Abnormal Calcium Depositions in the Body

Calcification or deposition of calcium salts in the body tissues happens normally in many parts of the body such as bones and teeth. The idea is to harden these tissues.

However, it can sometimes take place abnormally, at other sites in the body.

This pathological/ abnormal deposition of calcium salts may occur in cases where there is a mineral imbalance in the body, or in the absence of it. So, chiefly it is of two types.

Abnormal deposition of calcium salts at places other than the bone or teeth, is called calcinosis. Most commonly, it is seen in the soft tissues of the body.

Abnormal Calcium Deposits or Calcinosis

This is of many types.

Dystrophic Calcification

Any type of soft tissue damage may lead to calcium deposition. This may get deposited in injured tissue, necrosed tissues, over cysts or eggs or certain parasites (after they die in the body).

There is no imbalance in the blood calcium levels.

Metastatic Calcification

Deposition of calcium salts in various tissues in calcium excess states is called metastatic calcinosis.

This may happen when overall calcium is more in the body or when thyroid, parathyroid glands don’t function properly.

Calcinosis Cutis

It is a condition characterized by cutaneous (below skin) deposition of calcium.

Most often, it occurs after some injury or trauma to that area. Small nodules get formed underneath the skin, which are hard to touch.

They may be painful to touch or when pressed.

Calcinosis may also occur in the following conditions:

  • After injury
  • Post infection
  • After bug bite or ant bite
  • As a part of degenerativeĀ  changes in certain parts of the body
  • In Tumors cells or growth
  • In calcium excess states of the body, that is hypercalcemia


It is a rare condition is which calcium salts are seen to get deposited in the lining of small blood vessels of the skin and fatty tissues of the body.

This leads to their hardening and gradual narrowing. As the vessels get narrowed, blood supply to the affected part gets affected.

Compromised blood supply to the tissue leads to ischemia and ulcerations may also develop. Most patients suffering from this disorder have end stage kidney problems.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Abnormal Calcium Depositions in the Body

  1. Heather

    I am a 67 year old female in generally good health. I have been active most of my life,(competative gymnast and retired physical education teacher). Currently being treated for high blood pressure following arthroscopic surgery to correct a torn meniscus (from a fitness class). They had difficulty stabilizing my blood pressure after surgery. Prior to then I was told I had “White Coat Syndrome”. Have a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones ( at least 4-5 episodes starting when I was 21), recently diagnosed with osteoporosis (told probably hereditary…parents died when I was 9 so no known history to confirm), calcium deposits on my lower left rib cage that I have been aware of for at least the last 15 years but now find the area below the deposit very tender and uncomfortable at times. I am using weight bearing exercise and dietary and supplemental support to address the osteoporosis. Is there anything I can do to reduce the calcium deposits on the ribs?

      1. HEATHER

        This is the Summary Report I received from the hospital.

        BD Low Risk Two Site

        L-spine ( L1-L4):
        T-Score -2.7 corresponding to 0.857 g/cm2

        Femur (neck or total):
        T-score -1.3 corresponding to 0.849g/cm2

        Diagnostic category (based on worst reading) : Osteoporosis

        Fracture risk: (based on femoral neck T-score and other contributing factors):
        Moderate ten-year risk of fracture

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Since you have a tendency of calcium depositions in the body, you may go for drugs which help in building up bone mass.

          Better to consult an endocrinologist for this.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            You are welcome.

            Your serum calcium levels and PTH levels need to be studied. Keep updating about your health!

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