Effects of Cocaine on Fetus During Pregnancy

The drug is very toxic, both for the baby as well as for the mother’s health. It should never be consumed during pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnancy is a phase when you hold responsibility. This is the first promise you make to a soul that you would guard him in this world. Do not take any toxin, addiction during this phase. This would be breaking your promise towards the innocent one, who is counting on you for his protection.

Cocaine Crosses Placental Barrier

Cocaine and its metabolites are very potent and are able to cross the placental barrier. Thereby, the drug enters the baby’s circulatory system, affecting all its organs.

Effects During Early Pregnancy

When taken early during pregnancy, it increases the chances of miscarriages. During these months, the neural tube of the baby is being formed. The drug affects it adversely to cause permanent neural damages.

It may lead to detachment of the placenta from the uterine lining, a condition called abruptio placentae. This condition presents with severe bleeding and, if not arrested, may finally cause  termination of pregnancy.

Effects During Late Pregnancy

When taken late during pregnancy, the drug almost always lead to preterm labors. The baby born is weak and often the birth weight is less.  He may have a smaller head with overall restricted growth of the body.

This is because cocaine reduces the amount of blood oxygen and nutrients the baby receives. The fetus stays deprived and may even die.

The baby may be born dependent on the drug and suffer from withdrawal symptoms. After birth, he may show symptoms such as tremors, localized muscle spasms, feeding difficulties and  restlessness. He may not sleep well and be cranky. He may be irritable, not responsive and it may be difficult to establish a bond with the mother.

As he grows older, he may have difficulty focusing on a subject. Learning disabilities and attention problems soon surface up.

There may be defects in his kidney function, liver or the brain. Reproductive functions are likely to be affected and may show up as he reaches the teens.

Incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is much more in babies who have indirect consumed the drug through their mother.


It is very difficult to detoxify the baby if the drug has been taken during pregnancy. The drug crosses the placental barrier easily and adversely affects the fetus.

Completely abstain from the drug as early as possible. Also, abstain from alcohol, which holds back the drug in the body.

Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. Avoid all stimulants like tea and coffee.

Fruits and vegetables (stewed or raw) are the best detoxifiers. Consume plenty of them to wash away the toxic effects of the drug.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Effects of Cocaine on Pregnancy

  1. Lady123

    I have a friend that is going on 29 weeks pregnant and uses cocaine sometimes heavy sometimes small amounts. If she stops now, will she and the baby test clean at birth?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Worth trying! Leave the drug as early as possible while you are pregnant. The drug has serious side effects. She can still prevent a few of them from occurring.

      Read above in detail.

      1. lady123

        If she is 29 weeks and she was a habitual heavy user and she stops now & goes through the detox steps, what are the chances she can test clean at birth?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          She’ll increase her chances if she stops the drug immediately.

          What chances; this is difficult to predict. This would depend upon the precision of the test being performed.

      2. Alexandra421

        I am 12 weeks pregnant and just found out. I did cocaine twice once the other day and once around 7 weeks. Do you think I harmed my baby? Physical and or mental defects? And what is the best way to reverse this if there are any? I feel guilty and horrible.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          The drug is damaging to the growing baby. You can minimize the effects by cleansing yourself and the baby as best as possible. Read above about Detoxification.

          1. Lisa

            Im 22 weeks pregnant and used cocained most of my preganancy. I quit about a week ago. Will everything be ok with my baby?

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            The drug is poisonous for the baby. Taking it those 20 weeks was a mistake already done. You now need to detoxify yourself and the baby to your best. This would minimize the damages.

      3. Diana

        Hey! I’m currently 18weeks pregnant. I used cocaine (not heavily) until I was 9weeks pregnant, being that I found out at 5weeks… Wanted to cut back slowly … Not alot means I used about 2 grams for one whole week which isn’t too bad….. But now, IM CRAVINGGGG it…. Bad…. So I was wondering if it was okay if I do LESS THAN half a gram just one time now? Is it safe?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          You need to say absolute NO to cocaine. You’ve already given a lot of this toxin to your baby.

          Start cleansing yourself at the earliest to save your baby.

    2. Anonymous

      I’m 26 weeks pregnant as of today and I’ve used coke 3 days in a row since Friday will my baby be ok

        1. Ray

          I used cocaine at 22 weeks pregnant, it was about a gram. I did feel pain in the top of my uterus. I’m now 26 weeks pregnant and have had a doper done at the OB they told me that her heart rate is 140. I didn’t bleed at all but am worried still due to the lack of movement from her. The doctor told me not to over think it and wait until 28 weeks to worry. I only used it the one night and have been torturing myself since. My biggest concern is a in utero stroke. What are the chances this had happened? If so can she recover before birth?

    3. Krystal

      I’m 21 weeks pregnant i used cocain once 2 days ago (approximately a gram) and i plan on never using again i go to the doctor in a week will the drug show up in urine? Also I’m extremely worried about birth defects even tho it was only one time. Am i overreacting i feel like I’ve made a horrible mistake. Please help I’ve been a nervous wreck.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You may be able to flush out of your system in a week’s time. Drink plenty of water. Abstain from alcohol. Limit to tea and coffee.

        Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in all your meals to help detoxify.

        Well, each speck of this drug damages your baby’s brain. His brain activity may have slowed down by this usage. However, as you detoxify, he’s likely to recover.

    4. Shy Ann

      I’m 33weeks and 4 days I used cocaine 1time June 3rd a small amount haven’t used anymore will me and my unborn child system b clean bout time my baby is born July 19 I only drink water eat fresh fruit all day and veggies

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Refrain from alcoholic beverages. Keep eating healthy. You may be able to cleanse yourself and the baby.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      By cleaning yourself as aggressively as possible.

      Detoxification requires you to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, drink lots of water.

      Abstain from alcohol and limit on all stimulants, like tea and coffee.

  2. Fancy

    I consumed cocaine about two months ago (.03grams). I have been using regularly on the weekends probably about (1.0g) for about a month prior to my last usage. I weigh about 106lbs with a very high metabolism. I found out I was carrying baby, so I stop my consumption. Now I have an upcoming drug screen done by testing hair follicles. I’m uncertain on what to do and I would like to pass in order to keep my job. Please help I’m nervous as hell.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You and your unborn baby are one system. You need to clean yourself to clean the baby.

      If it was a one time use of the drug, it will take 3 to 5 days for it to be out from urine, a bit longer (7 to 10 days) to be out of blood.

      1. Anonymous

        What about 32 weeks pregnant ? Used cocaine on June 28th great amount I’m due for a c section August 31st . Will my baby be clean?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug affects the developing brain adversely. It may cause mental problems in the baby.

  3. Jay

    I am about 8 months pregnant and I have been doing cocaine but I’m stopping at up today will it still show up in my system and the baby systemaround the time I have my baby

  4. Key

    I found out I was with child at three months the fear and happiness because I’m homeless and with no job also the Father turned his back on me I continued to use. I’m now going on six months and I’m afraid my baby will be addicted to crack cocaine. Will she?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, if the baby is exposed to the drug again and again, there are chances that she’ll be addicted.

      You need to leave the drug at once for ever and cleanse your body thoroughly for the baby to come.

  5. Janelle

    I’m about 18 weeks pregnant. I stopped using cocaine when I found out I was pregnant in May. I just did a recent urine drug test 7/27/17 and it was still positive for cocaine two months later. It was lower a lower result but how is this possible?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      For those who have been taking the drug on a regular basis, it may take around 3 months to be clean again.

  6. Shae

    Hi buddy MD. I had questions today for you if you don’t mind answering. My first question is. If I’m 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant and did crack cocaine how much harm have I done to my baby? Also, I seeing if I stopped as of August 2 “today” can I prevent and mental disabilities and formalities. Please I need help and answers. Maybe doesn’t deserve that no child actually. Yes , I’m going to detox my self my drinking plenty water eating lots of green veggies and fruit. No more coffee, tea cigarettes, alcohol and most importantly crack cocaine from this point on. I’m disappointed in myself but hopefully theres still hope!
    Thank you,
    Buddy M.D.
    P.s. I’m scared to tell my Obs so that’s why I came to you first.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You may have damaged the little one!

      However, there’s still hope. The baby may recover. Keep yourself as clean as possible.

  7. Mel

    I just found out today that I am 2-3 weeks pregnant. I consumed cocaine about 2 weeks ago but haven’t done anything since.
    Will this affect my baby!
    I am not a regular drug consumer & I’m scared that one night of party will affected my baby!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Detoxify yourself to the best you can to minimize cocaine’s effects. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink adequate amounts of water. Limit to tea, coffee. Abstain from alcohol.

      All these steps would detoxify your blood and hence the baby. Your baby is likely to be safe.

  8. Doni

    Hai doc, i’m 37 weeks pregnant. On Week 36 i Used coke for 8 days in à Row.. Haven’t used iT for 7 days now. Today i had à test.. I’ve drank tons of water during this week. And had healthy food.. Is iT possible to pass THE test? I won’t Use iT anymore but don’t want Any problems either.. Thanks!

    1. Doni

      Note* i am still very active. Don’t drink coffee or alcohol and Didnt used Any other drugs. Before the 8 days of Use i havent done Anything at all. Been clean for 15 months prior

  9. Doni

    Hi doc,

    Yesterday I’ve heard that something in the lab went wrong with the urine sample I gave them. Is that even possible? Now I gave them a new one to test. Haven’t used so I would be on the 11th day after last use. Still drank tons of water. Are my chances of passing better then last Friday? I really hope everything is gonna be OK. It was just a stupid mistake. Oh and Is my baby addicted now after 8 days use? If so, I must be the stupidest person on this planet. I’m due on the 26th this month.

    Thanks again!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Your chances of being clear are definitely better than Friday.

      Your baby eats all that you take. So, he’s likely to be affected. Keep yourself clean though out pregnancy and lactation. This would be good for you and the baby.

  10. Doni

    I understand..

    What if they check the baby’s urine after labor.

