ANA Positive Diseases

What are anti Nuclear Antibodies (ANA)? Our body needs to guard itself from germs, toxins, allergens, etc, which keep interacting with it all the day. For this, it has a specialized system, called the immune system. One of the work this system does is making antibodies against all foreign invaders. Antibodies are certain proteins, which […]

Loss of Memory, Impaired Thinking

Dementia and Associated Alzeimer’s Disease Dementia is a state of mind characterized by a gradual but progressive loss of memory, thinking capability and judgment. The reasoning power of the affected individual gets affected. he may be disoriented. All these contribute to problems in his day to day life. There are many causes why a person […]

Dandruff And Shampoos That Work

What is Dandruff? White to yellowish Grey flakes, commonly seen over the scalp skin, are medically called dandruff. It is characterized by small white colored oily flakes of dead skin that appear attached to hair or shed to lie over shoulders. The condition is usually itchy. As you itch, more of the dead skin cells […]

Causes of Having Fluid in the Pouch of Douglas

Pouch of Douglas Pouch of Douglas is a peritoneal fold present behind the uterus. It lies between the uterus and the rectum. It is present only in females. How is it formed? All our visceral organs are carefully packed inside and covered by a membranous layer, called the peritoneum. As this membranes covers the internal […]

How Long Does Swine Flu Last?

How do We Know It’s Swine Flu? This illness is not well demarcated from many other respiratory illness, like sore throat, other influenza viral sickness, tonsillitis etc. All above mentioned conditions would have fever and pain in throat in common, making it difficult to diagnose the condition. Diagnosing swine flu is difficult on the basis […]

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Bleeding Gums It is common to find a tinge of blood on your tooth brush in the morning. Often, people ignore it. Remember, it is never normal to bleed from the gums. There are many causes of getting blood from the gums. The commonest among them is gingivitis. Gingivitis Gingivitis is inflammation or irritation of […]

Latent Tuberculosis

What is Latent T.B.? A condition where the person has the tubercular bacteria in his body, however there are no symptom. The individual looks normal on examination, no cough, fever, loss of weight etc. The person may give a positive skin test, a positive blood test (quantiferon test), but the chest X ray is normal. […]

Skin Warts and Their Treatment

Skin Warts and Their Management One of the most commonly encountered problems over the skin, besides getting rashes, is having warts. A wart is usually a painless, raised firm bump over the skin, which may be solitary or more in number. The bump is not very uniform in shape. It may be round to squarish […]