Ingrown Pubic Hair

A pubic hair may, sometimes, get coiled as it grows, to enter back into the skin. The coiled hair gradually gets covered by cells, leading to the formation of a hard pimple like lesion or bump. This is termed as an ingrown hair, as the name suggests, the hair that has grown inwards, back into the skin.

It’s commoner in girls who shave off hair from this area. The newer hair are stiffer than the first time ones. These may coil up as they grow and turn inwards to enter back into the skin. A small bump is thus produced, which may harden up with time.

Chances of coiling back increase when you wear tight bottoms.

How Does It Look?

  • A firm to hard rounded lump
  • Looks darker in color than the surrounding skin.
  • A small hair may sometimes be seen inside it.
  • If infected, the lump may be painful and red in color. It may ooze out pus or blood.

Infected Ingrown Hair

This hard lump may remain as such or complicate with time. The commonest complication is infection, as this region is exposed to many germs. There are millions of bugs living over the skin here.

When we scratch the skin over the lesion, some of these bugs may find their way inside the lump to infect it.

Gradually, the lump gets filled with pus and infected material, and may then be called an infected ingrown pubic hair boil.

Other ways, besides scratching is excessive stretching of skin there, poor hygiene, lump getting pulled by some movement etc.

Cancers in this area are very rare. However, each lesion needs to be observed.

How Long Does a Ingrown Hair Last?

Most ingrown hair need no treatment. They may be left as such. They regress on their own in 15 to 20 days.

However, if you see them becoming painful or growing in size, medical intervention may be needed.

Care for the Hard Pimple

  • Never squeeze or scratch the lesion. This way you may infect it with your hands. Let it stay as such. Most ingrown hair regress on their own with time.
  • Keep the area dry and clean. Wear breathable cotton undergarments to avoid friction over it.
  • Gentle ex foliation or warm compress methods may be tried over it to help it go early.

Steps That Help

Ex foliation

You may ex foliate your skin gently while bathing. This would remove excess cells over the hard lump and gradually reduce it in size. At a point, you may even see the hair hidden inside, that can be taken out.

Any over the counter skin exfoliant may be used. Most of them contain salicylic acid. If you’ve seen a doctor for this problem, he may prescribe a retinoic acid containing exfoliant.

These chemicals help in regressing the bump by removing excess dead cells over it. The coiled hair gets exposed, which may be conveniently removed.

Warm Compress

Warm compress is another way of getting rid of the ingrown hair fast. It is safe and requires no instrumentation.

Soak a wash cloth in warm water and put it over the ingrown hair for 1 to 2 minutes. This would soften the hardened skin over it . Repeat this again.

Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day. Gradual softening of the skin there may help in expelling out the hidden hair. Take care to be gentle. Do not pull out the hair forcibly. This may create chances of infecting it.

Treating An Infected Ingrown Hair

If you note any blood/pus draining from it or if your lesion is painful, it’s likely to be infected. You need to start applying a topical antibiotic cream over it immediately.

Keep the area dry and clean. Wear breathable cotton undergarments to avoid friction over it.

If there’s visible pus inside, it needs to be drained.

Warm compress would be helpful in draining out infected material from inside it. Try it twice a day. You may note the pimple getting softer. This may slowly help in expelling out pus from inside it.

However, in some cases, drainage at home is difficult and painful. It’s advisable to see a doctor and get the lesion drained at his clinic.

Medical Advice (Q&As) on “Ingrown Pubic Hair Presenting as Hard Genital Bump

  1. Nam

    I have dark marks caused by ingrown hairs that are so hard to get rid of.
    It also feels like theres a hard substance under it when I pinch at the dark spots.
    Same goes for another ingrown hair bump but isn’t dark but still has a hard substance under the skin when I pinch at it. HELP. These are all the the pubic area on top of vagina.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do not pinch the lesion. This may infect it and complicate the situation.

      Try warm compress over the dark spot. This will gradually (in 2 to 3 days) soften it and the ingrown hair would come out. Read more about it in the page above.

      Ingrown hairs usually occur due to improper shaving. Proper techniques of shaving the genital area would solve your problem.

  2. kelly

    I have been shaving for 4 years now and I’ve been having these white pimple like bumps on top of my vagina. I can’t pop them but they seem to be just under my skin. They don’t hurt but they sometimes itch, I also have a longer on my right vaginal lip which looks like the scar version of it. It only hurts when I try to pop it, yet nothing comes out. Could the big one be a ingrown hair? How do I get rid of all of them?