    What are the chances Anything will come up?
    Anything i can do to speed up that proces?

    I Will keep drinking water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables but Anything more i can do? I’m to affraid they Will take my baby away from me..

    I know i had to think About that earlier. But now the Harm is already done, What can i do?

    Sorry for asking this much and thanks for awnsering

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well, just follow all cleansing steps that you’ve planned too. That’s all that can be done.

      Baby’s urine is likely to be clean. The drug may show up in your blood.

      1. Sian

        Hi so I am 18 weeks pregnant
        I last did cocaine on the 23rd June. I couldn’t tell you how much , but on July second I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have bloods done till I was 11 weeks I believe on the 18th of August so 8 weeks after my last use of cocaine and I admitted to them I was a regular cannabis smoker (half a joint a day since finding out I was pregnant). Could you explain why my urine said there was cocaine in my urine .. imso confused no social services are involved and I don’t know how to explain this without sounding like I’m lying ?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          As you have been a regular smoker, your body is likely to have made reservoirs of this drug inside fatty tissues. These reserves keep releasing tiny amounts of drug into the blood stream on a daily basis, till they get exhausted by continuous cleansing or detoxification.

          This may make you positive for the drug in urine or blood testing.

  11. Doni

    Thank You very much.

    I Will keep cleansing myself.. I’ve learned my lesson. Been stressed all week. I Will hear if i passed today or Tomorrow. I just hope everything is ok. The relapse wasnt worth the stress at all.

    Thanks again! U’ve helped me a lot.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          She needs to cleanse herself very thoroughly.

          May be clean by term. There’s time in hand.

    1. Dee

      I feel the same v way im 28 weeks and fighting my addiction. All that crosses my mind is her.. I pray for her health and i pray more for the strength to stop its sincerely true i hate that i feel like I’m too weak to sto. Especially how tired i am from being pregnant which allows me down with work.. Which i can’t afford to slow on

  12. Janea

    I found out that I was pregnant on 9/11/17and before my positive test, I had done cocaine on 9/2/17. I’m nervous that it affected the baby and I am nervous to tell my doctor. What are your thoughts?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Was this a one time use? If yes, your baby is likely to be very less affected. Just keep yourself and your baby clean throughout to avoid all complications.

      1. Janea

        I might of done it one more time prior to that but no more than that. But I have been clean ever since I found out I was pregnant. No drugs, no alcohol, and no cigarettes. Been drinking lots of water and eating healthy. Also been walking every day.

  13. Doni

    Hi doc,

    So my test came back negative a week ago and Today i gave birth to à beautiful babygirl..

    They took Some urine from the baby to test it at he lab. Still cleansed myself the past days. I havent used for 25days now..

    I’m a bit stressed if the babies urine is drugfree as im not allowed to go home until the test results come back.

    As i Saïd Before i only used for 8 days in my whole pregnancy.
    What do u think? Will they Find Anything in her urine?

    Thnx again!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      She’s likely to be clean.

      Stay away from this toxin throughout lactation phase. It’s important. Wishing you health.

  14. Vicky

    HI doc. Im 17 weeks pregnant. I’ve taken cocaine 3 times on separate occasions from being 12 weeks pregnant and I know I was so stupid 🙁 the last time I did it was last night, and I took quite a lot. I hurried for a reassurance scan and they checked everything was fine baby baby is well all development was spot on. I will never ever do it again I’ve learned my lesson. If I don’t take anything from now and drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg will my baby be okay when he arrives?

  15. Vicky

    Thank you, do you think my baby will be okay if I don’t take from now till then? I’ve learned from my mistake. On the last scan 3 days ago midwife said he looked fine x

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This drug is a poison, and your baby has been harmed. However, the effect is likely to be insignificant. Take fresh fruits and vegetables throughout pregnancy to help your baby detoxify the effects.

  16. Becky

    Hi I’m wondering if you could help me with my conception dates. I’ve been with my partner for 3 years. I remember my last period being on the 18th May 2017. When I found out I was pregnant they did me an early ultrasound scan on the 12th July at 6 weeks pregnant. I have irregular periods and a 35 day cycle but from what they are going off my last period was on the 2nd June which I know isn’t right and I’m due on the 9th March 2018. The reason I’m needing help is because I slept with another person on the 3rd of July and I can’t go through this pregnancy if it’s anything to do with him please help me. I had my 12 week scan on 25th August if that helps too.. I’m just so worried as I can’t enjoy my pregnancy yet..

    1. Becky

      Also on the 6 week scan it showed a yolk sac, (12.7.17) so is that anything to do with what I did with the man on the 3.7.17

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        No, unlikely.

        When you have a fertilized egg implanted in the uterus, body doesn’t allow any other further implantations till it completes pregnancy with the first implanted egg.

    2. Buddy M.D. Post author

      “early ultrasound scan on the 12th July at 6 weeks pregnant”, you say. If so, 3rd July intercourse has nothing to do with your present pregnancy.

  17. Nancy

    I’m 30 weeks pregnant I used coke sometimes on the weekends if I stop now will my baby come out with withdraws will the baby be clean

  18. Ele

    I just found out I was pregnant. I’m 13 weeks. I had two healthy children with no drug use very healthy pregnancies. Carried both kids to full term. No complications. I had no idea I was pregnant and I would go out every other weekend when
    My kids were at their grandparents for the weekend and go out and party on the Friday. Every Friday we would do cocaine would buy a gram and go to the club and party. Would this of effected my pregnancy and should I get an abortion if there is a affect on the baby? I feel horrible that I did this and had no idea…. I don’t think it’s fair to the baby if there is something wrong to continue the pregnancy ? Please some advice would be great. I wish not to talk to my doctor about this cause he has no idea that I do this to begin with…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is difficult to comment!

      Cocaine is bad for the fetus, you know. However, there are chances that your fetus is safe. So, abortion cannot be recommended.

  19. Becky

    Yes, gestational age was 6 weeks, so is that definately nothing to do with the 3rd of July? Sorry to go on I’m just so worried

  20. Mel

    Hi, I’m ashamed to say this but I’ve used cocaine every Saturday from being 12 weeks to 20 weeks (8 weeks). I’m now 20 weeks, if I stop now till the end of my pregnancy will I & the baby have a good chance of being clean?

  21. Scardmommy

    I’m 34 weeks pregnant and used coke on and off iv since the beginning. The last four weeks its been once a week. Due for a csection at 38 weeks, will my baby’s poop still be positive please help. I am in intensive outpatient treatment, doing 90 na meetings in 90 days and have a sponsor working the steps reading my big book. Can I speed up detoxification of the marconium. Will my baby boy be okay.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve been continuously using the drug, your baby may show its presence. However, cleansing yourself as much as possible would reduce the chances of the drug being there.

  22. Scardmommy

    Thank you I really appreciate you and the website this is awesome. There are a few more question’s coming through. This site is a blessing to many.

  23. Soph111

    I have been using cocaine once a week up until 22 weeks. If I stop now will baby and I be clean and ok? I’ve had my 20 week scan 2 weeks ago and everything was perfect and healthy. Please shed some light on this horrible time

  24. Sarah145

    Hi am 14 weeks and did only ONE night of cocaine last night probs a gram or abit more.. is my baby ok ? I feel so bad.. will i miscarry because of this?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine taken at this stage is detrimental for baby’s brain tissue. To minimize the damage, detoxify yourself. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out the drug. Refrain from alcohol and limit your intake of caffeine.

      Consume fresh fruits and stewed vegetables to detoxify.

  25. sheila

    i am 8 weeks pregnant and did cocaine will i have a miscarriage? i haven’t used since november 11th prior to this i’ve had two miscarriages one at 5 weeks and one at 7 weeks i was using cocaine about 2-3 times a week at those times.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine use in early weeks of pregnancy may cause a miscarriage. The drug needs to be strictly avoided during pregnancy months.

  26. Amber

    I used cocaine every weekend during the second trimester (from 16 weeks to 26) I feel awful. At the 20 week scan they said his heart brain limbs & face was fine. I’m worried I’ve caused him physical birth defects but if it was all ok at the 20 week scan will it still be ok now? I’ve not touched it for 2 weeks and I’m going to continue this.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      AS soon as you stop taking the drug, there would be no further damage to your baby. Unfortunately, you can’t correct the past; however, be hopeful that the damage was minimal.

  27. Anonymous

    i did about a half a gram cocaine last night i am 9 weeks pregnant what are my chances of miscarriage and harming my baby?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine is very harmful for the baby. It’s all luck now. It would depend upon how quickly you tried to wash off the drug from your system.

  28. Anonymous

    I just found out I’m pregnant. It is unexpected and I’m not sure how far I am but I’ve been using crack pretty regularly. I can’t remember when my last cycle was I’m thinking I may be 8 weeks. Is my baby going to be ok. I’m scared to death. I’m not using any longer my first appt is in Jan. I don’t know what to do.

  29. Anonymous

    i’m 10 weeks pregnant and did a fairly large quantity of cocaine last night as well as had half a gin and tonic. What will happen to my baby will the pregnancy continue?

  30. Lilly

    Im 23 weeks pregnant i had a drug test at 20 weeks and came back positive for cocaine so they said a social worker would be in to talk to me at my next ob visit are they goin to take my baby i did like 2g a week an stopped at 22 weeks will it be out of my system by jan 16 and will it be out of my baby system if they test the umbilical cord im due in april 2018

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Quit using the drug completely and detoxify your system. It would be difficult to clean yourself by 16 Jan. However, you may be clean by due date.

      1. Lilly

        I havent done it since 22 weeks i go back jan 16 ill b 26 weeks when i pee in cup n they drug test me it should be clean correct …. Sorry so many ?

  31. Darla

    I found out i was pregnant dec 5 i stopped crack for a month then i started using once every 2 weeks i spend about 80$ just for that one day, Baby app says I’m 10 weeks What damage have i done? when i go to my first appointment in feb will i be dirty? Can they tell if there’s any health issues through sonogram? Or do you wait until the baby is born?

