. Apply mupirocin ointment over it, thrice daily.

      Let us know if it does not improve.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Be observant. If they grow or discharge or show any suspicious sign, as listed above, you may go to a doctor.

      Otherwise, it may be a simple pimple that is likely to go away with time.

  15. Joseph Perez

    Hello I am a male, 20 years old. About two weeks ago after receiving oral sex from a female friend, immediately after I knew something wasn’t feeling right I had a tingling sensation when wearing clothes at the head of my penis and it was tender and sore. Went to my school doctor a week after that we tested for =chlamydia & gonorrhea which both came back negative she said it was Non-Gonococcal-urethritis cause by a bacteria infection, I was put on doxycycline for 7 days twice daily and my symptoms are gone and I feel a lot better. But call me paranoid but she did take a swab of my urethra to rule out herpes but that test takes weeks and I’m feeling uneasy and nervous I had no discharge or sores with my NGU, and just my luck I get a ingrown pubic hair yesterday which was completely painless it did hurt or even burst open with any fluid. I literally pulled the hair out & put some rubbing alcohol and it’s literally almost gone it’s dark at the base (I’m African-American) and a light pink at the center with dried edges cause of rubbing alcohol, am I being paranoid? Or should I be worried? Even though I tested negative for the other two, is there a chance it may be something else?

      1. Anonymous.

        My understanding is that tests for genital herpes are not reliable. Also I noticed that you mentioned that there are always symptoms with genital herpes but my understanding on this is that someone can have no symptoms, that someone can even have herpes for several years and not know that they have it. So what is the truth about all of this?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Well yes. A person with good immune capacity may keep the infection contained and not develop symptoms for long. What is said above is for most people in general.

  16. Josh

    I am a 16 year old male. I am a virgin and have never had any type of sexual intercourse. I do masturbate, and I have 4 red pimples on my scrotum, they irritate me. They do not hurt unless they rub against my clothes. I put rubbing alcohol on them and they feel better after a couple minutes of extreme pain. Any ideas what it could be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      May be clogged sebaceous glands. If they are red or irritate you, start applying mupirocin ointment over each of them, twice daily for a week.

      If they don’t bother you, leave them as such. They’ll regress on their own with time.

  17. Tori

    Hey I have an yeast infection. I do not get itches but it burns a lot. I recently noticed parts of the inside of my vaginal wall appearing chewed up. CAN YEAST EAT MY VAGINAL WALL? This is URGENT, please help!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      No, yeast infection cannot eat up the walls. If you are sexually active, you need to get screened for STDs.

      It may be herpes.

      1. Tori

        Not even if you have had it for a few years ?? I have never been sexually active and this chewed up bit is on the inside of the vulva walls (the pink area). At first it was small but now it seems as tho it has grown in size and the vulva becomes red and sore at nights and the area hurts a lot. I also notice a lot of flow out now. That’s why I asked.

        I remember i think I hurt the vulva from stretching but at the same time i was douching apple cider vinegar. That’s around the same time I started noticing the increase flow of the vaginal yeast. Now it hurts as hell and it is especially painful during night time. Worried

        1. Tori

          Not even if you have had it for a few years? I have never been sexually active and this chewed up bit is on the inside of the vulva walls (the pink area). At first it was small but now it seems as though it has grown in size and the vulva becomes red and sore at nights and the area hurts a lot. I also notice a lot of flow out now. That’s why I asked.

          I remember I think I hurt the vulva from stretching but at the same time I was douching apple cider vinegar. That’s around the same time I started noticing the increase flow of the vaginal yeast. Now it hurts as hell and it is especially painful during night time. Worried.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            This sounds like an infection. You need to get examined to know what infection it is.

            It may be yeast. For that, anti fungals like canesten, needs to be used twice daily for a week.

  18. Winsome Hinson

    Woke up this morning and felt two to three watery looking bumps on the outside of labia. I had felt a slight irritation for few days before but didn’t think much of it. I’m curious as to what could cause this and if it’s imperative I see a doctor. Thank you.

  19. Confused

    I am an African American Lesbian. My partner and I were recently diagnosed with Trichomoniasis last year. Her doc gave us both meds and that was that. However, after that I started experiencing 2 bumps on my left rectum cheek, in the crease, almost at the bottom of my vagina. I had, had ingrown hairs before when I shaved but this one was out of control so I went to the ER the Doc cut it open and it was Funky as you know what! he drained it and I didn’t go back because I felt like it would heal on its own and when he poked me it hurt really bad but I was relieved so I didn’t follow up. So I started noticing that near my menstrual cycle this bump-because he sliced both of them and made it one-became more frequent. I thought it might have been because it never fully healed. It’s hard to keep that part of rectum dry. I do wear boxers if that helps. So anyway, I went to get a full STD test HIV/herpes everything they did a blood and urine test and told me I tested positive for Herpes 2 Genital herpes. I immediately asked my partner (again) who she slept with and we both referred back to earlier when she got tested at her docs. But the problem is that test did not test for herpes just the standard sti’s. She has moderate acne that comes and goes so it’s really hard to say. Is this just my way of coping or denial. Or do my symptoms line up. They did not test my bumps as I had been taking extra effort to keep dry because of the frequency and this last period I did not have a bump.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you have been tested positive for herpes, you are likely to be carrying the germ.

      Both you and your partner are likely to be infected.

  20. April

    About a month ago, I noticed two small bumps on both sides of my outer vagina. Two days later, they grew in size. It’s like the bump was under the skin. The outside skin looks normal. No change in skin color. They were very uncomfortable. They only bothered me when I was walking. So I did warm compress and hot baths. It drained, I cleaned them, and they went away. Two days ago, I got them again. 2 of them. Its kind of embarrassing with my husband. I’m sure my husband is faithful and I am too. What could these things be? What can I do to make sure they don’t come back?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      They may be pimples. Pimples which have pus in them may recur due to repeat infections. The pus inside them may touch the surrounding area to give rise to another pimple.

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Start applying mupirocin (bactroban) ointment over the pimples, twice daily for a week.

      If the recur, may be you need to get screened for STDs.

  21. Vanessa

    I have what appears to be a white flat long sore on my labia majora. What could this be? It’s not in clusters. It’s the one longish sore like thing. It burns a lot but doesn’t itch.

  22. Anonymous

    I took the tests and it isn’t herpes, vdrl, hiv or hep B. I already visited the Gyne, awaiting results for test. What else do you think it is likely to be? I am a virgin by the way. It’s freaking me out, it’s like the inside of my labia is eating away.

