Gastric Perforation by Chicken Bone

Q: I am a 47 year old female who wound up with a gastric perforation. Defendant experts concluded that “a chicken bone dissolved” (foreign object seen on CT scan) prior to surgery. Emergency surgery was done within 2 hours of CT scan. Is it possible for a chicken bone to dissolve or was this in fact a piece of metal that 1 surgeon suggested? I had a routine colonoscopy/endoscopy 3 days prior and was in significant abdominal pain immediately following procedure. I went to the ER, was sent home with diagnosis of bad gall bladder. Later I was referred back to gastro doctor following morning. He suggested my pain was from a chest infection. He prescribed antibiotics and follow up blood work the following day to check elevated high white blood cell count. I never made it that far and was in emergency surgery that night for gastric perforation in antrum. No foreign body was ever “found.”
-By Gina

Well, the possibility of a sharp piece of chicken bone perforating the gastrium, and later getting dissolved by stomach acids can not be ruled out.

Foreign bodies like chicken or fish bones, denture pieces or even sharp toothpicks can perforate anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike fish bones, chicken bones are detected on radiographs and get dissolved quickly by stomach acids.

So, it is possible for any such sharp bone to have perforated your tummy.

Symptoms of Perforation

There is burning pain in the epigastrium (middle of the chest) with flatulence and dyspepsia.

Gradually the abdomen becomes tender and rigid like a board. It may even distend. The patient stops passing flatus and motion.

Slowly, the pain intensifies and one may feel nauseated. Fever with chills may accompany.

Gastric perforation is definitely a surgical emergency.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Gastric Perforation by Sharp Chicken Bone

  1. santosh shettar

    I swallowed chicken bone accidentally, which was around 0.75 inch to 1 inch long……….
    I did not find it come out as stool…
    there is no vomiting or vomiting sensation.
    the stool colour appear to be normal.
    but there is abdominal pain.

    Around 7 days have passed by after swallowing chicken bone.

    So what the problem might be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to see a doctor if the pain abdomen is severe. If not, it’s likely that you have digested the chicken bone.


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