  32. Ashley g

    I last used crack cocaine at 35 weeks pregnant Im scheduled to deliver at 39 weeks will it be out of my baby’s system at birth

      1. Ashley g

        Is there a way to clean his system I’ve been drinking water for 3 days straight I know it’s not in mine could they still take the baby

        1. Ashley g

          I only used a few times in four days and small amounts and have been clean for a month will the cocaine still show up at birth

  33. Raina

    I am now 29 weeks pregnant. Earlier on in the pregnancy I had used cocaine. Not a lot but I did it a few times. Will it show up in either my system or my baby’s when I give birth to her??

  34. Cassie

    I am about 13 wks pregnant and been using cocaine very heavily about a gram a day everyday til today.. I know I’m a horrible person to continue knowing I am pregnant.. what is the harm I caused to my baby.. and I’m willing to stop this moment to try to save and keep my baby healthy as can be now pls help..should a abortion be better for this selfish act of mines?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You are likely to have damaged the baby, however, abortion would be killing him.

      Stop taking the drug from now. Detoxify yourself as efficiently as possible to minimize the damages.

      1. Anonymous

        What would be the best and most useful effective way of detoxification to minimize the damages already done. And if possible can you please explain what damages I may have caused already by your knowledge. Thank you.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Completely abstain from the drug and alcohol.

          Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. Avoid all stimulants like tea and coffee.

          Fruits and vegetables (stewed and raw) are the best detoxifiers. Consume plenty of them to wash away the toxic effects of the drug.

  35. Anonymous

    i am 14 weeks pregnant and did about a gram or less of cocaine for the 3rd time since i was 8 weeks will my baby survive? will they experience withdrawal symptoms if i stop using now.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You are advised to stop taking the drug immediately. This is a poison for your baby.

      Baby’s brain development gets adversely affected by the drug in the initial pregnancy weeks. He will survive.

      Detoxify yourself, and hence the baby too, as efficiently as possible.

  36. Lilly

    Hi doc I am 33 weeks pregnant.. I used cocaine once a week from 17 weeks up until now. I now have support and professional help so although I only have 6 weeks left, if I stop now and drink lots of water and eat my fruit and veg, will it be out of mine and baby’s system by the time he gets here? I just don’t want him being addicted when he’s born. I’m not addicted it was just stupid self medicating. Every growth scan shows he’s bigger than he should be and doctors have no concerns, so that’s a good sign too isn’t it? Thanks in advance.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to detoxify yourself very efficiently. You can still wash it off from your body and be clean by term.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Abstain from alcohol. Limit to tea and coffee. These chemicals hold back the drug in your body. Take plenty of fluids throughout the day to keep your kidneys working. You may consume light fruit juices, vegetable soups or just plain water.

          Vitamin B and C are best to detoxify. These are available in their best form in fresh fruits and vegetables. Include them in your daily diet.

          1. Angle

            What about meth ? I didn’t find out I was pregnant till I was 2 months and was smoking meth& I’ve been clean most of my pregnancy. I just turned 35 weeks been clean this whole month of October till yesterday . Theres no excuse ….but I love my.baby so much . she’s my first , will everything be fine when I have her? Do I have to to get clean to nothing comes out positive? (Asking for me and baby)

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Cleansing methods would be the same for this drug as well. However, you’ll need to be very intensive. Baby is likely to be fine.

  37. Terry

    If someone is 15 weeks pregnant and drank three times and did cocaine as well (3 times) has permant damage been done? High chance low chance? Should it be aborted?
    Trying to find answers for a friend

  38. Ashamed

    I’m 15 weeks pregnant today. I have been using cocaine off an on now through out the 15 weeks. But the last 2 weeks I have used at least every second day, half a gram or a gram every second day. The reason for not quitting my drug use was because I had planned abortion. BUT I’ve had a change of heart. I know you can’t tell me what damage I’ve done. But can you tell me if there’s any chance to having a healthy rest of the pregnancy and a healthy baby.? I’m so worried it’s sickning.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        Can’t reverse the damage already done. However, toxicities can be arrested for this moment itself. Stop the drug totally. Also, abstain from alcohol. It adds up to the damages cocaine does.

        Take a very healthy diet on a daily basis. This would detoxify you and your baby. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on your meals.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Very rare. You become prone to it as the maternal age increases or high blood pressure problem arises.

  39. Newbie

    Hi doc. I have recently just found out that I am 14 weeks pregnant. I have snorted cocaine often through put these weeks, I just got back from vacation 2 weeks ago and while I was there I used pretty much every day for a week. Now that I have knowledge of the pregnancy I have no issue with quitting that’s no issue. But I am.worried that I’ve done way to much damage to even consider keeping the baby. I am a very healthy eater and do drink plenty of water all through out my days. I’d lI’ve to have this baby, I would really just hate to bring an innocent unhealthy baby into this world.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep eating healthy to detoxify yourself and the baby, as much as possible. This is the only correction we can make now.

      Abstain from alcohol as well. It holds back the drug in the body. Also, it adds up to the damages cocaine does.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Quit the drug immediately. Also, abstain from alcohol throughout pregnancy. This chemical holds back the drug in the body.

      Start consuming a healthy diet, plentiful in fruits and vegetables, to cleanse yourself and the baby. This would minimize the damage caused.

      Continue eating healthy throughout pregnancy. You’ll deliver a clean healthy baby at term.

  40. Anonymous

    If cocaine was used 5 sepetate occasions over the first 17 weeks of pregnancy but not afterwards will the baby be born with withdrawal symptoms and test positive?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you cleanse yourself and the baby thoroughly during the rest of pregnancy, he’s likely to be clean by term.

  41. Kelly

    Hello I had a few questions and hoping you can help me. I’m 16 weeks pregnant didn’t find out till I was 14 weeks. I have been using cocaine around 3-4 times a week through out my pregnancy about a gram each day. Since I’ve found out so late I have booked an appointment for an abortion but really don’t think I can go through with it. I know there will be some damages, but I was hoping you can tell me what those damages could be, or even tell me if it’s possible in any kind of way to have a healthy pregnancy and baby? I have not drank at all through out the 16 weeks I’m not big on drinking. I know youd never encourage abortion your a doctor. But I seriously would never be able to live with myself if my baby was born with any kind of brain damage or health issues. I do understand that this can effect the baby’s future educationally and emotionally but that’s something I can live will and help with. Please let me know if it’s to late. Thank you kindly

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s actually not possible to predict how much damage the poor baby has suffered!

      Maternal womb tries its best to protect the baby. However, the drug is damaging and may try piercing all layers of the womb to reach the baby.

  42. Kristen

    I am 36 weeks pregnant an I did coke today all day from 6pm til 5 am an i feel bad is my baby gonna be ok I also have not ate since 7am..

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      For your baby’s health, you need to cleanse yourself as well as possible. Eat healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables. Abstain from alcohol. Limit to tea and coffee.

      Take a healthy diet and believe in yourself! This would definitely make a difference.

    2. Janice

      What happened after delivery? Ive made a mistake and done the same exact thing as you i feel horrible and i am scared that babys meconium will come out positive. I also have been on presceiption opiates throughout entire pregnancy its so hard for me to wean off i deliver for c section in 12 days.

  43. Sara

    Hey doc… If i stopped cocaine at 21 weeks completely will it be in my baby system urine,blood, umbilicol cord any of that i have 2 months till delivery

  44. Worried

    I just found out Friday that I am 18 weeks pregnant, inwas on the shot so didn’t have regular periods and im a bigger girl. I do cocain often at least 5 out of 7 days a week a gram a day. Had I known inwas pregnant I would have stopped. It’s now to Kate for abortion. Please tell me my baby has a chance to be born healthy. What are some of the damages that could be done? And how common is still birth and placenta abruption. I feel trapped like I have no choice but to go through with this pregnancy. I do plan on seeking some kind of treatment or programs. But these next 20 weeks of pregnancy will be stressful and depressing knowing what I have done without knowing I was pregnant

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s difficult to quantify the damage done to the baby. Initial weeks are important for brain development, and the drug would have damaged it to some degree.

      Now, you need to detoxify yourself and hence the baby, as well as possible. This would minimize the damage done.

      1. Worried

        What are the chances of placenta abruption ?
        Still birth?
        My baby being born with a smaller head?
        I’d Google these things but all I see is the worst of the worst opinions and nothing but horrible judgment.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Chances differ from case to case. Depends upon your baseline health, rate of metabolism, amount and quality of drug consumed.

          So, harmful effects on the baby are difficult to predict.

  45. Worried

    I just had my first ultra sound the other day and found out that I’m actually 20 weeks. And the baby growing fine and everything looked good. Is there still anything to worry about? Or is this a good sign?

  46. Jaden

    I am a 30 year old female in honestly great shape. I work out every day, never drink alcohol, have never smoked, stay hydrated and eat very clean, i’m talking, organic in season fruits and veggies, ect… with that being said, I do use cocaine, have been addicted for about a year now. It never affected me and on several occasions I have stopped for month, but then started up again. I found out at 5 months I was pregnant. I have always have irregular cycles due to my BF% being around 14%. I tried so hard to stop once I found out but I just cant seem to stop. I have been to ever prenatal check up and everything seems fine. Negative for all genetic abnormalities growing just fine ect. I havent told my OB obviously scared they will take my baby. I am 35 weeks today and going to stop cold turkey.

    Will my baby show signs of withdraw if I stop now? when I quit for a few weeks I never have withdraws on it, but I know its different for the fetus. So again, question is, if I quit now will my baby show signs of withdraw?
    Also do they drug test the babies stool in every pregnancy. MY OB has no Idea and always compliments me on my great shape, low blood pressure and baby’s strong hreart beat.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, they’ll check the baby for the drug.

      What is your frequency of taking the drug, once weekly or even more.

      If around once a week, you still have time in hand. Cleanse yourself adequately. You”l be able to flush out the drug from your body and your baby’s.

