Viral Flu Infection in Pregnant Women

Q: I am 7 months pregnant. I just came to India with my toddler. Both me and my toddler are suffering from cough and sneezes. My toddler can’t sleep properly because of congestion and cough. May be it’s viral. I have a bad throat and lots of burning and irritation in the nose. Should I see a doctor or will it go off on its own? Can it pass to my unborn baby?


The picture does look like some viral infection. It is contagious, so both you and your toddler have contracted it.

Most of the seasonal viral infections are not serious and the patient recovers on its own, without any medical intervention.

However, sometimes the infection may complicate leading to pneumonia. It would be risky to allow the infection to grow like this.

So, you may observe it for a day or two. If you feel both of you are getting better, you may leave it as such; otherwise it is recommended to see a doctor.

Since you are pregnant, it would be risky to take any medicine on your own. Not all medications are safe in pregnancy. Take medicines only on the advice of your doctor.

There are certain effective home treatments available. You may try them.

Supportive Home Treatments for Cough and Sore Throat

  • Do salt water gargles thrice a day. Take lukewarm water. Add a pinch of common salt in it. Gargle your throat well with it.
  • For the congestion and uneasiness you have, try steam inhalation. This is very effective in alleviating symptoms like those you have. You may add a few drops of eucalyptus or spearmint oil to the steaming water before inhaling the vapors.
  • Liquorice is a commonly available herb. Put a very small piece (don’t take it in big quantity or frequently) of the bark of raw liquorice in your mouth. Try chewing and sucking its juice. The healing property of the herb soothes the inflamed throat.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “How to Manage Flu in Pregnancy?

  1. Nok

    When a pregnant woman who had chronic sinusitis and a mild Acid reflux case begins to experience heart burns, stomach noises before and after every meal and very foul smell from the throat sometimes accompanied by food stained mucus. How can she combat all these problems?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s going to be difficult for you as you are pregnant. The abdomen is big in this stage and pushes the diaphragm upwards to accentuate your symptoms.

      You may take care of yourself with the help of the following tips:
      Take small frequent meals instead of one big one.
      You may take an over the counter antacid (like tums, digene) to reduce heartburn. This medicine will not harm your baby.
      Control your sinusitis symptoms. Wear proper clothes, preventing cold exposure. Steam inhalation on a daily basis is advised.
      Neti pots may be used to clean sinusitis.


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