      1. Vanessa

        Ok, along with the std tests, I did pelvic ultrasound, CBC, RBS, urine and microscopic culture and sensitivity and Genitals swabs. She scraped piece of the sore and placed it into some brownish liquid. Anyways results are back. She said everything is normal. No yeasts, no bacteria, std, uterus is fine. So she wonders if I stuck my finger up my vagina.

        A month ago, my bf and I were dry humping with our clothes off and he was jabbing me with his penis a bit till it was sore. South of the hymen was bleeding a bit but that has stopped and then I notice this sore or bruise? If it is a bruise then why hasn’t it healed by a month? And it appears jagged. What do you think?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Delay in healing may occur commonly due to two causes, either there is some constant irritation over the affected area or you have high blood sugar levels.

          1. Vanessa

            My blood sugar tests came back neg. It was 5.0 and the standard range is 3.5 to 6.1 on the sugar test result, so that’s normal?

  23. Ashley

    I have a few itchy pimple looking spits with white heads either side of my vagina on my buttocks. They are irritating and the area that they are in is very red and raw. I have recently stopped breast feeding. I have been using canasten cream but it seems to be getting worse.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you are sexually active, you may have to rule out the presence of STDs.

      For now, you may start applying mupirocin ointment over the affected area. Apply it twice daily for a week.

      1. Ashley

        I have been to the doctor. He said it was folliculitis but he didn’t really look properly. There are no visible sores around the vulva and the sores that are present on my buttocks are filled with white pus. Does this seem like folliculitis or herpes?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          This appears to be infected glands or hair follicles of the area.

          You need to keep the area clean and dry. All secretions, be it sweat, urine or feces are irritants for the skin. Wash the area with plain water twice every day. Then apply some moisturizer / emollient over the area.

          Apply mupirocin over the pimples twice daily.

  24. Terry taylor

    One morning, I woke up with a raised yellow/red head on the middle of my penis shaft. I popped it and yellow stuff and blood came out of it. I showered straight after, but a week or two later, I got a couple red dots around my shaft and penis head. I also noticed I got an increase in dots half an hour after sex on the head of my penis. Can you help me out on this, thanks.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Likely to be an infection. You may need to take antibiotics for this.

        You need to see a doctor for examination.

  25. Larah

    I’ve got a really sore pimple. Should I pop it with a butter knife or a sharp knife or should I try to suck it in with the vaccuum cleaner. Sorry if it’s gross but what to do. I feel like jumping off a cliff right now. On my gen gens.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Just start doing warm compresses over it. This would soften the skin over the bump and help in drainage, if possible.

      Also, after the warm compress, apply mupirocin ointment over it.

      This needs to be done twice daily.

    2. Savanna Wilson

      I’m a 16 year old lesbian and me and my girlfriend have are very sexually active. So lots of oral but what she also does is get on top of me and grind so there’s a lot of sweat and semen around our vaginal areas. She’s never had sex before but in the past year I have had sex with 2 other girls once. I spoke with my girlfriend and she gets them too sometimes, as for me this is only the second time but I have these pimples all over on the top of my vagina, they all have little white heads and when they pop pus comes out like a regular pimple on your face. I get clusters of them on the top and they are pretty painful. I put antibiotic and tea tree oil as well as a hot towel. The first time it went away in a few days. This is now my second time getting it, it feels the same. What is it? Or they just pimples from the sweat, semen and friction? Or they something else?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Likely to be infected pimples. You’re getting more of them as you’re very active sexually. Sexual activities increase glandular secretions.
        Antibiotic creams should work over them.

        However, since you have had more than one partner, it’s advisable you get yourself screened for the presence of any STD.

  26. Eaton

    Hi I had protected sex and hours after I had a slightly raised pimple on penis glan with two stores on shaft foreskin help plz

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do they itch, pain or burn? Are they red in color or is the area around them red or swollen?

  27. Trevor

    I had uprotected sex 3.5 weeks ago. Two days ago i looked at my scrotum for the first time and noticed about 15 reddish bumps where my scrotum and penis meet. There is no pain or iching and doesn’t bother to touch them. I have noticed that at least half of them have hair coming out of them as well. I’m going to guess these have been there longer but 2 days ago was the first day I looked. They are a lot more visible the more I stretch the skin as well as faintly seeing more the harder I stretch.

    I have not have any fever or feeling ill but I have had some light tingling in my thighs (both sides) for about 2 weeks now (could be a bad laundry detergent) and last night my right leg felt sore but I just woke up with a very small calf cramp. I have also noticed my butt gets “sore” when I sit for a while but feels better when I stand up.

    Maybe I’m being paranoid and a hypochondriac but it’s worrysome. Basically I’m hoping alright because
    A- the bumps have hairs coming out most of them
    B- they don’t hurt or itch or anything for at least a couple days now
    C- I don’t feel sick (assuming I would if bumps present)
    D- my tingling lasts about 5 seconds and goes away and it’s over a wide area.
    E- my butt feels better if I get up and move (both sides)

    As a side note, one particular spot just below the head of the penis has hurt (feels like a sliver but not) since the morning after… no spots or marks almost 4 weeks after.

    Please let me know what you think. Thank you

    1. Trevor

      Sorry, forgot to add. All day I’m fine but feel a slight agitation when I pee, but only seems to happen at the end of the day.

    2. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Appear to be a cluster of pimples. They commonly erupt this way in young adulthood. There seems nothing to worry. Just keep the area clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear to assure ventilation there. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. Drink adequate water.

      However, if they start itching or growing in size, see a doctor for physical examination.

  28. Michelle

    I have had several tests for STDs in the past 4 years because of pregnancy. I have never had any test come back positive or abnormal. I have only been with my husband. For years I have had these breakouts mostly after friction on the inside at the top of my vagina. They go away after a couple of weeks. Sometimes there is itching. There are about ten small white pimple like bumps every time.

      1. Rai

        I am 19 years old and sexually active. For the past week I have been experiencing light, light/medium brown discharge (or maybe it’s blood I’m really not sure). It doesn’t smell. On a panty liner it feels slightly sticky. It’s thin. I have no pain, no itching, no smell. I am on the depo provera birth control shot and I have been for 5 years now. Ever since I started getting the shot I have not had a period and I have not spotted even the slightest so i am not sure what’s really going on. Could this be mild bleeding (my shot isn’t due for a month) or could this be a sign of an std that I need to be checked for?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          This doesn’t appear as an STD. It’s likely to be related to your shots. If you continue to get that discharge, you need to talk to your gyne. A check up may be required.

