Reasons of Free Fluid in the Pelvic Cavity

Q: My daughter’s age is 7. Ultrasound detected a small pocket of anechoic free fluid in pelvic cavity. Doctor gave some medicine and told nothing to worry. She took medicine for 5 days only. Is the fluid destroyed by that medicine?


Free fluid in the pelvic cavity may be caused by inflammation of any organ in the pelvic region. This may be the intestines or any reproductive organ (ovary/uterus.)

Another cause of fluid includes trauma in the pelvic region. 

Perhaps your doctor wants to give it time. Most of the inflammations reduce by themselves. The medicines may be for symptomatic treatment only. 

The medicine cannot dry the fluid. Our body itself dries it up with time. 

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “What Causes Free Fluid in the Pelvis?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      As you may read above, free fluid in the pelvis is caused due to inflammation of some pelvic organ. This is commonly some infection.

      Investigations are required to detect the exact cause. If infection is detected, appropriate antibiotics are given.

  1. Ana Rose Masong Nacua

    I am 26 year old lady and currently have a problem on this for two three years which is fluid cul de sac. My menstruation is every 3 to five months only.The last August i had a medication from my oby. She gave an antibiotic but after i can still feel the symptom of fluid cul de sac. Mine is releasing pus and also a blood everyday a little in my undi. I feel so worry on this because the smell also isn’t that good..I already feel a pain in my lower back.
    If you have this symptom is the menstrual cycle will also be affected?
    What are the things that i need to do to cure this one it feels so uneasy.
    Can i have some medicine for this problem ?how?where?whats the name?
    do i need to go back to my oby for another test?

    thank you and God Bless

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Infection are unlikely to disturb menses. You are likely to be having some hormonal problem. An ultrasound pelvis is required to visualize the pelvic organs and investigate the cause of missed menses.

      Some problem is likely to be with the ovaries. At your age, early correction is recommended.

      1. GLORIA

        That doesn’t really tell her much. I mean what problems could it be? I feel like you should list the things it could be so she can do her own further investigation. She knows her body she just needs a guide

  2. Nisha

    Sir i mild pain abdomen and after doing ultrasound it is rule out as minimal free fluid in pod …..what are the causes sir

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Commonest is an infection in the pelvis. However, there are other causes too. Needs to be examined for diagnosis.

  3. Janet king

    Had appendix removed and got pockets of fluid in pelvis not respond ing to antibiotics opperation was 9 days ago .they want to drain through buttocks but say it is very painful is there any other way please

  4. Divya

    In my report minimal free of fluid in pod. Para narrative area shows no evidence of lymphadenopathy. There is no fluid seen in abdomen/ basal pleural spaces. Bilateral ovaries are enlarged in size with multiple peripherally located facilities. What it means? It’s affect of causing pregnancy ah.. still now I am not pregnant my ovaluation cycle normal.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Well, there’s some pathology going on in your reproductive organs, since your ovaries appear enlarged and there’s fluid in POD. This may indicate some hormonal disturbance. Very likely to interfere with pregnancy.

          Needs treatment before you plan conception.

  5. Leica

    Hi i went to my oby last time for my trans vaginal ultrasound and her findings was im pregnant 5 weeks and 5 days but i was worried because she said that i have fluid in my pelvic cavity what does mean?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This may indicate some infection, though, not necessarily.

      Do you have any fever, fatigue, low abdomen pain, discharge?

  6. Anna

    I am very happy I found this thread! Very similar symptoms please read carefully the following!

    One day extreme pain I never felt that kind of pain in my life started in lower right abdomen started it was stabbing paint that comes and goes eventually whole hip and around anus it was hurting and stabbing. All that was around my period. Went saw doctor and surgeon both ordered inside pelvic ultrasound.

    Eventually after few days pain stopped BUT other stymtoms started extremely bloated stomach and extremely bloated and poking out stomach on the left side and stomach pain and indigestion and burping and fratigue and feeling weak.

    After that doctor and surgeon said maybe I should see gastroenterologist.

    So is it my reproductive organs or is it gastro area???

    I still feel very sleepy very weak bloated and burping and I had few tests done blood test came ok but ultrasound came ok too BUT they said I have free fluid in pelvic area! Given everything I wrote previously WHY? What can be the cause is that what’s hurting and making me ill? Also they said I have enlarged both ovaries and cysts on them but they said the cysts in should be considered normal given at what stage in cycle I am and they noted that I have “ill defined” endrometrium that is very thick.

