Lump of Epididymis Could Be Spermatocele

Q: I’m 23 and I noticed that I had some pain few months ago. I’ve been having unprotected intercourse with my girlfriend for 3 years and she has not got pregnant. I found a small lump in my left testicle that hurts when squeezed or touched. My abdomen aches because of it and I am worried that I can not have kids. Please help me. I’m going to go to the hospital today because I can not sleep. I am really worried.
-By Raul

May be you have some lump in your epididymis, which is obstructing the transportation of sperms through it to the vas deferens. This lump may be a cystic swelling, comprising of dead sperm cells and some fluid. Such a swelling is referred to as spermatocele.

This lump may be giving you pain. Such pains often radiate to the groin to cause lower abdomen pain.

Because the spermatocele causes some degree of obstruction in the transportation of sperms, may be your ejaculations are not complete.

Such incomplete ejaculations may be a reason for not having a baby.

It is good that you are going for a check up today. Only after examination, an exact diagnosis would be possible.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D. 


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