When to Start Walking After Fracture of Tibia?

Q: Hi, I am Helen. As I mentioned before, I am in a cast (above knee) for 3 weeks due to tibial fracture. Now I want to know if I can walk slowly without touching the ground. Please advise. 


Yes, you may walk without putting load on the fractured leg. This would mean, without touching the ground.

You may require some support like a walking sick or a walker for this purpose. 

Do not bear weight till your doctor asks you to do so. When to bear weight depends from case to case, depending upon the severity of fracture. Usually it is started after 8 to 12 weeks. It is done in a progressive manner, that is, starting from little strain in the beginning and slowly increasing this strain.

Your physiotherapist might have advised you some simple exercises like moving your ankle up and down etc. It might be beneficial to do them.

Take Care,

Buddy M.D.

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