TriVex System for Treating Varicose Veins

The TriVex System has been introduced as an advancement over the traditional varicose vein treatments. It is a relatively new technique. Not many studies on its comparison with routine surgeries are available. Probably that’s the main reason it’s not widely practiced as a mainline treatment.

TriVex System is designed for use during a surgical technique for varicose vein removal called transilluminated powered phlebectomy.

Transilluminated means that light is passed through the skin. Phlebectomy means removal of the affected portion of the vein. In this procedure, the surgeon views the vein using a transilluminating light and removes it with a small powered surgical device.

While traditional varicose vein surgery is a blind procedure, meaning that surgeons cannot always see the vein or confirm removal, the TriVex System’s illumination feature supposedly allows the surgeon to quickly and accurately target and remove the vein and then visually confirm its complete extraction.

This process makes varicose vein removal more effective, complete and less traumatic for patients, by reducing the number of incisions required to perform the procedure and the duration of surgery. This method not only reduces the pain associated with varicose vein removal but also reduces the potential for post-operative infection.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “TriVex System for Treating Varicose Veins

  1. Anonymous

    Hey there doc~
    About 2 weeks ago, I noticed a swollen spot on the side of my forearm. It felt like my vein was swollen because I could push on it and it was very squishy and rolled around easily and I could trace the rest of the vein with my finger. It felt as large as a pinto bean and the area looked inflamed. A few days later, the area all around it started bruising. But the swollen spot almost completely flattened out. It took on the normal coloring of a bruise. Started bluish and then turned green and dark pink, now it is still kind of green/yellow. I am concerned mostly because I don’t remember whacking it on anything. Also I have never had a bruise start as a swollen lump before, or at least not that I have noticed. Will a vein swell up if you hit it on something just right? I had a doctor take a look at it last week and she said it should continue to heal. I just wanted your opinion. I read online that a bruise should take about 2 weeks to heal and mine has been there a little longer. Should I be concerned? Thanks so much for your help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The lesion is likely to heal with time. Though most bruises heal within a week or two, a big sized bruises may take longer.

      The swollen spot on your forearm is likely to be a localized portion of a varicose vein. A portion of the vein stretches and sags down to produce a localized swelling. One of the cause of this condition is poor muscle tone in that portion of the limb.

      Varicose veins are fragile and vulnerable to breakage by slightest impact. It is possible that you didn’t note the trauma or impact preceding breakage.

      Little rupture of the vein may have caused a localized hemorrhage in the area. This appears as a bluish area (bruise) which resolve by itself in due course of time.

      The time taken by a bruise to resolve depends upon the size of the bruise.

      1. Anonymous

        Thanks for answering me:) I also wanted to say that I got the Tdap vaccine 3 days ago and I have some swollen tender lymph nodes in my armpit where I had the vaccine. They gave it to me in my right shoulder and that armpit is where the swollen nodes are. Is this a side effect of the vaccine?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          The swollen lymph nodes may be due to the vaccine. However, the varicose vein is unlikely to be due to it.

          Your lymph nodes should regress by themselves in due course of time. If they don’t, it is better to see a doctor for examination.

          1. Anonymous

            The swollen lymph nodes are actually on the other arms (armpit). They feel a bit smaller than they did a few days ago and definitely less tender. Do you know how long it should take for them to go down?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Lymph nodes are a part of the immune system. They are like seives, that capture any infective bug or allergen entering the blood stream.

            An immune/ defense reaction is elicited inside them in response to the bug or allergen. Inflammatory exudate is produced and the lymph node becomes swollen.

            It may take around 15 to 20 days for the node to manage the trigger factor and reduce back to its original size.

  2. Anonymous

    I also wanted to add that one of the lymph nodes in my arm pit has been there for like 2 years. It is so small (like the size of a little green pea) maybe smaller. It has not changed in size or consistency and I had my gynecologist check it last year and she said it was fine and not worrisome. I got scared when the new one popped up (which I’m still thinking maybe it was from the Tdap shot,) so I was referred to go see a surgeon and have it checked. He was not alarmed at all. He said that the nodes he could feel were definitely in the scope of normal. He said there was absolutely no need to biopsy them. He said that he could actually feel the same ones on the other arm pit they were just a bit smaller, they feel nothing like cancerous suspicious lymph nodes.
    Also, I am 31 years old, non smoker or drinker. I had a complete mammogram last year as well as a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound on the right side (same side as nodes) because of a lump I found in my breast on that side. (It was actually a cyst). I also had a complete physical in Feb. and all of my blood tests were perfect. Should I still be worrying about these nodes? I had the vaccine 13 days ago.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There appears no reason to worry about the palpable lymph nodes.

      You have already gone through thorough check ups and investigations. Since all your reports are normal, you may stay relaxed now.

      It is common to find enlarged lymph nodes during routine examination of patients. Lymph nodes are e part of the immune system. They act like sieve, trapping bugs and allergens present in blood.

      In response, they become enlarged of sometime. Usually, nothing needs to be done. The nodes would regress on their own with time.


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