  29. Rise

    I’m sexually active, so 6weeks after my last unprotected sex, I develope back pain, mouth ulcer and fluid filled blisters in cluster above my public area,now I’m having jock itch.
    Is this herpes

    1. Rise

      By the way, my jock itch respond to anti fungal cream, i ask my partner she told me she hadoesn’t jock itch before

  30. ThatOneGuy

    I just had sex with my girlfriend a couple days ago and I started noticing a few pimples around the pubic hair area and didnt pay no mind to it, now the whole area is filled with what seems to be with small sized pimples this has never happened to me and I am freaking out. I have set up an appt with my doctor but until next monday, what should I do???

      1. ThatOneGuy

        there is a lil itch around the area but no burn or any fluid no clusters its just weird and I am afraid. Its not the first time we have had intercourse I spoke with her about and she says that she does not have this problem and she says that she has no STD’s

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Looks like they are filled with some infected material. As you pop them, pus leaks out, infecting nearby healthy skin areas and may lead to more of such lesions.

            Better get them examined. Antibiotics may be needed.

  31. M.

    I have a single, tiny pimple like bump on my mons pubic. It’s painless,somewhat firm and doesn’t bother me at all. Some on my outter thighs too but they dried up and left blackheads sort of with spots. No pains, no itching, no pus, no discharge, no smell, no stings, no blood.

    Just pimple or should I be worried?

  32. Donny

    Alright so I had protected sex about a week ago and a few days ago I started noticing these pimples on my inner thigh somewhat close to my genitals.. I popped one that was really far down my leg and another closer to my genitals. Those 2 are currently popped and there’s no more pus/clear stuff(couldn’t really tell the difference when I popped them) and they are both red with the blood dried over them(healing I assume). So I wake up the next day with 2 more lined up next to the one closer to my genitals and then another a couple inches away and I keep popping/kind of popping them and these two filled up with pus/liquid again and I saw them this morning. Some context: the girl was a virgin I wore a condom but our thighs rubbed together.. I also have been having pimple outbreaks kind of everywhere on my body, I’ve only have 3 showers in 7 days and it might be irrelevant but I have 6-8 chigger bites on my feet/ankle area. I have no bumps on my genitals at all and I’m a bit hairy around my legs and genitals, I am just anxious and confused. Also I had a soreness in my leg kind of around the area where these pimples were occurring but it was only for half a day and it’s gone now.. I don’t know what this could be I was assuming herpes, but I’m cautious when washing them and touching them because I’m afraid of it actually being herpes and it spreading to my genitals.. I don’t have the mupirocin cream Or want to go to my current doctor because he’s really cool and I’m too anxious and embarrassed to go to him.. Also I haven’t had this many pimple break out on this area ever.. I have before but not this many (4 in like a somewhat close area and one really far away).

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Though it’s unlikely to be herpes, we need to keep a close watch. If you notice an increase in the number of lesions or find when clustering up, you need to be checked up.

      For the while this looks like an outbreak of pimples. This may happen after sexual activities, as glands get stimulated to produce more secretions.

      Keep the area well washed and dry. Avoid friction over the pimples. Wear loose cotton underwears to keep the area airy.

      1. Rob

        Two days ago I noticed a very tiny scab on underside if penis shaft after I woke up. It was very small… Maybe the size if a pin prick. I had noticed any sore, etc. prior to this. There was no pain (several days later I may have felt a slight sting like a cutwhen washing with shower gel, but I saw nothing… No ulcer… Felt nothing). I removed the scab and the wound was so small I could barely find it when I would try to look at it. There were no other scabs. There was a slightly Raj seed fordyce spot nearby, but that was it. I have been working outside and sweating a lot recently and also exercising. Is it likely herpes would cause such a small and single spot. And would it likely go undetected prior to scabbing? I assume a cut or irritated area of some sort could bleed overnight due to a morning erection. Went to utc and a swab was done on the tiny spot. Thank you.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If you are sexually active, herpes needs to be ruled out. Let us know what the swab test says.

  33. Donny

    Also I forgot to mention I am getting a cold, stuffy nose and mucus but I think it was caused by me smoking a lot the last couple of days( I normally get sick after smoking)

  34. Jennifer's wilson

    I’m 15 and sexually active I have these spots all over my labia on both sides and some are painful. Some aren’t, but I went to the doctors because I also have thrush but that is basically cleared up now and she saw these blisters what she called them and said they don’t look like herpes, but there so painful. When I wee and sting when I touch them, Someone help me!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you have already been examined for herpes, we have to take the as infected pimples.

      Do they itch? What did she say they are?

  35. nisha

    I was sexually active 10 year ago can it be possible to get first outbreak after 10 years, I got recurrent vaginal pimple 1 or 2 at a time, is it possible be herpes. I lost my virginity when I was 9 now am 20. My pimple got cure only by flucloxacilin and ceftrixone beside that also am getting pimple.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be infected pimple.

      Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid friction over the pimple while walking.

      Instead of taking oral antibiotics, try applying mupirocin/ bactroban ointments whenever you get a pimple that pains. These are antibiotic cream, to be used thrice daily.

  36. nisha

    And also one thing I got it after I kept tampon about 3 days during mens .I kept it because I am not getting bleeding properly

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You know you need to change it frequently. This could be a cause for vaginal infections.

  37. nisha

    Sorry. This pimple get ulcer too, and also I am not so immune person. I always get fever every year and get tonsil 3 or 4 times in a year. So, is it possible to get herpes after 10 year.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If it ulcerates, you need to get it examined by a doctor for examination. It may be herpes.

  38. M.

    Some days ago I wrote to you about a ‘pimple’ on my mons pubis. No pain or pus whatsoever.

    It turns out, it’s Molluscum contagiosum. I’ve got four of those ‘pimples’… one on vagina, three on my thighs ( dried up and turned black). I don’t know how I could have contracted that, I’ve not been sexually active for a while now. I’m so worried, is there something I can do? Medications?

  39. lauren

    Doctor took second outbreak sore swab by disposable swab stick for culture and sensitive test but I don’t know whether they had done culture for viral or not. What type of sore occur? Is it painful to touch during initial stage?

