How to Lose Weight Quickly With These Newer Strategies?

Most strategies of weight loss are planned according to a measurement called body mass index (BMI). A BMI from 18.5 up to 25 is considered in the healthy range, from 25 up to 30 is overweight, and 30 or higher is obese.
Generally, the higher a person’s BMI, the greater the risk for health problems. Prescription weight-loss drugs are approved only for those with a BMI of 30 and above, or 27 and above if they have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Weight loss medicines are only for people who are very obese- people who weigh 20% or more above what is ideal for their height and body type or who have a high body mass index (BMI).

Mechanism of Action of Drugs

All of the prescription weight-loss drugs work by suppressing the appetite except for Xenical (orlistat). Xenical is the first in a new class of anti-obesity drugs known as lipase inhibitors. Lipase is the enzyme that breaks down dietary fat for use by the body. Xenical interferes with lipase function, decreasing dietary fat absorption by 30 percent. Because the undigested fats are not absorbed, fewer calories are available to the body. This may help in controlling weight. The main side effects of Xenical are cramping, diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal discomfort, and leakage of oily stool.
Meridia (sibutramine) increases the levels of certain brain chemicals that help reduce appetite. Because it may increase blood pressure and heart rate, Meridia should not be used by people with uncontrolled high blood pressure, a history of heart disease, congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat, or stroke. Other common side effects of Meridia include headache, dry mouth, constipation and insomnia.

Diet Control and Exercise

Diet control and exercises are the best and most natural ways to control weight.
  • The initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce body weight by about 10 percent from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted.
  • Weight loss should be about 1 to 2 pounds per week for a period of 6 months, with the subsequent strategy based on the amount of weight lost.
  • Low calorie diets are required for weight loss in overweight and obese persons. Reducing fat as part this diet is a practical way to reduce calories. Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. However, reducing dietary fat, along with reducing dietary carbohydrates, can help reduce calories.
  • A diet that is individually planned to help create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day should be an integral part of any program aimed at achieving a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Physical Activity

It should be a part of the comprehensive weight loss therapy and weight control program. This benefits in the following ways:
  1. Modestly contributes to weight loss in overweight and obese adults.
  2. May decrease abdominal fat.
  3. Increases cardiorespiratory fitness
  4. May help with maintenance of weight loss.
Initially, moderate levels of physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week, should be encouraged. All adults should set a long-term goal to accumulate at least 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week.
The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity is recommended since it produces weight loss that may also result in decreases in abdominal fat and increases in cardiorespiratory fitness.

Dietary Suggestions

  • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like bread and rice.
  • Eat only small, single servings of foods high in fat or calories.
  • Eat less sugar and fewer sweets.
  • Drink less alcohol or no alcohol.
  • Choose foods whose labels say low, light or reduced to describe calories or fat.
  • Choose 1 percent or skim milk products and reduced fat cheeses.
  • Replace ice cream with fat-free frozen yogurt.
  • Replace sour cream with fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt.
  • Make sure fish, poultry and meat are lean. Trim skin and fat.
  • Broil, roast or steam foods.
Most health experts recommend a combination of a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity for weight loss. Most adults should get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week. Daily physical activity may help a person lose weight by partially lessening the slow-down in metabolism that occurs during weight loss.
Drink plenty of water each day (8 glasses). Avoid eating high-fat foods. Foods that are high in fat include pastries, donuts, cakes, cookies, potato chips, cheese, nuts, cooking oils, butter, cream, margarine, shortening, hot dogs, some cuts of meat and fried foods.
Formula diets are usually sold as liquid or a powder to be mixed with liquid. Although formula diets are easy to use and do promote short-term weight loss, most people regain the weight as soon as they stop using the formula. In addition, formula diets do not teach you how to make healthy food choices, a necessary skill for keeping your weight off.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week. Regular exercise helps you burn calories faster, even when you are sitting still. It does this by raising your metabolism. Exercise also helps you burn fat and build muscle. Aerobic exercise raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories. The longer you exercise, the more your body will burn fat. Working out for 30 minutes or more at a time will help you get the most benefit from aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercises include swimming, brisk walking, jogging and bicycling.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “How to Lose Weight Quickly With These Newer Strategies?