  3. brett

    Yes, I’m 20 y/o and I just found under almost all my pubic hair, a dark, hard, pus like substance that comes out like a pimple. It’s not a ingrown hair or if it is it’s not like I have had them. It’s not a bump but just a dark area beneath the skin. I’m kind of concerned but I’m pretty convinced it’s a different kind of in grown hair. Anything else it could be?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It is difficult to be sure about what it is, there is a limitation of examining you directly. From what you have said, this does sound like an ingrown hair.

      Gently try warm compress over it. Do this twice a day on a regular basis. As the skin overlying it softens, there are chances that the hair gradually comes out.

  4. alex

    I have pimples on my vagina and I use to pop them. Now it has very dark spots on the side. I don’t want to tell my parents because one it’s embarrassing and I looked online so many times. So I need your help and I’m a virgin. So, I don’t know why I have this and it started like when I was 10 and now I’m 14 going to high school and I want this gone. So, I can swim in my bathing suit and not feel insecure about my body. So please let me know what’s happening and how I can stop it.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      These dark spots are likely to be scars produced due to popping of the pimples.

      Just let it be. They are likely to fade away gradually on their own with time, as your pubic skin recycles.

  5. Em

    I have this hard bump and it has no pubic hair growing on it and the skin’s peeling. I’m worried, I kinda had it for like 1 yr now, sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not and I’m a virgin.

  6. Jen

    About 3 or 4 days ago, I noticed an irritated/little painful area on my vagina but I ignored it thinking it was an ingrown hair because mine sometimes are a bit painful. Well it’s Sun & I’m in “extreme” pain. The area is hard & now has a head but not white head it’s just red. I’m terrified it could be staph infection. I say this because my m-n-law just got over something similar in the same area & last Mon like an idiot I showered @ her house & used a bar soap 2 wash that area b4 a doc appointment. And used a darn towel to top it off!!! I don’t know @ this moment if they tested her for Staph/MRSA but I know they put her on antibiotics. I know I should ask but I’m embarrassed to have to tell her.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It’s an infected bump now. Start applying mupirocin ointment over it as soon as possible. Apply it liberally 3 times a day.

      Continue applying for a week. It should start subsiding in a day or two.

      If it does not respond or the pain and redness does not reduce, you may need to take oral antibiotics. For that, you need to see a gyne.

  7. Jen

    Sorry, I accidentally hit submit too early. I know it may be obvious but I’m in denial maybe & am still stuck on maybe it’s ingrown hair because I’m so scared that I may not be able to be intimate with my husband again if it’s staph/MRSA. Also, I’m not sure if I should see my reg doctor or gynecologist? Thanks for your time & help it’s greatly appreciated.

  8. Jen

    Thank You so much 4 your time & quick response. Last night as I was sleeping the head burst on its own. I like to sleep on my stomach but that was very uncomfortable & painful so I had to put a pillow under my knee so I wasn’t completely flat. I’m assuming gravity helped it burst. I had it covered with a gauze& triple antibiotic cream. I woke up so much better the pain is much less compared to the past 2 days where walking & even my underwear was painful. The gauze had quarter size bloody & couldn’t tell if there was pus mixed in. To have piece of mind I’m calling my Dr. 2 have a culture done to be for sure it isn’t staph/MRSA. If you would like for me to update you with the results I will. Once again your time is greatly appreciated! God Bless!

  9. stephanie

    I am a 48 year old woman. My concern is, I have a large lump on the left side of my vagina lip. There is no soreness, pus or bleeding. It has been there now for about 3 months. I haven’t been to my doctor cause I feel it’s embarrassing. A few years it was a spot where I had an ingrown hair and this is what it has become. Please can you tell me what it is and why did it get so big.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is something superficial, not to worry about. May be an ingrown hair. Ingrown hair do not grow in size unless infected. May be some fluid is collecting inside it. Try warm compress over it. This would softens it and help draining the stuff inside.

  10. Allison

    I’ve had a hard dark bump on my pubic area a couple of years now. It does not have pus. It’s really hard and it itches. It doesn’t hurt. The top of the bump is smooth and has no tip at one point. It was an ingrown hair but I messed with it and it turned into that dark hard bump. I want to know if it’s something bad please help. Thank you!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Nothing serious! You may leave it as such if it is not disturbing you. Just keep the region clean and dry. Daily washing and moisturizing is required.