  40. lauren

    Sorry I forget to add is it the cause of herpes when I get ulcer in labia minora. Doctor took swab test for culture and sensitive test but second one outbreak. Can flucloxacillin and ceftrixone control the outbreak of herpes sore?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Ulcer over the labia may be because of herpes. This is very much possible.

      The above mentioned antibiotics may be given if you get ulcers to combat bacterial growths over it. However, they don’t kill the virus.

  41. jenisha

    Can I get first outbreak of herpes after 10 year? Is it possible to get first outbreak after 10 year and am not so immune person.

  42. jenisha

    I have got vaginal ulcer after I put same tampon for three days, and this is recurrent. And also I had sex 11 year ago so is it possible of herpes or tampon?

  43. Al

    I had a small single pimple like blister on my foreskin. At first, I felt irritation then a small sore formed filled with white pus. Once it popped it left a small crater like but went away within a couple of days. My partner was tested for herpes because of a cyst she had on her outer labia but came back negative. She was told to come back for a syphilis test. Could I have syphilis? Or what could it?

  44. Courtney Hamlet

    I have small/ big red bumps right on top were my pubic hair is, most of them seem like ingrown hairs and heal when I pull the hair follicles out but they are a little painful when I try and squeeze them, when I let my pubic hair grow (ew I know) I have little to NO bumps. Is it maybe just the way I’m shaving down there, my razors are fairly new. I’m just worried because they aren’t attractive and I’d like to not worry about them during sex. I’m also 17 and am sexually active.

  45. Nicky

    I have very small little pimples with pus on my clitoris hood. They have been there for maybe 2 years now, and I have never been sexually active in my life. They don’t hurt or anything, but I’m really worried, because they don’t seem to go away. I’m too embarrassed to see a doctor. I’m worried it’s an STD but I’ve never been sexually active or performed any sexual act with another person, so I’d like to think it isn’t. What could it be? Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be pimples, that is, clogged glands there. This is common.

      Just leave it as such. They are likely to subside on their own with time.

  46. Gavin

    I have two big pimples right by my genitals and i feel that it is getting bigger. I am not sexually active and I am 14 years old. Im too scared to ask a doctor and to tell them i have an STD. I really do hope its not an STD. What is it?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Unlikely to be an STD. These appear more as pimples. You may start applying an antibiotic cream over them. Mupirocin/ bacitracin may be used thrice daily.

          Avoid friction over the lesions while walking. Avoid popping them.

  47. Adam Tyler

    I’m a 15 year old male and I’ve never had sex. I noticed what looked like a white head on my genital area and I ended up popping it. It didn’t hurt but I just happened to spot it. Should I be concerned?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s alright. Just take care that it dries up and heals well. Avoid friction over it while walking.

  48. Sjlk

    Hi I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with herpangina the strand of coxackie virus, I have had cold like symptoms and sore throats and sores in my throats as the doctor told me. The day after my doctors office I developed a small bump on my inner labia close to my vagina. It looks like a pimple and hurts but does not “burn” it may itch a little. I’m worried it is herpes but was thinking maybe the virus spread from touching my mouth and while going to the bathroom I touched my vagina and spread it there.

  49. Anonymous

    I have pimples on my left testicle that look like the herpes one but they dont hurt and i dont feel any sort of burning sensation or anything and they aren’t so grouped together and aren’t as small. Im 16 and I haven’t had sex with anyone yet but I’ve kissed two or three girls. Is it herpes?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      As per the description, very unlikely to be Herpes.

      For an exact diagnosis, you need to be physically examined by a doctor.

  50. Cynthia

    About three days ago I noticed a pimple like bump on my outter labia it itches a little bit sore nothing major been applying muropsin 2% ointment think that’s how u spell it .. has not grown or gotten smaller .. I did shave down there about 3 weeks ago so hair is growing out .. no burning just one pimple like bump ..

  51. Anonymousjoe

    I have this big pimple/zit above and near my genitals(on the left side in my pubic hair area). I think I had it for like 2 years. When I was on a keto diet(low carbs, high fat) and eating a lot of fermented foods the pimple in my pubic hair area it would shrink or not be so noticeable but still there. Now I’m eating high carbs and fast food. It has gotten bigger. Just to let you know I’ve been eating garlic, onions, ginger, cayenne pepper(foods that kill viruses and bacteria) every single day on both diets. It was itchy this week and it was kind of hurting. Yesterday it popped and started to bleed. Now there’s a scab but it started to bleed again probably because of my pants irritating it. I change my boxers everyday and shower almost everyday. I’m 25 and last time I had sex was when I was 19.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may start using an antibiotic ointment over this lesion to help it heal quicker. You may use it thrice daily for a week. Avoid friction over it. Wearing loose cotton bottoms would help.

      Avoid junk food and excess fat. Switching to a healthy diet, containing lots of vegetables and fruits would help boosting up your immune system.

  52. Yuvi

    I have blister like bumps for more than a year on my penis shaft. There were no out brakes or irritation and pain. Will it be herpes ? how to cure this ? Im 25 year old and I never had sex before. Please advice.

  53. A Concerned Individual

    I’m a 16 year old girl, and for the past 3 years, I’ve had a tonne of these little bumps. Sometimes they swell up and I pop them. The pus/fluid is yellow in colour. I’m not sexually active, so I doubt its herpes. However I am concerned since theres so many I can’t count. All of them very miniscule. Also, its only when I part the folds so, I’m just unsure.
    I don’t know about herpes but I’m not sure its acne either

  54. Scaredofherpes

    About a week ago I had what I thought was a pimple, kind of on the inner part of my labia. I haven’t been sexually active in a little over 2 months but I was before that with multiple people. It’s not uncommon that I get a zit down there so I wasn’t worried, but I’m impatient so I picked at it. It didn’t pop like they normally do but it made a distinct red outline around the thing. I stopped because I thought maybe my nails made it worse. It’s been a week and it hasn’t gone away and I’ve picked at it only because the middle looks whitish and I thought it was a white head but it didn’t pop. Some liquid did come out but I don’t know I’m just really worried. There’s only one still but it’s reminding me of a canker sore that would be in my mouth, but maybe that’s just because I picked at it? It feels like a zit to my fingers but when I’m done touching it, it stings (again maybe because I kept picking at it so it’s open). I’m just hoping that there is something that can for sure tell me if it’s a pimple or not without having to wait to see if it goes away in a week. Also if I stretch it out and then rub my finger over it, it seems like clear fluid pushes out which seems like another bad sign but again I don’t know because I picked at it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Doesn’t appear to be a pimple. This may be an STD.

