What Is a Vaginal Fissure?

A fissure is medically defined as a crack or breach in the lining surface. This can be the skin or the mucous membrane.

Fissures can occur anywhere over the body. They are found in the vaginal area also. This area is very delicate and richly supplied by nerves. So, the fissures in this area can be very painful.

It’s imperative to treat these cracks at the earliest, since these are very painful and moreover, if left as such, they may get infected.


  1. The women may complain of pain as in paper cuts over skin. She may get burning sensation over these minute cuts while urinating or menstruating.
  2. The burning or stinging sensation may also occur when touched by soap, douche or semen.
  3. Dyspareunia or painful intercourse is a common complain.
  4. Slight bleeding or spotting from the cracks.
  5. A tearing sensation, that’s painful.
  6. Pain when tampon is inserted.


The vaginal region is continuously exposed to frictional traumas. There are various causes that may directly or indirectly lead to fissures or cracking in the vaginal area. These include:

  • Excessive cleaning with harsh gels, soaps or douches. This renders the region dry. Dry mucosa can easily crack up.
  • Too rigorous sexual intercourse.
  • After vaginal delivery of the baby.
  • Sexual intercourse without proper lubrication.
  • Use of thick or unlubricated condoms during intercourse.
  • After menopause, the estrogen levels of the female decline. This hormone is essential for proper maintenance of the genital region. It’s lowering may lead to thinning and drying of the vaginal mucosa. Thin mucosa is vulnerable to cracks.
  • Any other medical condition which has low estrogen levels in the female body.
  • Certain medicines, like tamoxifen, Danazol, Medroxyprogesterone etc.
  • Being too much stressed up.
  • Having unhealthy dietary habits, lacking fruits and vegetables.
  • Excessive intake of dehydrating agents like tea or coffee.
  • Smoking may lead to cervical changes, that predispose to vaginal cracks.
  • Recurrent yeast infections in the vagina.
  • Infection with HPV (human pappiloma virus) or herpes virus, which erode the skin and mucosa down there.


Since the area is richly supplied by blood vessels, most of the small crack may heal by themselves over time. The natural vaginal secretions provide a protective cover against infections for all cuts and abrasions in the region.

Bigger cracks may require medical treatment.

Depending upon the cause of the abrasion, treatment is prescribed. If it’s due to low estrogen levels, as after menopause, estrogen creams may be used. They are applied over the affected surface daily at night till the cracks heal.

In sever cases, hormone replacement therapy may be given for some time.

Lubricating the area with emollients may help.

The bigger cracks may require your doctor to prescribe some antibiotic or some anti fungal cream.

Self Care Tips (Home Care)

  • Apply bland (non perfumed) coconut oil over the genital region. This is to keep it lubricated against friction during movements or sexual activities.
  • You may also use vaginal emollients or moisturizers available in the market for the area.
  • Eat healthy, plenty of fruits and vegetables, to keep your immune system boosted up. Include home made curd/ yogurt in your diet. Curd has essential bacteria which are friendly to us. They help in maintaining a healthy bacterial flora down there, which prevents the growth of opportunistic fungus and harmful bacteria.
  • If infected, promptly start using appropriate medication.
  • Abstain from sexual activities if you have vaginal fissures.
  • Wear loose cotton underwear to keep the area well ventilated and free from moisture.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Cracks/ Tears in The Vagina

  1. Hope

    I am 54 yrs old and I stopped menstruation 5 years ago, I have a scar in the right side wall of my vagina which came about when I visited a doctor in South Africa due to pain on the right side wall of my vagina. After examination, the doctor told me that he did not find anything but then because there was a black spot, he open the black spot to find out what it was but I was told that there was nothing. The scar which was left on the vaginal wall in order to examine the black spot is causing great pain. I visited again a doctor and has told me that I should leave with it and that there is nothing that can be done. I am failing to have sex with my husband. What should I do? It’s it true that I should leave with the pain?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      When was the surgical procedure done? See, if the scar is new, it’s better to give it a chance to get healed by itself. It takes around two years for such scars to settle down.

      Meanwhile, you may liberally apply vaginal emollients and moisturizers over it.

      However, if it’s old, you may see a surgeon. He’ll cut it and remove the excess scar tissue, which is likely to be causing friction.

      1. Kathy

        I have something by my urethra that looks like a deep crack it does not bleed it does not hurt it just gets irritated during sex sometimes I had a difficult words I was wondering if it was a scar

          1. Ruth-ann

            I had unprotected sex and my husband’s penis tore me.we had sex three nights in a row.and as a result I examined my self and saw little bruises.I am having discomfort and they burns a little.what should I do?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Just keep the area clean by washing daily with ample water, no soaps. Apply any vaginal emollient/ moisturizer over the whole area. Avoid sex for a few days.

            This area is richly supplied with blood vessels, and would heal quickly on its own.

      2. Shygirl25

        Hi there I had an abortion 3 weeks ago I I had sex on the 6th day I had sex like 4 days ago and it kind of gutted as he enter me I also shaved before then and I have a small like abraisen on my posterior fourchette It Be itching a lot and also burn when I pee and also I am always wet like I am having with a white discharge thin discharge coming out of me what could the problem be I need info ASAP?