      1. Jaden

        To usage, about 2grams in two days. Then like 4 or 5 days off where I detox, and all that, then ill get another 2g’s and finish it within 2 days. That has been going on for about 2 months now. Will my baby be born addicted? I have been reading about it, and there is nothing on mothers who have just used cocaine. Since people in general tend to be smokers and drink and normally have poor health there is no clear answer. Like I said i dont drink and dont smoke.

        I dont ever experience withdraw symptoms when I am off it. So Im wondering I have stopped since writing my first post, will my baby show withdraw symptoms?

  47. Jessica

    Hi This will be my 5th child and I have been clean for the first four of them. Each child came right after the next and I am now 6 months pregnant, for the past week I have done crack cocaine twice and smoked a ton of heroin periodically and am very afraid that my baby will have drugs in his/her system when born. If I abstain from any type of drugs from now till may/june will the umbilical cord still have traces of the drugs in it?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to be very aggressive about cleansing yourself. There’s time in your hand. You may be able to cleanse yourself and the baby by term.

      1. Jessica

        whats the ratio between the two, on a scale of 1-10 that i would be okay if you do not mind me asking it is imperative that I am able to feel mentally secured while doing so. And what should I use to flush our system out with.

  48. Dallas

    Hope I don’t get judged on this. But I will be 18 weeks pregnant this Sunday and since about 12 weeks I’ve been doing coke by snorting, I use about once a day and about a gram a day. I’ll have like a two day break then get a gram and do it again. I am going through a very emotion and devastating time in my life where I witnessed a suicide and this seems to be my way of coping. I dont feel to good about it. And haven’t used in 2 days and so far no craving. I have my 20 week ultra sound scan and I’m absolutely terrified that my babys brain or something wI’ll be wrong. Can you tell me please if there’s any chance at all that my baby will have no birth defects.? Like what are the odds of a baby being born with these crazy birth defects I see on Google? I’m so worried. And what would the most common birth defect be from daily cocaine use. I honestly won’t be using anymore. Would that make a difference now or am I to late 🙁

    1. Dallas

      I drink ALOT of water when using and I still eat like crazy and try to eat healthy as well. But if you could tell me the most realistic common defects, and if I’m to late on a healthy baby that would be amazing..

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        The drug affects the baby’s brain tissues in the early weeks of pregnancy. It’s actually not possible to assess the damage. Your baseline health would be one thing that’s important here.

        However, if you start cleansing your body and hence your baby’s from now, the effects can be minimized.

  49. JJ

    How likely will cocaine show up in my babys 1st stool if I only did a gram to myself it once during pregnancy at 24 weeks??

  50. Kk

    Hi Im 19 weeks no and have sorted cocaine a gram a day off and on through out the weeks. I just did my 20 week ultra sound and babies development was perfectly normal and healthy looking. Does this mean my baby will be born healthy. I haven’t used in 7 days and don’t plan on it for the rest of my pregnancy. What are the chances of baby being healthy if the ultra sound was positive? Will my baby test positive at birth? And what are the chances of placenta abruption? I’m totally done haven’t had a craving all week and feeling horrible. I’d talk to my doctor but I’m scared to be honest because then they will look for that forsure. Pleas help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Ultrasound may not be able to show the damages. The drug is devastating for your baby. Quit it completely to minimize the damages.

      You need to start detoxifying yourself, and hence the baby too, in order to be clean by term.

      1. Kk

        How do I detoxify myself and baby? A nurse I spoke to had said that coaine doesn’t have much effect until after birth, future issues such as slow learning etc. Do the doctors always check for drugs after a baby is born even if there are no signs of drug use?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          At most set ups, a routine check up for the presence of drug in done during birth.

          You may read the article above to see the detoxifying steps.

  51. Sarah

    Hiya, I found out I was pregnant on 8th of feb and am due 23/10/2018 (however ultrasound is showing 19/10-20/10) on 26th of January I did cocaine (first time use in months) and again a few days later (only a small line this time) will this affect my baby? I also smoked weed on and off before the start of February and also drank on 26th. So far I’m 8 and a half weeks and baby seems to be developing normally and there’s no visible abnormalities. Does my baby have a good chance of being okay?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug has harmful effects upon the baby’s mental developmental.

      The exact damage in your case is difficult to assess. It would depends upon your overall general health and the total amount of drug consumed.

  52. Yessi

    I am currently 27 weeks pregnant. At my 20 week scan everything looked fabulous baby was weighing right and growing normally. I have been addicted to Cocaine using on and off I use a couple times a week then get the strength to go two weeks without just to fall back. Can I get my babies system clean before birth? Will he have withdraws ? How quickly can we get clean ?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve been using the drug quite often throughout till now, cleansing would be difficult. However, it’s still possible to get clean by birth.

      You need to be very aggressive about detoxifying yourself and the baby.

  53. Worried

    Is it possible for cocainw to be out of your system if I quit at 20 weeks. I did use quite often through out the weeks, but I’m done and feel horrible. If I stay clean from here on out will my baby be tested for drugs. ?

      1. Worried

        If there are no signs or symptoms of drugs will the baby still be tested.? Do they always test the first stool? If they detect that drugs were used the first 20 weeks of pregnancy will they take my baby?

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          They test for the drug as a routine.

          If you’re clean by term, you and your baby would not show the drug used earlier. Need not worry.

          1. Worried

            Im not using anymore do I still have to worry about still birth? Is still birth common with cocaine use? I’m also worried about the placenta abruption thing ? how common are they both. And thank you very much for getting back to me.

  54. Marie

    March 23 I found out that I was pregnant. The hospital told me that the test they ran, they believe that I have just gotten pregnant 3-4 weeks prior! I had tried some drugs for the first time four day before I found out. did I hurt the baby as early as it is?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The damage is likely to be very less. You can minimize it further by taking a cleansing diet for some time.

      1. Marie

        Thank you, I’m only 21 and this is my first kid all I do is smoke marijuana, I’ve always wanted to just try one thing everyone I know has done it before I’m not missing out on anything

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          All these drugs pass the placental barrier to effect the baby. You need to be very careful in future, not to take any recreational drug. Everything you take would now effect the baby.

  55. Sarah

    I am a bigger woman and don’t have a regular period cycle I just found out I a few weeks ago that I was pregnant had my first ultra sound and turned out to be 23 weeks. I snort cocaine daily like a gram or 2, I don’t drink often but I have and I smoke cigarettes, they did my 20 week ultra sound and everything came back perfect, I haven’t told my doctors as I am worried for the judgement and trouble I could be in. Now that I am aware of the pregnancy I have stopped everything completely besides smoking but I’ve cut down and plan to quit. Since I haven’t been using will my baby be tested positive for my cocaine use? I don’t want to lose my baby. It was a big shocker to even be pregnant but I had no idea and I’m totally freaking out.

      1. Sarah

        If I don’t tell my doctor about my drug use while not knowing and baby and I are clean by term will they still know tho? Would I be in trouble.? Like I said I didn’t find out until I was 23 weeks. It’s been 2 weeks since I found out and haven’t touched anything and am very committed to this big surprise.

  56. Questions

    Hi there had a quick question. Im almost 24 weeks now and I do cocaine about 3-4 times a week a gram a day those days. I have been clean for 7 days now and starting a program. If I stay clean will I be clean and the baby be clean by birth? Also if the baby is clean and shows no signs of drug use but they find drug use in the first bowl movement will they take my baby away? Can they tell when the drugs were used by the first stool?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have little time in hand. Cleanse yourself well.

      If you’re clean by term, it’s likely that your baby is also clean. His stool would not show the drug then.

  57. ...

    Is it even possible to have a healthy baby and normal rest of my pregnancy if I quit cocaine at 6 months? I’m officially 24 weeks today. My 20 week ultra sound was great. But I was having a hard time excepting the pregnancy as I got pregnant by rape. Now I just feel horrible and I’ve quit for about a week now. I want to make a change its not the babys fault. I just want to know if it’s possible for the baby to be okay still and if it’s possible to have a normal pregnancy for the next three months? Can baby and I be clean by then. As much as I didn’t want this baby I’ve come to terms and I would die if I got my baby taken away.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s, by no means, the baby’s fault. He’s your responsibility now. You need to take care.

      Yes’ you have time in hand. Quit the drug completely. Consume fresh fruits and plenty of vegetables, boiled/ stewed in your meals. Avoid tea and coffee to the maximum you can. Drink plenty of fruit juices and water.

      You and your baby are likely to be clean and healthy by term.

  58. Canadian worried soon to be new mom

    I was wondering I’m 6 months pregnant and had done cocaine for the past 3 months off and on. I have been clean 2 weeks now. Since I’ve quit will my baby show any signs of drug use at birth? Ive ready all these questions and realize baby I an I will be clean. But can my baby still show signs of drug use if I’m clean for the next 3 months? If we’re both clean and he does show drug use signs will they take him away?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you stay clean from now onwards and also keep detoxifying yourself throughout pregnancy, you and your baby are likely to be absolutely clan by term.

  59. Iris

    Hello my sister is 27 weeks pregnant and was using cocaine through most of her pregnancy. She has been clean for 3 days now and is concerned. Will this effect the baby? Is the baby at risk? What can she do to help the baby and clean her system correctly?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine ingested during pregnancy adversely affects the baby. The damage already done cannot be reverted back now.

      However, let her cleanse herself and the baby to a maximum, to minimize the harmful effects of cocaine.

      You may read above about steps that help.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Not required.

          Ultrasounds don’t show the damages. Damages are mostly related to mental faculties.

  60. Jen

    Hi, my friend is an idiot and did a half gram of coke on Monday .she is 35 weeks pregnant now. How long will it take to be out of baby’s urine and blood?

  61. Hanna

    I have a friend who has used coke threw pregnancy and has stopped now at 34/35 weeks and is due to have baby at 37 weeks what are the chances of baby being clean

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cleansing would be very difficult now. Still, ask her to detoxify as much as possible. This would reduce the levels of the drug in her system to a minimal.