      Even if it goes away, you better get yourself checked up and examined for STDs’

  55. Needhelp

    I’m worried if I have genital warts or not. My gf said it looks like a pimple. I am a 27 year old male and I only had 1 partner throughout my life. I started noticing it for the past 2 weeks. I am not sure how I could describe it, but I am more than willing to send a photo of the infected skin (only the skin). It itches from time to time. It doesn’t hurt. It’s not really a bump like a pimple. You cant really notice it on the first glance.

    I am really worried and paranoid. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may post a photo by joining your G+ community. Click “Ask the Doctor” tab at the top.

      Are those lesions spreading? Are they in clusters?

  56. Braderz

    I am a 14 year old teen, I have never been involved in any form of sexual activity. whilst on the toilet I noticed a little bump on the area of my genitals where the penis meets the skin, I felt it and it felt firm; then I realised it was oozing out pus, white/ slightly yellow-ish in colour. When I was inspecting it I noticed I could feel it under my skin, again it felt firm. When I squeezed more the pus finally stopped and out came what I can only describe as “diluted” blood (however this didn’t concern me as this happens when I continue squeezing a normal spot.
    Also it is slightly red around the bump, however it is not painful or even irritant.
    I clean well as I am going through puberty I know I need to but, I ask, could this be caused from a product of masturbation? (Possibly if I haven’t cleaned up well enough or if I have ejaculated in my underwear and slept like that until washing the morning after (thinking back this sounds gross in addition is it!?))
    So I ask you is this a simple pimple as I expect from reading up^^^!?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be a simple pimple. Just keep it clean by washing the area regularly with ample water. You may also start applying any antibiotic cream over any of those lesions.

      You may masturbate, no problem.

      Even if you leave them untreated, they’re likely to heal up with time. However, if any of them becomes painful, antibiotic is required.

  57. Concerned

    Hi I have one small bump on my mons pubis. It is red with a white head and is just a little larger than the tip of a ballpoint pin. I have had it two days and put a little zinc oxide on it. It appears to be drying up. Is this likely just a pimple?

  58. Elizabeth

    Hi I had sex about a month ago with protection. After which I washed up with soap. Some days later I shaved. Then afterwards I had my period I used a pad and I later was feeling soreness in between my inner thighs close to my virgina and near my virgina,though I used one pad for a whole day. About 4days ago I noticed sores around my virgina and close to my inner thighs. Yesterday I took antibiotics and noticed today boils around there. I don’t have any flu,nor burning sensation neither do I feel any pain except I Scratch the sore with my nails. Could this be herpes??

  59. Elizabeth

    Also I want to add that I don’t have any sore or blisters inside my virgina and it’s only on a particular side of my virgina and thigh

  60. Anonymous

    I have about 3 small bumps on my outer labia that seem to be pimples but I tried popping them and nothing would come out. I have only had one sexual partner and she does not have any std’s that I know of but I am still a little worried.

  61. Thomas

    My wife and I had sex earlier in the day, everything was fine. We then had sex later in the day again and when I went to the bathroom afterward I noticed that I had some slight redness on my penis shaft and what looked like a tiny, tiny white head or two. I pinched the skin together and had some white pasty material come out leading me to believe it was a pimple, however, I also have HSV2 so of course I began worrying about about that. Today the area is pinkish and almost entirely gone, but I started taking Valtrex the moment I saw it just to be on the safe side.

    My main concern at this point is IF it was the start of a herpes outbreak, although absent any blistering or lesions, what are the chances of transmission to my wife?

      1. Thomas

        Ok, well does that sound like an outbreak to you or a pimple? It’s been 3 days now and my wife says she feels fine, no symptoms.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It may take longer for the symptoms to appear, may be months. This also depends upon the viral load you transmitted, which is likely to be low.

          There are chances that her immune system is able to fight out the infective bug and she never gets any symptom.

  62. Kimberly

    About a week ago I noticed a bump on the outer part of my vagina towards my butt. It didn’t really hurt or itch but my panty line would irritate it and it did bleed. A couple days later I noticed another one next to it similar in size( about the size of a zit maybe bigger) they are red in color. They do appear to have a small hole in the middle almost like an ingrown hair but they haven’t gone away or gone down in size. I am sexually active and have been with my boyfriend for almost two years. I’m freaking out and have been googling things and when I look at pictures of herpes online they don’t look the same, but I know every case is different. What do you think this could be?
    Ps. I’ve always had very sensitive skin and used to get large painful pimples on my chest. I also had been using a scented lotion down there they irritated the area but never produced bumps like this. I also recently started working out again and going to the gym regularly.

  63. still concerned

    so, about 8 days ago i dry shaved quickly, had sex afterwards. 2 days later i noticed 2 bumps on my labia. they did not hurt or itch. i did squeeze one excessively (probably irritated it more) but nothing came out. the 2 bumps are about an inch or 2 apart. they aren’t raised. i panicked and went to one doctor. she did an inspection and said although it only slightly resembled a herpe, she is very doubtful and said they were probably from shaving and being irritated. she gave me muciproin creme. i used it twice that night. however, for her to make a comment like that made me even more worried. i guess i started stressing my boyfriend out to so he went to the dr the next day to get checked out. the Dr told him he was good based on his inspection. still not at ease, i went to another dr the day afterwards sharing my experience with the first dr. she said she has no idea why the dr mentioned herpes. said it looks like a bad case of folliculitis. however, i still asked for a blood test…awaiting the results….scared and haven’t slept in 2 days. she told me to just continue using the creme. will folliculitis result in 2 sore looking bumps? no other symptoms except slight irritation bc the hairs are growing back….plz help…i have pics too

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, folliculitis may give 2 sore looking bumps. These are very unlikely to be Herpes.You may relax.

      Herpes lesions are often in close clusters. Also, symptoms are different from what you complain of.

      1. still concerned

        Thank you so much for answering!!!! i guess the first dr. made me panic like crazy! the 2 bumps still havent healed over yet. Do you think it’s because of their location (on my labia major) and wiping? they are just 2 flat sores…no pain except on 1 where the tissue rubs it when wiping….i been using the muniprocin cream

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          These should start healing, as you apply the antibiotic ointment you have, over them. It should take a week or 10 days.