          1. Concerned&scared

            Hello doctor ,
            I have a small tear in the fold of my vagina and also have brown discharge with an acidic feel when it comes out , sometimes nausea or pain during intercourse . Do you think this can be an STD

    2. Rebecca

      I’m 17 I’ve been feeling theses cuts one on each side at the top of my vagina , when I shower and pee it burns and itches down there , I’ve had more discharge then usal . They come and go but now I’m really scared idk it hurts when water first touches it and hurts to touch down there when I’m taking a shower trying to wash up . Should I be majorly concerned or just let it heal

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Avoid using soaps or gels there. Clean with plain water only. After washing there, apply any thick vaginal emollient or may be bland coconut oil.

        Let us know if it improves.

  2. Buddy M.D. Post author

    Appropriate antibiotics at the earliest.

    You need to see a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

  3. Grace

    Hi am 42 years old,for the last 7 days av been experiencing pain like sours on the right side of my virginal lip, the lip, is so painful especially when soaped, or urined, I also feel my panties small eg..the underneath squeezes the lip..which appears to be elongated than usual. Av used candid V 6 insertion…this is the forth day now thinking that its varginal yeast…but it …persist…. Could it be virginal cut, and if so,how do I go about it?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do you have any itching or vaginal discharge down there? Since when do you have this problem?

  4. Dintle

    I had sex about 8 days ago, I felt slightly uncomfortable thereafter, I discovered I had a cut in the left side of my vagina.
    This cut is quite intrusive(not large but inside the vagina and not the vulva) I remember seeing tiny blood spots when I blotted with tissue (later figured I shouldn’t have).
    I wasn’t too alarmed, I read online that similar cuts heal on their own.
    Unfortunately, a few days later I discovered I was oozing out pus from the cut/wound.
    What’s worse, I’m on my period
    Should I see a doctor despite the period?
    Or wait it out? Or does pus indicate healing? I am deeply embarrassed.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do you have fever, pain down there? If yes, this is an infection that needs to be attended urgently.

      If not, you may wait for some time. Keep the area clean. The wound is likely to heal on its own.

  5. Heather

    Hi, I had a thrush which started off with severe itching then little pimple like bumps which disappeared after antibiotics and candid. But my fissures seem larger than b4 and painful. Have already applied aclivor cream, coconut oil,dervicot etc what next??? In pain

  6. Sophia

    I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and am suffering with reoccurring yeast infections. The two I had before this current one had no symptoms except for thick white discharge and itching. This one is the same but my whole vulva completely swelled up. I went to the doctor and she thought it was an abscess and referred me to a gynaecologist who said it looked like herpes. When she looked under the microscope it was a yeast infection but she said it is severe herpes aswell. I was given herpes medication and thrush medication but I just don’t believe it’s herpes because my blood has never shown Herpes before. What are the symptoms of severe thrush? I never got any herpes like blisters but I noticed that in between my swollen labia and clitoris I have small paper cuts. Is this a symptom of yeast infection considering this is my third one since March. It Burns me to urinate because of the cuts and I don’t know how to heal them.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Just according to symptoms, itching and the white discharge suggest yeast, while paper cuts, buring sensation would go in favor of herpes.

      It’s difficult to comment further without actual examination.

  7. Shaggy

    I’m not pregnant, nor have I ever had sex but after using a toy I notices that the day after my urine caused my vagina to burn and itch (no discharge, or at least it there wasn’t any that I found). I went to the doctor and had them check what might be wrong, but all I was told was that I didn’t have a yeast infection or a UTI Which I’ve had before. (Before the doctors came to see me the burning and itchy feeling went away.) It seemed to go away, until I went on vacation a few days later when I would urinate and my vagina would feel irritated, it was merely uncomfortable until one day I went walking and the heat, humidity, and a bathroom break seemed to trigger whatever’s wrong with me. An extreme feeling of itching and burning with an extra helping of the sensation of needing to pee. From then on it hasn’t nearly been so bad and symptoms can be off and on, but every once in a while after urinating I’ll get an uncomfortable feeling from my vagina and feel like I should go pee again (I still can’t find any irregular discharge). It never lasts long and some days doesn’t seem to happen at all but I really want it to stop! Please help!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Diagnosis requires an internal exam.

      However, from what appears, there’s likely some small injuries in your vaginal area. These may be very fine cuts, not visible to naked eye.

      You just need to keep the area clean. Avoid using soap or gel there. These may render the area dry and increase your problems. The cuts are likely to heal on themselves with time.

  8. Sarah

    I am 22 and I’ve never had sex before but I have done the normal “hooking up” stuff without problems in the past. However now with my new boyfriend when we start getting intimate, including oral and some penetration, I’ve recently started to have severe burning and itching in my vagina along with pain, sometimes when I pee and sometimes just in general. I’m not sure what the problem is (I know that he is clean and has no STDs) and it didn’t start right when we started so I’m not sure if it’s general irritation or what. I think I might have some cuts down there but it’s hard to tell and it’s been a few weeks of me trying to help them heal and there has been little to no relief so I’m at a loss for what to do or what it could be. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or advice.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Need an examination for diagnosis.

      For what you said, may be there are tiny cuts or just roughness. Lubrication would help. However, it’s better for get examined.

  9. Lynn

    I am a 69 year old woman with Lichen Sclerosis of the vulva for 18 years. I have a fissure underneath my labia about the size of a dime to nickel. My doctor ordered Estrace cream and told me to apply it on the entire vulva area. I have heard from some other people, however that they have been told to not put it on the raw fissure area itself and only put it on the rest of the vulva area. What is your advice as to whether to put it on the whole vulva including the fissure or whether I should not put it on the fissure and just apply to the rest of the vulva When I applied it last night, it gave my skin a burning and prickly sensation since my skin is itchy most of the time. I use Clobetasol twice a week as well but do not put the Clobetasol on the fissure.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Apply it over the intact skin area, excluding the fissure.