  62. Hana

    Hi thanks for replying she has not had any for nearly 2 weeks no help done it all her self drinking water eating loads lol she had 4 times in the last month and not had any for nearly 2 weeks. Will the baby be ok when she had has it. Everything ok with baby no concerns he going to be big baby by the looks of it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      All depends upon the total cocaine over load taken during pregnancy. How many months she took the drug and the amounts taken.

  63. Liz

    I’m pregnant with twins and did a small amount of cocaine right at 17 weeks. I flushed my system with almost a gallon of water a day for a week afterwards and i only drink water daily anyways. I also ate a lot of fruits and veggies during that week. I am now 24 weeks along and the babies could come sooner than later as my cervix is shortening already and I have a history of early births. Any ways I’m trying to keep them in as long as possible but I’m wondering if they were born around 30 weeks would their stool and umbilical cords be clean? I have not used for 7 years before that time and haven’t touched anything since. I know urine and blood is clean but I’m worried about the umbilical cord and meconium.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The umbilical cord and meconium are likely to be clean till birth. Keep cleansing and stay healthy!

  64. Julie

    Hi, i am due to be induced Sunday at 10 pm. By then i will be clean 2 weeks from cocaine. I wasn’t a constant user…but it does worry me if i will be clean or not. I’ve been drinking a lot of water as well as Cranberry juice and eating regularly. I will be 41 weeks at the time of delivery. Any chance my baby will be clean? Really dont want him to be taken.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Difficult to comment, since we don’t know how much cocaine you’ve consumed. How long have you taken the dug and what quantity?

    2. Julie

      I probably consumed like 3 gms 2 weeks ago the last time before that i was clean for a week and used like 2 gms.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        And before that? How often have you been using the drug during pregnancy?

        If the drug was used off and on throughout pregnancy, cleansing would take longer time.

  65. No Name

    Hello I’m just shy of 16 weeks, I’ve read everything but still want to ask for myself. I’ve been using maybe a half up to a gram a night and I’m working to stop. I have my initial appointment on the 21st. If I start cleansing now will I be able to show clean when they draw blood? It’s 7days away and I’m only about 108 pounds and I’m really nervous about Cocaine showing up when they draw blood and take my urine.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since when have you been taking the drug? Are you taking it every night?

      Anyhow, start cleansing right away to increase your chances.

  66. Ruby

    My sister has been clean from cocaine since her 29 weeks. She is now 31 weeks. Will the baby be ok? And can she breast feed the baby?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Would depend upon the overall cocaine load she has in her body. How often and what quantity of cocaine was she taking, and since when.

      It’s advised that she should breast feed only if she’s drug free.

      1. Ruby

        She started using around her 3rd month, using once or twice a week. In the amount of at least 1-2 grams each time.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          She needs around a month for cleansing. Since she stopped at 29 week, she’s likely to be clean by term. Ask her to follow all cleansing steps for quicker results.

          After that, she may breast feed, no problem.

          Damage done to the baby cannot be reversed now. However, as she cleanses herself, the baby also gets cleansed and detoxified, preventing any further damage .

  67. Crystal

    Okay so I’m 28 weeks and have been using ( snorting ) about a gram and a half about every third day. If I were to quit now would they’re be signs of drug use at birth that would be noticed that would make them wanna test me and baby? If the tested us would we be clean? I feel so horrible I say everyday that I’m going to quit. But now I have a the support and think I can do it. I haven’t told my doctors I’m afraid if I do they will tell cos and take my baby away. I did alot of research and have read alot stating that cocaine doesn’t really have much effect on an enfant besides learning issues, and doesn’t cause the baby to be born with withdraws, also that birth defects are not to common is that true? How common is placenta abruption. I’m so scared.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you quit and cleanse yourself aggressively, you and the baby are likely to be clean by term.

      However, there’s no doubt that your baby has been damaged by the drug used. Damage is linked to mental development, and may be to any degree, depending upon the use.

      placenta abruption is common in early week.

  68. Unknown

    I am 37 weeks and I only done cocaine once maybe like 20 bag I’m drinking plenty water milk and green juices with all the green fruits and veggies will I be ok by delivery

  69. Unknown

    Once a week for the last month sorry typo I been drinking a gallon of water and urinateing like crazy

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you didn’t use the drug before last month and your usage in confined to a month only, you’ve chances to be clean by term. Keep cleansing well to increase your chances.

      Abstain from alcohol and limit to tea and coffee. These chemicals hold back the drug in the body.

  70. Anonymous

    I read a post where someone asked how long will it stay in your blood stream the reply was 8 to 12 days I got to have a c section I think she is scheduling it around the fourth of June I only drink at least 2 25 oz of water or more a day plus 2 25 oz of cranberry juice I’m still working so I’m active right now my baby is 7lbs so if I continue it should be out my blood stream and baby’s or do I need to drink more I also take my prenatal vitamins

      1. Faith

        I also started drinking beet juice and a smoothie mixed with Nuthn but green veggies and fruits also lemon water I’m drinking that to besides the smoothie is a good breakfast meal.I have always ate raisin bran and I heard that eating fiber helps also.This is really a lot to be consuming especially being I had been clean and just because of my own actions and not speaking to someone with me going through a divorce I let that take a toll of me I know that I let my baby down by doing this drug,and myself but I’m hopeing to be clean and to also boost up my milk I’m going to breast feed and I will be talking with someone pertaining my addiction thanks so much for your advice

  71. anonymous

    Hello this is anonymous again they changed my csection to June the 11 now instead of the fourth I’m still doing everything I drink a green vegetable fruit smoothie in the morning along with a half glass of beet juice I ask drink 25 fl oz of lemon water and cranberry juice the remainder of the day so you think I will be good by then for me and the baby

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, you’re very likely to get cleansed by then.

      You also need to have grains and cereals in your diet to meed essential calorie requirements for you and the baby.

  72. Yvette

    Hi i did about .5 gram of coke at 31 weeks. Before that i had not done ant since u found out at 8 weeks pregnant. Do i still have time to get clean. I drink alot of water and exercise 3 times a week i am overweight but All the test taken have came back with good results of baby developing well. I feel awful for giving into temptation and just want to make sure me and the baby are clean by the time of delivery. Will she be ok and will they do a drug test for her. I live in california.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You still have time to cleanse up. Keep following all steps to clean your system. Include plenty of fruits and vegetable is your daily diet. Abstain from alcohol. Limit to eta and coffee.

      Drink plenty of water.

  73. Yvette

    Thank you so much. This brings me so much peace of mind!! Ima do eveything you suggested. And not fall into temptation again

  74. Susan

    I feel horrible for even asking this. I have been using 2-3 a week about a 1.5 grams each time off and on for the past 31 weeks. If I stay clean and deliver full term in august will baby and I be clean, and will my baby be addicted or show signs of addiction. I just had a 32 week ultrasound today and they had said that baby everything is looking good. I really don’t want my baby to be born addicted, or show any signs that will get him taken away. Please help me with these answers I’m so depressed.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It would be very difficult for you to get cleansed so quick. However, you still have a chance. Give it your best. Cleanse yourself as well as possible.

  75. Susan

    I just got a call from my doctor this evening in regards to my 32 week fetal development ultrasound and she said baby was developing perfectly everything looked great and he’s already weighing 5.lbs. he seems to be growing fine. What are the chances of him being born addicted tho. ? My questions are the ones above. I won’t be using anymore it’s been a week now.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Addictions are not evident on ultrasonography. Symptoms would surface out only after birth. His reflexes or overall mental alertness may be poor.

      However, as you cleanse yourself, he gets cleansed too.

        1. Susan

          If I was to be clean for the rest of the two mknths what are the chances of baby being clean and no addiction? I heard cocaine doesn’t cause withdraws. Im worried.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Likely to be clean in two months. Chances of withdrawal symptoms are also less after 2 months of detoxification.

            However, some damage to the baby has already been done during pregnancy due to drug intake.

  76. Alex

    Hi quick question. I just found out my sister is snorting cocaine while pregnant she is 34 weeks and due august 5th. Of she quits now what a re the chances of her and baby being clean at birth. She’s willing to get help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Depends how much cocaine she’s using. For most with same situation, cleaning is still possible. There’s time in hand.

      1. Alex

        She has been using roughly about 3 days a week from her 13th week until now. She said she was snorting about a gram and a half each time. I was just wondering if her baby will be born addicted or if they will both be clean if she can carry until her actual due date which is august 5th. Her ultrasounds have baby at a healthy weight and everything seems to be developing quite normal. But I know there is definitely going to be some kind of effect from the use. I appreciate the help on answering these questions for me.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          She may still be able to clean herself and her baby by term, enough to get the urine test negative. However, cocaine has flowed in her blood stream throughout pregnancy, damaging her baby’s mental faculties. Baby may have poor reflexes, poor attention, slow to learn in initial years. Keep the baby and yourself far away from drugs to recover the loss already done.

      2. Janice

        Hi i am 37 weeks pregnant im due for c section august 20 in 12 days.. I used cocaine 2 weeks ago half a gram thats the only use ive had i was going through a rough time i know not an excuse. I feel horrible. Can they still find the drug in babys meconium? Also ive been taking hydrocodone throughtout my entire pregnancy and 1 mg xanax for my panic attacks one a day. What are the chances of my baby coming out with withdrawals? i have prescriptions for both.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Cleanse yourself well during the time available. You need to detoxify yourself and the baby to be clean.

          Since you’ve used it only once, you may be able to wash it off and be term by 20th August.

          1. Buddy M.D. Post author

            Yes, he may show withdrawals from these. He may even be dependent upon these pills, making feeding and giving care difficult.

            Is your gyne informed about these two pills you’re taking?

  77. Anonymous

    Do they always drug test in Canada alberta? How long does it take to get out of urine? For her and baby? And what about blood?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, they do.

      Since she has been a chronic user, it may take a month for her to cleanse up, enough for the drug to not appear in urine. Blood may roughly take another 15 days to show clean.