      If it’s bothering you, you may do daily warm compresses over it. This would soften the skin over the pimple and gradually help in reducing it.

      1. Alyah

        Hi I have that same problem that allison (back in October) 2014 where i have a dark and really hard lump just right above my Vagina but it’s been there for year, i got it at the age of 17 im now 19, i think it was because of my shaving but it’s never had a head on it that’s why I never knew how to treat it. I’ve tried to poke at it with a needle and drain it but it’s super hard, at this point i may have to get it surgically removed but I don’t know. Also for some reason i have so many small bumps under my skin and bikini area they cant be popped or anything ive tried all types of creams and ointments but i also have very oily skin and i sweat down there a lot, please help

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          That single hard one is very likely to be an ingrown hair. You may get is removed surgically by a cosmetic surgeon.

          Else, try repeated warm compress over it to soften the lump. Once soft, you may be able to try draining it with a absolutely sterile needle.

          For the rest of the small bumps, a physical examination is required for diagnosis. They are more likely to be pimples.

  11. Brittany

    OK, I have this bump on the lip of my vagina and I been squeezing it and blood or water stuff comes out. It hasn’t come away and I know I don’t have the herpes cause I’m pregnant and got tested a while ago. What do you think it can be and how you get that morsa crap really hope it’s not that!

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be an infected pimple on the vaginal lip. You need to put an antibiotic cream over it. Also, keep the region clean and dry. Wear loose cotton underwear to let the area be well ventilated. Accumulation of moisture there may give rise to pimples.

      Wash your genitals daily with plain water only while bathing.

  12. Tina

    I had 3 pimples or some type of pimples like on the top of my vagina. I did a bikini wax. It could be just pimple. But I don’t know why after the first pimple stopped hurting and pump out, it created some sort of the lump that never goes away. I’m afraid that I may get some disease.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This may be an ingrown hair. These are common after waxing.

      Try warm compress over it to soften it. Do this twice daily. You may be able to reduce it.

  13. Eridani Lozano

    I had this itching and rash looking on my inner thighs for a while. It got a little better. Now, after I shaved down there about more than 2 weeks ago, I started getting some bumps around my vagina. At first I ignored it cause I thought it would go away on its own. They haven’t. They itch and burn a little, they also look white and ashy. I shower and started using cetaphil soap for bacteria cleansing. It’s not helping. Please help.

  14. Happiness

    In between my laps is dark, I think it is caused by infection. Sir, please which medicine will I be rubbing there to lighten it? Remain blessed doctor. I have seen your reply to my previous question. God will reward you for this voluntary services.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      There is no medicines for this. This is unlikely to be some infection. In cases of infections, you’ll see some redness there. Itching or pain or rash may also be there.

      You may try bleaching the area by natural methods. Scrub the affected portion well. Apply fresh juice of papaya or raw potato over it.

      Wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Do this daily for a week to see results. Read more on skin care.

  15. Hannah

    I let a lot public hair grow on my vagina and when I shaved bumps appeared. They went away a day later but i saw another bump and it was big and kind of dark. It’s slowly going away. It itches a little. Is it a ingrown hair bump?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Yes, it’s likely to be an ingrown hair bump. You may try warm compress over it.

  16. Bala

    I had a small black thick skin bump in the public hair it got after shaving my hair in public region
    From two weeks
    Is it any risk

  17. Mami

    Hello, I have this skin colored bump on my pubic area, its hard and does not have head that is why i cannot pop it. it does not go away, it has been here for i think 7 months now. i do not shave. So i don’t think this has something to do with ingrown hair.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Very likely to be ingrown hair. You may leave it as such, if it doesn’t disturb you.

      Or else, try warm compress over it repeatedly to soften it. The hair may come out. However, be gentle and do not force the hair to come out at any point.

  18. Nicole

    Hello I have a bump near my labia but we’re the pubic hair is, it’s a hard bump that feels like a little ball when I touch it, it itched once now it only hurts when I squeeze it or press it, it doesn’t have a head and it doesn’t have a specific color it’s skin colored. It’s also under my skin. I don’t know what to do and I don’t shave so I don’t think it’s an ingrown hair. I also have thick curly hair so maybe that has something to do with it? Please help.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be a tiny clogged gland there. This region has many glands.