    Sir, I am 14 years old but my body weight is almost 86. What to do ? I’m studying that’s why I cannot do exercises or heavy diets plans, please tell me how can I reduce my weight without getting ill and hurry.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Focus mainly on your diet. That would help.

      You cannot reduce your overall diet, you’ll feel hungry. The trick is to replace calorie rich food stuff by less calorie stuff. That’s is!

      This strategy is very useful and you would slowly see results in a month’s time.

      Read above about weight reduction by lifestyle management.

    2. Replace all beverages of the day by either unsweetened skimmed milk or plain water.
    3. Cut down on the total fat you take in a day. Avoid butter, heavy creams and salad dressings. Choose light vinegar based dressings instead.
    4. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, at least 6 servings. This will work in two ways- firstly, it will replace some part of other calorie rich food stuff of your diet, like rice, bread or pasta. Secondly, being rich in vitamins and minerals, they will not let you fall sick.
    5. Drink plenty of water.
    6. Avoid ice creams, sugary jaggery stuffs.
    7. Read more on natural ways to reduce weight.


    Actually, the thing is that my diet is not so heavy. In break fast I eat a bowl of porridge, then after my school when I reach home I eat some loaf of wheat with any vegetable cooked or with some meat or whatever is available. Then I go to sleep. When I wake at evening and then I take dinner. In dinner I just eat 1 bread with whatever cooked. Now tell me what should I replace in all my diet plan.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Your diet is alright. It is not desirable to reduce it further. May be, some exercises can be added. You may begin with light aerobics.


    Walking on treadmill (walking machine) is right or I have to walk on park or garden? May I walk half an hour on my roof?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Absolutely, you may walk on your treadmill. Most of the treadmills today also show you the amount of calories burnt during the work out.

  4. Rae W.

    Hi, (sorry this is really long, but wanted to give you as much info as possible.) I’m a 32 yr old woman and have a SERIOUSLY embarrassing CHRONIC Bloating problem which is affecting my whole life, and self esteem because I am Quite attractive I suppose but not anymore due to looking up to 8 months pregnant most days!! My background: I have 2 kids (8 and 6yrs) both born by Cesarean. First was emergency, second planned. After my first baby I bounced back to a better body then I had at 18 and dropped from my pregnancy weight of around 75 back down to 55 kilos in around 9 months. My belly was flat, I was toned and looked amazing! With minimal workout and still eating lots of fast food which I don’t anymore. Over the last 4 years, I have suffered from weight gain that doesn’t want to come off no matter how healthy I eat, I cut out carbs and had an active job but weight just won’t really seem to budge. I’m now at whopping 72kgs I am only 156cms tall and my whole life have been between 52 and 60KGs at the MOST (other than while pregnant of course). Now I have this old woman tummy which is huge and when I wear pants or anything fitting it cuts the fat in at the waist and so I’ve got the “two tummy” happening and to be honest it disgusts me. It’s stopping me from so much and nobody seems to have an answer which is too frustrating! bloods all come back perfect, thyroid is good, everything is good, but it must be something awful they’re not seeing.,, is chronic bloating for years a symptom of anything like bowel cancer or the such? The ONLY TIME it has been flat in 4 years was after a week I spent vomiting and hadn’t eaten a single thing except jelly. But it took a week for that to happen. I wake up bloated, go to bed bloated, can’t fit into any clothes, have people asking me when I’m due all the time! I’m so sick of feeling fat and frumpy no matter how often I go to the toilet and clear my bowels, and I don’t drink any fizzy drinks so it’s not gas. I’m fairly healthy. So it’s worth asking the question. What are your thoughts and are there any specific tests I can get done to check internally what’s going on?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to do two things. Firstly, lose weight. Secondly, tone up your abdominal muscles.

      The excess weight in your tummy sags it. Fat also gets deposited around the muscular sphincter between the stomach and the food pipe. The sphincter becomes inefficient. This may lead to bloating.

      Loosing weight is tough at your age, but possible. The trick is not to eat less, but to replace your food items with less calorigenic and healthier stuff.

      Cut down on fat. Replace carbohydrate servings with bulks of fruits and vegetables.

      Drink plenty of water.

      Try including some stretching work outs, may be aerobics or swimming, in your daily routine. There are specific exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles. You may search for them on the net and include them in your daily plans.

      Give it time. Over a month or so, you may notice your weight getting lesser. After you loose at least 10 to 15kgs, you’ll find yourself bloating much less.


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