Category Archives: Medical Advice

What Causes Painless Vaginal Ulcer?

Diagnosing Painless Erosion on Female Genitals Q: Hi! I have a pimple like ulcer with pus on top. It is below the side of labia. No pain or discharge. Thank you. – By Mel Reply: A painless ulcer on or near the labia could be a sign of STD. However, there are other causes too. […]

Adenaxal Mass With Free Fluid in Pelvis

Managing Lesion of Adnexa Q: I am a 34 year old female. I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain localized above my naval. Blood work showed increased white blood cell count. CT scan, pelvic and abdominal ultrasounds showed a rt adnexal lesion and free fluid in the pelvis. I will have a follow […]

What Causes Thick Saliva That Sticks in Throat?

What Causes Thick Sticky Saliva in Throat and How to Manage It? It is not normal to get a thick saliva. This suggests some inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, sinuses or the oral cavity. A careful examination is required to investigate the cause. Normal Saliva Saliva is an essential secretion produced by the salivary […]

Managing Patchy Skin Rashes That Itch

Causes of Itchy Skin With Bumpy Patches Q: I am having itchy patches on my bums. Please help me. I am a girl and I am 17 years old. – By Juhi Reply: It would be difficult to comment without actually seeing those patches (If possible, send a picture of those lesions). The commonest cause […]

Infection Affecting Multiple Systems R/O Septicemia

Rule Out Sepsis in Infection Involving Whole Body Q: My cousin is 26 year old male, and is having few red nodules in armpits with fever. They are tender to touch and is having abdominal cramps and loose stools. Meanwhile, his cholesterol levels are high and USG suggested swelling in liver and kidneys? What could […]

Can Emollients Replace Anti-infective Skin Ointments?

Can Plain Creams Treat Skin Infections? Q: Is it OK to put petroleum jelly or cream for antifungal or anti-inflammatory. Particularly econazole nitrate triamcinolone. I am female and 24 yrs old. -By Carla Reply: This would depend entirely on the type of lesion you want to treat. If it is some fungal infection, you have […]