  64. worriedmother

    Recently I had burning sensation inside my vagina and I felt it, is swollen I went to my ob/gyne she told me it was trish and prescribed me with antibiotics. After I finished with the med, I feel there is no more burning sensation but my vagina still swollen. After a week, I feel the burning sensation again.

    I started to suspect I have genital herpes. 6 years ago I had protected sex with someone, 2 days later I found an ulcer next to my vagina opening. I went for igg test it came back negative. I tested again 9 months after infection, again it was negative. I waited 1 year and got myself tested negative for both hsv 1&2 (0.3)
    It become my annual test, in the 3rd year I went for test and found out hsv1 is equivalent and hsv 2 negative (0.5), on the last test which is on year 2016 my test for hsv1 become positive with (1.4 points) and my hsv2 is 0.8points (which is border to positive already), I never have any outbreak besides the ulcer 6 years ago.

    My questions are:
    1. Why is my hsv2 results keep on rising during these 6 years. Could I have genital herpes but my blood do not have enough antibody to be detected?
    2. With my current burning sensation could it be hsv2 but there is no sore inside just burning and swollen vagina.My ob/gyne said it could not be herpes cos there is no sore present.

    I am so worried and scared to do another full std but I knew I need to do it. Just want hear what u think of my current symptoms.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Herpes would usually give a sore, however, cannot be ruled out.

      May be you can first complete the course of antibiotics given for Trich and see the results.

      1. worriedmother

        Thanks for the reply.
        I already finished with trich medication 1 week ago and I still feel abit of burning sensation inside my vagina and I still feel swollen inside and now uutside on the vagina lips. My swab report came back negative for trich & gonococci. I went to my ob/gyne and she did examine my vagina and she said she could not find anything down below but seriously I’m still feeling mild burning and swollen with uncomfortable feeling.

        I get my doc to perform swab to test on herpes. Now I’m waiting for the result. I’m really upset that I have to deal with this kind of feeling. When I read online it could still be herpes even there are no sore/ulcer found. Pls enlighten me doctor.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Well yes, it could be Herpes, even if you show know symptoms. However, it should show up in the blood report.

          You may also check your vaginal pH. A disturbed pH of this region may also give you burning and discomfort.

  65. Anonymous

    I have 4 medium side spots on my posture labial commisure (the outer sort of layer of my vagina). They all have pus in them and I discovered them today. I am sexually active and got a STI check last month which was all clear. Inam really worried.

      1. Anonymous

        They arent increasing in number and there is no redness around them. It burns when urine touches the area and there is pain there when I move around. I have taken paracetamol and it brought the pain right down. Please help 🙁

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          May not be an STI.

          However, you need to start applying an antibiotic ointment over them. Clean them with cotton balls soaked in water. Be gentle. Dab dry and apply the ointment thrice daily. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used.

          Let us know if it improves.

  66. Damnme

    I have one big pimple looking thing on the right side of my penis, no itch but will feel a little irritation if my clothes rub them wrong like getting jumping into the car. I rubbed it with some apple cider vinegar and inspected it and it has some white fluid in it and it’s a red bump mostly. Now I rarely get small pimples on my face or often but when I do get them they are usually a decent size. This thing isn’t huge but it’s big enough. I have had protected sex in the last few months. I just wanted to see before making the appointment which I will do anyways if this sounds like a herpes virus situation, it is 1 decent size pimple.

  67. Abby

    Hi, I have a cluster of small red bump along my buttocks line and under my butt cheeks but none near my vagina. I was sexually active about two months and did not use protection. These bumps do not hurt but when I pick at them they bleed. I am worried what they might be, I usually wear thongs and tight fighting such as workout leggings since I started working out again.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      May be infected pimples or some STI.

      Let’s first start with some home care. Keep the region clean and dry. Wash it with ample water. Avoid using harsh soaps or gels there. Plain water is enough. Dab dry and start applying any antibiotic ointment over the lesions. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used. You may use it thrice daily.

      Wear lose cotton underwear to let the area breathe and minimize friction over the lesions. Let us know if it improves.

  68. Confused soul

    So recently while shaving I noticed a large red blister on my Vag which ended up swelling up and popping, it now looks to have an ingrown hair in it and lots of pus. A small part of it is starting to scab over and I was wondering if t was a ruptured follicule or maybe even a small ruptured cyst?? I don’t mess with it because of the pain, and yes I am sexually active but I just got an STD test but they only checked for genital warts and gonnoria. Is it possible it’s herpes??

    1. Confused soul

      I also forgot to ad I’m going to another local doctor’s office that can run a more detailed test for me on Monday/ inspections of the area. But that’s on Monday and I’m stressing out.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Likely to be an infected pimple or ingrown hair.

        Nothing to worry. Just keep it clean and dry. Warm compress may be tried over it once a day. You may also start using an antibiotic ointment over it, twice daily.

  69. Whattodo

    Hi 30y/o male. Have gotten an irritated anus recently after unprotected vaginal sex and an anal fissure. Doctors at sexual health clinic had a look and said anal fissure. Also redness and irritation on penis and red scrotum. Also have some red with white on top inside the tip of penis on the bottom crease not the side. Doctor said can’t really see what I’m talking about and all looks fine and said he wouldnt swab as he wasnt going to add to my paranoia. Also itching. Could the anal fissure and white inside urethra and redness/irritation on penis be an outbreak. I’m not homosexual so doc said anal herpes wouldn’t happen. And also said I wouldn’t get herpes just in urethra. Had a liaison herpes 1/2 test at 13 weeks and 17weeks. Both positive hsv1 34.0 negative hsv2 < 0.5 what do you think.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Try anti fungals first. You may use any anti fungal ointment or powder over the affected area, thrice daily. Let us know if you feel any difference.

  70. Whattodo

    I have tried canesten cream for a week.
    And hyrocorsidon cream another week but I think that made it worse. It’s been almost 5month would a fungal infection last that long and be caught from unprotected sex

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Unlikely to be fungal then.

      It’s difficult to comment without actually seeing the severity of the fissure. However, looks like the anal fissure is the main cause of irritation and itching down there.

      Have you used any antibiotic cream down there, over the affected area.