    So why do I have free fluid and what is it for peters sake my reproductive organs or gastro stuff?! Please your opinion

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be your reproductive organs.

      Can you share the detailed ultrasound report here? What medications were you given?

      1. Anna

        No medications, doctor dismissed me as a irritable bowl symptom. I still have problems with stomach and feeling full, burping, occasional pain around abdomen, sometimes after food I feel my stomach in pushing into my lungs and sometimes my heart skipped a beat or had irregular beat and of course free fluid in pelvic area and all that exaggerates around my period. I had blood in my urine 2 months ago red blood visible with blood cloths and a lot they dismissed that as a stone that passed through. Those 2 months ago I had ultrasound regarding my kidneys but it came back all fine my blood testes all fine too no infection.

        There too many things in the play my reproductive organs, my gastro intestinal organs, kidneys.

        I’ll write out my last ultrasound regarding pelvic area.

        I don’t know how to attach the file so I’ll write out what ultrasound report says:

        “The uterus is retroverted and normal in size, shape and echo texture. No fibroids identified. The endometrium is ill-defined but appears to have tri laminar appearance measuring approximately 9.2mm in AP thickness at the fungus. This is a bit thickened considering where Anna is in her menstrual cycle, but no endometrial pathology was indentified. Anna informed me that she has heavy periods.

        The right ovary is a bit bulky size 30x44x22mm. The ovary contains a 24x17x21mm anechoic cyst. The left ovary is also bulky 44x17x29. The ovary also contains 30x18x20mm anechoic cyst.

        There is amount of free fluid within pelvis which is most probably physiological in nature.

        No adnexal mass indetified.

        No follow up arranged.”

        That’s the report.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          That stabbing pain you had in your lower right abdomen and those blood/ clots in urine are likely to have been due to stones in your urinary tract. If such a pain re occurs, the stone is likely to be there still, and may appear on a pelvic ultrasound.

          Other symptoms, seemingly related to digestion, like burping, feeling full, may also be because of your bulky pelvic organs. Your ovaries have abnormal bulky cysts in them. These definitely need treatment.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            This is difficult to comment without actual examination.

            Most cases as your require to take hormonal pills to short durations.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well, there can be many causes like a pelvic infection, growth in the uterus, fibroids, thickened uterine linings etc.

      Let us know all your symptoms.

  7. Kataar

    Please doc, I had sex before and during my ovulation, after the ovulation I even started having symptoms of pregnancy, my period came very late, I went for an ultrasound scan which revealed some free fluid in my pelvic, what could be wrong with me.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Free fluid in pelvis needs to be investigated. You could be carrying some infection.

      Any other symptom, like pain lower back, abdomen, vaginal discharge, fever, burning down there etc.?

  8. Mova

    I had PID and often get re infected, not even by STIs even just regular bacteria. Was over my boyfriend the other day and he put his fingers in me but not far because i know I’d feel pain as i normally do. I’m always placed on antibiotics to feel better but this time on the same ones, I feel no better. I’m bloated, my lower right abdomen feels bloated and I don’t know what to do. The last time they said i had fluid in pelvis

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Your bacteria may have become resistant to the antibiotic being used each time. Your doctor may consider changing the antibiotic for results.

  9. Christy

    What is free fluid in the pelvis and post hysterectomy changes mean and a 10 cm cyst on right ovary with stomach detention I had cervical cancer in 2011 and had a partial hysterectomy and now I am in pain look 6 mths pregnant for the last couple of week went to war and car scan showed the first sentence on the reading of the catscan I am confused and miserable

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve a past history of malignancy, you need to be investigated by a doctor thoroughly.

      CT scan reveals signs of inflammation in and around the pelvic area. Fluid can be seen in the pelvis. It’s important to detect the cause of this inflammation. It could be an infection, hormonal disturbance or remnants of malignancy again.

  10. Amanda c

    Hello, I have a 2 cm cyst on my right ovary with some free fluid in my pelvic area I’m experiencing a lot of back and lower right pain. Should I be alarmed by this for malignancy? Thank you

  11. Ashley

    I had a CT done 2 months ago, it said “ Minimal physiologic appearing free fluid in the pelvis” also said I have calcifications in the pelvic area (vascular)
    What should I be asking my doc to do about this being that I do have varicose veins, which I now believe are caused by these calcifications.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      What symptoms do you have that led you to get that ultrasound?

      Varicose veins may or may not be related to fluid in pelvis. Fluid in pelvis is usually due to some local problem in the pelvis itself, may be some chronic infection or inflammatory condition.


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