      Nothing needs to be done. Do not try to squeeze it. This may infect the cyst. Leave it as such. It’s likely to regress on its own with time.

      1. Terri

        For several years now I have had a small flesh colored movable hard like ball under the skin on the Labia Majora. I shave. It does not hurt. But I want it gone. No Puss. No visible ingrown hair. Help please.

        1. Buddy M.D. Post author

          This is very likely to be a clogged gland (cyst) under the skin. You may leave it as such, if it doesn’t disturb you. It may regress on its own with time.

  19. Anonymous

    Hi. Around 2 months ago, I discovered I had a small pea sized bump on my Pubic area. It was skin colored and didn’t cause me pain until it was knocked accidentally. Last week this bump became very big and swollen and painful so I went to see my doctor an they prescribed me flucloxacillin antibioitics. My appointment was very rushed and I felt as though it wasn’t examined at all. Last night before I started taking these antibiotics for a new day being the day after being prescribed them, I was sleeping and woke up to it being slightly popped and pussy, eventually I think I seen a hair ooze out. But I feel as if this is more than an ingrown hair and needs removing as it is such a hard lump? I’m worried it’s more than just an ingrown hair. And that the lump is not going to go.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      It appears to be an ingrown hair, which stayed as such for 2 months. By a trivial trauma, it got infected and grew to become big and painful.

      You need to take those antibiotics, as prescribed. Once you are done with the course, the bump would become small and not pain. Hair removal may be attempted then.

  20. Anonymous

    Hi. I am 21 yo. I have a hard, red, raised lump on the front of my vagina area under pubic hair. There is no pus. I have it for abt 3 to 4 years now. It doesnt bother me much except itches from time to time. But recently i have noticed that it has grown in size (abt an elongated fingernail). Should I seek for any medical attention? Thank you.

    1. Anonymous

      I was the one posted abv. Just to add that I dont shave. Is it possible to be ingrown hair? I tried warm compress before but it didnt work.

    2. Buddy M.D. Post author

      This is very likely to be an ingrown hair. You may start trying warm compress over it, thrice daily. This would soften in and help in getting the hair out of it.

      However, you need to be gentle. Don’t force pull out the hair. Give it time for the skin to soften completely. This would take a week.

  21. Amy

    I shaved my hair vaginal hair about a week ago, probably about 3 times within the week for smoothness. I did cut myself during one of the shaves, but now I have a large bump on the left side of my labia that is swollen and flat on the top. It does appear to have pus in it but it does not pop. I have no other bump but it is painful. What is this?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      You need to start with an antibiotic ointment at the earliest. Mupirocin/ bacitracin may be used thrice daily.

      Also, you may start with warm compress over this lesion. This may help in softening it and gently draining it out. However, do not force drainage.

  22. Terri

    29, female. Sexually active. STD and STI free. On the inside on my Labia Majora (right on the inside of my vagina lip where I shave ) I have a small ball like bump under the skin. No color, I’ve tried compresses, it’s movable. Over the years I’ve had multiple come up. My dr said it’s because I shave but no answer on how to get rid of it. Size now is end of a pencil eraser. Started off as a small white dot. Will not pop. If forced to the top of the skin as of trying to pop it, the skin turns white and is hard as a rock. No inflammation no Puss no redness. I had one before the dr tried to drain after me telling him it was a ball like thing. Ift got infected and swelled so I squeezed and a ball like hard white thing come out when I smushed it to see what it was it did have a hair coiled up in it. My dr will not cut it out and I’m about ready to make a small cut so it can pop out. It’s way to big to come out of a gland.

  23. Jamie

    I have this bump, it is fair size I suppose. I’ve always ignored it because it never hurt (unless I tried to squeeze it, feels hard) and it never itches. I’ve had it for a very long time (more than 3 months) I figured it was just a common bump and that it’ll pass but it hasn’t. I’m just worried if I should do something. When I try to squeeze it nothing ever comes out, no pus or blood or even just white fluid. Nothing ever comes out. Also no hair grows on the bump only around it. I’m thinking it may be an infected ingrown hair(or possibly more than one that happened to be in the same spot) I’m 18 and a virgin so it isn’t any type of std. and the skin doesn’t have any visible color difference to me. Into I hear back from you guys I’m going to do the warm compress twice a day.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Likely to be an ingrown hair. You may keep doing warm compress to soften it. Once it opens up, it can be cleaned.

