Spotting or Bleeding After Menopause

Postmenopausal Bleeding If you are a postmenopausal lady and you’re getting any bleeding or spotting from down there, you need to get that investigated. Never ignore this sign. It could be something serious. What Is Being Post-menopausal? Menopause is defined as the phase of life after a female ends her reproductive career. It is featured […]

Red Itchy Round Patches Over Skin

Ringworm Infection Also called dermatophytosis. This infection is not due to any worm. It is basically a fungal infection. When a fungus affects the skin and gives discomforting symptoms, we call it a ringworm infestation. The appearance is very typical. There are red colored circular patches, which grow in size with time, as if a […]

Abnormal Calcium Depositions in the Body

Abnormal Calcium Depositions in the Body Calcification or deposition of calcium salts in the body tissues happens normally in many parts of the body such as bones and teeth. The idea is to harden these tissues. However, it can sometimes take place abnormally, at other sites in the body. This pathological/ abnormal deposition of calcium […]

Tonsil Stones – Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Tonsil Stones They are medically called tonsilloliths. They are stony masses present in the tonsillar fossa. What Are Tonsil Stones? Hard cystic masses of variable shapes, found on location where lymphoid tissues are present are called  tonsil stones. They may be whitish to creamish in color. How Are They Formed? They get formed when the […]

Codeine Addiction and Abuse

Codeine Abuse and Addiction It is not a very commonly used recreational drug. Abuse usually starts after the drug is given for some therapeutic purposes, like for treating irritating cough or pain. This drug is a opioid narcotic, and is used as a antitussive to control cough. Also, it’s used as a pain reliever in […]

Scabies Rash – Cause and Treatment

How to Identify and Treat Scabies? It’s common to get red itchy lesions over the skin. Redness anywhere would mean that there is something irritable. This could be an infection, some bug, mosquito bite, pimple or some kind of allergy. A physical examination by a dermatologist is usually required to ascertain what the lesion is. […]

Why Eyes Become Red Or Pink?

Why Eyes Turn Red or Pink? This is a very commonly seen symptom. Before we understand why this happens, we need to have some insight into the structure of the eye. How Does a Normal Eye Become Pink or Red? Our eyes are like two small balls, fit into the skull sockets. They have many […]

How to Manage Skin Hives?

Management of Skin Hives or Urticaria Hives formation is basically a skin reaction elicited against a stimuli, which may be intrinsic in the body or outside the body. Presents as patches of raised skin surfaces, which are red and itchy. The patches may vary in shapes and sizes. Usually, it’s perceived as an allergic reaction […]

Sickle Cell Anemia – Symptoms and Management

Symptoms and Management of Sickle Cell Anemia If your child gets swellings over his hand, foot or any other part of the body, one of the cause to consider is sickle cell anemia. Common Presentations The patient may be symptom less in early years of life. Later on, as he grows up, he may have […]

How to Know If You Are Pregnant?

How to Know If You Are Pregnant? For first time moms, recognizing pregnancy may be difficult. There are slight changes in the body as you get pregnant and your body slowly molds you up to be a mom! These changes need to be observed carefully. You can then make out whether you are pregnant or […]