  78. B.B.

    Hi buddy, im 9 weeks pregnant just found out. Ive used cocaine twice and been consuming alot of liquor on the weekends. Can damage be done to my baby already or will my baby be okay? Ive stopped everything but just drank some wine yesterday. What are my chances of having a healthy child? Very concerned!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cleanse yourself well to minimize the damage. Minimal damage would have been done. You may be able to recover it by eating healthy and staying away from the drug. Also, avoid alcohol in all forms.

  79. Anonymous in Alabama

    Hi Buddy,
    I’m 37 weeks. I used .5 gram cocaine last night and last weekend. I’ve used off and on during my pregnancy. I plan to start detoxing immediately. Will my urine and baby’s urine be clean in two weeks? Also, I live in Alabama. Do they automatically test the meconium or just the urine initially? I have not given them any reason to suspect drug use.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve used the drug throughout the course of pregnancy, cleansing would be difficult. Need to be very aggressive.

      No fixed protocols. Different places check differently.

      1. Anonymous in Alabama

        Thank you for responding. I have another question. Is there any other way to detox aggressively without harming the baby? Should I eliminate all meats and sugars? Is there anything I can increase in my diet, like B12 to help. Or what about probiotics?

        I’ve been dealing with depression during this pregnancy and crying a lot. I regret trying to self medicate as it may have caused harm to me and my child. I did see the doctor this past Tuesday and he is growing just fine with healthy vitals. However I’m so worried that they’ll check us out when he gets here and possibly take him away from me. I was not thinking about the long term effects of my use. I assumed it would cleanse from his system like it does mine.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          AS you cleanse yourself well, he would get cleansed too. This is the only way.

          Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best detoxifiers. Have plenty of them throughout the day. Raw veggies may be difficult to eat. You may stew them.

          The drug has to be flushed out. So, you need to push fluids in, be in fruit juices or plain water. Sweating would help, as it would create thirst. Abstain from alcohol. Limit to tea and coffee. These chemicals hold back the drug in the body.

          Vitamin B supplements may be taken in prescribed dose.

  80. Cari

    My sister gave birth 3 days ago. She used some cocaine today and now dont what to do. Can she pump 24 hrs and be clean? She has no other way to feed her child. She cant afford formula. Being unemployed and single. What can she do…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Better to refrain from feeding for around 3 days. Ask her to cleanse herself well, so that she’s ready to feed after 3 days of cleansing.

  81. Anonymous

    So I’ve been doing cocaine my whole pregnancy on and off they said my babys fine healthy im 8 months pregnant and my due date its the ending of August 28 may be to September . I’m so worried now that I’m getying close if my babys gonna have withdraws of cocaine or test positive for it in our system especially his do I still have time to cleanse my body of it so that it doesn’t show and none of us all the placenta I do not want my child to get taken away last time I did it was yesterday and that was my last can you please let me know thank you so much

  82. Anomous

    my whole pregnancy like 3 days of the week tgen stop for like 2 weeks then do it again then 2 days then stop then again off and on

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      That’s a pretty lot of drug usage done! Your baby is likely to be affected.

      You may now start cleansing yourself and your baby’s system, as well as possible. There’s still time left, and cleansing is possible.

      If you’re clean, they won’t take the baby away from you.

      However, your baby may show some signs of withdrawal and you’ll need to manage after birth. He may be a poor feeder in the beginning.

  83. Anon

    Hi there,

    I made the huge mistake of doing about 0.5 of a gram of cocaine the other day and I am 16 and a half weeks pregnant. I continued to drink into the next day and subsequently had a seizure that night.

    I am generally healthy and am now going to aggressively cleanse my body with water, fruit & veg and grains.

    What are the chances that I’ve caused irreversible damage to my baby?

    I’m so worried, I don’t know whether it’s fair to continue with my pregnancy if the baby will suffer.

    Could you advise me? Thank you.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since this was a one time binging into the drug, your baby is likely to be safe. Repeated drug usage leads to drug accumulation in the female body, and is likely to damage the baby more adversely.

      Cleanse yourself well. Your baby will get cleaned too. Do not repeat the vent again during pregnancy. Repeated usage would be devastating for the little soul residing inside you.

  84. Anonymous

    I’m just shy of 16 weeks and have drunk and done cocaine in the space of a month about two weeks apart. I’m not addicted or a frequent user. I will not be doing it again but will my baby be ok?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’re not a regular user and this was one time use, you’re likely to be able to detoxify yourself and the baby.

      Eat and drink healthy to cheer up your health.

  85. Anonymous

    Hi I’m almost 18 week pregnant I did a half a line of coke & went to doctors the next day will they find it in my urine ; I was a frequent heavy user until I found out about 2 weeks again tnag I’m almost 14 weeks pregnant ; I stopped using for a while ( those 3 months ) thinking I might be pregnant then did that half a line ; will they find some in my urine

  86. Anonymous

    That actually doesn’t make sense but what I’m asking Jan; is there Cocaine still in my urine from me previously using ; or due to the fact that I stopped for months then did a half a line it would show back up in my urine ; I don’t want them to issue me a social worker for that little bit

  87. Worried..

    Hello, so im 19 weeks today and i stopped cocaine for good 2 days ago….ive been struggling with this and finally quit for good deleting all contacts and all!!
    I still have 21 weeks to go til my scheduled c-section..
    I tested positive on my 11 week check up…does this mean i will have the baby taken from me at birth(cause of that first positive drug test)
    And do u think the baby will be clean by birth??
    Ive been eating healthy and drinking lots of water throughout this pregnancy…does that count?
    And because i had a positve test will i have a more in depth test??
    Im so worried….please put me at ease some…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to start cleansing yourself, as you plan. There’s time in hand. It’s likely that you and your baby get clean by term. A negative test at next visit and before birth will assure that the baby stays with you.

  88. Haley

    Hi guys. I m 23 weeks and 3 days as of today August 19th,2018 I have done cocaine about 4 times since the day before yesterday. I have completely stopped yesterday. Baby is healthy and is 1 pound 7 oz. Ultrasound went well a few days ago. The amount I took, was not that much, I also drank a few times wince the day before yesterday as well. But I’m done! I’m scared and I want to change and not ever touch that shit again. Not an addict, it was socially done. Will my baby’s first poop detect drug use? I’m due December 11th,2018 like i said I’ve stopped. And am eating fresh fruits and veggies and not consuiming caffwine. Please respond, thank you for your time.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Continue with your cleansing steps, not repeating the drug intake ever. Likely to be clean by term.

      1. Haley

        Thank you do much for your response I appreciate it very greatly. I’ve done less than up to a gram only my entire pregnancy and I completely stopped that and the alcohol. My cleansing steps include lots of water only or juice, no tea no salt no sugar less fish consumption and no stress. when I have the baby, I just would like to know, will his first poop have lots of drug detection? That’s my only worry and question and then I’ll let you be.

          1. Haley

            So stopping the drug completely at 24 weeks, being I only done the cocaine lightly 4 times to thru my 23 weeks, me and the baby should be clean? His stool and umbilical cord will be clean as well? Eating right and drinking plenty water and not drinking alcohol and staying clean? Thank you I know it must be kinda hard having to answer to people who’ve done these choices knowing they’re pregnant
            – Haley from previous post

  89. I'm sorry

    Hey I’m 35 weeks and 5 days I got really up set at my husband and smoked crack only about 2g and I have not did anything at all during whole pregnancy except for the first 14 weeks been clean ever since today what are the chances they would find it in the baby’s system urine /stool at birth

      1. I'm aorry

        Thank you. And what is some really good ways to go do that and also what type of vitamins are the best as well for helping do that. Thank you again!!!!

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          You may read here about steps that help in excreting out the drug fast. Seasonal fruits and vegetables contain most of the essential vitamins required. Vitamins B and C are specifically good, but may be taken with caution, not to exceed the daily recommended dose.

          1. I'm sorry

            Thank you so much I have started drinking water. I also went and got the following vitamins, prenatal multivitamins, B-Complex with folic acid +vitamin C, Vitamin E Antioxidant Health 180 mg, D3 Bone & Immune health 400 IU, B12 500 mcg metabolism support, Garlic 500 mg , C 500mg Immune, and Calcium 600mg. Will this also help with the process. And to also add I am only 130 lbs very healthy with a very high metabolism. Sorry to ask so much but I just want to make sure. I screwed up I know and I dont want this one time mistake to take my baby. And after I will post what all I have done and also the results good or bad in the end. Because I have not read any outcomes from anyone that has had a baby. Once again sorry for so many question I’m just really scared.

          2. Buddy M.D. Post author

            You’re welcome to ask any number of questions, dear.

            Yes, you may take those supplement, taking dose that you’re not exceeding the daily does for any of them. Not sure about 500 mcg metabolism support and Garlic 500 mg. Garlic is a very strong herb, and is to be taken with caution. May disturbed pregnancy. Has been seen to induce muscular movements in the viscera, including that of the uterus.

            Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals can never go wrong.

          3. Im sorry

            So I went to the Dr today and tested clean. Everything was fine. I’m just wondering if I had even did enough for it to even come up. And I wonder if I was to go into labor in the next week or two. If it would not even have time to get in the babys stool and show up. But be long enough to be out of the urine. Is that possible. Because I know you said it takes a little longer to get out of babys urine v your urine.

          4. Buddy M.D. Post author

            It needs to be out of your blood stream to be out of your baby’s urine. This takes around a week more of cleansing, after your urine shows clear.

  90. Worried(previous)

    Hey, previous “worried” u responded to…
    So if i stopped at 19/20 weeks, my dr. Said she would test me again at 28 weeks…if havent used should i be clean when tested, how long would it take to clear out?(that would mean 7 weeks clean)

    Next question, since i did test positive for that at my 11 week visit, will they test the meconium?
    Or if my urine is clean, will they not even bother??
    I hear meconium testing is expensive for hospitals to do and can take weeks…but will they bother if i keep having negative tests at dr.and at time of childbirth??