      Some of such lesions are difficult to clean at home and may require surgical intervention.

  24. Joydeep paul

    I m a boy of age 16 and i m a virgin.
    Since some days , the area where my genial hair rows, there i got a big pimple
    Day by day it is going large
    Nd when i press it it starts showring bolld along with some white liquid
    It is extremely painful
    I also cnt tell my parents
    Plzzz help me
    I m not telling to my prents because
    I usually masterbate which my parents dnt know nd if i go to a doctor with my parents, the doctor msy say my parents that i m masterbating
    Plzzz help meeee its realyy sooooooooo painfull????

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Keep it clean. You may wash the region well with water every day, and dab dry the area with a clean towel. Try warm compress over the lesion twice daily. This may help draining out pus from inside, if any. However, do not force drainage. If it comes out easily, it’s alright.

      Warm each warm compress, you need to apply any antibiotic cream (like mupirocin/ bacitracin) over it.

  25. Worries

    I have a infected ingrown hair (in my pupic area specifically outside of Vag) it’s now purple in color and when I touch the area surrounding it it’s hot and hard. I’m to busy to go to the doctor. Is there anything I can do to help it go away? Also I have them every couple of months and am wondering what are the causes for them? Is there anything I can do to prevent it? I feel like shaving makes it worse but now It’s been months since I shaved for that reason and still happens. What can I do?

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Do warm compress over the lesion thrice daily. This may soften the skin over it and help it drain.

      After each warm compress, you may apply an antibiotic ointment over it. Mupirocin may be used.

  26. Billy

    Hi there, 31 y/o male here. For probably close to a decade (more or less in that time frame) I’ve had this small, hard bump on my scrotum. It’s white, no head, no hair to be seen, and has maintained the same size/color for the entire time that it’s been there. I think at one point it was more of a flesh color. There’s no pain, discomfort, or anything to really raise concern. I had a partner question me about it, and realized I dont really know what to call it, or how to really respond. At one point I applied a lot of pressure to it in hopes for it to pop, i guess, and for a few hours it had turned red from, presumably, blood, and then returned to its normal color. Reading through the other questions, it seems like it may have been an ingrown hair at one point, but I figured I’d ask since you seem to still be responding to questions, and I dont really remember when it got there initially. It just seems odd since it’s remained a thing for such an extremely long period of time.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be a sebaceous cyst or an ingrown hair. Needs to be seen for diagnosis.

      Both these lesions may as such for years. They may pain only if they get infected.

  27. Shirlene

    Hi i have a hardened red lump only painful whrn i press it, no head and it dont itch, above my vagina just below the hair line, right where my jeans sit, just wondering what it could be, i have been putting triple antibiotic cream on it, should i seek a doctor, not very big at all, maybe half size of a pea, just worried thanks

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Could be a pimple. You may continue applying the antibiotic cram over it. Also, avoid friction over this lump.

  28. Crys

    Hello, it’s been a year since I had tough time, I had ingrown boils or sometimes even without ingrown I get boil happened approx 10 mins with span of 2 months it was excruciating pain, left me with scars, been with a lot of antibiotics. But since July I had again a small bump on pubic area not painful and thought it will go away soon, but now it got bigger and worries me though it doesn’t hurt. I’ve been with number of doctors just giving antibiotics but don’t really tell and give me solution to get rid or stop having those again. I’m getting depressed by it. Pls help. Bump is dark colored and no hair on the area. Having another one on the lower part of it and this new one hurts this time. Both just hard bump, dark , no heads or pus tip.

  29. Amanda

    Hello –

    It’s been a while. Hopefully this is still active.
    But I am in the process of doing a Brazilian laser. I need to shave constantly. While I was shaving o felt this bump near my labia. When I looked at it it was big (could be from irritation). It’s red, quite hard and gets irritated from touching it or from certain clothing rubbing on it. It’s only on large pimple.

    Is this an ingrown? Or a cyst? I’m going on vacation in a couple days and don’t want to have this irritate me or be visible.

    1. Buddy M.D. Post author

      Sounds more like a pimple that has got irritated. You may need to do warm compress over it. Also, start applying any antibiotic cream over it, thrice daily.

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