Category Archives: Abdomen

Abdominal Wall Pain

Abdominal Wall Pain When abdominal pain is chronic, with minimal or no relationship to eating or bowel function but often a relationship to posture (i.e., lying, sitting, standing), the abdominal wall should be suspected as the source of pain. CT scan should be able to identify most of the internal organ problems as well as […]

Abdominal Pain With Gas

Abdominal Pain With Gas There can be many possible causes for abdominal pain. It may originate from stomach, kidney, pancreas, ovary, abdominal wall etc. But the pain accompanied with lot of gas is usually indicative of intestinal disorders. Causes Common causes for such symptoms are – 1) Parasites like giardia – presents with abdominal discomfort, […]

Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea

Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea There are numerous causes for abdominal pain. It may originate from stomach, liver, kidney, pancreas, abdominal wall etc. But the pain accompanied with watery stools is usually indicative of intestinal disorders. Causes Common causes for such symptoms are – 1) Parasites like giardia – presents with abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and flatulence. […]

Abdominal Cramping and Bloating

Abdominal Cramping and Bloating Malabsorption Syndrome Malabsorption syndrome is a group of disorders characterized by poor absorption of food by the intestines. This leads to bloating due to inadequate digestion along with abdominal discomfort and cramping. Malabsorption is confirmed by specialized chemical tests like D-xylose test, glycocholic breath test, triolein breath test, bentiromide and secretin […]