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      If you cleanse yourself well, it’s likely that you’ll be clean in 7 to 8 weeks.

      Different hospitals have different policies regarding the testing of meconium. There are no standard protocols.

  91. Worried(previous)

    So being that i tested positive at all during the duration of pregnancy, will i automatically have a social worker come meet with me in the hospital?
    Or if i get tested at 28 weeks will i be fine?
    As long as i pee clean from here on out..?

    Next question, i go for an anatomy ultrasound in 4 days…will they make me pee when i go in?
    Or will i go straight to do the ultrasound?
    This is at the hospital im delivering at…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      For the ultrasound, they’re likely to send you straight, without urinating.

      Hospitals may differ in their policies regarding cocaine use in pregnancy. Many are just bothered with your status at term. If your clean, they’ll give you the baby.

      However, some hospitals are strict and may have different protocols.

  92. Haley

    Went to draw blood today. Its been 6 days since I last did one snort of cocaine. Did I fail? I haven’t used the drug since the 18th, remember I said I only used it 4 times less than a gram total my whole preganncy and I’m 24 weeks now and have stuck to my cleansing method, no soda more water no tea and no caffeine, am I still in the clear? Will babys stool still be clean when I deliver the 11th of december?

  93. Haley

    If that’s the case, will they take my baby when I deliver in 3 months? I’ve been clean and eating healthy, drinking plenty water I would think baby’s still would be clean as well at term.. my friend says she has done it in her early weeks of pregnancy and she has a healthy baby and she took him home, however he is very collicy and aggravated

  94. Worried of the unknown

    Baby is due in a week, I did smoke crack a few times during pregnancy but have been clean for 9 weeks, baby is due for c section on September 4th is there a possibility that baby will test positive ???

  95. Afraid.Mom.

    Hi Dr. I have been using Cocaine (snorting every once in awhile smoked it on weed) I am 32 weeks and stopped yesterday for good have been doing it since about 20 weeks. My daily consumption my bf buys a .5g and we do that together so I’d say half of that or less. I am due Oct. 2nd and have an app coming up next Monday. If I follow your cleansing tips will it still show up on my drug screen at the Drs. And will baby test negative by Oct. 2nd?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cleansing so quick would be really difficult. However, there’s a chance. You need to be very aggressive about following those steps.

  96. ----

    Been clean for 3 months only used cocaine 4 times thru out pregnancy, blood test came back with a little found, due early December, will baby be clean? Or will they take baby from me ?

    1. ----

      Not sure if the blood test came back dirty because they didn’t tell me and im not sure if they do tell you or not but I did cocaine one snort and 5 days later went to take the blood test just left my appointment and he said baby is healthy and doing great, but I been clean for 3 month maybe a little over. Due early December will they take my baby? Will babys stool be clean? I’ve only ever done it 4 times before that, very lightly used.

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You need to keep cleansing yourself throughout the time left. Tests are likely to come out negative by term. Good cleaning throughout may assure that baby’s stool also show negative.

  97. Scared123

    Question….i stopped using cocaine at 21 weeks, so im about a week clean now..should the babys stool be clean by the time of birth?
    Should i test negative as well?
    And what are the steps to cleanse myself in the meantime …besides fruits and veggies and plenty of water?

  98. Scared123

    And does baby necessarily have to go through withdrawl if u have taken the steps to cleanse your body and baby?
    And does meconium automatically come out positive for the drug, since its the first poop they passed ?
    If your test is negative will they go into depth testing rhe baby?

  99. Help

    Took ecstacy 2 times, took cocaine 2 times, I’m 26 weeks and haven’t touched anything since. Will it show In the babys meconium and will I have the baby taken from me?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You’ll need to cleanse yourself thoroughly throughout the time left. There are good chances you and your baby will be clean be term.

  100. Anonymous

    Hey buddy! I did not even a half of a gram of cocaine a couple of nights ago I am currently 36 weeks when I did it I was 35 weeks 6 days this was a first time use and I’m not a drug user how long will it take to clear out of my system and my babies system I really don’t want her to be taken away I’m terrified and made a stupid terrible mistake! Thank you!

  101. Amy winter

    My friend was doing coke yesterday but called and told me she might have her baby in a week what does she have to do to have a clean baby at birth

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This drug is like a poison for the baby. You’ll need to cleanse yourself well to minimize the damage done.

  102. Cindy

    Used coke 1 time (around 1 gram of it ) at 9 weeks pregnant – currently 33 weeks pregnant with everything looking good…however insanely worried that my baby is permanently harmed…what are the chances?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Was this a one time use only? If yes, your baby is likely to be well. Cocaine does damage the baby’s nervous system. However, since the drug wasn’t used again, it’s likely that this toxin got quickly washed off from your system.

      1. Cindy

        Yes it was a one time use only (I didnt know I was pregnant until week 10 bc I had some spotting/bleeding in the first month of pregnancy i mistook for my period

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          Your baby is likely to be healthy. Keep taking a healthy, detoxifying diet throughout pregnancy. Wishing you health…

  103. Im sorry

    So I just wanted to let everyone know I had my baby Sep 16. I was 39 weeks you will have to read my story to see what I had did. But my baby came out healthy perfectly fine. All drug screens was good nothing was in mine or baby’s syatem. Now I cant say that will be the same for everyone in my situation because like the Dr said everyone is different and everyone and baby breaks things down differently. What worked for me may not work for you. I just did what he told me to do plus went and got all those vitiams I had listed previously. I WANTED TO THINK YOU DR FOR THE ADVICE. And it worked for me.

  104. Sophie

    Just to let everyone know I was using all the way throughout my pregnancy. My baby is fine. This may not be the case for every baby but don’t be so hard on yourselves. This is tough and being on drugs is tougher. Take care of yourselves xx

  105. Please Help!!!

    I just turned 8 months today and i did meth and crack cocaine last night(10/9)?My due date is November 17th. I have done it all together probably 5 times during my pregnancy at most. I only used the meth 2 times through. whats the chances of it being in my baby blood or showing up in any test??? I eat pretty good also some what healthy. I know to drink more water but what else? I been eating a lot of ice lately. I was smoking weed Dailey but i stopped probably a month or little over month ago not worried about the weed..Im so worried about the crack cocaine and meth being in my babys system. I just been going through alot and been very stressed and depressed i know thats not an excuse!!!!!!. So the time before last night was in September, but never did it for days or weeks at a time. When i did through i did smoked a lot. But yes probably a handful of times during my pregnancy just random times i should say. I have a month n week or so till im due is that enough time for my baby to be clean? I don’t know if ill go early so is a month enough time?!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since your overall load of the drug is substantial, it would be difficult to cleanse yourself in such a short period. The drug may show up in any of the tests performed around labor.

      However, it is advisable you try to cleanse yourself as well as possible. Drink plenty of water and include fresh fruits and stewed vegetables in each of your meals. This would gradually cleanse your system and also your baby’s.

      As your baby gets cleansed, it would be easier to handle him after birth, regarding feeding and other basic care.

  106. so worried

    I’m 37 weeks today and was smoking meth throughout my pregnancy . I wanna say not alot though , I’ve been more sober if anything . I been clean this whole month but slipped up oct 14th& that’s it. I’m back to being sober, been drinking lots of water eating fresh fruit. Im due nov 15 , is baby and I clean ?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since the overall usage was substantial, cleansing would be very difficult. However, you may cleanse as well as possible to drop down the drug level from yours and your baby’s blood stream.

      1. so worried

        Oh no. Will my baby come out addicted? Is your feedback very accurate ? I just pray and pray everything goes well& is good.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          We too pray health for you and your baby.

          Our feedback may not be very accurate because of limitations as not seeing you physically, incomplete data about what type of cocaine was used, no estimation about your metabolic status etc.

          1. so worried

            Thank you i appreciate your prayers and feedback. I will be returning to this site to let you know how everything went. November 15th !

  107. Mommy2

    I am 37 weeks pregnant I have used cocaine twice a week all the way through I stopped at 36 weeks pregnant was not addicted just done it out of being sociable and managed to stop straight away with no withdrawals at all will my baby be born addicted or will he be ok? Heart beat and movements are all regular I drink plenty of water and take pregnacare vitamins every day I’m due for a c section in two weeks will my baby be clean

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      He may be born addicted. You’ll need to cleanse yourself and your baby very well before term. He may show some effects of the drug after birth. May be a poor feeder or a bit cranky.

  108. Mommy2

    How much water should I be drinking daily to clean out my baby’s system? I am booked in for c section on the 5th is there time to give birth to a healthy baby or reguardless will he still come out with withdrawals and will they test the baby for drugs straight away? I have a 1 year old girl at home too I’m so scared of loosing them is this something that would happen if baby tested positive?

      1. Buddy M.D. Post author

        You need to drink 8 to 9 liters of water daily. You’re likely to lower down your blood drug levels by term. However, your baby may show some withdrawal symptoms.

        Protocols are different at different set ups regarding keeping the baby with the mother or not. If you’re clean and so is your baby, you may be allowed to keep him, even though he shows certain withdrawal symptoms associated with previous drug exposure.

  109. Mommy2

    Isn’t it dangerous to drink that much water a day? Will my pregnancy vitamins be helping or not? I’ll drink as much water as possible to flush my system, how long will it take for the drug to be clean off the baby’s urine and if the urine is clean will then do any more testing sorry for all the questions I’m making myself poorly with worry

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Drink comfortably, you don’t have to force yourself till you vomit. It’s alright if you drink a liter less.

      Pregnancy vitamins would be helping. You and your baby would simultaneously get clean as you cleanse. It may take 15 to 20 days for both your urine to be clean.

      As said earlier, different set ups have different policies regarding drug abuse. Some may check only urine, others may go for blood/ meconium testing too.