      The topical ointment would get absorbed by the skin out there to give effect over the whole region, including the fissure.

  10. Kasey

    I am 34 years old and gave birth to my second child 4 months ago. Since then I have been having cracks/fissures in the crease of the labia majora at the top. After a few days it will heal, and then a few days later I have another. What is causing the re-occurring cracks? Is there something I can do to help keep them from coming back. Frustrated to no end. Didn’t have this happen after my first child.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Need to see a gyne for examination and diagnosis.

      The reason may be deficient hormones. Your doctor may prescribe some hormonal cream for that area.

  11. Anna

    I am an 18 year old female and had intercourse two days ago. It was rougher than we are usually used to. Lubricant was used but not an extensive amount. Towards the end of intercourse my partner notified me I was bleeding and soon after I began to feel a mild stinging sensation around my vagina. About 10 minutes later I gently rinsed the general area and dabbed it with a towel (trying not to touch the cut itself) and saw that I was still bleeding. When I urinated the stinging was quite intense and I was wincing (note: I have a pretty low pain threshold). The next morning I still had a small amount of blood around my vagina and needed to urinate in the shower because the burning sensation was too painful for me to bear without having the constant hot water to wash it away. I took a warm bath without any soap for about half an hour to allow the cut to soak. I believe it is a posterior forchette fissure. Today I have experienced a deeper pain around the cut, have had trouble sitting comfortably, and there was a small amount of light brown discharge in my underwear – I am not sure if this means it is infected or if it is just my vagina flushing away any blood. I am avoiding contact with the wound (it is hard to examine and I can’t really see it) and am trying to keep it clean. I am hoping it is a superficial injury because the idea of stitches scares me immensely. Does it sound like it will heal on its own?? Currently there is still stinging when I urinate and pain when I sit so I am trying to take it easy.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep the lesion clean, as you’re already doing. You also need to start applying an antibiotic ointment over it thrice daily. Mupirocin/ bactroban or any other may be used.

  12. Julie

    I have HSV-1 on my genitals, but haven’t had an outbreak in 4 years. Just started having intercourse with a new partner when I noticed some itching down there. Thought it to be a yeast infection, so I did the Monistat 3 day and the itching cleared up about 95%. There was still slight itching and I noticed a really foul odor/milky white discharge. I never had smelled anything like it. BV and yeast test came back negative. Doctor said I was fine. Two days later, I woke up with tons of HSV-1 lesions. Got back on the Valtrex for the past few days and used tea tree oil and coconut oil to treat the itching and burning, but now the very bottom of my labia before my anus seems to be torn or something although the rest of my lesions have faded and mostly healed. What should I use to treat? Vaseline? Neosporin? Have no insurance right now, so I can’t go back and see the doctor in person again, too expensive! Could it have been an ourbreak the whole time? Why was there such a foul odor could it be a different STD?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to apply a strong antibiotic ointment over it, may be mupirocin/ bactroban. Vaseline won’t work. Neosporin may be used, but it’s mild.

      Likely to be HSV alone.

    2. Saba

      Did your labia heal?What did you do to heal it? I am having the same problem, I applied tea tree oil 2 months ago and my labia has got torn and it is not healing please help. Thanks

  13. Carrie

    After intercourse I developed a circular tear, about 0.5cm diameter, directly outside my vaginal opening. It almost looks like a blister that popped. I’ve tried coconut oil and neosporin for a week now, with no improvements. The area is very slightly red, but not inflamed. It is rather painful though. Do tears that small usually need stitches, or should I continue waiting on it to close?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Stitches are not required in most cases. This place is very vascular and heals quick on its own. However, since the area is still red and inflamed, it may be having some infection. You may keep applying neosporin. If there’s no effect, you may need a physical exam to rule out STDs.

  14. Pratika

    Hello dr,
    I am 26 years old and I am married. I got so much itching in my vagina after having sex. Also from last 4 days I found area around vagina and anus became red. Also found cracks on vaginal joints and on both side of vagina. Please suggest. I have not done sex from last2 weeks and still found these itching. Is there any serious issue or am I need to concern to nearest dermatologist?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Any discharge from vagina, say whitish or yellow? Check your underwear for this and let us know?

      Any blisters, bumps or rashes down there?

      1. Pratika

        Having white discharge but in very less amount. Not having rashes. No blisters. Found 2-3 small bumps. MaOnly cracks are there which making itching

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Start using Candid -V cream at night. Apply it liberally over the affected area and also insert it inside your canal, with the help of the applicator that comes along with this medicine.

          You need to do this every night, before going to bed. Let us know the results.

          Also, keep the area clean and dry. You don’t have to use any soap or gel there. Wash is with plain water only. Wear lose underwears to keep the area dry and avoid friction over the cracks while walking. –

          If you feel dry there, a bland (non perfumed) vaginal moisturizer may be used after bathing.

          1. Pratika

            Hello doc,
            I used candid v for 3 days. Redness and bumps has gone. But there is still cracks on joints I.e. at joint of anus and vagina and at vagina starting. Sometimes got itching on libia portion.

  15. Alyssa

    I’m 18, I had sex a few days ago a lot tougher than usual. Afterwards, I was bleeding a little. I had felt slight discomfort for a few days afterwards but nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary until yesterday when we had sex again. I didn’t think it was a problem because I was very well lubricated but now my labia minora are swollen, irritated, and have cracks on both the left and right side. I have been using vaginal itching cream to go through my day without being so uncomfortable. I am a bit worried because I have a single dad and it’s not easy to ask him to arrange a doctors appointment because my vagina hurts. Please help!

