Adverse Effects of Fluoxetine

Q: I am 36 years old female. I am taking Fluoxetine hydrocholoride since one month. Does it have any side effects?
-By Bharti


The drug fluoxetine belongs to the SSRI group. They are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

All patients taking the drug need not manifest similar side effects. Some people are well suited to it, while others are not.

Side Effects


It may inflame the respiratory mucosa to give some common cold like symptoms. They include :

  • Sore throat
  • Running nose
  • Pain over eyes, sinuses
  • Fever with or without chills


The digestive system may get affected in the following ways:

    • The patient may feel altered taste.
    • Not feeling like having meals
    • Stomach upset- constipation or diarrhea
    • Dry mouth

Nervous System

The drug may affect the mind to give the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Less of sleep
  • Loss of confidence
  • Mood instability
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Impairment of memory


Rashes on the skin, hair loss, vision disturbances

The drug may lower the blood pressure. It may sometimes affect the beats of the heart to make them very fast or irregular.

It may lower the blood sugar, causing dizziness or fainting

Just be watchful for any of the above side effects. A little tolerance to most of them would develop as you continue taking the drug. However, if any of the effects appears to be dangerous or very disturbing, you may talk to your doctor about it.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

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