  71. Gata123

    Hi, i had protected sex with a guy well over a month ago. About a month later, no symptoms no nothing i noticed my inner thigh hurt i looked down and seen 1 pimple like bump, very small. I squeezed it because i saw a head and white pus came out. then it went down, the area around the bump has now scabbed over and the color around the bump is my skin color/dark. Like i said it was one pimple in my lower thigh. Is this herpes? And i DID USE protection. he said he had no herpes as well. Im just nervous and over thinking

    1. Help me

      I’ve had a pimple in my bikini area for few weeks now ,I have being ignoring it for a while ,It came out to be a little painful ,I pricked using a sterilized needle,a lot of pus came off than I expected plus a little blood ,I squeezed and let it out.But yet I’m not satisfied it’s still painful and the redness has spreaded a bit .i have being applying dettol around that region throughout to get rid of infections .i used to cover it up with a plaster but I think it made it worse.Currently washing an applying dettol and I’m NOT using any kind plasters.Doctor Is there anything I’m doing wrong,how should I proceed ??

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Keep it open, no plasters required. You may start applying an antibiotic cream over it, instead of Dettol.

  72. Kelsi

    I’m a virgin, however my boyfriend and I have done everything else. I’ve been shaving my labia more recently the past few days and the last time we had sexual physical contact, it was a little rough and involved a lot of friction. Last night I noticed my labia was sore but only on one side towards the top. This morning I noticed a few bumps that looked like little pimples but they really hurt whenever there is any friction at all. I’m pretty sure they are just pimples but I’m concerned it could be herpes, although my boyfriend is also a virgin.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Is the area red? Do the lesions burn? Are they like blisters, Are they in clusters?

      1. Kelsi

        The area is red and they kind of burn but mostly just hurt. They’re not like blisters, I’d describe them as pimple like almost. They’re close together but also spread out but only towards the top of the labia and only where hair grows

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Unlikely to be Herpes.

          Avoid friction over them. You may start using an antibiotic ointment over the affected area. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used daily. Wear lose cotton bottoms to let the area breathe.

  73. Jinx

    I noticed a couple weeks back that I have a few spontaneous bumps on my Olivia and the inner lips of my vagina. They are red outside and white in the middle, witch sometimes get irritated and pop. They contain white pus, no blood and leave a small hole???!! They don’t itch or burn?!(“Gross,.. I know!”) There are about 8 of them very spuratically placed.?! Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      These are likely to be pimples. You may start applying any antibiotic cream over them. Keep the region moisture free and clean.

  74. John

    I’ve had flu like symptoms the past week with a fever, cough, sore throat with white spots around tonsils, weakness, and a cough. Also around that time, I noticed a pimple on the shaft of my penis and a very slight pain on urination (annoying at most). Could the pimple be a herpes sore? And could there be a sore in my urethra? The pimple doesn’t look like any cluster pictures you’d see online. There is slight skin irritation around the urethra but never was there sight of blisters or sores. Could it be herpes?

    1. John

      There is also no pain on touch to any of those locations. From what I’ve read online, the first outbreak is painful and hurts. Thank you for your time.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Though an exact diagnosis would require a physical exam, from what you say, this one is unlikely to be Herpes. You may start applying an antibiotic ointment over it. Use mupirocin/ bactroban thrice daily.

        Let us know if it improves.

  75. Kate

    Hi, a month ago I had sex with my boyfriend, he wore a condom but due to not getting the enough pleasure, he took it off and penetrated his penis deep inside me just once. I saw some blood traces afterwards as it was my first time. My lower abdomen was in great pain for good 20-25 days as he was doing it very roughly and I felt constant pain and no pleasure. Right after 15-16 days while bathing, I saw a white bump like thing at the left side of my clit (inside, when I open it)
    Till now I couldn’t understand what it is?
    Now it has stated to pain and seems like it may burst, it also looks little swollen now.
    I’m badly freaking out ever since, please help me..

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well, it’s likely to be a pimple.

      Sexual activities stimulate secretory glands down there. One of your over active gland may have clogged, resulting in pimple formation.

      Since it’s ready to burst on its own, nothing needs to be done. Just keep the area clean. You may try warm compress over it, to help it drain early.

      1. Kate

        Thank you so much, Doctor
        I want to ask one more thing, how long would it take to go away?
        It’s already been 3 weeks now.
        Also, I’m about to get my period maybe next week and my vagina is aching from the right side.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          5 to 7 days. You may try warm compress over it to help it drain earlier.

          If it pains, it would be better to start using a antibiotic ointment over it. Mupirocin/ bactroban may be used thrice daily.

  76. Help

    I had unprotected sex with a woman now I have one white bump right below the head of my penis it is close to where the forskin is attached. In hurts sometimes and red around. It has have been there for 8 weeks and went got tested 7 weeks after have sex with this woman and everything was negative for hsv1 to hsv2 everything and it was a blood test so what could this be

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be an infected gland. You may start using an antibiotic cream over it.

      Let us know the response.

  77. Ugh

    I get itchy one bumps in my labia minora regularly. It’s one bump. They don’t hurt just itch. If I scratch it or squeeze it then it will cause some irritation. I have had them swabbed for herpes several times but it’s not. Anything I can do? I get them regularly sometimes once a day.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be a clogged gland there, recurring again and again.

      Just keep the area clean and dry. Avoid fatty food stuff and all junk. Eat healthy. These steps prevent pimples from coming.

  78. bella

    A few days ago, I had extremely rough unprotected sex. It hurts to pee and burns occasionally down there but that usually happens when i have rough sex. But i took a picture and saw some strange looking white things. not bumps or anything. looked like blood was coming from under them. could this be herpes or possibly cuts?

  79. Worried

    I’ve had a couple what look like white heads pop up on my pubic area and the base of my shaft, there were 3 the first time and a week later there are 5, popping one a white putty came out and then a little bleeding like a pimple, I work in a hot environment and usually in heavy clothing sweating, just want a better opinion on pubic acne or possible std, I’m 23 and sexually active.

  80. Someone

    I am a 26 year old male, and I recently had protected sex with a woman, in a car. The day after, I found several pimples on the right side of my groin/ inner thigh. I don’t have any itching or burning sensation and overall, I feel well (no signs of fever or fatigue). The pimples exhibit a white substance inside, but they haven’t ruptured. And the skin around their base is reddish. Regarding my genitals, they don’t exhibit any sign of this. But since so many occured in the same region, should I be concerned about herpes at this point?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Look like multiple pimples, not an infection.

      Just keep the area clean and dry. You may use any powder over there , if needed. Avoid friction over the affected region.

  81. Anonymous

    I have a single red bump with a white center in skin fold between labia minora and labia majora, I tried popping it, nothing came out. It does not hurt nor burn. What could it be?????