    1. Alyssa

      Also, the itching cream slightly burns the cracked area when I apply it. But it sort of numbs the rest of my irritation.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        It’s unusual to get traumatized so much if you are lubricating the area well. May be you are allergic to some component being used during sex, like the cream, condom or semen itself.

        For now, you need to keep the region well lubricated and avoid all sorts of friction over it, like while walking or any other movement. Wear lose undergarments to let the area stay dry.

        This region is very vascular, and would heal rapidly on its own with time. Still, you may start using an antibiotic cream over those cracks/ lesions on a daily basis.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may use any over the counter available antibiotic ointment, like Bactroban/ bacitracin.

  16. lane

    I think that I may have a posterior fourchette fissure. I had sex after not being lubricated enough and it hurt and afterwards I noticed a little cut below my vagina in that fold of skin that I’m thinking is the posterior fourchette. I waited almost a week and a half to have sex again (because the area looked healed), got lube, was careful to make sure that we were lubed A LOT, and it hurt at first but then felt better. However, after sex I looked and that same exact cut was back again. Will this keep happening to me forever?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Give it some more time to heal, say a month. It would heal well on its own, not to return again. However, it would be preferred to use every time you have sex.

  17. Sarah

    Hi, abstained from sex for 2 years and recently had sex twice in a couple of weeks. Both times have ended up with a small paper cut type sore outside vaginal entrance where I think the fourchette posterior is. The first one healed within a week but why does it keep happening? In the same place as well. Feel slightly itchy and stingy and uncomfortable. I’m 30 and on contraceptive patch

      1. Sarah

        It could be as I was quite nervous but just worried there’s something wrong. Would herpes show up like this? Only after having sex? I get bad health anxiety and it’s freaking me out. Thank you

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author


          However, you’ll need to be observant. Let us know if you observe any other symptom down there.

  18. Sarah

    Its just a bit red and what looks like a tiny cut, hurts when urine gets on it but no pus or crusting. Had it since last wed night. Don’t think it’s helped that I’m on my period and didn’t want to aggravate it using tampons so not been able to keep it dry whilst using sanitary towels. Hoping it will clear up soon

  19. Sarah

    I have been able to have a closer inspection now since off my period and still getting the stinging and sore feeling occasionally especially when wiping and also looks and feels a bit bumpy in the area. Majorly freaking out now. Can possibly feel and see 2 tiny red spots but they don’t look like blisters and no pus… please help really scared.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Thrush would give you intense itch. Do you have any?

          Not hydrocortisone. An antibiotic cream, like neosporin/ bacitracin.

  20. Justme

    I keep getting little cuts that bleed a little when I wipe. They appear on the clitoral hood in the fold and at the opening well under the opening of the vagina at that fold. What would cause these? They clear up quickly like in 2 days. No out of the normal bumps.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be due to roughness or trauma there. Avoid all frictional activities over the area, like masturbation or sex. You may also avoid wiping there. Instead, dab dry the area.

      1. JUSTME

        I haven’t been intimate in almost 2 months due to surgery. They are there 1 day and the next day they are good. They only bleed a little when I dab them and if urine passes it is a bit painful. Hurt some when I dab them. The next day there is no burn or pain. They do not scab.. I am easily stressed though. I had a YI back in May/June. The first time a cut appeared was 3.5 weeks ago and then again last week in the same area. A few days later one appeared under the opening of the vagina and it was good 24 hours later. Today I have some itching/irritation at the top outside area of my vagina. I was on antibiotics due to surgery 3 weeks ago and then I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia and am on a different antibiotic now. I have no other issues. I am 35y and married.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          May be, the vaginal pH got disturbed due to frequent antibiotic rounds. You may try some emollient to restore back the vaginal pH. Also, avoid keeping those portions dry.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          If it’s a small cut, leave it as such. Area around the clitoris is very vascular. The cut is likely to heal on its own with time.

          Avoid friction over the cut. Keep it clean. Avoid using any soap or get over it to prevent dryness. Clean it with plain water only. A bland vaginal moisturizer/ cream may be used over it.

  21. Lilly

    Had sex on the rougher side a few days ago and it wasn’t very well lubricated and I felt some discomfort from the friction of the condom and I looked the next day and it’s all raw around the opening of the vagina and it burns and urinating is very painful. How long will it take to heal and any suggestion?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Would take around 3 to 4 days to heal. You may apply any vaginal emollient/ moisturizer over there to avoid dryness.

  22. Alexandra

    What are the best over the counter ointments to use, Ive already been to see a doctor, I’m a 22 year old female with random cracks down there due to low hormones produced in my body, so it happens often. When they happen there will be a little bit of thicker whitish discharge that follows after the cuts? I’m on probiotics and have taken diflucan just Incase but my doctor has me on hormone replacement therapy with the patches. What ointment can I use throughout the day that isn’t vaseline which is what my doctor says to use?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      An estrogen gel may be used, after consenting your doctor.

      Or else, KY jelly may be used. It’s available over the counter at most pharmacies.

    2. Anonymous

      This is my issue.. and it’s been going on the last couple of months. As soon as the crack heals, a few days later will be another. I too notice a thicker white discharge when I have them and a bit itchy. What is it? I’m almost thinking maybe yeast infection. Considering doing the 7 day monistat.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Since there’s itch too, this may be yeast. Other associated symptom to look for is any redness or rashes there. If yes, it’s very likely to be yeast.

