Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are caused by Candida Albicans, which, along with a few types of bacteria, are normally present in relatively small numbers in the crotch (groins).

Sometimes the yeast multiplies rapidly and take over, causing a full-fledged yeast infection, also known as candidiasis or moniliasis. This can be due to a change in the skin environment, injury, sexual transmission, or HIV. Common environmental disruptions that favor yeast include increased pH, increased heat and moisture, allergic reactions, elevated sugar levels, hormonal fluxes, and reductions in the populations of bacteria that are normally present.


These can generally be traced to a few categories of culprits:


Antibiotics are probably the leading cause of yeast infections. As you take an antibiotic to cure your sinus infection. The antibiotic kills the unwanted bacteria in your sinuses, but can also kill the “good” bacteria in your crotch, upsetting the balance of your local ecosystem, allowing the yeast to take over. (antibacterial deodorant soap can have the same effect.)


Crotch yeast flourish in non-cotton, tight, or dirty clothes that trap heat and moisture. Use unbleached, undyed cotton underwear and breathable clothes. It’s a good idea to change the underpants regularly, like maybe once a day. If at all possible, don’t sleep in underwear; if you do, put on clean stuff. Yeast can live in the underwear, so be sure to wash it well, particularly during and after a yeast infection.


Chemicals such as inks, dyes, and perfumes, can upset the balance in your crotch or trigger allergic reactions that lead to yeast infections. You should never soap your crotch. There are other, less obvious sources of nasty chemicals, for example, colored, perfumed toilet papers. If you think that’s a problem, try an unscented, undyed toilet paper, like Scott. Even better, use a recycled, unbleached eco brand. Similarly, some laundry detergents and fabric softeners have allergenic dyes and perfumes. Again, try an eco brand, or something like Arm & Hammer fragrance free detergent.


Condoms can promote yeast infections in two different ways. First, a lot of condoms come packaged with a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9, a spermicide. Nonoxynol-9 is linked to yeast infections. If you suspect this is a problem, try using a condom that doesn’t have a spermicidal lubricant, and use a different spermicide or additional barrier protection. Condoms can also cause yeast infections if one is allergic to latex, although this is less common. If this is the case, try some of the newer plastic (polyurethane) condoms.


Steroids used in the treatment of disorders like arthritis, asthma, or lupus can contribute to yeast infections. Diseases such as diabetes also make the person prone to yeast infection.

Sexual Transmission

Candida can be transmitted between people by direct contact. If you or your lover has an active infection you should be extra-careful to follow the safer sex guidelines: wash your hands or change your gloves in between touching your own crotch and your partner’s. It’s not uncommon for a yeast-infected woman who has unprotected sex with a man to infect her lover, treat her own infection, and then get reinfected next time she has sex with him. If you think your male lover might have a yeast infection, get him some treatment, and practice safe sex at least until both of you are sure that your infections are gone.

Weakened Immune System

Person with compromised immune systems due to HIV or Lyme disease are extremely prone to suffering from yeast infections. In addition to  the yeast infections, such people are particularly susceptible to thrush, a yeast infection of the throat, or esophageal yeast infections.

There are many anti-fungal treatments available now on the shelves of drugstores (e.g. monistat, terazol etc). See a doctor for thorough physical examination.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Yeast Infection

  1. Kacey

    Hey, I have an yeast infection for a couple years now that doesn’t respond to regular anti fungal medicines. I am a virgin and my boyfriend and I were dry humping the other day. A couple days after that, the insides of my vulva and the area between the vagina and the anus was hurting as well. I notice where my hymen has the tiny hole had blood there. I also noticed what looked like a scab or tear or bruise inside the vulva. Now my vagina seems like it is on fire, I never had burning pains during the yeast infection but now I feel pain in my vagina. It doesn’t hurt when I pee, it just burns in general. I know it’s not an STD as we were dry humping but do you think it’s because he was rough and do you think I would get cancer? Help me, I am SERIOUSLY FREAKING OUT!!!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is very likely to be due to trauma. May be he was very rough.

      You may try applying some vaginal emollient over the affected portions. If it doesn’t improve, you’ll need to see a doctor for getting anti inflammatory ointments for the vagina.


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