Normal Vaginal Discharge Vs. Infection

Q: I’m 16. I had sex last week with my boyfriend and then I got my period. But during the time I got my menses, my vagina became swollen and it hurts to sit down. I thought I was probably ripped or swollen from sex. Then after my menstrual cycle ended I started getting bumps on my vagina near the top and bottom. I also started having a clear yellow discharge. What could this mean?


It may be a normal vaginal discharge after your menses, or some kind of infection, that is vaginitis.

How to Differentiate Whether the Discharge Is Normal or Due to Any Infection?

  • A normal discharge is clear or light yellow in color.
  • It does not smell bad.
  • If there is any infection, discharge would be foul-smelling like a fishy odor, etc.
  • Other symptoms of infection may be there. They include itching, mild fever, burning, etc.
  • Visible lesions in the genital area like pimples, ulcers or sores may be found in infective states.

Infection of the vagina is called vaginitis. There are chances that you have it.

It may be a chlamydial infection. Here the discharge is yellowish-white and curdy in appearance. Usually, the area is very itchy.

In cases of bacterial vaginosis, the discharge is grayish yellow.

Observe for yourself. If you see any chance of an infection, it would be good to see a doctor.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Differentiating Normal Vaginal Discharge From Infective One

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Let us know the color of the discharge. Is it white, brown, yellowish or some other color?

      Do you have itching down there?

  1. Natasha

    I have a smelly discharge, come with kind a clot. I am feeling itchy every time and having pimples. Some are big, some are small. What should I do?

  2. Angel

    After my menstruation i noticed my urine smells like medicine but im drinking a baking soda w/ water that day. And then after a day my urine smells medicine is gone then i discharge a white sticky. And my vaginal is very slight itch. No intercourse for 2 months.

  3. Ann

    I had prolonged periods and i used steron to
    reduce the flow.After a day,i realised a had a brown discharge with no itching.. but on the 2nd day that’s when the itching occurred. please help me

  4. Faye

    Hi, I didn’t have sec for 2 and half years until a month ago. Had sex twice in this time I tore a bit both times and was a bit uncomfortable. No longer have the pain but have a yellow dischsrge that’s not smelly or itchy or anything. Currently on Evra patch and been on it 2 months. Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since there’s no pain or smell, this is unlikely to be an infection. Most tears down there heal well by themselves, as the region is richly supplied with blood vessels.

      Yellow discharge may be a hormonal issue. Likely to subside on its own.

      Can you detail this discharge for a better insight, its amount, what time of the day is it more, is it increasing in volume each day, are you gettimg normal menses?

  5. Faye

    Thank you for your reply. Yes it’s kind of stringy and a bit clumpy sometimes but otherwise its normal watery discharge throughout the day. Its causing me to get a bit sore as having to wear a liner too. Had my breakthrough bleed last week lasted 5 days and put a new patch on Wednesday. Used an internal canesten cream Thurs eve as thought it could be thrush.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Thrush is likely to give you intense itch. Since you have no such symptom, this may not be an infection.

  6. Faye

    Sorry it’s me again, discharge seems less yellow now, although dries yellow in knickers. But still quite gooey and clumpy. Sorry for too much information but clumps seems to come out and stick to liner (pale yellow stringy gloop) There’s no significant smell if anything a little vinegary but nothing repulsive. Still getting the burning feeling and slight itch and irritation. I’m just getting over a cold can that affect it? Am I best off going to the Dr?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cold is unlikely to give those symptoms.

      Better see a gyne for a physical exam. May be a slight infection or just hormonal issues, that need correction.

  7. Stephanie

    Hi! I’m on birth control pills for about 5 months now and experiencing minor brown discharge (alittle stain of brown discharge on tissue) for the past 2 days. However on the 3rd day, the brown discharge came in a little more in volume. I don’t feel pain or burn. There’s no foul smell too. Experience a little itching but no pimples or redness. My menses should be starting in another week time.

    For the past two months, im always experiencing very minor brown discharge about a week/ a few days before my menses. All without pain or burning feeling no pimples too – just slight itchiness.

    Suppose to take pill every morning at 11am but I always took it later in the afternoon. Could it be because of the irregular time of pill intaking? I’m also on irregular diet – where I sometimes skip lunch or have a late lunch (taking in very little food) could it be my diet? Or hormone problems or is it an infection that I should be concerned?

    Please do advise!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The discharge is likely to be due to your pills. It’s common for women to have such discharges, when on pill.

      Things would regularize as you continue taking the pill for some more time. Also, take the pill on prescribed timings only to avoid fluctuations in hormonal levels.


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