  23. Regan

    I am a 19 year old woman.. It started off as a yeast infection which I then took care of. I shower everyday and eat my fruit and vegetables. I’m overall a healthy person which is what my doctor has told me. What started off as razor burn turned into something much worse. Now my vulva is completely raw and has cracks all around it. Keep in mind I’ve had the same sexual partner for 8 months and we both got tested before doing anything sexual, we were free of anything and everything. The rash has now spread to the outer sides of my vagina, but not inside it. The inside does not hurt or itch, just the outside. My pain is a 5 out of 10, the itching is a 9 out of 10 and how much it itches is constant. When I urinate, it feels like putting sanitizer on a paper cut because of the cracking. I’m not sure what to do.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Are you using an anti fungal ointments right now? You’re likely to be harboring yeast at the moment.

      Any discharge from the vagina, may be whitish or yellow?

  24. Desperate ForAnswers

    I am 28 year old and just had my first child two months ago by vaginal delivery. I am HSV-2 positive and may have an outbreak every few months that last for a couple days. However for under last several weeks I’ve noticed fissures and cracks around the crease/fold of my vagina, under the anterior labial commisure, and near my anus. It itches at times and seems to go away after a couple days but resurface if I have sex or even wash down there. I don’t think I’m having an HSV outbreak because I had one a month ago and it cleared up after four days. Please help

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It’s good that you are lactating.

          You may try applying an estrogen cream over the affected area before bedtime. If it does heal, better see a doctor. It may be a HSV outbreak again.

  25. Jody

    I have had a tear on the outer part of my vagina lips by the fold area for three years. It is about a quarter to half an inch in length. I have been to my gyno about it many times. I have been given creams after being told to use diaper creams and coconut oil. Literally nothing has worked. It burns all the time. I do not have sex and I wouldn’t even if I had the chance as I can only imagine it tearing more. Is there anything you can suggest since no one else seems to be as concerned as I am? I really am hoping you can guide me in the right direction as I am really at a loss. Thank you

      1. Jody

        Hi thank you for such a quick response
        I am 44 years old
        I have one child 5 years old
        I had yeast infections for years and they are finally a little more under controls since I watch sugar intake
        I did have breast cancer and am a survivor ? but I don’t see how that would relate? However i have the year since my first surgery in 2015.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Try using an estrogen cream down there over the tears for around 10 to 15 days. Once a day application is enough. Rest of the time, you may use any thick emollient, like bland coconut oil.

          Let us know if it improves.

  26. Maggie

    Hi I’m 27 years old and I’ve noticed that I have more discharge than usual lately and I developed a cut above my clitoris for about a week. The cut does get itchy from time to time, but I have not bumps or blisters but I do have psoriasis. I’ve had yeast infections before but never with a cut. I used azo for yeast infections but when I stopped taking it, it came back.

    1. Annie

      Hi,last year I started birthconrol using coil.After the insert I reacted badly to it severe abdominal pain. It went away but the pain could come when am having menstrual periods. After the birth control I started having alot of discharge brown in colour. Never gone to see a gyn because was told it’s normal with iud. Sometimes back last year we had a rough sexual intercourse with my husband and I felt allot of pain in the hood of clitoris he told me I have tears above the clitoris. The small tears are painful when anything liquid touches them. Say water when bathing, urinating and even semens. Thought they will heal on their own but they are not. Am no longer enjoying sex with my hubby because it hurts and looks like it will crack some more. Is this a fungal infection because something I feel itching down there. Please help me.

  27. Allie

    Hi, I’m 34 and have been suffering from (what I believe is) a complicated yeast infection for over 2 weeks. I’ve seen 2 doctors and have tried Canesten and been prescribed terconazole. Both of which helped very minimally. I’ve done a urine a swab test that came back saying it’s nothing serious but the symptoms are telling me otherwise. It’s itchy, burns, and inflammed, lots of yellowish discharge, feels like there’s a cut above my clit that can’t seem to recover, and it really hurts to pass stool and anus is also very itchy. I can’t see my gyn until Nov as he is away. I’ve been taking baking soda and epsom salt baths too. I don’t know what else to do. I also have a prescription for fluconazole which I’ve been hesitate to start because I’m exclusively breastfeeding my 2 month old baby.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Avoid oral medications, since you’re breastfeeding.

      You may keep applying the antifungal creams. Apply them liberally over the area affected and inside the canal too, before going to bed. Also, keep the region well ventilated. You may wear lose cotton undergarments to facilitate this.

      You may be having some UTI as well. Continue taking lots of water with baking soda added to it. May be you’re able to wash it off.

      Bland coconut oil may be applied down there to alleviate burning symptoms.

      1. Allie

        Thank you. Would it help to take antibiotics or it’ll make it worst? Taking antibiotics previously for strep throat was probably what brought the infection to begin with

