What Food to Eat in IBS?

Q: I am 42 year old male. Doctor has diagnosed me with IBS-D. He has prescribed me Parit in morning and Deanxit in evening and half Imosec-M thrice a week. Is this a right dose?
– By Rakesh


The treatment looks adequate.

Imosec-M is basically an anti-diarrheal medicine. It controls diarrheal symptoms of IBS. Parit is also used.

Deanxit may be helpful only in cases where depression coexists with IBS. It is not used commonly.

Antidepressants do have a role in the treatment of IBS. Commonly, mild drugs like imipramine (Tofranil), amitriptyline (Elavil) and desipramine (Norpramin) are used. They alleviate the symptoms of IBS.

As you may be knowing, IBS is irritable bowel syndrome. As the name suggests, the bowel is irritable in such patients. So diet plays a major role in the etiology and control of this condition.

Dietary Recommendations for IBS

  • Avoid stimulants like tea,coffee and alcohol. All of them stimulate the intestines. In IBS, the bowels are already stimulated. Therefore, sometimes doctors give antispasmodics to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, preserved foods and other ready-made foods. They contain lot of salts, preservatives and other chemicals.
  • Stop smoking . It may be very harmful in IBS.
  • Avoid very fatty or very sweet food.
  • Overfilling the belly at meal time is not recommended. Take small frequent meals. If you are taking 3 meals per day, you may divide them into 6 smaller ones.
  • Eating fresh fruits and boiled vegetables would be beneficial.
  • Take a lot of water.

Staying physically fit and stress free is a medicine in cases of IBS. You may indulge into relaxation techniques like yoga (under an instructor) if possible.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Dietary Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      The length of treatment depends upon the medical condition being treated.

      Usually, the medicine is prescribed in a low dose for 4 to 6 months.


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