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      May be a boil, containing pus in it. This one has a head and is likely to drain out pus by itself. Just avoid friction over it.

  82. Rather not say

    Hi, I’m a 19 year old male and i have had rough red lesions all over my body.

    Including my face, knees, back, buttocks, groin as well as my stomach.

    These lesions don’t hurt but when dry can get quite itchy.

    I am extremely nervous it may be a herpes out break.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to see a dermatologist for diagnosis. Since the lesions are widespread, it could be a skin disease or some viral infestation.

      Meanwhile, avoid scratching those lesions to prevent chances of wounding them. You may apply any emollient over them to avoid dryness.

      Do update us about these lesions.

  83. Taylor

    Hi, I’m a 22 year old female and I am sexually active. I shaved my pubic area about three days ago. After doing so, I had a few small red bumps, which isn’t uncommon for me since I have very sensitive skin and very coarse and curly hair. This morning I woke up and one of the red bumps now looks like a pimple, but a little bigger. It doesn’t really have a pointed head, it’s more flat, but it’s white, so you can tell it’s filled with pus. Is this most likely an infected hair or a pimple? Or should I get this checked out? It’s not painful and it doesn’t itch at all.

  84. Kris

    Hello. I’m 24 weeks pregnant. I have 2 pimple looking things on the out side of my vagina towards my butt. I tried to pop them neither had puss just a lot of blood.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Also start applying some antibiotic ointment (mupiracin/ bacitracin) over them. Warm compress may be done over them for cleaner drainage.

  85. Anonymous

    I’m 20 years old, I’ve only ever had 1 sexual partner (my girlfriend of 1 year), she says I am also her first partner. We had unprotected sex 1 week ago and I noticed I had a red ‘mound’ on the side of my penis like a pimple that formed 2 days afterward. I had an international flight and it got quite sweaty down there. A day after that I noticed what I thought was a small pimple forming by it, maybe 1-2mm away. Over the course of 2 days it grew to about the size of a pinhead then popped by itself while I was in the shower (maybe the heat cause it to expand?), pus came out of it but I didn’t really notice any blood. It’s decreased in size but it’s sort of still there, much smaller. The original red mound/pimple is still there but also decreasing in size.
    I don’t experience any burning or flu like symptoms, no pain unless I apply pressure. My penis is occasionally itchy however I haven’t shaved for about a week and a half and my pubic hair is starting to grow back…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be pimples. Just keep the area clean. Wear lose pants to avoid excess sweat and friction over those lesions.

  86. Jenn

    Hi I have a hard bump by my thigh and upper part of my pelvis and I have a hard one on my inside butt cheek the one in my groin area has started leaking fluid out now blood and white it’s still hard and hasn’t all came out I have had that happen before what can it be is it herpes ? I’m freaking out here it’s just one hard bump and a hard bump bye the cheek not in clusters either but it does happen every few months

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Very unlikely to be Herpes.

      You’ll need to gently drain these bumps by doing repeated warm compresses. Sometimes, surgical drainage may be needed. Also, start applying any antibiotic cream over them, thrice daily.

  87. 23 female

    I have been experiencing small white bumps on my groin near my underwear line. They hurt when squeezed and a little bit of white pus comes out. Initially I had one larger bump that was hard and could be felt under the skin. When I squeezed it pus came out and it came to a head. I was tested for stds after having unprotected sex both a vaginal swab 4 weeks after contact and a blood test 12 weeks after. All tests came back negative. But my groin is a little sore in the area and they have been recurrent. Is it possible that the tests were a false negative or could I have infected follicles?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      More likely to be infected follicles. You need to keep applying an antibiotic cream (bacitracin/ bactroban) over these bumps, thrice daily. Also, try repeated warm compress over theses bumps to heal them drain.

  88. Anonymous

    Had a small yellow puss-filed pimple on clitoris hood. I popped it when trying to have a look and yellow/white puss came out. It bled when I tried to see if there was any more puss. Looks irritated now but didn’t before. I had sex for the first time 5 days ago and began my period yesterday, it has only just appeared.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be an infected pimple. This one has already drained out. It may heal by itself with time. Just keep the area clean and avoid friction over the bump.

      1. anon

        I have bump on my left labia close to my underwear line that looks like a white head pimple, and is sensitive to the touch but otherwise doesn’t bother me (when I walk it gets irritated because of where it is). I had unprotected sex with a friends who said he was clean about a month ago, what are the odds that this is herpes? This is the first time i’ve had unprotected sex and all my previous partners said they were clean.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If it’s solitary, unlikely to be Herpes. May be a pimple. You may start applying any antibiotic cream over it.

  89. Luis

    Hi dr, i had sex a few days ago (i used condom at the penetration but i received oral sex with no condom), and yesterday i notice like 10 small bumps in my thigh, i dont feel pain or burn when i touch them, also some of them have a white color in the top and others are just red color, also i dont have bumps in my penis or around my genital area is just on the right thigh. Yesterday i had a back pain but i can explain this because i think is for the new chair i bought, im worried because someone told me that backpains are starting symptoms of herpes. Here where i am the weather is very hot right now and cause sweat around my body, also these week i just take 2 shower. Thanks (sorry for my english i hope u will understand me).

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be rashes, due to excess heat, moisture or friction. Keep your clean by daily bathing. You may apply any talc over those bumps to keep them dry and also minimize friction.

  90. Wondering

    I once was with a woman who had what looked to be a pimple on her inner thigh. I though nothing of it at the time, but now I get a reoccurring pimple in the exact same location as she had ever 6 months or so. Any chance this is just coincidence? I never had pimples on my thighs before meeting her

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Just one lesion…may be a coincidence. However, if you see more of them or that one lesions shows any changes, it could be an infection.

  91. Sasha

    i have a random spot appear on the inside of my vagina lips . it’s just one spot quite swollen around the area of it and looks like it has some puss in and sore to touch , really worried this could be herpes but doesn’t look like any herpes images i have seen .
    i also have no other symptoms.

  92. Anon

    Hi i have small bumps on the base of my penis, they aren’t red or scabbed or anything like that, they are just normal skin but with bumps all over, they extend about a quarter of the way up my penis, they’ve been there for a while, more than a year, and at first i thought they might just be acne, but they don’t pop or itch or anything at all like regular acne. I thought they might also be hair follicles that are just bigger? Clogged? Somehow? Not sure. Would appreciate any help you can give on this, as I’m not comfortable with really telling anyone about this.

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