  28. Jennifer

    Hi I’ve been dealing with ongoing issues for 4 months, I’ll detail the old and new symptoms.
    Starting approx 4 months ago I got a UTI. Cleared up with antibiotics but felt a little “off” down there for a week after. 3 weeks later I experience pain during urination again and that unmistakable UTI feeling. I get treated a second time for a UTI but I have had ongoing symptoms including pain, burning. After multiple changes in antibiotics I am finally examined by my GP and diagnosed with an “obvious” yeast infection- she said there was lots of white patches. Gave me an Rx for diflucan and sent swabs which came back negative for yeast, bv, trich, clamydia and gonnorhea.
    My symptoms never totally went away and I was off and on treating with diflucan, monistat and terconzole for months. Symptoms came and went over the weeks. Got another negative yeast test- a week later a positive. Tested positive for bv a few weeks later, then yeast again which finally resolved with three consecutive rounds of diflucan. I felt better for 2 weeks.
    All of a sudden the burning and tingling are back. I tried using gentianviolet but found it very irritating and I got a fissure near my vulva. Vulva is also very red.
    My main symptom over the last 4 months is burning and tingling. A blood test for hsv2 came back negative and I’m now waiting for a culture of my fissure for hsv1.
    Is it possible it has been herpes this entire time? Can prodrome tingling last 4 months? I find it strange I felt better for 2 weeks and didn’t get any type of lesion until using gentian violet.
    I am 31 years of age, 2 kids aged 2 and 4 both vaginally no complications.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      No point taking antibiotic courses again, unless there’s some confirmed diagnosis. Such repeated courses may give you an yeast again?

      If there’s no itching, it’s unlikely to be yeast or any other fungal. As for bacterial bugs, including Trich, there’s usually a vaginal discharge along with other symptoms.

      This does appear to be herpes. However, diagnosis needs to be confirmed before treatment.

      1. Jennifer

        Herpes culture came back negative. So there’s been a negative hsv2 blood test and a negative hsv1 culture. Still some burning and tingling off and on, aggravated more when wearing jeans. I’ve been on valtrex for 5 days and took a diflucan on Wednesday. 3rd course in 6 days taking one every other day.
        Could it be vaginitis or vulvodynia? Basically my doctors have no answers for me at this point and don’t see to be concerned at all. But I’ve had such pain and discomfort for months! Thanks for the response!

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Diflucan is for fungal, and may not be needed if you don’t have any itch.

          Is Valtrex making any difference?

          Meanwhile, you may avoid wearing tight bottoms or jeans. Wear lose cotton bottoms. Cotton is a hypoallergenic fabric and may aid healing.

  29. Anonymous

    Valtrex did not help. A blood test for hsv1 was negative. Got another uti a few days ago. I’m being treated for the UTI which was cultures- prescribed bactrim. I have diflucan for after although I feel some burning and itching starting and wonder how soon I can take he Diflucan.
    Thanks, I was referred to a urologist/gynecologist specialist and have an appt next week.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since the reports are negative, this is unlikely to be viral or fungal. Thinking it terms of bacterial infections now, may be Bactrim would solve the problem.

  30. Raven

    Hello, I am a 29 yr old married since 2013 with the same partner since 2008, 1 child via c/s 2 years ago. For the past several years ( off and on 6+ yrs now maybe) I have been having some vaginal dryness, burning, stinging, overall irritation starting a couple days before my menses and lasting until a few days after it ended. The very first time this occurred I thought it was yeast and treated accordingly with OTC vaginal suppositories and vagisil. This worsened the problem so I saw a doctor and I was tested for herpes and the culture as well as blood test were negative. My husband- who has never had any symptoms of anything like this- was also tested and negative. The doctor eventually said that it was likely a reaction to the vaginal medications I was using. A few months later my OCP were changed to a monocyclic pill and I experienced these problems less frequently until coming off the pill when trying to conceive. Now I have an IUD (in for about 2 yrs now)-Skyla, and I am experiencing these symptoms again- burning and stinging prior to and during menses that burns with urination, but this time I noticed a fissure/ abrasion to the area. I was curious if the cause may be hormonal- drop in estrogen near period. I saw my general NP and she gave a sample of Premarin cream to use and viscous lidocaine for the dysuria. I did not notice the fissure until after starting these creams about a week ago. It does not seem to be getting much better at this point, but there is no abnormal discharge, swelling, or redness to indicate infection. Do you have further suggestions? Should I expect results from the premarin cream this soon (1 week after starting)? I do the premarin at night, and vaseline during the day, occasionally alternating with an OTC hydrocortisone ointment 0.1%. Do you think this is related to hormones? Normally by now the burning and irritation would be gone and I do worry the additional creams and ointments may be prolonging the issue. What are the chances of the Herpes testing previously done was incorrect? I have no reason to suspect contracting that since the initial testing. What should I do and how much longer should I give it before scheduling a GYN appt?

    1. Raven

      I also should have mentioned that the pain, and burning as well as fissure/ abrasion are located to the external vestibule superior to the urethra and vaginal opening. UA was negative when I saw the GP. Do you think use of pads/ tampons has caused the abrasion or fissure?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Have you recently checked the pH of the region? If not, buy some pH strip and check it. This may be either due to hormonal fluctuations or may be a pH issue. Less likely to be an infection.

        Avoid friction over the fissures you mentioned. You’ll need to keep the area down there well lubricated all the time.

  31. Luna

    Hello ,

    I’m 31 years old and sexually active with the same partner since I was 19.

    I did not have this issue in the beginning , but at least in the last 8 years , everytime I have sex I get a posterior fourchette tear ! It hurts in the beginning of penetration but I apply lube and then enjoy intercourse, after sex it doesn’t sting or itches even when I pee, it rarely bleeds ! I get a bit sore but it’s totally endurable, and it heals on its own in 2-3 days’ time.

    I always make sure I’m lubbed enough and sexually aroused , I have already been to many gynecologists and have been tested and there’s nothing wrong , no thrush, yeast or bacteria ! Pap smears okay as well !

    Many years ago I had recurring thrush infections , one after the other but eventually got healed and I haven’t had any in years .

    I wash my vagina everyday with specific soap for it , I usually take 2 showers a day in the morning and evening and I wash down there twice a day at least .