  110. Mommy2

    I ordered a self testing cocaine urine kit it comes Wednesday if I test negative is it likely that my baby’s urine will be clean too? I already have a one year old daughter who is very well looked after would I have her taken away from me too or would they let me keep my babies and give me support they have no other reason to suspect I am a bad Mam I simply turned to cocaine with stress and worry

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Understand your worries…however, sot sure about these issues. It would depend entirely upon your Hospital and your State policies.

  111. Anonymous

    Hello been using cocaine throughout pregnancy 3 times every other week small amounts. I’m 35 weeks and I still used but not heavy will drinking plenty of water and sweating it out help? I walk alot and I am very active this my first baby and I’m nervous…

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since you’ve been taking the drug so regularly throughout, it would be difficult get cleansed in this limited time.

      However, you may cleanse yourself and the baby as well as possible to reduce the overall level of the drug.

  112. Anonymous

    I drink alot of water everyday and I weigh 224 pounds. I eat alot as well and take my prenatal everyday will this help me be clean by term. I used cocaine often starting at 5 months till now at 35 weeks before then i used none. Iam just trying to get clean as fast as possible if i can..

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep cleansing, as you are. This would definitely bring down the drug levels to the lowest limit possible.

      You may be able to pas a urine test by term. However, if they test meconium of the baby, they may see the drug.

  113. Kelly

    I used cocaine a few times on and off between week 20/
    -26 I am now 33 weeks pregnant haven’t used for 7 / 8 weeks I am having baby week 37 or 38 so that will be 12 weeks ( 3 months ) since last used it. Is that enough time for my baby’s system to be clean ??

  114. Blue

    Im 38 weeks and smoked about half a gram of coke i been using on and off for a few months once a month almost a gram can i get mine and the baby system clean

  115. kelly

    I did not drink alcohol at all. By the time my baby is born it will have been 12 weeks since I last used so will she be clean

  116. Help

    I did cocaine at 35 weeks just a few lines. Will it show up in babies system if i carry to term. Also around 25 weeks. Im so worried.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to cleanse yourself well. Urine testing is likely to be clean. However, the drug may show up in baby’s meconium.

  117. Help

    When you say may show up do you mean most likely. Are most hospitals checking babies poo. And even though i havent used throughout pregnancy like some of the other post.

  118. Help

    Im sorrys post said she used close to 36 weeks and baby and her passed. Is it the use at 25 weeks that makes my case diff.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Well yes, most likely.

      It would all depend upon what the Hospitals are checking. Many hospitals are carrying out urine screening only. You are likely to pass in that case. Cleanse yourself thoroughly to increase chances.

  119. Concerned

    I’m 40 weeks, did cocaine November 4th, took a pee test today, will it show up? And will they take my baby from me?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Was the 4th November cocaine the only cocaine usage you had during pregnancy? If yes, you’re likely to pass the blood test as well.

  120. Worried FTM

    I am also very concerned about my Baby because I used at around 20 Weeks and I smoke medicinal marijuana daily. It helps with my anxiety and PTSD.. some days are better than others so I understand what everyone is saying in these posts. Pregnancy is not easy! I wish I could relate with the ladies that tell me they love being pregnant… I relapsed after being clean for 10+ weeks and I feel terrible. I’ve lost two other babies (one was a stillborn) and with those pregnancies I did everything by the book… I stopped smoking and never used drugs like coke then at all & still lost my angels. I suffer from chronic pain along with my anxiety and PTSD from a traumatic accident about a year ago & I’m still coping. I think that’s part of the reason why I used at 20 weeks – I know it’s no excuse but I feel so alone and going through this pregnancy off my medication for pain and mental health this is very rough! It’s difficult being pregnant with all these other complications it’s just unbearable. What does marijuana do to my unborn baby? I can’t find any reliable sources for that information online.

    Thanks in advance doc!

    ALSO – I’m wondering if there are any moms that can share how their babies are doing now after birth??

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      When you’re taking marijuana, your baby is also taking it. Marijuana constricts the blood vessels supplying blood to your baby, starving him in your womb. Also, it adversely affects neuronal development.

  121. Anon

    Hi I’m 5 weeks. It was unplanned. I drank alcohol roughly 5 times since the night of conception… Three of those occasions I consumed 2-4 drinks, and the other two occasions was heavy drinking over a 12 hour period.
    The first heavy binge occurred 6 days after conception, and the next binge occurred 14 days after conception – which I also used cocaine (about a 1-1.5 grams). Two days after that I had two drinks, the night before I tested positive – at 4 weeks and a couple days. The cocaine use was an isolated incident and have not consumed alcohol since the positive test. Is there a chance of damage done that early in pregnancy from the cocaine and alcohol use? I will not consume any drugs or alcohol the remainder of the pregnancy and will try my best to eat right and remain active. Thank you for answering.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The drug is poisonous for your baby. However, by eating right and abstaining completely form cocaine and alcohol, you are likely to detoxify yourself and the baby.

      1. Anon

        Is there a high chance permanent damage was done from consuming alcohol and the one time use of cocaine 14 days after conception? Before I knew I was pregnant? Thank you.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          The drug is likely to have affected your baby’s mental faculties to some extent. However, if you take car e and eat healthy throughout pregnancy, most of the damage done is likely to be recovered.

  122. Callie

    Ashamed, stopped sniffing cocaine at 16 wks but relapsed 3 wks ago & have sniffed around 3grams. I had scan last week & all was good but im scared. Im scared im facing 1st birth alone, im single (father wanted me 2 abort) i couldnt do that ive little support from family/friends, dont even know how i will get to hospital when i go into labour, ive so much in my head that cocaine has blanked it for few hours, But now ive myself questioning whether im even going to be a fit mother ive cried & cried sayin sorry to this bump im lost & i dont know what to do. I love this bump imagine its wee face every hour. Im just in despair will it be ok & will i be able to bring it into the world safely x

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          You’ll be able to successfully detoxify yourself and the baby by term. Abstain completely from alcoholic beverages. Limit intake of tea/ coffee.

          Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in each of your meal. Drink lots of water to help your body flush out the drug from the body.

  123. Emma

    I am 9 weeks pregnant. Have done cocaine (sniffed) 3 times since April last year. I did it last night 1g as the first time since pregnant. I also drank alcohol. Probably 4 glasses of Malibu.

    I’m very ashamed and had thought my mind was set on termination.

    I have my booking in appointment next Thursday (9 days).

    Is it likely to show up on the blood and urine tests they do?

    How much hard would it have caused the baby?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You have time to detoxify yourself and the baby in these 9 days. Abstain completely from alcoholic beverages. Limit to tea/ coffee.

      Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in each of your meal. Drink lots of water to help your body flush out the drug from the body.

      The drug may have affected your baby nervous system. However, eating and thinking healthy throughout the rest of pregnancy may neutralize most of the damage done.

  124. Rach

    Hi I’m 37weeks+5 I did crack cocaine last night but been doing all the way through my pregnancy every weekend and on a Friday and sometimes a couple of nights in the week I do about half a gram to a gram on these nights I’m due a c section in 11 days today my so I’ll worker told me they are observing baby after born I’ve been eating lots of fruit drinking pure orange juice and eating lots of fruit and taking vitamins is the baby likely to show signs of me doing it… Also I am meant to be on citalopram for my mental health and they said baby could have withdrawals from that is the withdrawals same as crack cocaine as I actually haven’t been taking my prescription

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine withdrawal are different. Moreover, they are likely to check the baby’s urine or meconium for the presence of the drug.

      1. Rach

        My social worker and midwife said it’s just observations to see if baby is having withdrawals if they were to check baby’s urine or stool and I stop now baby due in 10 days would the drug be present in there system

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          The drug is likely to be out of your urine and also baby’s. However, baby stool may still show its presence.

  125. Ray

    I used cocaine at 22 weeks pregnant. It was a gram. I used IV. I’m not proud of this at all and only did it the one time. I’m now 26 weeks pregnant and have had a obgyn appointment since. My babies heart rate was 140 at the visit and I tried expressing how concerned I am that her movement has declined immensely since the use but the doctor told me not to over think it and just wait… I am most concerned about a stroke. I’m so stressed out I caused her cerebral palsy.. I need to know the risk of this and if she will be ok… Idc if I get in trouble. I deserve to get into trouble for what I did but need to know if I ruined her life.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Cocaine damages mental faculties in fetus. However, it’s difficult to predict how much and what damage would be visible. It would depend upon your overall health and how much did you try to cleanse yourself after the drug intake.

      1. Anonymous

        I drank water and ate of course. Never used it before or after that day. Why with other people have you said that more than likely everything is fine then I ask with a very similar story but received a different answer. I’m assuming from your response that she probably has suffered a stroke. I have resea extensively and found that the likely hood is small but there she could have had a stroke. Most babies who are exposed do not suffer from this.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          It’s difficult to comment on the baby’s status in utero. However, a good cleansing diet would help you reverse some of the damages done.

  126. Worried Mommy

    I have done cocaine off and on through out my whole pregnancy I drink lots of water and eat healthy as possible and take all my vitamins I stopped at 29 weeks and 2 days I’m due March 6 2023. Will my baby and I come out clean by the time he’s born?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      He has a chance to be clean. Just continue strictly with your cleansing regimen. Eat a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Take whole grains. Abstain from alcoholic beverages. Limit your intake of tea and coffee.

  127. WorriedSis

    Hey Doc my sister is 34w and took cocaine twice (at 27w & 23w) during second trimester maybe a gram at most each time. How likely is babies poop or umbilical cord to test positive for drug if she goes 37-40w?!. She did drink alcohol occasionally maybe a glass of wine every weekend until 27ws but nothing major and did coke maybe 3x before she was 19ws….

    She’s very active, drinks lots of water 48-64oz a day, eats fruits and veggies daily like a rabbit; and she also makes smoothies 2-3x a week… think there is anything else that could help her detox?!. Thanks in advance for your advice

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Since she’s taking daily fruits and vegetables, there’s a good chance of effective cleansing. Let her continue with those steps. Ask her to abstain completely from all alcoholic beverages as well. Alcohol holds back the drug in the body.


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