Category Archives: Nervous System Diseases

Are Ependymomas Cancer? Symptoms and Prognosis of This Intracranial Tumor

Are Ependymomas Cancer? Symptoms and Prognosis of This Intracranial Tumor Ependymomas are rare type of brain tumors that develop from the ependymal cells, which line the ventricles of the brain. They are cancerous. WHO classifies them as low-grade, medium-grade and high-grade depending upon the aggressiveness of cancer cells. Patient usually visits the doctor only after […]

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette’s Syndrome Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder. It is characterized by tics, which are repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations. The early symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome are almost always noticed first in childhood, between the ages of 7 and 10 years. Tourette syndrome occurs in people from all ethnic groups; males are affected about […]

T.B. Meningitis – Association With Fever and Blood Counts

T.B. Meningitis – Association With Fever and Blood Counts Q: My mother died of tuberculous meningitis. She did not have any fever though she was suffering from vomiting. Is it possible to have tuberculous meningitis without fever? Her total differential count was more than 11000. -By Devraj. Reply: Though fever is one of the cardinal symptoms […]

Tuberculous Meningitis – Diagnosis and Treatment

Tuberculous Meningitis – Diagnosis and Treatment The causative agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. Tuberculous meningitis is usually secondary to Tuberculosis in some other part of the body. Most commonly, pulmonary tuberculosis, when left unchecked, becomes miliary and spreads to other parts of the body. The spread to the brain is usually via blood […]

Headaches- Symptoms, Types and Treatment

Headaches- Symptoms, Types and Treatment There are a numerous reasons for headaches. Many questions need to be asked first before some diagnosis can be made. Evaluation Some of the questions for a detailed evaluation of headaches are: Frequency of headaches Time of day headache occurs Type of pain: dull, aching, throbbing, piercing, squeezing, or excruciating. […]

Tension Headache Symptoms and Relief

Tension Headache Symptoms and Relief Tension-type headache pain is often described as a constant pressure, as if the head were being squeezed in a vise. The pain is frequently bilateral which means it is present on both sides of the head at once. Tension headaches occur when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract. […]