    I do not have any discharge of any collor , just normal ones when I’m fertile .

    What could be the problem ?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be dryness. Age you advance with age and enter thirties, a very slight decline in feminine secretions is noticeable. The area down there may become drier than earlier.

  32. Maria

    Am 24 years old. I had protected sex with my boyfriend a month ago. The sex was on the rougher side than usual. I felt discomfort from the friction of the condom during sex. And felt something down there is tearing. After that i washed it and peed.
    After a week, my vagina was irritated. It was itchy and burning. My Vaginal discharge stopped and it was all dry down there. All this happened for a week. Then i got my periods and all the sypmtoms vanished. Did not felt a thing. My periods were same as before. As soon as my periods ended, again there was some kind of discomfort and slight burning. But this time the itching and burning was better than before. It is bearable this time. And now am having normal whitish/transparent discharge same as before. But that discomfort around vagina and slight burning is driving me nuts. What could it be ?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be due to the rawness that occurred during rough sex that day. May take a few days to heal by itself. You may apply any lubricant/ vaginal emollient over the area to help healing.

      Do report if you notice any discharge, itch, bumps or rashes there.

      1. Maria

        Update: my itchiness and burning of vagina has gone. The discomfort i had in vagina has gone too, i think its all healed by its own. It almost took a month.
        My vaginal discharge is whitish/transparent. It has no foul odor. BUT the flow is a little more than usual. Sometimes its thin sometimes a bit thick. Not something am uncomfortable with. But is bothering me. Should i be worried ?

  33. Jessica

    I am 21 and had unprotected sex a week ago with the same guy I’ve been having ongoing sex with for 6 months… I usually notice itching and burning right after intercourse but i didn’t think anything of it because my ph balance gets out of whack all the time from having sex. Last time I went to the gyno all I had was BV and a yeast infection which were both treated. I’m very worried because I’ve noticed my vulvar area has been dry itching and if I do itch it starts to burn.. no burning while urinating. I have noticed more discharge than usual, no abnormal smell and color seems normal. What’s really concerning is I suddenly have 3 small reddish flesh colored lines at the top of my vagina above the clitoris. Seems to be from either rubbing or razor burn but I’m not sure I also started using a new shave cream. There’s no liquid coming from it and it doesn’t hurt even if I scratch it or touch it? What could be going on? I’m going to go to the doctor tomorrow but I feel like I need some piece of mind. Could this be herpes?

  34. Lynn

    I cut myself on the right side last Sunday near my clitoral area. I obtained the cut by shaving. I went to a gynecologist who said that the cut was healing normally. In addition, she said I might have a yeast infection due to discharge and itching (that began Tuesday). However, the cut is still giving me pain and the pain has spread to the inside of the labia majora. There’s also tenderness when I touch those areas. I do not have any pain on the left side, just right side of the vulva where the wound is.

  35. amanda

    hi im 20 years old and both sides of my labia minora have a lot of splits like skin on top is spliting and seperating but they are really small splits and then some of them are little bit deeper I also have discharge and redness but im scared for those splits on top. will they get back in normal and stick together and also I had them for like a 9 months because im scared to go to the doctor

      1. amanda

        no. those splits go from the top of each side of labia minora verticaly and then they stop when the skin of labia is thiner. skin on top of labia is seperating into little pieces but they are not too deep. im just scared and worrying about it all the time. will those splits come back together

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          This could be a skin condition like Lichen sclerosis. Diagnosis requires a physical exam by a doctor.

          Do update us about the condition after you get examined.

  36. Lynn

    I went back to the doctor on Monday for the tenderness and pain. The gyn said that my lab culture came back negative for yeast, BV, and Trich. The gyn said that she saw a small lesion and that my symptoms sound like herpes, which I don’t believe I have since I am a virgin (no oral, anal, piv, sexual contact). She didn’t mention the cut. I informed her that the burning, most of the itching, and white discharge that I had a week prior had disappeared after taking Diflucan and using a cream. She did bloodwork and prescribed a ten day course of antivirals. I suspect that she doesn’t believe me.
    The pain and tenderness is mostly gone as of today. The itching I had was at the labia majora, clitoris, and inside of the labia majoria. The cream, Teraconazole stopped the itching when applied.
    Is it possible to have a yeast infection that doesn’t show up in a culture? Is it even possible for a virgin to have herpes?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s very unlikely for virgins to get Herpes. Furthermore, you don’t typically get an itch in Herpes. It’s more of burning and tingling sensations that trouble you.

      Yeast usually comes up in a culture test. May be the infection was already treated to some extent when you went to see your doctor.

  37. Jessica

    Went to the doctor due to feeling itching and burning on my vagina a few weeks after having unprotected sex. Also got a blood test to check for any other stds. Blood test came back negative but tested positive for Chlamydia… super pissed but I took the antibiotics and feel better it’s been a full week but I still am having issues. Noticed what seems to look like an ulcer on my vulvar lips and it seems to just heal but then will reappear on another spot on my vagina. Really worried especially since I thought everything came back negative for HSV 1-2. Could it be a false negative? Why else would I keep finding random cuts on my vulva?

  38. Kayla

    Ive been suffering from pain and discomfort for the past week due to rough intercourse. I dont want to use anything down there im not supposed to. But after close examination i can see a small scar right before the opening of my vag, can i use aquaphor on it?

