Category Archives: Cancer

Adnexal Mass and Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes

Lump in Adnexa With Cervical Lymphadenitis Q: I suffered from fatigue and weight loss with lymph nodes in my right neck. Excisional biopsy found Kikuchi disease. One lymph node in the groin developed and disappeared. That happened in August 2012. Lately, I had a CT scan done for full body. CT scan found 8 cm […]

Serious Changes to Look for in a Mole

Changes In A Mole Calling Attention Q: I have a mole on my right side below my waistline and above my pelvic area. It is pink with a head and brown around the edges. it is about the size of a dime. Any idea what this is? -By Dustin Reply: A mole is a small […]

Vaginal Bleeding Postmenopausal

Bleeding/ Spotting After Menopause Q: Hi, I am 60 years old woman. My doctor said I have a heterogenous cystic lesion measuring 4×4 cm with internal separation in right adnexal region. My uterus has been removed a long time ago. What am I supposed to do? Reply: Why was your uterus removed? You may go […]