Category Archives: Abdomen

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- Symptoms and Repair

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- Symptoms and Repair It is possible to feel the pulse just above the navel area especially in thin individuals. This pulse actually originates from the aorta, the main artery which supplies blood to the entire body. Aorta comes out directly from the heart and goes downwards. Most of the time it is […]

Infectious Diarrhea- Guidelines

Infectious Diarrhea- Guidelines Infectious diarrhea is also called bacterial gastroenteritis. This is an acute condition. An inflammation of the stomach and intestines is caused by bacteria or bacterial toxins.   Many different types of bacteria can produce the symptoms associated with bacterial gastroenteritis including Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium, E. coli, Yersinia and others. […]

A Case of Bloody Stools

A Case of Bloody Stools Q: If a 19 year old male has experienced blood in his stool 20 times, first lightly then heavily, what can be some possible causes? Should he see a doctor immediately? -By Neeci Reply: There are many possible causes for blood in stools. We need to know some more details […]

Common Reasons for Bloody Stools

Common Reasons for Bloody Stools Some common disease causing bloody stools are: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Infectious  diarrhea or bacterial gastroenteritis Hemorrhoids (Piles) Gastritis Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) IBD includes: Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease  The cause of IBD is unknown, but genetic factors seem to play a role. Chronic ulcerative colitis tends to occur in certain […]

Umbilical Discharge

Umbilical Discharge The belly button or ‘umbilicus’ is a scar on the anterior abdominal wall. It is a fibrous ring at the attachment of the umbilical cord, an opening through which several structures pass during fetal life. These include some blood vessels and ducts, which normally close quite early in life. Very occasionally, the vitellointestinal […]

How to Lose Weight Quickly With These Newer Strategies?

How to Lose Weight Quickly With These Newer Strategies? Most strategies of weight loss are planned according to a measurement called body mass index (BMI). A BMI from 18.5 up to 25 is considered in the healthy range, from 25 up to 30 is overweight, and 30 or higher is obese. Generally, the higher a […]


Vomiting Common causes of vomiting include: Medications Viral Infections Seasickness or Motion sickness Migraine Headaches Food Poisoning Food Allergies Chemotherapy in cancer patients Bulimia Alcoholism Swallowing Problems (dysphagia) Intestinal Obstruction Dehydration is the biggest concern in most vomiting episodes. The rate with which dehydration takes place depends on the size of the person and the […]

Vomiting in Infants

Vomiting in Infants Spitting up or regurgitation is very common during a baby’s first few months of life. About a third of normal, healthy babies spit up, usually right after feeding. In older children and adults, an elastic-like muscle at the entry to the stomach closes like a valve to prevent liquids from being pushed […]

Hepatitis After Abdominal Infection

Hepatitis After Abdominal Infection Liver abnormality can certainly result after an abdominal infectious process such as burst appendix. It may happen from one of the several possible causes. There is a recognized complication of appendicitis called septic thrombophlebitis (pylephlebitis) of the portal venous system, though it’s quite rare. It occurs when the infection spreads from […]