  39. Dinasaur

    I have been to the doctors as I noticed sores on my labia, doctors have given me medications as suspects its herpies. These sores are on the left hand side which are slowly and painfully healing but I have this large tear on the apposite side of my vagina which im not sure what it is? My vagina has been really swallon and sore to touch over the past days. Now I have really raw fleshy painfull parts under neath bits of skin?? What is this and do i need to treat it diffrently from my herpies??

  40. Dinasaur

    Yes they did swabs which came back positive for chlamydia, but i took the medication for that a week ago and more of these fleshy splited areas keep coming

  41. Sunflower

    I have been sexually active after a long time. Ever since then there is white cottage like discharge with a foul smell. There is also one tear inside the wall of my vagina.
    Along with a burning sensation when I pee.
    What should I do?

  42. Ashley

    I had unprotected sex with my childs father 5 days ago and ever since i have been feeling this pressure in my lower abdomen, a slightly itchy anus and vulva. Also extremely red and tender down there, and there appears to be a small cut on the inner right side of my vagina.. this could be from rough, scrubbing to hard , maybe shaving, idk but it kind of hurts. Im very uncomfortable. He has been my sexual partner for a year and we are both clean. I took meds for a bladder infection a few weeks ago, and i am prone to yeast. Is that what u think this could be?

  43. cecilia

    Hello, 18 year old female here. A few months ago I noticed a small cut near my clitoral hood in my inner labia, I got nervous and got an std screening for everything. Everything came back negative. The cut appeared the morning after I had some aggressive foreplay. It went away on its own in three days. Last night, I had somewhat aggressive innercourse. I woke up with the same painful slice, the area is red and looks somewhat raw. I have endometriosis so I often lack moisture down there and require lube. Do you think this is being caused due to dryness and friction? Or do you think it’s possible that my Std results could have been wrong? The cut is sore and it burns if urine touches it.

  44. Henky

    I am 42. I had a complete hysterectomy 5 years ago. I recently and still have these bumps on the inside of the lips and cracks on clitoral hood. Went to dr. Yeast infection they said. Did swabs only came back positive for yeast. Took all prescribed meds. It’s all still there super itchy bumps and burning cracks. Any idea of what it could be and what I can try to help with it.

  45. D

    Hello. I. Keep having cuts on my vag i develope a cut after a yeast infection. I bought 3 day but these cuts keep returing

  46. D

    Ok. So you can devepole cuts from yeast infection?? I had got a 7 day Monistat do you think that will help it go away??

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If it’s yeast, Monistat should work.

      Minute cuts may develop in yeast infections, extreme dryness or certain other infections in the region.

  47. Charlotte

    Hi! I’m 21 & sexually active. So I noticed some bumps inside my posterior fourchette a couple of months ago. They’re fleshy coloured but more on the light pink/ white side in colour. They don’t really itch or hurt but I can feel them when examining myself. And they feel almost hard to touch. They’re more like skin tags than bumps in the skin if that makes any sense?
    My discharge hasn’t changed, it’s white and thick as I’ve had for years since being on Microgynon.
    I’ve recently had an STD test which came back negative for everything so i’m not really sure what they could be! Any advice as to what these bumps are?
    Thanks in advance!

  48. Sam

    Hi. Im 43. Had sex. Was sore the next morning at episiotomy (post 9 years ago). Two mornings later after sex i was examining my labia minora in shower and was pulling it to see and small split occurred from pulling i guess?. It literally healed within an hour. The third day after sex there was a little redness on same side of where split happened but above it. Split was still healed and gone. Redness was gone with prob 5 hours. Does all of that sound like vulva dryness and was irritated from sex.
    I am completely fine now

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well yes. Looks like terrible dryness in the area. You may need to apply some thick emollient over the region, covering the episiotomy too.

      1. Sam

        Ty so much.
        I was freaking about the crack but healing like that so quick within a couple of hours wouldn’t be anything else right?

  49. agnes

    i am early 20s but am having some cuts on the the entrance of virginal that after sex can see some blood from cracks and inside still. Pain is presence during sex.
    NB, am on depo shot.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be dryness and friction during sex. Use a creamy lubricant next time. Let the act be gently.

      If they still persists, better get yourself screened for STDs.

  50. Uncomfortable

    Hello, i am 42 yrs of age. About 5 weeks ago i began experincing light pink discharge, followed by what i would describe as a feeling of tiny paper cuts on my labia and posteriour fourchette. Do not have pain when urinating but i do feel a burning sensation on skin after urinating. Was seen by my GYN on march 6th. All cultures and urinalysis came back negative for Chlamydia , candida, etc. Pap result was also normal. I am still experiencing the same exact symptoms till now. No pain when showering but at times i can not even sit comfortably. Could my results be false ? Thank you for your time

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Burning sensation on the skin after urinating is due to salty acidic urine touching those tiny paper cuts on your labia.

      Primary problem is having that discharge and recurrent cuts on labia. Commonest causes of such symptoms are infections or certain inflammatory skin conditions.

      A proper physical exam may be required. Your gyne may need to refer you to a dermatologist.

      1. Uncomfortable.

        Thank you so very much for responding. Would you suggest that i insist on having bloodwork performed or re-testing for all STI’s ? Are these symptoms indicative of certain infections?

  51. Jenny

    I’m 27, I constantly have a cut in the same places – above the clitoris and behind the vagina, sometimes white lumps from the vagina and no pathogens were found in the analyzes. What could it be?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Include home made curd/ yogurt in your daily diet. Curd is a natural probiotic. It would help you restore vaginal flora down there, and hence the pH.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may try applying some emollients over them. Avoid friction over there. Wear loose bottoms.

      Most of them heal by themselves with time.

  52. Marshall

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